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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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idk, looked like the Wolves just stuffed a walker there and let the truck accelerate forward. I don't think we saw the truck turn or anything

The truck was going straight initially, then Spencer shot at it and then it started going off course. Now if you're already dead, then getting shot shouldn't really break your concentration too much. Whatever, I won't read too much into it, it was just kinda funny.


I got compendium 2 of the comic a few days ago and have been catching up to the show a little quicker than I thought. Just finished Chapter 11, titled:
Fear the Hunters

I mostly got the comic to see how the show deviated from the source material so - (comic spoilers)
I'll start off with some of the characters. I remember some of the most heated criticism on the show was about Andrea's character while she was still with us, and now I totally get it. TV Andrea doesn't hold a candle to comic Andrea. TV Andrea was all over the place, pushing Dale away, having sex with Shane and then the Governor, and then getting killed off, a huge departure from the comic. Advantage: Comic Andrea

Speaking of Shane, I thought his arc through the show was much more fleshed out than in the comic, and I thought the show did a better job of showing him turn against Rick. Notably in the episodes "18 Miles Out" and "Pretty Much Dead Already" I'm glad the show decided to keep him through season 2.

And I tend to favor the TV version of the Governor. Morissey was great, and I thought the show did a good job of making him seem like a nice guy, and one who could talk to people like a politician and a leader, but had some dark secrets and evil motives. Comic Governor seemed like a bad guy all the time, where the TV version was more well rounded and human.

Daryl and Merle are nice additions to the show, and I liked Herschel much more in the show. Dale is a stronger character in the comic, as well as Tyrese.

But speaking of stronger characters, Carol.. Holy crap. You do like me, don't you? Suicide by walker in the comic. Before that she was needy and unstable. For as much as TV Andrea was a letdown, TV Carol is doubly better than her comic counterpart, and as many have been saying in this thread, her character development has probably been the best in the series. Going back to season 1 she is almost unrecognizable from the person she's become by the time the group reaches Alexandria.

Rick is probably the most consistent throughout both the comic and the show, which is understandable considering he is the main character. The amputation of his right hand is one big change in the comic. Props to Kirkman for having the guts to handicap his main character, but I'm glad TV Rick still has his hand.

Now onto the pacing and some plot points - I think the comic has been more consistent and better paced than the show, though the show has been improving in the latter part of season 4 and in season 5.

Two of the biggest mistakes concerning plot and pacing in my opinion was season 2's 13 episode run, and putting off the fall of the prison.

Considering the first season had only 6 episodes, it was quite a leap to more than double the amount of episodes in season 2. A bump to 9 or 10 would have been better I believe, cutting out a lot of the unnecessary filler the show added, such as the well walker, Lori's car crash, Carl not staying in the house, and some of the group's infighting. This period of the show really tainted the images of Dale, Andrea, Lori, and Carl, with Carl the only character to redeem himself in later seasons. A tighter, more focused season would probably have spared a lot of the hate pointed toward those characters. Oddly enough, some of the show's other added content during this season was really great. Shane killing Otis, Sophia being locked in the barn and Rick stepping up to put her down, "Nebraska" and "18 Miles Out" were some of the best and most memorable moments of the show for me, none of which appeared in the comic.

Regarding season 3, and the first half of season 4, I think it was a mistake to extend the prison halfway through season 4. Again there was unnecessary filler, with Rick's group taking in people from Woodbury, only to have them all die of sickness. There was a couple of good episodes focusing on the Governor, but ultimately he didn't change.

With the group scattered after the prison attack, I really enjoyed the second half of the season, and prefer it to the comic where they go back to the farm. All roads lead to Terminus was a great way to get the characters back together, ruling out a lot of disbelief which could have occurred had they just stumbled onto each other. Following the different groups was a great way to develop each character, and Terminus luring people into a human meatpacking plant was very dark and tactical.

Ultimately I think I favor the show over the comic. Just my very long two cents.


The truck was going straight initially, then Spencer shot at it and then it started going off course. Now if you're already dead, then getting shot shouldn't really break your concentration too much. Whatever, I won't read too much into it, it was just kinda funny.

Yeah I think the driver was initially alive and dude shot him. The crash knocked him around off the seat was all. It never even crossed my mind that it could be a walker. That's an awfully dangerous brick on the pedal routine.
Accidentally posted in the S5 thread. Ha. Anyways, Morgan needs to drop the batman shit. It's going to come back and bite him and everyone in the ass. But hopefully the Ricktatorship is firmly established by then.


I got compendium 2 of the comic a few days ago and have been catching up to the show a little quicker than I thought. Just finished Chapter 11, titled:
Fear the Hunters

I mostly got the comic to see how the show deviated from the source material so - (comic spoilers)

Ultimately I think I favor the show over the comic. Just my very long two cents.

Very well said.

I pretty much agree with you across all points except maybe
TV Governor > Comic Governor. Although Morrissey did a better job making the character seem more human rather than just a cartoon character, he didn't quite sell the absolute terror that The Governor brought with him across 20+ issues in the graphic novel and I believe that had a lot to do with Mazzara trying to get waaaayy too cute with his writing instead of just sticking to the source material like Gimple has done so brilliantly.

Speaking of which, the pacing of the TV show that you brought up is easily explained by sudden shifts in showrunners: Darabont (Season 1 - Season 2, Part 1), Mazzara (Season 2, Part 2 - Season 3), and Gimple (Season 4 - Season 6). Each had their own vision and structure for every episode/season they worked on. I believe the show improved with each change in showrunners and it couldn't be in any better hands than it is now. Season 2 will always be remembered in a negative light but that back half really gave us some great episodes that fleshed out the Rick/Shane dynamic in ways the graphic novel never even began to touch on. The episodes you mentioned in addition to "Better Angels" did such a fantastic job in making the conclusion of Shane's arc so much more impactful compared to the source material.

And now that you mention TV show vs graphic novel, I think I had always viewed the comic as being far superior all the way up until the very end of Season 4/beginning of Season 5. At that point it was TV show = graphic novel for me. There's still some things that are presented much better on the pages vs the TV screen and vice-versa but overall the show finally started living up to it's true potential, so I'm very content with how things are progressing now.


I think next time she's going to end up saving the person and that'll raise her confidence. So there could be some progression there.


Character development needs to start from somewhere.

Speaking of which, [Comic Spoilers]
I LOVE that they're going this route with Denise. She was already a top class doctor in the comic the moment she was introduced. Starting out with her as a psychologist who suffers from panic attacks with close to no medical experience should create some great moments going forward.


Very well said.

I pretty much agree with you across all points except maybe
TV Governor > Comic Governor. Although Morrissey did a better job making the character seem more human rather than just a cartoon character, he didn't quite sell the absolute terror that The Governor brought with him across 20+ issues in the graphic novel and I believe that had a lot to do with Mazzara trying to get waaaayy too cute with his writing instead of just sticking to the source material like Gimple has done so brilliantly.

Speaking of which, the pacing of the TV show that you brought up is easily explained by sudden shifts in showrunners: Darabont (Season 1 - Season 2, Part 1), Mazzara (Season 2, Part 2 - Season 3), and Gimple (Season 4 - Season 6). Each had their own vision and structure for every episode/season they worked on. I believe the show improved with each change in showrunners and it couldn't be in any better hands than it is now. Season 2 will always be remembered in a negative light but that back half really gave us some great episodes that fleshed out the Rick/Shane dynamic in ways the graphic novel never even began to touch on. The episodes you mentioned in addition to "Better Angels" did such a fantastic job in making the conclusion of Shane's arc so much more impactful compared to the source material.

And now that you mention TV show vs graphic novel, I think I had always viewed the comic as being far superior all the way up until the very end of Season 4/beginning of Season 5. At that point it was TV show = graphic novel for me. There's still some things that are presented much better on the pages vs the TV screen and vice-versa but overall the show finally started living up to it's true potential, so I'm very content with how things are progressing now.

Thanks for your post, I can definitely see where you're coming from in regards to the Governor. The show never comes close to the brutality and degeneracy the Governor displays in the comic, specifically the scenes with Michonne.

Also the point you bring up about switching showrunners makes a lot of sense. I was vaguely aware of the changes, but when you list them directly with the times the changes were made I can definitely see the improvements.

And I 100% agree with what you said about the Rick/Shane dynamic on the show compared to the comic.
Just saw the episode today and man The Walking Dead has been on fire this season. Really awesome stuff so far, way better than Seasons 4 and 5 for me. It was nice taking a break from Rick and the gang to see how the other side of the coin is operating, especially with the last episode where everything was super on edge.

Carol continues to be even more incredible, I'm super invested in Carl's love triangle, and I didn't mind Morgan's Batman shenanigans thing. I can't blame him for trying to do the right thing. Also Eugene continues to be adorable in his weird useless kind of way!

I'm a little anxious about Jessie's character, though. I really hope they don't just make her a carbon copy of Carol with the abusive spouse origin story and then turning into a ruthless heartless badass. A better variety of permanent characters who aren't completely super efficient at everything would make me happier!


Content Roundup – Episode 602: “JSS”


AMC Inside The Walking Dead:
  • The Making of Episode 602, “JSS” - AMC
  • Inside Episode 602: “JSS” - AMC
  • Preview of Episode 603, “Thank You” - AMC | International
  • Sneak Peek of Episode 603, “Thank You” - AMC | International
  • Talking Dead: Bonus Scene - AMC
Producer & Cast Interviews:
Critic Reviews:
Talking Dead’s Inside The Dead:
  • The actors playing the Wolves were told to be as mean as possible. Off camera, their biggest concern was who had the largest and best looking “W” scar.
  • Director Jen Lynch hand-selected specific weapons for each assailant. Leftover butcher knives from Terminus and Bowie knives from the Claimers were used to arm the Wolves.
  • The Wolves' attacked played out in real time, lasting 45 minutes. It was the exact length of time it look Carol's casserole to bake.
Speaking of which, [Comic Spoilers]
I LOVE that they're going this route with Denise. She was already a top class doctor in the comic the moment she was introduced. Starting out with her as a psychologist who suffers from panic attacks with close to no medical experience should create some great moments going forward.

Completely agree.

Comic Spoilers
It's great that she has more flaws then she did in the comic and I think we both know why the writers did this - besides just being a better character.

Huge spoiler for this season, read at your own risk
It is most likely happening. There's pictures, tons of stuff points towards it - there's no doubt in my mind. I think when we see the aftermath of that iconic scene, people will notice the small seeds they've been planting in these first two episodes with characters such as Gabriel and Denise whom both will have roles in it.
Completely agree.

Comic Spoilers
It's great that she has more flaws then she did in the comic and I think we both know why the writers did this - besides just being a better character.

Huge spoiler for this season, read at your own risk
It is most likely happening. There's pictures, tons of stuff points towards it - there's no doubt in my mind. I think when we see the aftermath of that iconic scene, people will notice the small seeds they've been planting in these first two episodes with characters such as Gabriel and Denise whom both will have roles in it.
Huge S6 spoilers
It's definitely happening. There are set pictures of Carl
Huge S6 spoilers
It's definitely happening. There are set pictures of Carl

I know there's pictures. :p. I said most likely because you never know, could be just AMC screwing with the watchers [TheSpoilingDeadFans] - the people behind that leak and most major spoilers these days. You're most likely right though, not only because of the pictures but because the way the characters have been behaving matches up perfectly with the leaked scenario of the scene


They should do more real-time episodes like this. It was well-paced, with some great scenes. Morgan is beginning to piss me off, though. I hate his whole 'no kill' stance. It's kill or be killed, you dick. If anything happens to The Rictatorship because of him, I'll go mad.
They should do more real-time episodes like this. It was well-paced, with some great scenes. Morgan is beginning to piss me off, though. I hate his whole 'no kill' stance. It's kill or be killed, you dick. If anything happens to The Rictatorship because of him, I'll go mad.

Agreed. I also think his stick is pretty dumb and comes off way too much as them trying to make him "a badass". Also it's so crazy how effortlessly everyone pierces through people's skulls. It's as if the zombie virus made everyone's (living or undead) bones super soft.

Also the blonde barber lady murdering that woman with those tiny scissors when she was holding them by the sheers. There was maybe like a few cm of blade poking out.


Agreed. I also think his stick is pretty dumb and comes off way too much as them trying to make him "a badass". Also it's so crazy how effortlessly everyone pierces through people's skulls. It's as if the zombie virus made everyone's (living or undead) bones super soft.

I especially noticed when Aaron was walking around "finishing" off dudes on the ground, you see him very gingerly inserting his knife into a guy and you hear that deafening SHINK-SPLAT sound effect.


Weirdly enough that turtle eating scene grossed me out more than anything I've seen on TWD aside from the Lori death scene.


They should do more real-time episodes like this. It was well-paced, with some great scenes. Morgan is beginning to piss me off, though. I hate his whole 'no kill' stance. It's kill or be killed, you dick. If anything happens to The Rictatorship because of him, I'll go mad.

I dunno. Maybe I should watch it again, but immediately after cigarette-smoking-woman got killed, not enough shit hit the fan for my taste. The scene with Carl and Enid almost killed the mood for me.
I knew people were going to love this episode, because it was one of the worst episodes so far in this series. Was there a gas leak on set? Did they throw a contest for a walk on role as the random nurse girl that does nothing? Did all the actors of Waterworld universal studios get free jobs as Wolves for this episode?

It was so odd, weirdly paced, out of place, phoned in.
Have seen that thought in the threads a couple of times, but it never seemed like they had that kind of chemistry to me.

I'd pick (or believe in) a Daryl-Michonne hookup before a Rick-Michonne hookup.
na...daryl's gotta hook up with carol.
i feel like they might keep andrea alive, and if they don't then rick is supposed to be all mournful and shit and hook up with andrea, who's dead on the show; but her character arc has been split between sasha and michonne. sasha being the sharp shooter, and michonne just basically being the woman whom rick is closest to.
so, richonne fo lyfe
I knew people were going to love this episode, because it was one of the worst episodes so far in this series. Was there a gas leak on set? Did they throw a contest for a walk on role as the random nurse girl that does nothing? Did all the actors of Waterworld universal studios get free jobs as Wolves for this episode?

It was so odd, weirdly paced, out of place, phoned in.

You must be fun at parties.

This episode was great!


Huh. I didn't realize that Carol was originally going to die instead of T-Dog...

I like T-Dog... But damn, Carol has become so awesome that his sacrifice wasn't in vain.

Seriously, Carol is becoming my favorite character in the show.


Did anybody else wonder how Morgan came back to the community that fast or where the rest of the group was?

They are not far from the community. And have a bunch of zombies coming with them due to the horn.

Think of Episode 1 and Episode 2 running in parallel. It's a common Walking Dead format, Season 3 did it with The Prison and Woodbury, and Season 4 did it during the times when the group was split up.


Oh yeah, Rick did tell him. That parallel theory sounds plausible, the next episode will probably be about the rest of the group handling the herd.
Did anybody else wonder how Morgan came back to the community that fast or where the rest of the group was?

Rick told him to get back to the community and stayed himself to try and corral the herd along with the others.

The episodes are happening at similar times to each other. The horn happened at the end of E1, but in the middle of E2. At some point the timelines will join back up and then probably split again.

It's really the only way to tell a coherent story with this big of a cast when they're split up like this.

Oh yeah, Rick did tell him. That parallel theory sounds plausible, the next episode will probably be about the rest of the group handling the herd.

It's not just plausible, that's literally what's happening XD
Did not know that Jen Lynch directed this episode, as it was one of the best episodes by far in a long while for the show.

Lots of action, enough dialogue without being too preachy, and things were always happening left and right. The operation scene was a bit unnecessary but it goes to show how important healers are in a group.

Did not have any expectations coming into this episode and it paid off really well. Was very entertained and a great sign of things to come for this season. Just hope they can make more episodes like these and not just typically drag it out like usual.

personally I think it was cause it could've been more tense if
Terra and Eugene were actually doing something instead of just staring at Denise operating and giving her motivation
and it would have been more fleshed out if they just showed more of what was happening instead of cutting back to the action


personally I think it was cause it could've been more tense if
Terra and Eugene were actually doing something instead of just staring at Denise operating and giving her motivation
and it would have been more fleshed out if they just showed more of what was happening instead of cutting back to the action
Don't forget about Eric. He was there too being all sorts of useful.
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