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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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That was a damn fine episode. Kudos. And it only took one roast!


- Ah that's a sweet tur- GIRL WHAT. Oh hell no.
- Carol has no more fucks left to give. She's just brutal to the kid. "Hey your dad was an asshole. Be glad he's dead. And stop asking me for cookies"
- Are you a doctor? Are you? I heard that story about you. "Fair play" Lol, Eugene is the gift that keeps on giving.
- Yoooo when wolves attack... that one time she's smoking outside.
- Some intense scenes going around with the Wolves and their violence. It was pretty awesome.
- Jesse: "I killed a girl and I liked it. The taste of her bloody chapstick. I kissed a girl just to try it, I hope my boy Ron don't mind it"
- Carl being awesome. I really, REALLY hope they will eventually turn Carl in the biggest badass.
- Morgan being all zen. Good on him, but it's going to bite him in the ass. Eventually.
- Carol is OP. She gets shit done. But it's eating her, she's human after all.
- Deanna is worthless btw. I think she realizes by now that's she's incapable of being a leader.

Overall a good episode. One of the best I've seen of the series.

About the bolded part, I think she just felt guilty about the woman's death because she was the one who said it was disgusting to smoke indoors, then the woman decided to do it outside.
Jeez Carol murdered like 9 people in this episode.

Not really "murder" if you're literally defending yourself and your neighbors from knife-wielding killers. You don't even have to get into the whole "zombie apocalypse, rules have changed" stuff. Even today in the real world it would considered completely justifiable self-defense to kill the aggressors in a situation like that. Morgan is loony.


Comic spoiler
i think it pretty much has to happen for his character if they plan on keeping this show going for a long time like AMC seems to want. It's what changes his character into a badass and I don't see them changing this particular storyline in the show. At least they better not because its one of the best parts of the comic. Plus Carl haters will maybe finally shut up? I hope lol


Good episode, very enjoyable. But there can't be that many people left in the town after that can there? And we still have the giant zombie horde to deal with. Are we just going to have Rick's group left after that?


Good episode, very enjoyable. But there can't be that many people left in the town after that can there? And we still have the giant zombie horde to deal with. Are we just going to have Rick's group left after that?

That's basically how every season ends so I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case.


So Alexandria was invaded

Some people without names or lines, that wont even be counted, were killed.

Carl has a HUGE machine gun, but he thinks is better to stay inside against invaders armed with knives, even if theres only a few people that know how to shoot in alexandria at the moment

Same thing with the mayor lady's son.

The "annoying teenagers at the apocalypse" trope make the rounds, with complicated girl and obnoxious boy (son of the abusing father) taking too much screen time.

The invasion was a massacre. We dont even know if there are any survivors outside the main characters - something that could make the town impracticable

The invasion lasted one hour. The invaders killed so many people the town seemed deserted. Yet they decide to leave after morgan beat up a few of them (while the rest watches making dance steps in a circle like ninja movies from the 80s) and say they have guns

We dont know how many W people were killed, so we cant say if they suffered a good blow or if they're still very strong

All in all, since the invasion only killed red shirts, it feels like it meant nothing.


Good thing a whole bunch of them just got culled. rest in pieces Alexandrians
I think the entirety of Carol's gossipy homemaker / recipe sharing / home remedy posse got butchered this week.
Who will she make casseroles for now? Is she waiting for Deanna's other kid to die?
"Carl staying in the house"

All I'm going to say is if the wolves think they have it rough with Rick and Carol... they should pray to god that a certain comic-storyline doesn't happen. If it does? Oh lawd.

In other words..




Please use the spoiler thread if you're gonna tease comics moments. Or at least use spoiler tags. Reminds me of people that have already seen something I'm watching saying,"Watch this part, it's important later." Ruins the atmosphere.

I just realized that they smoke the same fake cigarettes on The Walking Dead as they do on The X-Files.


So Walking Dead, X-Files, and maybe Breaking Bad are all the same universe. Neat.
In other words..



Kinda, yeah.

Although that storyline doesn't result so much in an angry/vengeful Carl but an accepting Carl. It pretty much is the final trigger for him to finally say "Fuck it. I tried, and I'm done with this shit" as he givesin to what the world wants him to be, not what his Father wants him to be. Essentially, the Carlism we saw glimpses of in S3/S4 comes in full effect and this time? It's here to stay.


I think the entirety of Carol's gossipy homemaker / recipe sharing / home remedy posse got butchered this week.
Who will she make casseroles for now? Is she waiting for Deanna's other kid to die?

And that was the season finale of The Real Housewives of Alexandria


Nork unification denier
Comic spoiler
i think it pretty much has to happen for his character if they plan on keeping this show going for a long time like AMC seems to want. It's what changes his character into a badass and I don't see them changing this particular storyline in the show. At least they better not because its one of the best parts of the comic. Plus Carl haters will maybe finally shut up? I hope lol

Eh, that assumes
his actor can pull it off. I have my doubts.
Carl has a HUGE machine gun, but he thinks is better to stay inside against invaders armed with knives, even if theres only a few people that know how to shoot in alexandria at the moment

A lot of your post seems ill-informed, but I'm at work so I'll just stick with the biggest point. You do realize Carl was protecting Judith, right? Like his sister who is literally a baby was in the house and he needed to protect her. And your suggestion is that it was dumb for him to stay in the house with a machine gun? Was he supposed to strap Judith to his back and go on a rampage? Carl wanted to leave and go kill all of them, but for once he actually acted responsibly and listened and stayed in the house to protect his sister. If he didn't and something happened to Judith, then we would hear constant complaining about how he is terrible and the worst character in the show.


Eh, that assumes
his actor can pull it off. I have my doubts.
Comic spoilers
Yep very true that is an issue but who knows maybe he will suprise us all and pull it off perfectly. I'm curious to see how he handles the change in his character if it does happen. I think it's pretty much happening tho because if I remember correctly people where saying there's photos of Carl with a bandage over his eye. So I guess we will just see.


Carl has a HUGE machine gun
Carl had some type of compact assault rifle, not a huge machine gun. It wouldn't have been an automatic "I win" weapon if he left his post of protecting Judith to try and sweep the town.

Alexandria did have sentries and patrols, but they were taken out by the wolves, or left their post and hid (like the mayor's son). I got the impression that some of the town hid in their homes during the attack, and that only the people walking around town or on guard duty were massacred.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Great episode, the attack took me completely by surprise. I think the hints at Enid being a wolf were just a red herring to keep up he tension. The guy escaping with the gun, and the guy escaping after seeing the armory and getting shot are going to be important later I think. The wolves seem like a cult, which means that there are likely higher ups who can plan a more controlled attack.
Watching the whole series the thing I think is funny is the fact that Rick has become more and more like Shane over time. Does that mean Shane was right all along?


Watching the whole series the thing I think is funny is the fact that Rick has become more and more like Shane over time. Does that mean Shane was right all along?

Well, Rick hasn't attempted to rape anyone or downright shoot someone to be zombie bait, so I don't think the transformation is quite as complete as some are saying.


They had people on guard: those people were just weak. The most fearsome people needed to be with Rick because of what they were trying to pull off: most of the Alexandrians completely freeze up at the mere sight of zombies as evidenced in the first episode while they were building the barriers on the road.

This all rolls back to Rick's questioning whether or not these people have any value at all. Many of them can't scrounge, they can't fight, they can't provide medical assistance, and they can't assist in governance. They're basically just a drain on resources.

Carol was the most capable person there but she was busy making cookies instead of heading the security effort when everybody else was gone. The two guys from last season there were responsible for recruits, they could handle themselves but aren't seen before shit goes down. Why is Maggie bothering with camp extension when she should be guarding the camp? Surely when all your heavy-hitters are out you know that's when you're the most vulnerable, thus all hands should be on deck on guarding and security.

How can the place be properly guarded and yet there were no alerts. Suddenly they were in the middle of the town. They should have been spotted approaching the camp and in their entry attempts. Why are those on the lookout aren't quipped with flare guns to fire the second they see suspicious people? Why does the first time we see the guy in the watch-tower, it's when he's aiming at people who already entered the camp. Where was he? Why didn't he shoot his gun to alert the town earlier?

Also, i'm not sure what they decided about carrying weapons inside the town, but if Carl went upstairs and brought a M16, i feel like Carrol should have had a firearm near by her as well.

For all the talk Rick's group talks about how they know what it takes to survive they sure as heck don't take the steps necessary to protect their residence, and we've seen time and time again.


All those lives lost this episode(and Rick's plan going to shit) are strictly on Morgan and his dumbshit Batman-esque 'No Kill' philosophy. Had he off'd those two Wolves who attacked him last season, they never find Aaron's bag and never get wind of Alexandria(unless Enid really is a mole). Letting 6 more go with a stern warning will surely only lead to more death and disaster. Fuckin Morgan.

Also, like Shane, Rick developing a callous, inhumane(realistic) world view has pretty much made him right about everything:


If only the Ricktatorship had found its way to Alexandria sooner maybe the people there might've been able to do more than get murdered in the streets, but, as he said, it was indeed too late for them.


About the bolded part, I think she just felt guilty about the woman's death because she was the one who said it was disgusting to smoke indoors, then the woman decided to do it outside.

This could be partly true, though I find it hard to believe she felt sentiment or guilt over any of Alexandria's deaths. I think part of her was buying into the very disguise she was trying to portray, she let her guard down just enough to have a genuine social interaction, rivalry even between the other housewives. For that to be ripped away from her by the wolves was reminiscent of the scene back in quarry when Ed pulls her away from the group of women.


Just thinking about how crazy rick is going to get when he comes back makes me happy. Great episode, shit going down, just hope it doesn't slows down now.


Carol was the most capable person there but she was busy making cookies instead of heading the security effort when everybody else was gone. The two guys from last season there were responsible for recruits, they could handle themselves but aren't seen before shit goes down. Why is Maggie bothering with camp extension when she should be guarding the camp? Surely when all your heavy-hitters are out you know that's when you're the most vulnerable, thus all hands should be on deck on guarding and security.

How can the place be properly guarded and yet there were no alerts. Suddenly they were in the middle of the town. They should have been spotted approaching the camp and in their entry attempts. Why are those on the lookout aren't quipped with flare guns to fire the second they see suspicious people? Why does the first time we see the guy in the watch-tower, it's when he's aiming at people who already entered the camp. Where was he? Why didn't he shoot his gun to alert the town earlier?

Also, i'm not sure what they decided about carrying weapons inside the town, but if Carl went upstairs and brought a M16, i feel like Carrol should have had a firearm near by her as well.

For all the talk Rick's group talks about how they know what it takes to survive they sure as heck don't take the steps necessary to protect their residence, and we've seen time and time again.

It's a real life phenomenon called "complacency". Once you feel safe for long enough, you let your guard down.
Thrilling episode. Was really caught offguard when the smoking woman got ganked out of nowhere. And really, Carol is the best character on the show. Excellent clash to Morgan's pointless pacifism. The part where she casually KO's the guy he was tying up was priceless.


All the JSS stuff is pretty lame, like some BS thing a school kid makes up.

Is it just me or does Deanna look terrible? She's got a face like a ex-boxer super old and leathery.

Also Morgan needs to snap out of it, it's kill or be killed you can't show mercy when people are getting murdered all around you.


you do realize that the black quota has been met already and some black guy is going to die right

bat morgan would be nice but eh, too soon for that


Is it just me or does Deanna look terrible? She's got a face like a ex-boxer super old and leathery.
Given what she's gone through of late losing one of her sons and her husband in the span of a couple weeks while the citizens she had gathered to foster security for are getting butchered in the streets, I'd have serious questions if she DIDN'T look terrible.


Thought the first episode was pretty good, but haven't seen last night's yet. I think they probably could have done without the past/present time jumping stuff but it is what it is. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.


Carol is a boss. The episode was fun, but kinda dumb. What did these weirdos hope to accomplish?

Most everyone in this town seems to be a lame wimp. And what's the significance of the black and white photos? That there's a spy in the town?


All the JSS stuff is pretty lame, like some BS thing a school kid makes up.

Is it just me or does Deanna look terrible? She's got a face like a ex-boxer super old and leathery.

Also Morgan needs to snap out of it, it's kill or be killed you can't show mercy when people are getting murdered all around you.

She is a 61 year old woman.
Carol is a boss. The episode was fun, but kinda dumb. What did these weirdos hope to accomplish?

Most everyone in this town seems to be a lame wimp. And what's the significance of the black and white photos? That there's a spy in the town?
1) Remember Noah's community?
And they were taking prisoners

2) Those photos were Aaron's. He used them to show off Alexandria to the group in the barn and he lost his backpack while escaping the truck trap during the Season 5 finale
And what's the significance of the black and white photos? That there's a spy in the town?

They're the old photos that Backpack Recruitment Guy used to use to recruit people to Alexandria. He previously showed them to Rick and Co. to get them to come with him. He lost his backpack in a zombie trap sometime last season, iirc.

Daffy Duck


Fucking amazing episode! How the raid started was fantastic, watching her and boom...they've really upped the stakes this season.

No idea who this Nagen guy is people are mentioning (only read book 1 of the comics but I'm seriously considering binging on them) but I'm excited.


About the bolded part, I think she just felt guilty about the woman's death because she was the one who said it was disgusting to smoke indoors, then the woman decided to do it outside.
Well she obviously does; you wouldn't pick up the pack of smokes and sit across the street pondering about it. Thing is, there is one thing Morgan is right about; while Carol developed this hardened persona around her right now, she doesn't enjoy it. After being burned so many times (Beaten by Ed, losing Sophia, making decions in the prison, killing Lizzie) she's not letting anyone in anymore and turns cold. But in the end, like her fake nice housewive mask she's wearing right now the stonecold woman she's acting to be isn't her true self either.

However, she's pretty damn good at hiding it.

Also, like Shane, Rick developing a callous, inhumane(realistic) world view has pretty much made him right about everything:


If only the Ricktatorship had found its way to Alexandria sooner maybe the people there might've been able to do more than get murdered in the streets, but, as he said, it was indeed too late for them.
I wouldn't say Rick is callous or inhumane and it's not really comparable to Shane. Shane was only looking out for his own ass and pretended he was doing things in the best interest of the group. The only ass he kind of cared for was Lori's and he got rejected. While Rick has become more grizzled, hardened and keeps an eye out for himself, Carl and Judith, he does care for the people around them. Whether it's Daryl, Glenn, Maggie, Carol, Michonne or even Bram's group, he wants them to stay alive. But you'll have to give everything and adapt to anything if you're really want to stay alive. Thing is, he did lose sight on how to bring it to the attention of others. Rick never would find a job in PR.

that and he lost sight of the situation for a brief moment because he was checking out Jesse. Rick is hungry for love.


Great episode. After the premiere's end, I thought it would be an insider, someone sabotaging the town; Gabriel, Ron etc.

Was expecting a slow build up episode, but then BOOM.

Guess next week, with the horn being stopped relatively quickly, the main group will be trying to steer the herd back on track. You'd think they'd hear the gunshots though.

Deanna has to realize she's obsolete to the current Alexandria. She's got no place as its leader.

The Wolves must have been watching the town, and knew most of the muscle was elsewhere. Not entirely sure on the point of the attack; they seemed to lack numbers and had no real plan other than chop as many people up as possible. Thin the ranks maybe, but they didn't get anyone worthwhile. As Rick said last week, those that died were dead already.

It's funny, in S2 Rick and Shane were two sides of the same coin; now it's Rick and Morgan. The middle ground is what's needed, but I doubt either than find that happy medium. Hope Morgan stays around though, his character's journey is great. Carol's journey is one of the best, and we've witnessed this development over time; with Morgan, we've seen these quick snapshots of his character at various points, and it's going to be great to see him fit into it all.

The more times goes on though, I'm anxiously waiting for a main character to be offed. Wonder who's first?


If you are a random no-name Alexandrian, sure.

If Rick takes over Alexandria he's gonna enforce a dress code where they all wear red shirts, so they can determine who's important and who's not.
"So Gabe... I have this shiny new red minister's robe for you to wear."
"I'm sorry, Rick. I'm comfortable wearing black. Don't make me put that on."
"But I got it custom tailored for you and everything. Are you sure?"
"Look how good I'm getting with the machete. I can almost cut through this loaf of bread in one swing. See?"
"I really think you should wear the robe."


so , i suppose i'm the only one who hate Carol

No. I Can't stand her either

I'm with you guys. I really can't stand the character anymore and not in a love to hate her way, I just want her gone. Apparently all you have to do is turn a character into rambo and kill 50 people and everyone loves you. At least Rick is entertaining because hes completely batshit. Daryl and Morgan are the most likeable for me. They still have moral cores to them.
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