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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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It's pretty crazy that The Walking Dead takes place in the same universe as The X-Files and The Dick van Dyke show.

I have to edit my fake canon for this show with the new confirmation that the virus was spread by the Colonist which actually makes a lot of sense scarily so . Now if this series doesn't end with The Smoking Man talking to some unknown entity off screen I will be disappointed.

Red Mage

Well shes just a sociopath . She overcame the torment inflicted on her by her husband and she was becoming a layered character who made tough decisions in complex situations but also still retained some semblance of perspective. Shes just vile now.

No, she isn't. A sociopath is like Patrick Bateman. In TWD, very few major characters are sociopaths, which is what makes it interesting. Even the Governor was more than just a sociopath.
I tried to watch this on the AMC website, but it kept crashing every 2-3 minutes. I gave up after the 6th or 7th time.

Hopefully it's fixed tomorrow. I never had this issue for any of the Fear the Walking Dead episodes or the season premiere for TWD.



Wolves came to the wrong neighborhood.


I will be okay when Morgan dies, they wanna show him as a counterpoint to Rick but he is just an arrogant weak dude that lets his no kill rule end up killing others. Couldnt kill his zombie wife and his son paid the price, wasted time binding some dude while the rest of the town was being hacked to pieces and allowed five of them to go so they could fight another day with a clearer sense of Alexandrian's resources. If you are so rigid that your moral code cant even bend in the face of inocent lives being killed by subhuman filth then you are already broken.

Rick has a lot of shit worth being called out, but these voices they chose to do so are worse than him, Morgan included. "Moral core" my ass.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Carol is the new Daryl. One more to the "please don't kill them" pile along with Rick, Daryl and Michonne.

Too many badasses now tho, I fear a cleasing coming soon
Carol is the new Daryl. One more to the "please don't kill them" pile along with Rick, Daryl and Michonne.

Too many badasses now tho, I fear a cleasing coming soon

It's been a while since there was an actual important character Death...It just feels like Carol will meet her end soon out of everyone else from the OG group..
I was sure that when Morgan entered that house towards the end, it was the same house Carol had told that woman to shoot anybody who enters. I'm glad it wasn't, simply because that would have been so forced.


I may have missed something but how come only Morgan got back to Alexandria in time? Wasn't he with Rick at the end of ep. 1 when they heard the horn? Did Rick tell Morgan to go ahead?


I may have missed something but how come only Morgan got back to Alexandria in time? Wasn't he with Rick at the end of ep. 1 when they heard the horn? Did Rick tell Morgan to go ahead?

What an episode. Although I'd be lying if I said my stomach didn't turn at some of the slaughter scenes. I mean, those body parts were living humans, and they were just being hacked up like zombies. Nasty stuff.


I may have missed something but how come only Morgan got back to Alexandria in time? Wasn't he with Rick at the end of ep. 1 when they heard the horn? Did Rick tell Morgan to go ahead?
After Carter gets bit and killed in the premiere, Rick sends Morgan back to Alexandria to get everyone up to speed on the fact that they had to proceed ahead with re-routing the walkers ahead of schedule because their hand was forced. That's how he got back to Alexandria early.

He wasn't around when the horn went off. He was almost already back home (clearly, because he was the one who arrived to shut it off).


I really dug the episode. That moment where Carol watches the other woman smoke and she just gets macheted to death, did not expect that at all. Carol killing people left and right was great too, she has the best character arc.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
btw. Why is Gabriel still alive ? Are they planning to redeem him somehow ? lol
Apologies if this has been answered, but is the idea for this season that it takes place in one day, 24-style? So far the first two eps were in the same day and I felt like the food timer was supposed to make you aware of the passage of very little time in this episode.
btw. Why is Gabriel still alive ? Are they planning to redeem him somehow ? lol


If they do it [I'm 95percent sure] in the way I think they're going to do it - it'll actually be a pretty decent redemption arc assuming he doesn't cock up a bunch of shit until then. There were certainly more unredeemable characters in this shows past, Gabriel is an ass but kind of tame compared to someone like Andrea.

If they do it [I'm 95percent sure] in the way I think they're going to do it - it'll actually be a pretty decent redemption arc assuming he doesn't cock up a bunch of shit until then. There were certainly more unredeemable characters in this shows past, Gabriel is an ass but kind of tame compared to someone like Andrea.
What? Andrea>>>>>>>>>>Gabriel. Gabriel has done nothing the entire time he has been on the show except for when he nearly gets the group killed on multiple occasions.
Great episode. Carol is amazing and I like how Morgan beats down fools with his stick but his "moral code" is idiotic for a world gone to shit like Walking Dead.

Minor point: There was a poster from last weeks arguing fire can kill walkers. I hope this episode answered their question when Maggie had to still kill that smoldering human turned walker burnt from the fence.


Wow two decent episodes in a row! Hopefully they can keep up the pace for the rest of the season. TWD works best when there is stuff and thangs happening.

Rick and Shane are still poles apart. Shane was never right and would have gotten everyone, but himself, in the group killed.


Apologies if this has been answered, but is the idea for this season that it takes place in one day, 24-style? So far the first two eps were in the same day and I felt like the food timer was supposed to make you aware of the passage of very little time in this episode.

I doubt the entire season takes place in just one day.
I think the reason the first two happened in the same day is so that the walkers will attack the safe zone.


Anybody have any idea what that little blue pouch was that Morgan was carrying at the end of the episode? Where'd he get it from? He all of a sudden had it after knocking out that Wolf with the long hair...


Great episode. Carol is amazing and I like how Morgan beats down fools with his stick but his "moral code" is idiotic for a world gone to shit like Walking Dead.

Minor point: There was a poster from last weeks arguing fire can kill walkers. I hope this episode answered their question when Maggie had to still kill that smoldering human turned walker burnt from the fence.

This annoys me to no end and is why this show is starting to lose me.

The first couple of seasons i was all on board with the "we have to maintain our humanity" as they were still all new to the world and adapting to the realities of the situation. But after all this time has passed, they've all experienced some heinous shit both from those who are living and the undead.

These people have not only infiltrated the place you consider home and killing people with reckless abandon but they are literally butchering people and in the process of them doing so you want to be all righteous about how you don't need to kill them?! The fuck?

Its annoying to watch Rick go to these dark places when the time calls for it but then watch the group judge him as he "loses his humanity" Rick also seems to struggle with it as well which i find annoying. In that regard, I will say though that carol is a lot better about keeping that shit together. This episode just confirms that. She can play nice but when shit hits the fan she's ready to get shit poppin no questions asked.
This annoys me to no end and is why this show is starting to lose me.

The first couple of seasons i was all on board with the "we have to maintain our humanity" as they were still all new to the world and adapting to the realities of the situation. But after all this time has passed, they've all experienced some heinous shit both from those who are living and the undead.

These people have not only infiltrated the place you consider home and killing people with reckless abandon but they are literally butchering people and in the process of them doing so you want to be all righteous about how you don't need to kill them?! The fuck?

Its annoying to watch Rick go to these dark places when the time calls for it but then watch the group judge him as he "loses his humanity" Rick also seems to struggle with it as well which i find annoying. In that regard, I will say though that carol is a lot better about keeping that shit together. This episode just confirms that. She can play nice but when shit hits the fan she's ready to get shit poppin no questions asked.
There's going to be a 90 minute Morgan episode. Probably best to wait till we have some context to his new state of mind


Nooo, so you could only watch Episode 1 without cable-provider login on the AMC site? :( Seems like I have to wait until October next year for it the whole season to come on Netflix. Or does somebody know if there's a time span after which past episodes become available without login?


There's going to be a 90 minute Morgan episode. Probably best to wait till we have some context to his new state of mind

For Morgan's sake, that's fair but even in a more general sense with the rest of the group, they all seem to struggle with the idea that the world has gone to shit and that they may need to do terrible things from time to time to ensure their own survival besides stabbing a few walkers in the head with a knife.

I hate to think there will be a time when they will kill of Carol as i find her to be the best character on the show. Not only has she had the most engaging character development on the show imo, but she's grounded about the world around her without resorting to being a psychopath and most of all she embraces it.

Daryl felt this way to me as well in the earlier seasons but as of late he seems far more reserved and muted as if he's over it all and just wants all this to be done with.

Everyone else seems so psychologically and mentally corrupted when they're forced to go to those dark places where they need to take someone elses life even if it means saving their own or someone else in the group
The problem is that the show keeps going back to this well again and again. It was an interesting conflict in Season 1 between Shane and Rick and these two philosophies of how to deal with a new world.

But you would think that after all this time, it would be completely accepted by everyone that things like killing adversaries instead of taking them prisoner, etc. are just a part of the new reality. It's been illustrated dozens of times now that turning the other cheek or trying to show mercy is always the wrong choice. Everyone should know this. That philosophical question has been answered essentially, and the show should be moving on to new themes and new questions.

But instead the writers just don't seem to have any ideas for generating drama or thematic weight other than rehashing the same ruthlessness vs. mercy conflict with different sets of characters.


Nork unification denier
Sorry if this has been discussed before, but does any one think [spoiler for comic book character that has not yet been introduced at this point in the books]
that the guy that taught Morgan the Way of the Stick is Jesus?


The problem is that the show keeps going back to this well again and again. It was an interesting conflict in Season 1 between Shane and Rick and these two philosophies of how to deal with a new world.

But you would think that after all this time, it would be completely accepted by everyone that things like killing adversaries instead of taking them prisoner, etc. are just a part of the new reality. It's been illustrated dozens of times now that turning the other cheek or trying to show mercy is always the wrong choice. Everyone should know this. That philosophical question has been answered essentially, and the show should be moving on to new themes and new questions.

But instead the writers just don't seem to have any ideas for generating drama or thematic weight other than rehashing the same ruthlessness vs. mercy conflict with different sets of characters.

Morgan's reasoning is irrelevant to me. His moronic actions in this episode will directly lead to more gruesome deaths in the future and that will be entirely his fault.

Letting a group of lunatics go free after they literally hacked the people who gave him shelter into bits and pieces.. Jesus.

Thank goodness Carol was there.


Sorry if this has been discussed before, but does any one think [spoiler for comic book character that has not yet been introduced at this point in the books]
that the guy that taught Morgan the Way of the Stick is Jesus?
I don't think so. While Jesus is a great fighter in the comics, if the situation called for it he could kill. While he looked like Jesus, he was no saint.
Sorry if this has been discussed before, but does any one think [spoiler for comic book character that has not yet been introduced at this point in the books]
that the guy that taught Morgan the Way of the Stick is Jesus?

At first, I wondered if the whole 'JSS' thing was in reference to
. That got ruled out by the end of the episode though!


I keep wondering this. Either a zombie was driving the truck (there are trucks in Alexandria?) or that was the fastest death-to-zombie conversion we've seen yet.

Yeah, I noticed that too. Sometimes they take so much liberty with what the walkers can do.
I keep wondering this. Either a zombie was driving the truck (there are trucks in Alexandria?) or that was the fastest death-to-zombie conversion we've seen yet.
idk, looked like the Wolves just stuffed a walker there and let the truck accelerate forward. I don't think we saw the truck turn or anything


I keep wondering this. Either a zombie was driving the truck (there are trucks in Alexandria?) or that was the fastest death-to-zombie conversion we've seen yet.

Shane turned very quickly too I believe. They just happen to turn as fast as the plot needs them to for the most part.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
This annoys me to no end and is why this show is starting to lose me.

The first couple of seasons i was all on board with the "we have to maintain our humanity" as they were still all new to the world and adapting to the realities of the situation. But after all this time has passed, they've all experienced some heinous shit both from those who are living and the undead.

These people have not only infiltrated the place you consider home and killing people with reckless abandon but they are literally butchering people and in the process of them doing so you want to be all righteous about how you don't need to kill them?! The fuck?

Its annoying to watch Rick go to these dark places when the time calls for it but then watch the group judge him as he "loses his humanity" Rick also seems to struggle with it as well which i find annoying. In that regard, I will say though that carol is a lot better about keeping that shit together. This episode just confirms that. She can play nice but when shit hits the fan she's ready to get shit poppin no questions asked.

THATS the point of the show. The Line between right and wrong, murder and killing, is survival alone is enough. The self awareness of a group.

You can easily imagine without a counter balance, Rick's group, down the line, can become no difference from the group of Humans they've faced. This happens in the real world ALL THE TIME, thats what this show/book explores.

Carol already crossed that line, she slaughtered the people in the prison, with ALL good attentions, cuz she predicted a danger to the group's survival, and ignored humanity. Should Rick have killed her when he found out? Should Rick have trusted that she would've come back and killed him? The "humane" decisions have been the most important decisions taken on this show.

To say "humanity" doesnt matter anymore is the reaction that always gets me, and exactly why this show is still interesting to me. Without the Morgans and Hershs, Rick and Carol can very likely slip into darker and darker actions.

Red Mage

Apologies if this has been answered, but is the idea for this season that it takes place in one day, 24-style? So far the first two eps were in the same day and I felt like the food timer was supposed to make you aware of the passage of very little time in this episode.

The timer was shown just how quickly things can go to pot on TWD.


The second episode was great too. Quite action packed, second time now. The antithesis between Carol and Morgan was nice, and in the end both of them realized that their methods weren't the best way to go. Carol especially has been really cold, nothing like the abused woman who was trying to find her child. I hope she will soften a bit though, she's even more badass than Rick and Daryl nowadays. Also, it will be nice to see what will happen to the next episode, as a quite big horde of zombies is coming.


idk, looked like the Wolves just stuffed a walker there and let the truck accelerate forward. I don't think we saw the truck turn or anything
This was my take as well.
THATS the point of the show. The Line between right and wrong, murder and killing, is survival alone is enough. The self awareness of a group.

You can easily imagine without a counter balance, Rick's group, down the line, can become no difference from the group of Humans they've faced. This happens in the real world ALL THE TIME, thats what this show/book explores.

Carol already crossed that line, she slaughtered the people in the prison, with ALL good attentions, cuz she predicted a danger to the group's survival, and ignored humanity. Should Rick have killed her when he found out? Should Rick have trusted that she would've come back and killed him? The "humane" decisions have been the most important decisions taken on this show.

To say "humanity" doesnt matter anymore is the reaction that always gets me, and exactly why this show is still interesting to me. Without the Morgans and Hershs, Rick and Carol can very likely slip into darker and darker actions.
The only problem is that the show has never allowed us to see any other human groups as having any humanity. Our group is the only one with any and the show's answer is always skewed so that our group needs to be harsh just in order to survive. They have beaten us over the head with it. Because of that, characters like Tyrese and Morgan, even Hershal early on, are just weak and illogical in this world. In real life I would like to think that there would be normal groups banding together to survive without becoming Termites or Governor henchmen but TWD has written a show where this, so far at least, just isn't realistic.

Also, Carol's decision in the prison wasn't really crossing any line. Those two people were going to die anyway. We all know that. She was trying to protect the entire group and she was right. Tyrese got bent out of shape over it but Karen was a dead woman already and she probably would have given the flu to him before Carol killed her. Hell, Tyrese found out because he was going to visit her again even though she was sick and in quarantine.
I just realized that they smoke the same fake cigarettes on The Walking Dead as they do on The X-Files.


So what you're saying is, we could have a flashback crossover episode in which Mulder and Scully are sent to Georgia to work with a local sheriff's department to investigate a case in which a man claims his wife returned from the dead and he had to bash her skull in.

The epicness of this would be eternal.


I won't lie... It was so satisfying. Not one second of hesitation.

I loved how she just wasn't having any of that nonsense.

idk, looked like the Wolves just stuffed a walker there and let the truck accelerate forward. I don't think we saw the truck turn or anything

Yeah I thought they were using it as a battering ram to knock down the lookout tower and the wall. I figured the trailer was full of zombies too.
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