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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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People must be bullshitting.

Glenn is dead. He's gone.

Glenn better be fucking dead next week.
Come on, the way the showrunner and such are beating around the bush with evasive answers and how Glenn's "humanity" is dead rather than the character, how Stephen didn't appear on the Talking Dead and wasn't featured in the In Memoriam segment, how there was no clear definite shot of his death...

Glenn's alive


I mean, seriously.
Falling for the the ol "BUT MAYBE HE'S NOT DEAD" nonsense show runners pull out so you can keep talking about the show all week.

Glenn died. He was being pulled apart. Blood squirting all over the place.
I wonder how many hours of worker productivity and homework have been lost this week trying to answer this: is Glenn alive or dead?

Gonna wager next month's economic forecast will be a bunch of nerds scratching their heads.
If Glenn survives this...

[Future major spoilers for this season]
I wonder how the audience are going to react to a certain other moment when that character survives his horrific injury. Yeah, the NWO/Carl stuff.


I've brightened it up as much as I can and at first thought he was crawling upwards towards the dumpster, but now I'm not so sure. Surely one got a bite on him. I mean his legs were totally exposed!

Hmm, in this .gif it definitely does look rather bleak for Glenn...

Damn it. I must keep believing that he's fine.
I've brightened it up as much as I can and at first thought he was crawling upwards towards the dumpster, but now I'm not so sure. Surely one got a bite on him. I mean his legs were totally exposed!


As for the blood splatter that would be the side where his brains came out after blowing them out so that is correct!

Yeah he's definitely zombie food.


Glenn is alive, see he managed to climb under the dumpster and lo and behold there was an open manhole cover underneath that he used to escape.
Glenn is alive, see he managed to climb under the dumpster and lo and behold there was an open manhole cover underneath that he used to escape.

There is a scene in the season 6 trailer where Aaron and Maggie are exploring an area that resembles a sewer. How crazy/silly would it be if they go searching for Glenn, track him to that dumpster and actually find a manhole cover underneath that they delve inside of to continue their search for him?
Glenn is alive, see he managed to climb under the dumpster and lo and behold there was an open manhole cover underneath that he used to escape.
I'm betting this is exactly what happens. Although he should've been dead after he was laying their screaming for so long.

I forsee a big cliche where he is missing for a few episodes, presumably dead, and then he appears at a crucial time.
An article on msn spoiled this episode for me. But if it hadn't, calling Rick dumbass would've been the give away to me that Glen was going to die. I think he is dead though. It would be a miracle to get out of that situation.
You guys think what was his name nick that maybe he was like having a vision he shot himself and took Glenn down with him and maybe he snaps out of it
I am still shocked at how many people mix up the guts thing. It's happening everywhere that his episode is being discussed on the Internet.

Fresh human guts don't make people "invisible" to zombies. (i.e. Nicholas' freshly spilled guts)

Zombie guts can make people "invisible" to zombies because they are rotted and don't give off the human scent that zombies detect. Rotted guts can mask the human scent.

If anything, freshly spilled live human guts would probably attract the zombies even more! So the spilled fresh blood all over Glenn wouldn't be beneficial.

I still think he's alive, though. His survival won't be related to his scent being masked.


If Glenn is alive I really dislike that method of storytelling. It's almost like breaking the fourth wall because it becomes clear to the audience they only thought he was dead because the director decided to be sneaky with camera angles.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
lol that quote made me laugh too. comic spoilers:
Glenn, lucky to be alive. Everyone rejoice. And then he unambiguously gets beaten to death lol. Going to be brutal as fuck if it happens.
It won't it'll be
Daryl -----------
and that'll be glorious.


He's dead, Jim.

I've figured it all out. There will be an upcoming episode, that will take place in the past. It will be all about Glen. It will show him and Maggie in some tender moments before he heads off to what we know will be his ultimate demise. They will have a conversation that will further explain the watch and why he pulls it out one final time at that moment. It may even harken further back to when they first met, when they fell in love, etc. It will be a relatively "slow" episode, showing the bonds he formed with the group over the years.

The episode will end with a flash of white light and the camera will pull back with him being eaten alive, screaming and fade into black.

Another future episode will show him as a walker, which is how Maggie will finally learn what happened to him, providing closure.
He's dead, Jim.

I've figured it all out. There will be an upcoming episode, that will take place in the past. It will be all about Glen. It will show him and Maggie in some tender moments before he heads off to what we know will be his ultimate demise. They will have a conversation that will further explain the watch and why he pulls it out one final time at that moment. It may even harken further back to when they first met, when they fell in love, etc. It will be a relatively "slow" episode, showing the bonds he formed with the group over the years.

The episode will end with a flash of white light and the camera will pull back with him being eaten alive, screaming and fade into black.

Another future episode will show him as a walker, which is how Maggie will finally learn what happened to him, providing closure.

no, he's fine


This is a crappy situation. That scene with Glenn was incredibly manipulative (I actually got upset by it, even with the knowledge that it's likely to be a fakeout) and if he miraculously survives it means that his plot armour knows no limits. I still enjoy the show very much, and would not stop watching, but it'd be hard not to treat it like a farce if he somehow escapes unscathed.

It irks me that they used tricks of perspective to make it look very much like one thing happened, but left it clearly contradictory to the nature of other deaths (in that same episode AND historically for main characters). I don't recall the show pulling such deliberate misdirection before.

All that said, Glenn is one of my favourite characters and I'd feel terrible for Maggie if she lost him, so I don't want him to be dead. Whatever the outcome, it's hard not to be upset about this.


If Glenn is alive I really dislike that method of storytelling. It's almost like breaking the fourth wall because it becomes clear to the audience they only thought he was dead because the director decided to be sneaky with camera angles.

Eh, not really. Anyone on the street or in a building seeing it happen would assume that he got eaten too. We don't get special insight just because we are the audience. The only person who "knows" is the Glenn character, so when we get back to him, we will see the whole story.


Just imagine how (Comic spoilers)
this thread would freak out as Negan is eenie-meenie-miney-mo'ing and it looks like he's going to choose Glenn...and then he chooses someone else

If I'm not mistaken, no character in the show has died the same way in the comic. So that's a possibility.


Just imagine how (Comic spoilers)
this thread would freak out as Negan is eenie-meenie-miney-mo'ing and it looks like he's going to choose Glenn...and then he chooses someone else

Ripping that scene in two to get a cliffhanger would be the really offensive thing IMO.


Not like the first time Glenn would be covered in gutz, rendering him invisible to zombies.

First off, it still baffles me they do this in like the very first episode and it works flawlessly until it rained, but since then they have never done it again. The answer as to why is simply it would make a shitty and boring TV show, but still...

As to your post, I don't get why people keep bringing this up. Glenn wouldn't be covered in zombie guts, he'd be covered in Nicholas' guts which doesn't mask him from the zombies. Glenn is dead as fuck. The only reason why he wasn't on Talking Dead or in the Memoriam is because they still have an arc to finish with Glenn this season. I'm sure it will revolve around flashbacks and perhaps a search crew. I guaran-fucking-tee you we will see Maggie confront a zombie Glenn at some point this season during the search.

I'm still thinking about his death. For TWD fans since the beginning, it fucking sucks. A straight up kick in the nuts. But this will only drive the fear and paranoia for the rest of the season because we can't assume certain people are safe. Having his death not come at the very last minute and then showing the tense sequence with Rick was not a mistake. It added a shitload extra tension that wouldn't have been there if Glenn didn't die right beforehand.

Damn, this showing is amazing.
Don't crucify me for this but could they have the zombies "mutate" - but in subtle ways. For example, using zombie-guts wouldn't work anymore, people would reanimate much faster... stuff like that.


Don't crucify me for this but could they have the zombies "mutate" - but in subtle ways. For example, using zombie-guts wouldn't work anymore, people would reanimate much faster... stuff like that.
Sure they have been, all the zombies are learning ninja shadow weaving techniques to sneak up on people.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Just imagine how (Comic spoilers)
this thread would freak out as Negan is eenie-meenie-miney-mo'ing and it looks like he's going to choose Glenn...and then he chooses someone else

Comic Spoilers

I really hope it goes down like that. As a comic reader, I like that the show deviates from the comic so I don't always know what's going to happen. And if I was a non-comic reader, I'd be happy that the stuff that people have probably spoiled me on already didn't go down like they said it would. Honestly, shouldn't we be more surprised if the death happened exactly like it did in the comic? Has any main character in the show died in the same exact way they did in the comic? Maybe Bob...kinda...but that was probably more to get the tainted meat line in there. Shane was different, Andrea is still alive in the comic, Carol is dead, Hershel got Tyreese's death, Tyreese got something new, etc. In every instance that I can think of, it makes more sense to expect a totally different moment than what happened in the comic


Uproxx: How 'The Walking Dead' Can Fix This Terrible Mess It Has Created With the Glenn Situation

I thought this was a pretty decent suggestion. Glenn survives the dumpster horde, but gets bitten. Then, like the Alexandria guy who just wanted to say goodbye and thanks to his wife, Glenn travels back to Maggie for one tearful final reunion.

I think that works out pretty nicely, as it prevents the dumpster scene from feeling like a stupid, cheap stunt but the character is able to get a proper goodbye.


Hunky Nostradamus
I thought Shane wasn't a zombie when he got killed in the comics.

Carl shoots Shane when he's alive and then they bury him. Later, at the prison, after the group learns that everyone comes back as a zombie (even the ones who weren't bitten) Rick goes back and digs Shane up and then kills the zombie version of him.


He is definitely alive. The writer's won't kill off Glenn so easily. [Comic Spoilers]
If he is dead before Negan gets to him, then count me shocked.

Please be more considerate to people who haven't read the comic.

Uproxx: How 'The Walking Dead' Can Fix This Terrible Mess It Has Created With the Glenn Situation

I thought this was a pretty decent suggestion. Glenn survives the dumpster horde, but gets bitten. Then, like the Alexandria guy who just wanted to say goodbye and thanks to his wife, Glenn travels back to Maggie for one tearful final reunion.

I think that works out pretty nicely, as it prevents the dumpster scene from feeling like a stupid, cheap stunt but the character is able to get a proper goodbye.

Sorry, but that's way more lame than him turning out to be alive and fine in the end. Not to mention it's played out. We've experienced similar scenarios with Andrea and Bob already.
Please be more considerate to people who haven't read the comic.

Sorry, but that's way more lame than him turning out to be alive and fine in the end. Not to mention it's played out. We've experienced similar scenarios with Andrea and Bob already.

not sure why people are so angry. Did the gimple play with your sweet sweet emotions or something. It was a crazy moment. The reactions were crazy. If will be cool when they go back to it and we see what went down.
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