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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 2 – Sundays on AMC

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3. She is not wanting to kill anyone which is why she gets in a panic but is smart enough to know to be prepared for such situations.

I was under the impression that she was getting into a panic to fool the people she is up against? Essentially, make them believe she is this weak person so their guard is down.

Is this not the case? Is she genuinely supposed to be having panic attacks?
I was under the impression that she was getting into a panic to fool the people she is up against? Essentially, make them believe she is this weak person so their guard is down.

Is this not the case? Is she genuinely supposed to be having panic attacks?
In the previous episode, it was an act. And this one, it partially was. But it was her realizing that she can't escape having to kill. If she stays, if she runs, no matter what, that's what she is. Kind of she didnt want to kill Paula.


They've written Carrol into a mystery in recent episodes. Currently who knows how she will react in a given situation, she is all over the place. To me her actions just don't add up with all that she has gone through in recent years. Maybe her past life and the memories that are tied to that fucks her up from time to time. If that is the case then they have done a piss poor job of developing that angle.

She's worked HARD to figure it out, to get to where she is today. She is a fierce, loyal, respected friend, an asset, and is loved by the group. It is because of her that they live. They take turns saving each others ass.

And let's be honest, Carrol sowing a gun into her sleeve reveals that she isn't completely clueless. She understands that she will meet hostiles on the road. The world she lives in demands a certain awareness, alertness, and a mental aptitude capable of self preservation, sometimes at all costs. Because who the fuck wants to die if you can help it? She was pushed and she pushed back - of course that was going to happen.

While not as silly as Daryl the contrivances the writers have put her through makes me indifferent to her, and perhaps that is the point. To slowly wean the viewers off Carrol the "ultimate bad ass" and into a character who is at her limit, ready to let go, and die. But then she had the chance to let go and die, and she choose not to. So who the fuck knows at this point what the writers have in store for her.


Worst ep of the season for me.

Surprised Rick didn't punch Morgan for that backwards logic an all

Let us not forget Morgan also allowed a group of Wolves to escape with a fucking hand gun, and kept quiet about it. And later that very same group ambushed Rick in the RV and by the skin of his teeth Rick survived. It's a fucking joke.


And let's be honest, Carrol sowing a gun into her sleeve reveals that she isn't completely clueless. She understands that she will meet hostiles on the road. The world she lives in demands a certain awareness, alertness, and a mental aptitude capable of self preservation, sometimes at all costs. Because who the fuck wants to die if you can help it? She was pushed and she pushed back - of course that was going to happen.

An excellent point but the fact remains that along with people like Daryl, Michonne, and Abraham, she is one of Rick's top lieutenants and war is undoubtedly coming to Alexandria. She would be forced into a position to have to kill significantly more people in the future by staying in Alexandria versus hitting the road and going lone wolf. For someone who kept track of every life she took and had her humanity resurfaced again thanks to Morgan, she didn't trust herself anymore to maintain her mental composure in order to be a reliable fighter against the Saviors.

Whether her development to this point throughout Season 6 was presented/written well is debatable, but her reasons for leaving Alexandria are entirely sound and justified.
Just finished watching S01E01 for the first time since it originally aired. Absolutely crazy how many memories it brought back.
How things changes


I am grateful for the show in this, because back in the day, other readers were always asking me why I had issues with Rick, but thanks to the show, no one questions that as much anymore!


An excellent point but the fact remains that along with people like Daryl, Michonne, and Abraham, she is one of Rick's top lieutenants and war is undoubtedly coming to Alexandria. She would be forced into a position to have to kill significantly more people in the future by staying in Alexandria versus hitting the road and going lone wolf. For someone who kept track of every life she took and had her humanity resurfaced again thanks to Morgan, she didn't trust herself anymore to maintain her mental composure in order to be a reliable fighter against the Saviors.

Whether her development to this point throughout Season 6 was presented/written well is debatable, but her reasons for leaving Alexandria are entirely sound and justified.

Here is the dilemma in her decision making: she made a choice to leave, not to defend Alexandria or its people, her own words it's the endless cycle of death and killing that she is trying to escape.

If we survive this threat, it’s not over. Another one will arrive to take its place to take what we have. I love you all here, I do. But I’d have to kill for you and I can’t. I won’t.

Literally less than a day goes by and her life is threatened, and she kills. Of course she was threatened. Kill or be killed, of course she has to kill. She was prepared to kill. She understands she will have to kill to survive lone wolf. We understand this because it's already happened, this isn't her first rodeo.

Her words in that letter are selfish bullshit, a contradiction to what real life is because there will always be conflict, their lives will always be on the line, she should know because she's lived through it! There are no guarantees, either in Alexandria or on the road, as it has literally been proven time and time and time again. She's absolutely delusional. They ruined her character and it pisses me off.
Evolution is a bitch.
Dude already surpassed Shane on so many levels it's terrifying.

Rick and Shane went through completely different evolutions, Rick is never going to entertain the idea of rape like Shane did, which is one of the important things that separates him from Shane. Those 2 situations in that picture are also completely different.
Tired of the endless treadmill of:

Someone leaves the city and gets in trouble,
People go hunting for said person.
Situation is worse than it was in the beginning
People get out of the jam miraculously and heroically.

I get you cant have an episode dedicated to Maggie's crops or something, but is plot cycle gets old. How many times has this happened this season?

If Carol wants to leave then let her go FFS.


Don't forget that very early on Shane aimed his gun at Rick's back with the intent to shoot him while they were hunting. Then there's what he did to Otis during the medical supply run. Lying about the hostage taking his gun. Attempting to ambush and kill Rick, not due to Rick being a danger to anyone, but just to have his wife and son for himself.

Rick evolved as the group's circumstances changed and they ran into increasingly more dangerous people. Drastic measures for survival in a harsh world. Shane was a regular psychopath from the beginning, even while they were peacefully chilling on a farm. Before any human threats. Before they knew the zombie apocalypse was a permanent thing.
Weird episode. Not a fan. The best part was Carol retaining her beast mode. She is by far the most overpowered character in the entire team and I love every second of it. I guess her new pangs of conscience are an attempt to nerf her. Hope they don't wind up getting her killed, I enjoy being her the silver haired grim reaper too much.

Also, I REALLY hope Maggie's pains aren't a dead walker baby in her tummy. I'm not really very squeamish, especially when it comes to this show, but there's no way I can stomach that... (pun intended etc).
Seriously, you guys. If she's two months along like someone else said, that's a fucking fish creature embryo. We're not gonna see a zombie baby.
Wouldnt Maggie also become a zombie now that her baby/embryo has turned? Regardless of whether its a baby or embryo, it's inside Maggie's body. I think Maggie's gone :(


Of all of Carol's decisions in the past, this is the clearest one, even if I think the show didn't handle it correctly.

She clearly spelled it on the letter, to both: If she stays, she will be forced to remain in the "mother" role (ie, having to keep killing, to protect those dear). She can't just say no, while remaining there. She will have to. Endlessly. Having a family means having such responsibility weighted on her, because she has such skills. And being in a community means resources, which makes them automatically a painted target.

Her leaving, means that from now on, it's all on her. Sure, she will still find enemies (like in this chapter). But without an anchor, she suddenly has options (the opposite of when she and Maggie was captured -- she had to act, for her sake). She can more easily avoid confrontation. She can freely travel, join other camps and then leave. She can give up and let herself killed or go full Rambo. Her fate it's now under her terms.

It's arguable if that's a better way to live or not. But the notion behind it is not hard to grasp. And while the show has not fully bring the idea yet, it might also be a journey about getting in peace with herself (ie, preparing to die).

Extra: She is traveling the opposite side where the Savior base was. That's why the chapter was called East. She is trying to leave that life behind. Unfortunately, it's not that simple.
Then there's what he did to Otis during the medical supply run. Lying about the hostage taking his gun.
Wonder what today's Rick would do, if he were in the same scenario than Shane (injured, carrying an unfamiliar "weakling", his son's life at stake).

Being injured and without weapons means that he can't unleash judgement-day mode. So, what would he do?


I interpreted the comment, "I'm not able to kill for you" (paraphrased) to explain her leaving and yet still killing to protect herself. I may be wrong but it's the only way to make sense of her actions. Maybe the writers are seeing it differently but until they decide to explain it further, it suffices for me.

I also think it was easier for her to talk plainly to Rick when they were in agreement. Their conversations were always just planning and very simple. I haven't seen anything to suggest they had philosophical discussions about anything so I can understand why she didn't feel the need to do it now. They've never been "friends" from what I've seen. Actually, I've haven't seen anyone besides Daryl who has been shown as an actual friend to Carol who she would talk to.

I didn't use the word "victims" to imply that the Saviors were innocent at all. It was just a word to indicate the recipient of our groups bullets and knives. No reason to interpret it differently.

I see what our group has started as a pre-emptive war. I can understand why they decided to do this but I also know the end results of it. I don't actually agree with this as a rule since you go from an unknown situation to the worst case scenario immediately if it doesn't work out. Rick and co have definitely created this situation. They've killed dozens of the Saviors pre-emptively and created a worse monster in the process. Better planning would have made a huge difference and made the decision much less reckless. I would have been more on board then.

How is killing for someone you love/care about and killing for yourself any different? Is it not the same principle? Who cares who you're doing it for? Not following here.

What was the right thing to do though, in regard to the saviors/Negan? Do nothing and inevitably be confronted by their harassment/demands? There was absolutely no way around their paths crossing, especially once Rick/co. stepped foot into Hilltop. You either take action or become their slaves via Negan's brute force.

I honestly don't see much of a choice for them other than risking negotiation, but after the skirmish at Hilltop, I don't see what there is to talk about. All that talking accomplishes is revealing more of yourself to an enemy that's already in control and organized enough to kill large groups on command.

What were they supposed to do?

She can more easily avoid confrontation.

Even though she puts her life at risk immediately (confronting Negan's men on a main road) after leaving and murders a few people with an uzi. I don't think her decision makes much sense, honestly. She's smart enough to know that wherever she is, she'll have to kill to survive. On her own, she will endlessly kill to survive. It's really as simple as that. No more than minutes after she leaves Alexandria, she does the very thing she was trying to avoid (murdering others). Who cares if it's for her or her family? That makes no sense at all. The only difference now is that she's killing with less chances of survival with no one to help her or have her back. She just threw away one of the only opportunities she'll have to get the life back she wants (the person the red haired woman described and who she connected with). She easily could have spoken out about the way she was feeling as she's consulted others in the group multiple times in the past. What's the worst that could have happened? She knows Rick won't kill her, or anyone else, for that matter. Instead, she throws away one of the only chances she'll have to live in a community with others who she trusts and work towards building normalcy.

She ironically just walked away from the last shred of humanity she had left. Even if she finds another community, she'll likely always be an outcast, and moving from place to place won't make her happy or solve any of her problems.

If things were really that bad, Morgan would have already left the group. But he knows there's a chance at normalcy -- at the life he wants and used to have. That's why he hasn't packed his shit and moved on. Still, it would have made a lot more sense for him to have done it and not Carol, honestly, if they wanted to go in that direction.
The episode killed my buzz for the finale. I can't feel sympathy for any character that puts themselves into stupid situations.

Carol going off on her own. Stupid.
Daryl going off on his own. Stupid.
The group breaking up in the woods instead of sticking together. Stupid
Rick not bashing Morgans head in and leaving him alone with Saviors on the fucking loose. Stupid.

Seriously, i hope half the crew gets wacked by Negan in the finale. If they had the balls i would say Morgan, Carol, and Daryl should go.


Even though she puts her life at risk immediately (confronting Negan's men on a main road) after leaving and murders a few people with an uzi. I don't think her decision makes much sense, honestly.
She didn't purposely engaged them, though. She saw an unknown vehicle approaching (so, didn't notice the heavily armed guys behind). She had 3 options: Stop and run toward open field (not smart), try to outrun them (thus calling more attention to her) or just keep going, hoping for the best. Once she was forcefully stopped, she tried her act, but it didn't work as they noticed she came from Alexandria. In reality, she didn't had much of a choice there. If none of that had happened, one could deduct she would have eventually abandoned the car, and go walking, where avoiding confrontation would have been easier. Hell, if Alexandrian's didn't had trackers like Daryl, she might have not needed to use the car. The chapter was about showing the futility about escaping now. She should have left earlier. She didn't.
Surfinn said:
She's smart enough to know that wherever she is, she'll have to kill to survive. It's really as simple as that. No more than minutes after she leaves Alexandria, she does the very thing she was trying to avoid (murdering others). Who cares if it's for her or her family? That makes no sense at all
Yes, that's the thing: She does not want to HAVE to. I never got the impression that she has the idea of 100% no-casualties. She just realized that there are alternatives to a life of constant murdering.

Let's assume she finds a group that want to "enslave" her (or worse). She can accept that life and/or later wait for an opportunity to escape. If she had someone weak at her side, she would had to fight against it. There is no if or but in such circumstances. She would be robbed of any choice.

Which brings me to the point about the show not doing this correctly. I think they writers should have also emphasized that her being the mother/picking though choices -like with Sam is also eating her. ie, tying it to that speech from Lori on early seasons: You hate Rick because he is not infallible (making bad calls), but you still force him to be the leader because you are all weak". Or Rick own speech: "I have killed for you, I have given up my sanity for you"[/I] (paraphrasing). Missed opportunity, in my opinion.


She didn't purposely engaged them, though. She saw an unknown vehicle approaching (so, didn't notice the heavily armed guys behind). She had 3 options: Stop and run toward open field (not smart), try to outrun them (thus calling more attention to her) or just keep going, hoping for the best. Once she was forcefully stopped, she tried her act, but it didn't work as they noticed she came from Alexandria. In reality, she didn't had much of a choice there. If none of that had happened, one could deduct she would have eventually abandoned the car, and go walking, where avoiding confrontation would have been easier. Hell, if Alexandrian's didn't had trackers like Daryl, she might have not needed to use the car. The chapter was about showing the futility about escaping now. She should have left earlier. She didn't.
Yes, that's the thing: She does not want to HAVE to. I never got the impression that she has the idea of 100% no-casualties. She just realized that there are alternatives to a life of constant murdering.

Let's assume she finds a group that want to "enslave" her (or worse). She can accept that life and/or later wait for an opportunity to escape. If she had someone weak at her side, she would had to fight against it. There is no if or but in such circumstances. She would be robbed of any choice.

Which brings me to the point about the show not doing this correctly. I think they writers should have also emphasized that her being the mother/picking though choices -like with Sam is also eating her. ie, tying it to that speech from Lori on early seasons: You hate Rick because he is not infallible (making bad calls), but you still force him to be the leader because you are all weak". Or Rick own speech: "I have killed for you, I have given up my sanity for you"[/I] (paraphrasing). Missed opportunity, in my opinion.

I didn't mean her literal decision to approach them, I meant her decision to leave on the main road with an obvious getaway car which begs for confrontation. She knew this would happen (dangerous confrontation) and she also knew she wasn't just going to run into someone and have a chat about the weather and move on. Someone with her experience knows she's going to have to fight and kill people with her choice to leave, with no real end in sight. That's why it doesn't make any sense.

She will, given she survives after this awful decision, experience confrontations with not only dangerous people who want to kill her, but innocent people she may choose to help or not. It makes no difference if she is with someone she knows from Alexandria or someone brand new. I have no idea why you're suddenly removing her choice just because someone is by her side, which would surely happen regardless of if she left or stayed. It's not like these decisions simply disappear just because she left. She'll have choices to save and choices to kill. Nothing changed except she's lessened her chances of reaching any sort of stability or normalcy in her life. Now she's gotta start at square one and hope she's lucky enough to meet another Rick, which won't ever happen.

Basically she just screwed any real chance of having a regular life. It took six seasons to build an Alexandria with the help of other people she trusts. How long is it going to take to do.. whatever it is she's doing alone? What's her plan? Doesn't fit her character.


Okay, I know the writing has been bad lately but there's no way they're going to do anything with a zombie baby. That scene was put in specifically to generate this sort of silly buzz and will end up being something else.


I didn't mean her literal decision to approach them, I meant her decision to leave on the main road with an obvious getaway car which begs for confrontation. She knew this would happen (dangerous confrontation) and she also knew she wasn't just going to run into someone and have a chat about the weather and move on. Someone with her experience knows she's going to have to fight and kill people with her choice to leave, with no real end in sight. That's why it doesn't make any sense.

She will, given she survives after this awful decision, experience confrontations with not only dangerous people who want to kill her, but innocent people she may choose to help or not. It makes no difference if she is with someone she knows from Alexandria or someone brand new. I have no idea why you're suddenly removing her choice just because someone is by her side, which would surely happen regardless of if she left or stayed. It's not like these decisions simply disappear just because she left. She'll have choices to save and choices to kill. Nothing changed except she's lessened her chances of reaching any sort of stability or normalcy in her life. Now she's gotta start at square one and hope she's lucky enough to meet another Rick, which won't ever happen.

Basically she just screwed any real chance of having a regular life. It took six seasons to build an Alexandria with the help of other people she trusts. How long is it going to take to do.. whatever it is she's doing alone? What's her plan? Doesn't fit her character.

Someone going through a breakdown usually can't think reasonably. You are failing to grasp that by being upset she isn't thinking within reason when it's clear that she can't.


Someone going through a breakdown usually can't think reasonably. You are failing to grasp that by being upset she isn't thinking within reason when it's clear that she can't.

She premeditated a plan to leave (i.e. sewn uzi, full letter, packed goods, stolen car) over the course of days if not longer, and has contemplated the morality of her actions since before the time skip (around the time of the death of Sam). She's thought about the situation carefully, over time, and made a final decision to leave.

How is this a breakdown? Why do people keep saying it?


I didn't mean her literal decision to approach them, I meant her decision to leave on the main road with an obvious getaway car which begs for confrontation.
Oh, I see. Well, not sure about that. Before the incursion into the Savior's compound, they had only had 2 encounters in months: a) Jesus b) Negan's group, dozens of miles away (while herding the zombie group).

But after that, it's confusing to me. At certain point, they seem to believe the Saviors are done. But after their latest encounter Maggie believes that the Saviors will retaliate and there is a sense of an impending war coming. But I'm not sure we ever saw evidence of that. We never even saw them return to Hilltop. So, hard to tell if they had evidence of more people roaming in cars.

Of course, even if that's not the case, roaring in the asphalt will attract unwanted attention, no matter what. But as I mentioned in a previous post, I think she did it because she knew that Daryl/Rick would have caught her had she gone walking. I mean, if you really want to leave, and you know they have good trackers, what other alternatives would you have, other than trying to put as much distance in between, as fast as possible?


Oh, I see. Well, not sure about that. Before the incursion into the Savior's compound, they had only had 2 encounters in months: a) Jesus b) Negan's group, dozens of miles away (while herding the zombie group).

But after that, it's confusing to me. At certain point, they seem to believe the Saviors are done. But after their latest encounter Maggie believes that the Saviors will retaliate and there is a sense of an impending war coming. But I'm not sure we ever saw evidence of that. We never even saw them return to Hilltop. So, hard to tell if they had evidence of more people roaming in cars.

Of course, even if that's not the case, roaring in the asphalt will attract unwanted attention, no matter what. But as I mentioned in a previous post, I think she did it because she knew that Daryl/Rick would have caught her had she gone walking. I mean, if you really want to leave, and you know they have good trackers, what other alternatives would you have, other than trying to put as much distance in between, as fast as possible?

What about the previous episode where an Alexandrian was murdered by Negan's army right before a shootout? Of course Carol knows chances of confrontation are high leaving the way she did. If it's a stupid plan, maybe she should have thought of something else (like.. I don't know talking to Rick and the rest of the group?) that wouldn't potentially get her killed or captured and put the entire community directly in harms way.
Rick and Shane went through completely different evolutions, Rick is never going to entertain the idea of rape like Shane did, which is one of the important things that separates him from Shane. Those 2 situations in that picture are also completely different.

Internet rule #768: Never let the facts stand in the way of a good meme pic.


Rick and Shane went through completely different evolutions, Rick is never going to entertain the idea of rape like Shane did, which is one of the important things that separates him from Shane. Those 2 situations in that picture are also completely different.

Rape? Can you refresh my memory?


Oh, I see. Well, not sure about that. Before the incursion into the Savior's compound, they had only had 2 encounters in months: a) Jesus b) Negan's group, dozens of miles away (while herding the zombie group).

But after that, it's confusing to me. At certain point, they seem to believe the Saviors are done. But after their latest encounter Maggie believes that the Saviors will retaliate and there is a sense of an impending war coming. But I'm not sure we ever saw evidence of that. We never even saw them return to Hilltop. So, hard to tell if they had evidence of more people roaming in cars.

Of course, even if that's not the case, roaring in the asphalt will attract unwanted attention, no matter what. But as I mentioned in a previous post, I think she did it because she knew that Daryl/Rick would have caught her had she gone walking. I mean, if you really want to leave, and you know they have good trackers, what other alternatives would you have, other than trying to put as much distance in between, as fast as possible?

Yeah this wasn't relayed "well." My guess is that when they attacked one of Negan's compounds, Maggie and Carol got kidnapped by seemingly a different section of Negan's clan. Also those 4 that kidnapped Maggie and Carol were also talking to another group of Negan's clan. So to Maggie it could be assumed that there is more to the Saviors than what they've seen.

Her role has become more as a strategist I feel. We saw that in the last episode and how she talked to that guy at Hilltop. So it would make sense to prepare for war after killing dozens of your new enemy.

Of course the preparation went to shit but that's a different issue.


What about the previous episode where an Alexandrian was murdered by Negan's army right before a shootout? Of course Carol knows chances of confrontation are high leaving the way she did. If it's a stupid plan, maybe she should have thought of something else (like.. I don't know talking to Rick and the rest of the group?) that wouldn't potentially get her killed or captured and put the entire community directly in harms way.
Yeah, but her finding that the Saviors were getting closer is what triggered her to leave in the first place. That's why I said that she should have taken that decision earlier on her own, when things were "calm" (those repeating days). That would have been the smart and logical choice.

Obviously, they did it that way to maximize the shock value at the end. And to keep that 2-paths/2-approaches thing they have been doing for some time now (Enid-Glenn, Carol-Maggie, Abe-Rosita, Eugene-Denisse, Carol-Daryl, Carol-Morgan).
Yeah this wasn't relayed "well." .... Also those 4 that kidnapped Maggie and Carol were also talking to another group of Negan's clan. So to Maggie it could be assumed that there is more to the Saviors than what they've seen.

Her role has become more as a strategist I feel. We saw that in the last episode and how she talked to that guy at Hilltop. So it would make sense to prepare for war after killing dozens of your new enemy.
Yeah, I said it back then, that they would have to be too dense to not infer that the Saviors were a lot larger group (based on the equipment, not enough space in the compound, way to operate, radio chat, etc). But we never see them discussing it, so it's kind of hard to tell how much they were really aware of, before Dwayne re-appearance.
Okay, I know the writing has been bad lately but there's no way they're going to do anything with a zombie baby. That scene was put in specifically to generate this sort of silly buzz and will end up being something else.
It was put in to specifically generate buzz about a zombie baby? Come on...
Yeah this wasn't relayed "well." My guess is that when they attacked one of Negan's compounds, Maggie and Carol got kidnapped by seemingly a different section of Negan's clan. Also those 4 that kidnapped Maggie and Carol were also talking to another group of Negan's clan. So to Maggie it could be assumed that there is more to the Saviors than what they've seen.

Her role has become more as a strategist I feel. We saw that in the last episode and how she talked to that guy at Hilltop. So it would make sense to prepare for war after killing dozens of your new enemy.

Of course the preparation went to shit but that's a different issue.

Our she's more of a community leader than a military strategist. Which to me is more realistic given her background (Rick was a deputy sheriff and was trained to think the way he does).


It was put in to specifically generate buzz about a zombie baby? Come on...

That would really surprise you at this point..? Why would they not do something like this considering the cheap shock value we've seen recently (Gleen/dumpster, Daryl/blood splatter) and the buzz it generates? I'm not saying it was the ONLY reason for the scene but a definite possibility they knew people would talk about.

Unless your post is sarcasm.

Yeah, but her finding that the Saviors were getting closer is what triggered her to leave in the first place.

Where is the evidence of this? I don't remember her connecting leaving to the saviors being nearby. I don't remember everything she wrote in her letter (if that's where it came from).
Weird episode. Not a fan. The best part was Carol retaining her beast mode. She is by far the most overpowered character in the entire team and I love every second of it. I guess her new pangs of conscience are an attempt to nerf her. Hope they don't wind up getting her killed, I enjoy being her the silver haired grim reaper too much.

Also, I REALLY hope Maggie's pains aren't a dead walker baby in her tummy. I'm not really very squeamish, especially when it comes to this show, but there's no way I can stomach that... (pun intended etc).
I dont know why Morgan is ending up in people's shitlists. In this episode he vvery clearly brought Rick back from the brink of madness and showed him actions have consequences. Yeah he let a wolve live. But in the end making him live saved Carl. Rick could understand that. I feel like Morgan is the only person on TWD that separates Rick's group from everyone else right now: Woodbury, Wolves, Saviors etc. He is the anchor, and I'm surprised people are not seeing that. I guess fans just want rad zombie killz and just mowing everything/everyone down. It's not gonna happen. Rick will regret spawn camping that Savior outpost. Then he will realize Morgan was right.
That would really surprise you at this point..? Why would they not do something like this considering the cheap shock value we've seen recently (Gleen/dumpster, Daryl/blood splatter) and the buzz it generates?

Unless your post is sarcasm.
No, it isn't sarcasm.

Alexandria's doctor is dead. Maggie falls ill and the only one trained to help her is in the hilltop. So, the purpose of it is to get her and others outside the walls.

It certainly isn't to generate buzz about a zombie baby.


It was put in to specifically generate buzz about a zombie baby? Come on...

Our she's more of a community leader than a military strategist. Which to me is more realistic given her background (Rick was a deputy sheriff and was trained to think the way he does).

I only say military strategist because she wanted to hide guns where only their people would know where to find them in case of an attack. She may very well be both because you bring up a good point about her background.

Again, I think we are seeing her transition now and she hasn't exactly reach the end point of it. Eh, we'll see lol


No, it isn't sarcasm.

Alexandria's doctor is dead. Maggie falls ill and the only one trained to help her is in the hilltop. So, the purpose of it is to get her and others outside the walls.

It certainly isn't to generate buzz about a zombie baby.

Are you sure? When I google "Maggie zombie baby" I'm seeing lots of hits that suggests otherwise. Not saying, again, that it was included SPECIFICALLY for this reason but its definitely generated that sort of silly buzz.

I dont know why Morgan is ending up in people's shitlists. In this episode he vvery clearly brought Rick back from the brink of madness and showed him actions have consequences. Yeah he let a wolve live. But in the end making him live saved Carl. Rick could understand that. I feel like Morgan is the only person on TWD that separates Rick's group from everyone else right now: Woodbury, Wolves, Saviors etc. He is the anchor, and I'm surprised people are not seeing that. I guess fans just want rad zombie killz and just mowing everything/everyone down. It's not gonna happen. Rick will regret spawn camping that Savior outpost. Then he will realize Morgan was right.

No. Denise would have been in the infirmary already if Morgan wouldn't have convinced her to come with him to provide help for the wolf leader. He single handedly relocated the only doctor in Alexandria; the only difference is he was able to get her BACK to the infirmary, where she would have originally been had he not intervened. In addition, had he not let the wolves live when he first encountered them out in the woods, they would not have found evidence (backpack full of photos) that would eventually lead them straight to Alexandria.

Because of Morgan, they found the backpack, attacked Alexandria, and initiated the zombie invasion which got Carl shot. He fucked everything up by sticking with his moronic philosophy.

Who knows how many more lives he could have saved had he been killing the invading wolves who were indiscriminately murdering and beheading innocent people. Instead, he wastes time capturing and helping one of the wolf leaders who eventually saved ONE person of the scores who were murdered by their invasion.
Are you sure? When I google "Maggie zombie baby" I'm seeing lots of hits that suggests otherwise. Not saying, again, that it was included SPECIFICALLY for this reason but its definitely generated that sort of silly buzz.

No. Denise would have been in the infirmary already if Morgan wouldn't have convinced her to come with him to provide help for the wolf leader. He single handedly relocated the only doctor in Alexandria; the only difference is he was able to get her BACK to the infirmary, where she would have originally been had he not intervened. In addition, had he not let the wolves live when he first encountered them out in the woods, they would not have found evidence (backpack full of photos) that would eventually lead them straight to Alexandria.

Because of Morgan, they found the backpack, attacked Alexandria, and initiated the zombie invasion which got Carl shot. He fucked everything up by sticking with his moronic philosophy.

Who knows how many more lives he could have saved had he been killing the invading wolves who were indiscriminately murdering and beheading innocent people. Instead, he wastes time capturing and helping one of the wolf leaders who eventually saved ONE person of the scores who were murdered by their group.

If fans get excited about dumb ideas then that's on them. But I see no evidence that the writers intended for any zombie baby discussion.

Also, Morgan fucked up with the wolves and Rick has royally fucked up with the Saviors. Whatever deaths are coming are on him.

Now I'm curious as to what people think about Rick almost sitting that guy in the back


If fans get excited about dumb ideas then that's on them. But I see no evidence that the writers intended for any zombie baby discussion.

Also, Morgan fucked up with the wolves and Rick has royally fucked up with the Saviors. Whatever deaths are coming are on him.

Now I'm curious as to what people think about Rick almost sitting that guy in the back

They've shown they'll write pretty much anything for extra tweets/social buzz. Not sure why it would surprise anyone. Seems pretty clearly directed toward that type of interpretation, to me.

The difference between Rick and Morgan is that Rick has legitimate reasons for doing what he's doing, whereas Morgan has proven to take chances trusting pretty much anyone, including lunatics with intentions of murdering/beheading just for the hell of it. At least Rick can explain why he's killing people.

What do you think they should have done instead of attacking the saviors?

What if that guy was a Negan scout and was about to run back and deliver valuable information? He made the mistake to not talk and run instead. Why run if you have no reason to?
For some reason I can't edit my previous post on my phone, but I wanted to say how I wondered what people thought about Rick almost shooting that one guy in the back for no reason.


For some reason I can't edit my previous post on my phone, but I wanted to say how I wondered what people thought about Rick almost shooting that one guy in the back for no reason.

Someone who refuses to talk and decides to immediately book it looks like a threat to me (when you're at war). Why would you do that if not for a specific reason? Guy could be returning to Negan with crucial information about Rick and Alexandria. It wasn't for "no reason" by any stretch.


For some reason I can't edit my previous post on my phone, but I wanted to say how I wondered what people thought about Rick almost shooting that one guy in the back for no reason.
I hated it but I don't really like Rick anyway. I don't think that Morgan is really right in his views but I think Rick crossed a line when he shot at a defenseless man running AWAY from them. The guy had never been threatening towards Rick or Morgan, he just wanted to be able to go home. Shooting at him indicates a willingness to kill anyone who isn't in his group and that is fucked. There are other people in this world that are decent. I realize the show has pushed this narrative that you "kill to survive" but I don't really find that interesting at all.
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