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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I'd say Glenn is more like rooftop Merle right now.

People cared about Merle? Honestly, I felt like it was a "bye, bitch" moment with him being a racist and Rick trapping him up there with the zombies coming up the stairs. I was honestly surprised he was somehow able to cut his hand off and survive as long as he did.


Yeah I think he's going to intend to kill Rick for revenge and to make Carl feels the same pain he does.

Obviously he wont kill Rick but somebody is going to die as a result or get hurt badly.

What if Rick smells throug his bullshit and shots him first?

Is not the first kid he has iced anyway.


I didn't find the episode boring at all.
I mean, they are prepairing for what's going to come in the last few episodes of this half-season. Gotta admit that the plot hasn't advanced much, they are just waiting for daryll and co. to show up and take the walkers away. And glenn, obviously, who is absolutely alive (they kinda confirmed it by writing his name on the wall).

It was the weakest episode by far, but at least we got some good character-focused moments (
the blonde killing the walker, rick x the blonde, maggie being pregnant and the medic girl healing that patient
Nah man Nicholas is dead don't wash his name off

Seriously (Comic spoilers)
That kid wanting to learn how to shoot is definitely going to lead to Carl getting shot in the eye, right? All over Enid, kid will use the chaos of the herd to (try to) kill Carl
what a fucking brat if this turns out to be true.
nah they said the wasnt gonna do that.. it costs to much..
i thought someone posted here that the reason they won't do that is because kirkman regretted having it done in the comics
Comic spoilers
In the comic it was Douglas. Maybe in the show it will be Deanna.
was it an accident?
Fixed that for you ;)
haha, good one.
Walker blood. I heard a thump too, so somebody is killing them on the outside.
oh, i thought it was the wall ripping. but even if it is walker blood dripping then that could mean they're showing us that the wall's coming down.


These side characters are too hard to keep track of, I had no idea that was the note guy's wife who killed herself.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
I liked this episode. IDK why people complaining. Episode had pace, lingering danger and suspense.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
These side characters are too hard to keep track of, I had no idea that was the note guy's wife who killed herself.

I don't think anyone else did, either. A lot of Alexandria's people are just "red shirts" for the majority of plotpoints.

"Oh she committed suicide. Probably thought she couldn't survive the zombies outside." I didn't even think of the dude.
Sometimes they really struggle to bring multiple story threads together. Jeez. This was just terrible. They had several plot points to establish but it really felt like all of the subplots nobody wanted to write had to go somewhere so they strung them along in this episode. Deanna, Ricks waifu, Carl and waifus kid, Maggie, Aaron, Spencer, who else needed screen time? Lord.
after tonight's episode, it feels even more like the morgan episode was out of place. it wasn't a bad episode overall, but i feel like instead of being there in between the glenn thing and the next part of the narrative, it would've worked better as the season premier or something. definitely not as episode 4, that was quite annoying to me and i know i'm not the only one
I really like anti-Carl. He seems like a pretty cool guy/is snarky, unlike Carl who always seems like a little brat. His mannerisms remind me of someone too, but I cant put my finger on it.
I really like anti-Carl. He seems like a pretty cool guy/is snarky, unlike Carl who always seems like a little brat. His mannerisms remind me of someone too, but I cant put my finger on it.

I get the opposite impression. Carl has matured a lot in the last 2 or 3 seasons, while that kid is basically still what Carl was 4 seasons ago. Bratty, petty, has to always have his way or else.

I hated Carl in the first several seasons but he's honestly quite tolerable now. I can't stand Jessie's son though.


so far, this season (besides Morgan flashback) has covered only one day. And I believe that day started the morning after Rick killed her husband.

Seemed like it took them at least a few days to set up the plan to direct the herd away from Alexandria.


Hardwick dropping nukes of truth on Talking Dead.

"Hey, if you're watching a show where dudes are getting their brains stabbed out and you're offended by the "F" word... F you!"


Content Roundup – Episode 605: “Now”


AMC Inside The Walking Dead:
  • The Making of Episode 605, “Now” - AMC
  • Inside Episode 605: “Now” - AMC
  • Preview of Episode 606, “Always Accountable” - Not available yet
  • Sneak Peek of Episode 606, “Always Accountable” - AMC | International
Producer & Cast Interviews:
Critic Reviews:
Talking Dead’s Inside The Dead:
  • Crew members nicknamed the sewer scene walkers “Sludge Walkers.” In the original script, there were two additional walkers in the sewer, who were exiled Alexandrians that died trying to return.
  • The walker in the scene with Jessie was Alexandria resident Betsy. She took her own life after the loss of her husband David, whose note was never delivered.
  • In the season premiere, Maggie agrees to stay behind to tend to Deanna, but Glenn hints at another reason... Maggie's pregnancy, which was a secret revealed to Aaron and viewers in this episode.


Hardwick dropping nukes of truth on Talking Dead.

"Hey, if you're watching a show where dudes are getting their brains stabbed out and you're offended by the "F" word... F you!"

So true. I get not wanting kids running around saying it, but it's ironic that they can be desensitized by watching a show like this (like my 6 year old cousin) but be taught that this is just a show but can't be taught not to use those words too. All comes back to parenting but there's a double standard when it comes to censorship.

Also, I didn't mind this episode as it was clearly another character-driven episode, but the problem is once again how little they cared about that in previous seasons to the point where now SOME fans aren't expecting that and only care about action for some reason. I know plenty of people like that, but I like that they're trying to improve the show drastically by making these people more than just a means to kill shit.

Once again, I feel like the delay on the obvious Glenn return doesn't help since they're just delaying the inevitable to make it mean more. I'd find it funny if they have him return just to die before the end of the season anyway as the ultimate troll.
Jessie needs to cut some hair. Carl looks ridiculous and her son's bowl cut is worse.
Seriously. If Rick and many of the adults on the show can get good hair styles in the middle of the apocalypse, let's help the kids out.

Maggie's accent was particularly terrible in this episode. I mean, it's always been too much but it seemed to get amplified in the sewer.
I personally never had a problem with her accent but it did stick out to me in this episode. It was way too strong and felt forced. Although I did wish Maggie had more substantial ST. Since the Alexandria arc I've felt she has slowly been pushed into the background which is dissapointing.


I always wish this series would be way more about survivalism and ingenuity in the zombie apocalypse. I mean, get 10 knives and put them on 10 poles and have people stabbing the walkers from the safety of Rick's perch. You could kill them all within a few days.
Hours even. Seems really stupid they're not doing that. It was a common occurrence during the prison timeline.


after tonight's episode, it feels even more like the morgan episode was out of place. it wasn't a bad episode overall, but i feel like instead of being there in between the glenn thing and the next part of the narrative, it would've worked better as the season premier or something. definitely not as episode 4, that was quite annoying to me and i know i'm not the only one
Are you still going on about this? Get over it.

It would make less sense as an opener. Last week's episode was great. Instead we got tonight's dud, which was a whole lot of nothing. Both stories didn't really push anything forward, but one was enjoyable and well acted.


Ok, now I actually want Glenn dead, cause whatever plot mechanism bullshit they pull outta their asses is only going to make them look worse.
Just finished watching the episode. So they pushed Glen's cliffhanger through Morgan's episode, and now through this episode too? Glen's got some pretty amazing stamina to hang on the cliff for this long.

It's such a load of BS. Kirkman can't keep getting away with this.

We can't blame Kirkman for this one! (Ironically, Kirkman is generally the king of really, really good pacing.) I'm so glad we've got Scott Gimple as the showrunner - especially after the previous ones - but, man. His pacing choices drive me crazy. Dragging out Glenn's fate is silly. We won't be getting any answers next episode, either, as the episode is just on Daryl/Sasha/Abe. Arrrgh.


These last two episodes all I can think of, is that they are really stretching the hell out of this Glenn "death" and other story threads. Why? Advertising. Keep us watching the whole episode in case a Glenn hint drops. Don't feel this with most shows, even though it's true there to, but all I feel with Walking Dead.
Just finished watching the episode. So they pushed Glen's cliffhanger through Morgan's episode, and now through this episode too? Glen's got some pretty amazing stamina to hang on the cliff for this long.

It's such a load of BS. Kirkman can't keep getting away with this.

Cliffhanger? To the neutral non-messageboard visiting viewer, Glenn is dead as fuck. The footage made it seem as if he's zombie food. There was nothing in that scene that made you go "is he dead? Is he alive?". The reason Maggie/Aaron question his death is because they haven't seen him die and are emotional. If anyone else would have witnessed Glenn being overrun like that, including maggie, they'd already be thinking about what color and font to use to write his name on the wall.


At the end was Walker blood coming through rivet holes, right? Was that suppose to signify there's so many walkers pushing against the walls that they're crushing themselves?


We can't blame Kirkman for this one! (Ironically, Kirkman is generally the king of really, really good pacing.) I'm so glad we've got Scott Gimple as the showrunner - especially after the previous ones - but, man. His pacing choices drive me crazy. Dragging out Glenn's fate is silly. We won't be getting any answers next episode, either, as the episode is just on Daryl/Sasha/Abe. Arrrgh.

Ah, so Scott Gimple is the one I should be blaming! Gotcha.
I predict we won't see Glen until the mid-season finale, personally.

Cliffhanger? To the neutral non-messageboard visiting viewer, Glenn is dead as fuck. The footage made it seem as if he's zombie food. There was nothing in that scene that made you go "is he dead? Is he alive?". The reason Maggie/Aaron question his death is because they haven't seen him die and are emotional. If anyone else would have witnessed Glenn being overrun like that, including maggie, they'd already be thinking about what color and font to use to write his name on the wall.

We're not neutral viewers, though; we've all seen the abundance of evidence that Glen's fate isn't what it looks like. I'm sure even the casual viewers picked up on some hints, like Glen's chest looking over-extended while being 'eaten' (since it's Nick's chest). It's a deceitful, manipulative practice and I hope they don't do this kind of stunt again.

At the end was Walker blood coming through rivet holes, right? Was that suppose to signify there's so many walkers pushing against the walls that they're crushing themselves?

On my screen it definitely looked like a crack was opening up in the wall.


Cliffhanger? To the neutral non-messageboard visiting viewer, Glenn is dead as fuck. The footage made it seem as if he's zombie food. There was nothing in that scene that made you go "is he dead? Is he alive?". The reason Maggie/Aaron question his death is because they haven't seen him die and are emotional. If anyone else would have witnessed Glenn being overrun like that, including maggie, they'd already be thinking about what color and font to use to write his name on the wall.

Nah. Halloween night I was at a party and all anybody could talk about for a bit was whether or not Glenn was dead. So I really doubt Glenn being alive is a speculation found /only/ amongst 'messageboard visiting viewers.'

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Pretty boring episode. My eyes rolled into the back of my head when Aaron gave his speech confessing what he'd done to contribute to the attack and Morgan just stood there. I wonder how long it will take for him to let other people know there is a psycho in one of the houses.

I had no idea that woman committed suicide. I thought she was a victim of the attack who they forgot to clean up. It was very poorly explained IMO (was it even explained at all?) - also how were we supposed to know who she was?

How did those 2 zombies get in the sewers? Were 2 guys just hanging out down there and just dropped dead? LOL.

Oh, and Jessie's kid is totally
going to shoot Carl's eye out
. I'll be shocked if that doesn't happen.


Oh, and Jessie's kid is totally
going to shoot Carl's eye out
. I'll be shocked if that doesn't happen.

Comic Spoiler -
Going into this season I thought the writers would skip Carl getting shot (similar to Rick's hand), due to the prosthetic logistics they'll need to carry on for the entire series. But seeing how long they're making Carl grow his hair (even with a hairdresser in the town), and the focus on the trainee doctor learning how to drain and dress wounds, I think your prediction might be spot on.


Glenn's not dead, and here's why...
Glenn's just out of the line-up to develope Aaron. When the season finale rolls around Aaron will be the one to get his brain smashed in by Negan, and Lucille.Glenn will either return before this, or after.
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