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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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Hunky Nostradamus
Honestly I feel like Glenn is alive and Kirkman and Gimple.. comic plot spoilers
Is gonna have Negan kill someone like Carol or Daryl to really mindfuck people

Not Carol. Given her battered housewife past, and how much progress she's made since then, I think it would be in extremely poor taste to have her get beaten to death by a man.

Wait, this picture proves his point, right? Or am I missing something?

From the angle of the fall, Glenn's feet should be nearest the dumpster, not his head.
Honestly I feel like Glenn is alive and Kirkman and Gimple.. comic plot spoilers
Is gonna have Negan kill someone like Carol or Daryl to really mindfuck people

comic spoilers

I personally think they're gonna throw a curveball and have Negan kill Daryl. He's Rick's "brother" just as Glenn was in the comic, he's one of the fan-favourites just as Glenn was in the comic. It'd install a sense of fear in the audience that we haven't had in a long-time because literally nobody thinks Daryl will actually die anytime before the final season.

They also couldn't introduce a new antagonist in a better way. How do you top The Governor right from the get go? Killing the most loved character. It'd also likely set record breaking ratings in the following season.

I hope Glenn doesn't get this death assuming he survives the walker incident. I also think Morgan getting it would kinda be a cop-out in all honesty.

It's one of the few things I really want to happen this season - I've thought for years that it'd be the perfect way for Daryl to go out.
my guess is that it's some weird sort of delusion/hallucination thing that Glenn is having.

"this is what would happen due to me trying to save this asshole. He just drags me down. Do I really want to die due to being nice to this fucker? Man, fuck this dude, YOLO"

*Glenn kicks dude into the horde to create a temporary distraction and get away*



my guess is that it's some weird sort of delusion/hallucination/thing that Glenn is having.

"this is what would happen due to me trying to save this asshole. He just drags me down. Do I really want to die due to being nice to this fucker? Man, fuck this dude, YOLO"

*Glenn kicks dude into the horde to create a temporary distraction and get away*


Never even thought about this type of scenario. This would be the way i would want it.
The weirdest thing is the blood splatter from fhe headshot. Nicolas is in front of Glenn, but the blood splashes the left side of Glenn's face. That makes absolutely no sense.

Never even thought about this type of scenario. This would be the way i would want it.

my thoughts are influenced by this interview (has comic spoilers in it btw), especially the part where he talks about how Glenn's never killed anyone before, and him doing that would be a big change for the character.

Scott M. Gimple said:
On the show, the fact that Glenn has never killed a human before has been a very quiet but big part of his character in my mind. If he were alive, how would this change his character? We have a little time to think about that. I shouldn't speculate one way or the other.

So Glenn pulling a Shane might be part of that, except in this case viewers might actually sympathize with him (Glenn is a good guy who just wants to see his wife while Shane was just a jealous asshole simp who wanted to fuck Rick's wife!)

And then the big internet debates start with people rationalizing why Glenn doing it is fine, while Shane doing it was bad. Or something like that.


Maybe they just eat nicholas and go away saying "oh man in so full..."
Nicholas must taste like Arby's.

Judging from what Gimple has said and the bullshit camera trickery they employed then he probably will end up alive but it is the single most unbelievable thing that has ever happened on the show. There is literally no way he could have survived. His head is completely exposed and he is fucking screaming. Screaming and he doesn't get bitten once anywhere. Come the fuck on. There is a hundred zombies there. I genuinely can't fathom how the creators would actually contemplate keeping him alive. They must think the viewers have been lobotomized.
Seems like they're getting complacent with all of those "#1 watched show on television" acknowledgements and have decided to get "too cute" and see how far they can push the "let's ignore all logic just to fuck with people" tactic. That sure worked out well for Lost so let's see how it plays out here.

Dude is in a moshpit of zombies with fresh meat on the table, shocked and bewildered. If he makes it out alive, this show will have jumped the shark. I mean, armed surivors surrounded by other armed survivors in a controlled situation get their shoulders bit by ninja zombies, and we're gonna have to suspend our disbelief when an unarmed guy on the floor with a dead person and a hundred zombies makes it out alive unscathed?
Considering the backlash from this stunt, they should give serious consideration to
just writing Steven Yeun out of the rest of the season and reshooting the scenes that have already been shot. But, they'll probably just roll out the "ha ha, remember that scene that didn't make any sense? well, it was just a hallucination and here's what really happened" explanation.


Damn, you have to watch these episodes when they air that night if you don't want to get spoiled. Because the next day, spoilers are everywhere on social media sites and people at my job were talking about it. One of my co-workers who sits behind me was taking to someone about the episode, but luckily the person he was talking to didn't see it yet so they stopped talking about the show.


Damn, you have to watch these episodes when they air that night if you don't want to get spoiled. Because the next day, spoilers are everywhere on social media sites and people at my job were talking about it. One of my co-workers who sits behind me was taking to someone about the episode, but luckily the person he was talking to didn't see it yet so they stopped talking about the show.
It's the most-watched show on TV. You have to account for that and stay current unless you want surprises ruined.
Same goes for other event shows like Game of Thrones.


I'm convinced Glenn is still alive. I'm fine with it. Yes Glenn has that kill armor but at this point it's become a running joke. I seriously doubt enough people will stop watching if Glenn survives that it will have any effect on their ratings, despite people in this thread getting riled up over it. I mean I agree, it's ridiculous but so is a Zombie Apocalypse.


Just had dinner with my folks and my Dad is going to watch this episode tonight.

I told him to call me after since he's going to need to talk somebody about it. Heh.
Glenn survived a zombie attack in the last season so if they did the same except this time with 100 times more zombies then that's just comical.
Welcome to TWD writing!
Oh come on, we're kinda nitpicking now LOL
I can rationalize all the other stuff but the blood splatter hitting Glenn in the side of the face when Nicolas is in front of him firing the gun towards the fence is just "...Wait, what..." for me

The only way that the blood spray makes sense is if Nicolas was standing next to Glenn
Apologies if this has been answered, but is the idea for this season that it takes place in one day, 24-style? So far the first two eps were in the same day and I felt like the food timer was supposed to make you aware of the passage of very little time in this episode.
Just pointing out that we still haven't left the first day and there's plenty of daylight and lots of unresolved situations still.


So that part when Rick was running on the road and saw that group of zombies having lunch, I wonder if his folding knife breaking was intentional or not. To me it looked like the prop broke, Rick looked at it like WTF then went on and improvised.

probably hes the best actor on the show...


I'm getting increasingly annoyed by how stupidly the main characters, who are supposed to be the experiences ones, act in some situations.
e.g. Glenn not jumping ontop of that container in the first place, trying to hop over into the hedges
or Michonne and the others waiting behind that fence for such a long time instead of just legging it.
Feels so staged, just to create tension :/

Other than that: great episode

lol yeah i was starting the laugh at michonne playing footsies on the fence.. be yeah it was for the tension... which was honestly getting played out a little too much I just feel if they were by themselves and not with these noobies then it wouldn't of been that way
I thought that episode was one of the worst, most pointless episodes I've seen. I was browsing GAF with it playing in the background. It had no substance at all, just action and lots of red shirts dying.

Different strokes for different folks though I guess.

Thought the same. Also, in TWD universe all action seems to take place in the same square mile.


I was actually looking forward to a Morgan flashback episode but after this week all I want to know is whether Glenn is alive or not lol.

yeah coming from a viewer that has watched every episode back to back it really stings having to wait a whole week to see the next episode .... I done like it

Red Mage

Guys, they're not going to kill Daryl until Reedus walks away or ratings start dropping. I'm pretty sure that he's more popular than Rick at this point.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Guys, they're not going to kill Daryl until Reedus walks away or ratings start dropping. I'm pretty sure that he's more popular than Rick at this point.

To be perfectly honest, I think only the first scenario would apply. Because they don't announce when they're killing characters, so people wouldn't know until after it happens unless they're already watching the show. You would get some people that would catch the episode after it aired, but if they're such huge fans of the character, they probably wouldn't be too interested in coming back.

Only character thing that I'd imagine would impact ratings is the first appearance of popular comic characters that have been hyped up
my guess is that it's some weird sort of delusion/hallucination thing that Glenn is having.

"this is what would happen due to me trying to save this asshole. He just drags me down. Do I really want to die due to being nice to this fucker? Man, fuck this dude, YOLO"

*Glenn kicks dude into the horde to create a temporary distraction and get away*


You were there. And you were there! And you!


The weirdest thing is the blood splatter from fhe headshot. Nicolas is in front of Glenn, but the blood splashes the left side of Glenn's face. That makes absolutely no sense.


He fell with his back on Glenn, so he could have turned away and took a step before pulling the trigger.



MTV: To that point, very much regardless of what form he takes after, this was a Glenn goodbye episode. You hit his story with Maggie through the other character’s eyes. Him connecting with Rick, etc… So when you have a goodbye episode like this, but at the same time you’re saying that his story isn’t quite done — is there any concern about having to eventually have a second goodbye for the character?

Alpert: We try to make sure that everything we’re doing has meaning in the moment, but is also setting us up for where we’re going. And I do have to say that I feel like [showrunner] Scott [Gimple]’s been doing such a masterful job with the show this season. It’s been such a joy to just read the scripts and watch the cuts, I am so incredibly excited for where this season is building. I just honestly can’t wait. If this is a big thing and I’ve gotten the amount of, “hey Alpert, we hate you,” emails and texts that I’ve gotten this morning, I just can’t wait to see how my phone just shuts down come the end of the season.

I've brightened it up as much as I can and at first thought he was crawling upwards towards the dumpster, but now I'm not so sure. Surely one got a bite on him. I mean his legs were totally exposed!


He fell with his back on Glenn, so he could have turned away and took a step before pulling the trigger.
As for the blood splatter that would be the side where his brains came out after blowing them out so that is correct!


To be perfectly honest, I think only the first scenario would apply. Because they don't announce when they're killing characters, so people wouldn't know until after it happens unless they're already watching the show. You would get some people that would catch the episode after it aired, but if they're such huge fans of the character, they probably wouldn't be too interested in coming back.

Only character thing that I'd imagine would impact ratings is the first appearance of popular comic characters that have been hyped up


Being on the show worked out for him!
People must be bullshitting.

Glenn is dead. He's gone.

I know right.
Look at my above gif.
There is no way he got out. The weight of all of those zombies chowing down on the other guy as well and walker hands left right and center....no way!
If.......he is not dead then that will be some SERIOUS bullshit!
I've brightened it up as much as I can and at first thought he was crawling upwards towards the dumpster, but now I'm not so sure. Surely one got a bite on him. I mean his legs were totally exposed!


As for the blood splatter that would be the side where his brains came out after blowing them out so that is correct!
Seeing this gif, GLENN'S DEAD BABY


I've brightened it up as much as I can and at first thought he was crawling upwards towards the dumpster, but now I'm not so sure. Surely one got a bite on him. I mean his legs were totally exposed!


As for the blood splatter that would be the side where his brains came out after blowing them out so that is correct!

can't stop laughing at the zombie just stroking his face repeatedly
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