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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 2 – Sundays on AMC

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That was frustrating like the van episode, stop hanging about and getting sidetracked or you'll be screwed. I guess they went back for the meds and body.

Did Morgan have a change of heart at the end there because it's pushed Carol away.
That was frustrating like the van episode, stop hanging about and getting sidetracked or you'll be screwed. I guess they went back for the meds and body.

Did Morgan have a change of heart at the end there because it's pushed Carol away.
I don't think Morgan had a change of heart but he's a caring guy and probably just cares about Carol and is wondering what her state of mind is.


Good episode.

Is it weird that I love Eugene? Whilst he's a little bit over the top, the way he rationalized adapting to survive and comparing it to an RPG was awesome.

Calling dibs was his way to farm XP.

Getting nervous for the finale.


Good episode.

Is it weird that I love Eugene? Whilst he's a little bit over the top, the way he rationalized adapting to survive and comparing it to an RPG was awesome.

Calling dibs was his way to farm XP.

Getting nervous for the finale.

Eugene is hilarious. His social awkwardness is endearing.


I don't think Morgan had a change of heart but he's a caring guy and probably just cares about Carol and is wondering what her state of mind is.

Yeah, possibly. To me it seems like things have been chipping away at him but the jail was his focus to bounce back then Carol kinda takes the rug away by leaving. Have to wait and see.


When we first met him he looked like this:


Now he looks like this:


So clearly, something has changed him...

Sup with Christian bale in walking dead


Let me ask a question. What purpose did Denise serve? Why did we spend time with her?
Mostly she saved Carl's life just a few episodes ago. I honestly think that was the only real reason for her to be on the show, and to ***comic spoiler***
save Abraham from the arrow.


So the Saviors are a really... Really big group. We are re watching some of this season and here is what they've shown:
Dwight and the 2 girls
The guys who shoot at Sasha, Daryl, and Abe, 2 to 4 guys
Truck guys in the woods, at least 2 guys.
Motorcycle guys, at least 10.
Guards at the compound who get slaughtered, at least 10 probably more
3 women and dude who captures carol and Maggie
3 dudes who caught on fire in the kill room
The 5 or so guys with Dwight in the most recent episode

I'm probably missing a few, but his group is large and spread out all over. We've already seen almost 30 of them die and it's just getting started.
- Why is Abe so based with his oneliners? I can only imagine him, filming these scenes that they burst out laughing every now and then. We need a Walking Dead bloopers reel. Like stat.

You know they have got to have the BEST TIME writing those Eugene/Abe scenes.

No. Denise was just startled by the sight of a drowned kid, killed by whomever the zombie was and him/her going insane. Denise was overcome by emotions and just went out. Rosita and Daryl outside told her before they went on the supply run that she wasn't ready yet. Clearly she wasn't.

Obviously she wasn't. I was just really thinking that the baby in the picture looked like it could be related to her and that seemed important. I wonder if they were dropping things just to make people speculate or if I was just really wound up because that shit was intense.


So the Saviors are a really... Really big group. We are re watching some of this season and here is what they've shown:
Dwight and the 2 girls
The guys who shoot at Sasha, Daryl, and Abe, 2 to 4 guys
Truck guys in the woods, at least 2 guys.
Motorcycle guys, at least 10.
Guards at the compound who get slaughtered, at least 10 probably more
3 women and dude who captures carol and Maggie
3 dudes who caught on fire in the kill room
The 5 or so guys with Dwight in the most recent episode

I'm probably missing a few, but his group is large and spread out all over. We've already seen almost 30 of them die and it's just getting started.

Definitely were a big group, but Dwight mentioned taking "who" they want from Rick's group, which makes me think they're running low on people. And ammo shortage is now a factor in the show, so Rick's group may have a huge advantage there once Eugene gets that up and running.

Comic Spoilers Question for comic readers:

Wasn't it Abe who got killed while walking somewhere with Eugene? I feel like they shot that scene from the comic this last episode but decided to kill Denise instead of him.

Also, think Carol is now candidate number one to meet Lucille. Leaving and going off on her own with him out there watching their camp was a bad move and her death would get this show a lot of attention.


Based on the reactions I've seen here and elsewhere, it seems like they didn't do a good enough job explaining that Tara and Heath already left on their two-week run, as well as letting people know that Dwight was the same dude Daryl ran into in the woods earlier this season. To be fair, I'd rather there be a little confusion for some fans rather than having the script clumsily spell these things out, but there has to be a middle ground, right?

Neither of those two things really matter in the big picture compared to the shitty job they've done transitioning Carol's character to where she is now mentally. I don't mind her coming to this realization that she doesn't want to kill anymore, but because she has been so cold-blooded in the past, I feel like they royally fucked up by having her flip-flop on this so fully without giving her the true motivation/development necessary to make this at least somewhat believable.

Also, I get that Denise is totally inexperienced with walkers, so her stupidity regarding the cooler wasn't terrible to me, but the idea that they'd allow their only doctor go out on a run when they just carried back all of the medicine (and didn't pick through it like she said they'd have to do) was pretty ridiculous. And don't even get me started on the idea that Carol wouldn't fully expect the whole group would go out looking for her if she just up and left, which leaves them spread thin and exposed to the Saviors, a threat she has seen first hand and knows how dangerous their existence is to the group.

This half of the season started so strong and there have been pieces of the last two episodes that were absolutely great, but the low points in those same episodes have been so incredibly low. It's especially frustrating when I can come up with much more logical, simple ways to get the plot where you can see the showrunners want it to be for the final episode.

Funky Papa

Excellent episode. It had some small flaws for my liking, but it has become clear to me that TWD has finally found its footing. It only took six seasons.


-Abraham's one liners continue to brighten this show.
-Abraham being a badass once again. Rick doesn't use him as much as he should.
-Eugene going for a mansnack. I laughed IRL.
-Daniele's death didn't feel cheap despite multiple warnings. As a matter of fact, it shocked me by how out of the blue and gruesome it was.
-Walker minibosses were excellent. The show is a lot more fun whenever they pop up. More of them!
-Penisless Whatshisname. You just know there's going to be hell to pay.


-I just wish they could have given something more meaty to Daniele before killing her just like that. She added something different to the group.
-Carol leaving. I hope it makes sense later on. It would be super disappointing to use her as a Deus Ex Machina device for a second time.

It might draw any backlash, but if it does those people are morons. People die in the Walking Dead, sometimes being white, black or gay. The only people that are usually excluded from this are the main 7-8, in which one of them dies every two seasons.
Here's the thing: LGBT are being killed off in brutal numbers. Probably way more than any other minority. Per Hollywood Reporter:

To date, we have seen some 146 lesbian or bisexual characters perish on TV shows. Yet, in the history of television, we have only seen around 18 couples (on some 16 TV shows) who have been granted happy endings. It doesn't take an advanced calculus degree to see that the math is clearly off here.

The situation is so bad that "Bury Your Gays" has become a trope. LGBT characters have effectively replaced black people as the du jour minority for shock deaths and needless tragedy, which is obviously not okay. Just during the past month four lesbian or bisexual female characters on TV have been killed off. Some people are angry and with reason.

Now, characters also tend to drop like flies in TWD and it would be pretty damn silly if Denise were to receive some senseless plot armour because of her sexuality, but things being like they are, it's important to recognize that LGBT people and more precisely queer folks are having a rough time. Nearly every single likeable character they can relate to is being killed off when not outright denied of happiness, which is no small thing for a collective that faces discrimination and bullying. It's only understandable that they are pissed off .

Remember some black people cursing the skies at TWD's meatgrinder of black characters? It's exactly like that. Only that their representation is even more meager.

Let me ask a question. What purpose did Denise serve? Why did we spend time with her?
She was Alexandria's only doctor. That's no small thing in a post-apocalyptic world. She was also a caring and relatively normal human being in a group filled to the brim with badasses, which added a different dynamic.

So the Saviors are a really... Really big group. We are re watching some of this season and here is what they've shown:
Dwight and the 2 girls
The guys who shoot at Sasha, Daryl, and Abe, 2 to 4 guys
Truck guys in the woods, at least 2 guys.
Motorcycle guys, at least 10.
Guards at the compound who get slaughtered, at least 10 probably more
3 women and dude who captures carol and Maggie
3 dudes who caught on fire in the kill room
The 5 or so guys with Dwight in the most recent episode

I'm probably missing a few, but his group is large and spread out all over. We've already seen almost 30 of them die and it's just getting started.

They are used coded speech, military-style communications and have enough bodies to prey on several outposts without fearing retaliation. Meanwhile, the Governor was happy within the walls of his town. Everything points to the Saviours being *by far* the biggest and most dangerous group Rick has ever faced.

Also, I get that Denise is totally inexperienced with walkers, so her stupidity regarding the cooler wasn't terrible to me, but the idea that they'd allow their only doctor go out on a run when they just carried back all of the medicine (and didn't pick through it like she said they'd have to do) was pretty ridiculous.
Rick's gang stretching their resources well beyond their breaking point for no good reasons is a continued problem with the writing of this show. See also how they will dispatch nearly all of their best shooters for anything, leaving Alexandria largely defenceless.
Based on the reactions I've seen here and elsewhere, it seems like they didn't do a good enough job explaining that Tara and Heath already left on their two-week run, as well as letting people know that Dwight was the same dude Daryl ran into in the woods earlier this season. To be fair, I'd rather there be a little confusion for some fans rather than having the script clumsily spell these things out, but there has to be a middle ground, right?

Based on the reactions, it's just typical people not paying attention to moments involving side characters in episodes where far more important things happened. There were several scenes where Tara's run was mentioned including scenes involving Denise. They even showed them leaving after the assault on the sleeping saviors was done.

The Dwight thing was long enough ago that I can see people forgetting. Usually they would stick a refresher of that scene in the "previously on the walking dead" segment, but people have complained in the past how when they do throw something really old into that segment it telegraphs what's going to happen.


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
Yeah, letting the doc go out there was an absolutely boneheaded move. They had a map to the pharmacy...just go there and take ALL the drugs instead of having her pick through it. It's not like they were going to a damn pill factory. They ended up taking it all anyway so wtf, writers?

And then they have her slowly and quietly sneak off to the car without saying a word to the others first. God damn it this show pisses me off.


Good episode. I knew that arrow through the eye scene was coming but I didn't expect it to happen to Denise. I was thinking maybe Tobin or someone else who is expendable. So, on that note, I think Tobin or someone similar is going to die when we meet Negan.

I love how Dwight has now got a burnt face. Comic readers know how that happened, seems like it could be slightly different here, but it ended up at the same place.

I like the subtle tweaks to the comic story. Same events, different characters and/or situations.


How would you rank the group in terms of power?

Top Tier


Second Tier


Third Tier

T Dog

Fourth Tier


Crap Tier


Among the remaining survivors, from a standpoint of fucks given and individual survivor potential:

Aizen class: Rick motherfucking Grimes

Captain class: Daryl, Michonne, Abraham, Carol, Jesus

Lieutenant class: Morgan, Carl, Glenn, Maggie, Sasha, Rosita, Aaron, Gabriel (recently promoted)

Plebs: Eugene, Tara, Spencer, Gregory


Funky Papa

It was a fun episode with plenty of substance and some cool miniboss walkers.

Some things (and stuff) that happened:

-Eugene's balls dropped.
-A significant character was killed
-The Saviours made a comeback and in a large group, meaning that there has to be *a lot* of them
-Ammunition manufacturing could turn out to be a monumental advantage if things go south
-Carol left

I refuse to label the latest episode as filler.
Re: ammo

Are they going to set up shop in that building or transport the equipment back to Alexandria? Doesnt seem safe to 1) be making ammo in an unprotected place like that and 2) transporting ammo on the road


The base Rick and group took over had to be the Saviours' mother base. They must be in disarray; are they seriously that big of a threat? No need to answer of course, we'll see :)
Re: ammo

Are they going to set up shop in that building or transport the equipment back to Alexandria? Doesnt seem safe to 1) be making ammo in an unprotected place like that and 2) transporting ammo on the road
I didn't get that either. Eugene made it sound like they'd do it there but I don't see why they wouldn't just take the equipment home. Probably the latter and it was weirdly worded or something.


probably make the ammo there and transport that back to the community. i doubt they could carry that heavy equipment anywhere. they would just guard the place all day when they're making it. i don't think it's very far from alexandria.
It was a fun episode with plenty of substance and some cool miniboss walkers.

Some things (and stuff) that happened:

-Eugene's balls dropped.
-A significant character was killed
-The Saviours made a comeback and in a large group, meaning that there has to be *a lot* of them
-Ammunition manufacturing could turn out to be a monumental advantage if things go south
-Carol left

I refuse to label the latest episode as filler.
thats because it wasn't one.
Re: ammo

Are they going to set up shop in that building or transport the equipment back to Alexandria? Doesnt seem safe to 1) be making ammo in an unprotected place like that and 2) transporting ammo on the road

Yeah, considering they caught Eugene pretty quickly it doesn't seem like a safe area to hang around in. I don't see how they can defend Alexandria and the ammo building.


The base Rick and group took over had to be the Saviours' mother base. They must be in disarray; are they seriously that big of a threat? No need to answer of course, we'll see :)

I've wondered how many people not familiar with the comics have thought this.


Denise was becoming one my favorite characters and it sucked she had to go out like that. They could have at least given her a less crappy speech.

The Negan people look absolutely worthless at the moment. But I'm sure the show will give us a devastating setback in the next episodes.

I hope Eugene survives to the very last episode of the series. He's the best.


Not as deep as he thinks
Denise was becoming one my favorite characters and it sucked she had to go out like that. They could have at least given her a less crappy speech.
I really liked the speech that she was giving. I think that's the reason why it shocked me so hard when the arrow pierced her, because she was in the middle of it and it just happens. Made me so uncomfortable.

Also, Dish sucks for cutting the episode short and muting the audio from it at the end of the episode. They played the preview of next week's episode while the episode was still airing...and then after the preview finished, they aired the preview again only no sound.
Finally caught the episode.

Pretty good, other than being somewhat predictable. I had a feeling somebody was going to die because my rule is "if they're making the characters do something stupid, it's because they want to kill off somebody."

The whole idea of taking your one doctor, a person who has basically no experience with zombies, out into the wild to get drugs is stupid. "I can tell you which drugs to get!" How about no, we'll take all the drugs? And of course that's what they end up doing anyway. She's totally useless to take along. Taking the risk is completely moronic. So naturally my rule says they're going to kill somebody off.

I just wasn't sure if it'd be Rosita or Denise.

It's funny seeing Eugene get a bit big for his britches, and his nut snack was hilarious.

Also, I'm dying to see Tara get that goddamn soda already. That soda has cost the community so much that for her to not get it would be a real fucking tragedy. A truck full of food, her love interest and the community's only doctor... all for a damn soda.

She better savor that shit.
Also, I'm dying to see Tara get that goddamn soda already. That soda has cost the community so much that for her to not get it would be a real fucking tragedy. A truck full of food, her love interest and the community's only doctor... all for a damn soda.

She better savor that shit.

It's gonna turn out she's allergic to it and thats why she mentions it in her sleep.
I could have sworn I read somewhere here that Carl was suppose to reach AAA Tier Rick Grimes badass rank once he lost his eye?

Guys, what happened to KING CORAL? Was I being trolled?
I could have sworn I read somewhere here that Carl was suppose to reach AAA Tier Rick Grimes badass rank once he lost his eye?

Guys, what happened to KING CORAL? Was I being trolled?
I could never take his actor seriously as a badass, maybe if he starts wearing a mask and never talks.

Funky Papa

Re: ammo

Are they going to set up shop in that building or transport the equipment back to Alexandria? Doesnt seem safe to 1) be making ammo in an unprotected place like that and 2) transporting ammo on the road

Ideally they'd just move the tooling.

I'm getting my reloading license and you don't actually need huge machines or anything like that. Just a high precision scale, a reloading press (which you screw to a work bench), some dies and some device like a centrifuge to clean and prep the shells. There's no need to use a factory unless you want to manufacture on an industrial scale. Making quality powder that won't fuck up your guns and go pew-pew when required is much more complicated.

For reference, this is an extremely well equiped reloading bench. A few people taking turns could probably put together hundreds of rounds each day.


Then again, this is TWD and they'll do whatever suits the plot better.


Ideally they'd just move the tooling.

I'm getting my reloading license and you don't actually need huge machines or anything like that. Just a high precision scale, a reloading press (which you screw to a work bench), some dies and some device like a centrifuge to clean and prep the shells. There's no need to use a factory unless you want to manufacture on an industrial scale. Making quality powder that won't fuck up your guns and go pew-pew when required is much more complicated.

For reference, this is an extremely well equiped reloading bench. A few people taking turns could probably put together hundreds of rounds each day.


Then again, this is TWD and they'll do whatever suits the plot better.

Don't they need to smelt new materials and casings though. That's what the place they found looked like to me.


Gold Member
I've never liked Denise so not too bothered about that death. This is the way Abraham dies in the comics so are they gonna be keeping him alive now? I can't see them using the arrow through the head death twice. I hope Abraham doesn't stay much longer. Everyone else is OK.

I still can't make my mind up on who will get a kiss from Lucille. I'm leaning towards Daryl unfortunately. I'd rather they stay true to the comics and make it Glenn.


I always liked going into this thread after the episode aired on Dutch TV to read everyone's impressions and predictions for the future but some of these "speculations" by comic readers with sometimes even half-assed spoiler tags are getting too much for me.

I basically already know what's going to happen in the finale because of this bullshit. I don't understand why the concept of keeping comic talk outside the TV thread or at least using spoiler tags correctly is so difficult to grasp. Never had these problems in the GoT thread, why can't it be the same for TWD? :(
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