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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 7, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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After everything they've been through it just seems implausible that they wouldn't just been ready and POUNCED at the opportunity to gun Neagan down -- a whole ambush waiting to wipe out the whole caravan.

I find this episode so frustrating arghhh
After everything they've been through it just seems implausible that they wouldn't just been ready and POUNCED at the opportunity to gun Neagan down -- a whole ambush waiting to wipe out the whole caravan.

I find this episode so frustrating arghhh

I don't get you at all. The show has gone to great lengths to establish that the saviors are a massive, organized, well armed and ruthless army of killers that could wipe them out whenever they please. Even other organized communities such as Hilltop and the Kingdom are practically their slaves. Rick and co. did exactly what you expected them to do now: go on the offense and try and wipe them all out. But they failed. Dramatically. Negan made it a point to hammer that fact into Rick's head in the most obvious fucking way ever. And this episode itself established that as much as Rick wants to bash Negan's skull in he simply CAN'T. Because if Negan dies, Rick effectively signs the death warrants of everyone, including his kids.

So yes, Rick and co. had multiple chances to finish Negan off. But then they'd all die. Maybe not immediately. Maybe they'd survive a bit. Fight back. But in the long run they would die. So the situation at the moment is pretty hopeless. And that is why the best call, no matter how painful and humiliating it is, was to bend to the psycho's whims.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Then ppl seem to forget that Negan had Daryl hostage.

I think that was a smart move. And important. As shown by how serious Negan got about Daryl.

Negan knows he has fighters on his hands. Gotta do everything in his power to keep em in check and have the upper hand.
We all can agree that Spencer guy is a trash actor though, right? He's just horrible on screen.

Yeah he's 'Game of Thrones' level awful.... just unbelievable and trash.
Starting to dislike Rosita too if I'm honest.

My wife legit popped when Negan called the Vicar creepy as shit hahahah

I was lead to believe there would be a major death in that episode so every time something happened I was like aawww shit here it comes!

Overall for a first time watch it was a very good episode. It isn't one you can rewatch much I don't think.

The chemistry between Negan and Rick is incredible. Also - Wheres Maggie?
We all can agree that Spencer guy is a trash actor though, right? He's just horrible on screen.
I totes agree with this

The chemistry between Negan and Rick is incredible. Also - Wheres Maggie?
Her and Sasha are at Hilltop.

Also rick explained it pretty well. They have the numbers. Some of you are asking characters to make assumptions about what will/won't happen if they attack that could cost them their lives. It's easy to make that call from your living room but if you were rick it wouldn't be that easy.
I totes agree with this

Her and Sasha are at Hilltop.

That answers that then :)

Also I saw your thing about why Rick's group wouldn't gun down Negan. I totally agree.

I am a father of a daughter about the age of Judith. If anything could put her life in jeopardy you just wouldn't do it. Simple as that. Fuck everyone else on planet earth.


Couldn't help but think carl should have just blown negan's head off there and then. The group are totally screwed now, worse than ever - why bother anymore i think i'd just have killed myself by now lol
I've liked the episodes so far but some things just don't seem to fit in.

How big is his army and how does Rick and the gang know this?

I'm calling it now. All of the separate good gangs will come together and fight Nega's crew and his right hand man will turn on him one way or another. Maybe him and Daryl will team up.

Also, scrap the weapon inventory and stash the weapons somewhere? That didn't make sense knowing Negan was gonna pop in soon.


All of the separate good gangs will come together and fight Nega's crew and his right hand man will turn on him one way or another. Maybe him and Daryl will team up.

I agree that Alexandria, Hilltop and The Kingdom will team up and fuck Negan up. Daryl and burnvictim won't team up ever. Daryl will fuck him up for stealing his shit for the 2nd time.


Also, scrap the weapon inventory and stash the weapons somewhere? That didn't make sense knowing Negan was gonna pop in soon.

They're complying out of the want for their own survival. Doing that wouldn't make any sense because remember Rick and the gang slaughtered a whole outpost of saviors with guns and grenades so hiding it all when Negan shows up would be super obvious lol.


I've liked the episodes so far but some things just don't seem to fit in.

How big is his army and how does Rick and the gang know this?

I'm calling it now. All of the separate good gangs will come together and fight Nega's crew and his right hand man will turn on him one way or another. Maybe him and Daryl will team up.

Also, scrap the weapon inventory and stash the weapons somewhere? That didn't make sense knowing Negan was gonna pop in soon.

Talking Dead mentioned that Negan showed up 3 days after Glen and Abe were killed. Likely to catch then while they were still reeling.
So you're "calling" the most obvious way the plot would develop? Ok.

Calm down mate, just saying what I'm thinking.

They're complying out of the want for their own survival. Doing that wouldn't make any sense because remember Rick and the gang slaughtered a whole outpost of saviors with guns and grenades so hiding it all when Negan shows up would be super obvious lol.

They're complying AFTER he arrived. You'd think to stash something away just in case and burn the inventory book. It was the book that told him what they had.

Talking Dead mentioned that Negan showed up 3 days after Glen and Abe were killed. Likely to catch then while they were still reeling.

I guess. I just felt that Rick had moved to complying with Negan a bit too quick. Also, no way would I let my kids stay there.


It's hard for people who know what happens in the comics to argue back about "bitch Rick", even when the show has definitely diverged so much at times with its source, because we can't just extrapolate... We -Know- how things might actually be.
So I 'll put my thoughts behind spoilers.

Rick is indeed bidding his time because he has been shown, again and again, that he does not know the strength of the ennemy at all.
It's not like in the past, versus the Governor or Terminus or any other case where they faced a group of determined and ruthless but ultimately limited in numbers and skills goons.
Here they seem to face a very large group of well trained and organized para military types, with an unknown command structure. They could number in the hundreds for all they know.
He probably also suspects that while Negan is a narcissist psycho, he is far from stupid. The Savior forces they see at the gate probably aren't All Negan brought.
And he is right, as we can see later on that Negan is covered by a half dozen Snipers and people ready to lob grenades inside the fence.

Rick also does not have the luxury of sharing his "possum" feelings with anyone, as he knows that wouldnencourage defiance and get people killed for no good reason. Right now, he is rolling on his back to show an example that -right now- surviving is the most important thing.

Once they have a good idea of the scope of the Saviors, their resources and location, Rick knows he can get people to fight for a common good together. But in the meantime he needs to lay low and build alliances, possibly from within the Saviors even.

Problem is the current setup is a major downer. My wife even told me that if the show is going to be that depressed, week in and week out, she won't last long.
AMC might end up having a viewership problem if they drag this too long imo.
That was a filler episode if I've ever seen one. And it was a poor one. We got how cruel Negan can be. Don't need to spend an entire episode reminding us. The acting was bad. The situations some of the characters found themselves in were stupid. That part with Rosita and the zombies was comical.


That was a filler episode if I've ever seen one. And it was a poor one. We got how cruel Negan can be. Don't need to spend an entire episode reminding us. The acting was bad. The situations some of the characters found themselves in were stupid. That part with Rosita and the zombies was comical.
Some of it was Andrew still killin scenes though best actor on the show by far....


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
So, uh, why was that an extended episode?

I'm actually wondering that myself. I enjoyed this episode, don't get me wrong. Liked it, didn't love it. But it felt like it had too much fat on it. Scenes were just repeated over and over again, or they went on longer than need be. Like Dwight taking the guns from Rosita and OtherGuyIDon'tCareAbout. It was really drawn out, and then they sorta rehashed it again with Weight gloating about it and literally explaining why he took the guns, even though Rosita figured that out and audibly explained that in the woods.

Negan was grating on me a little too. My grievance there is a litter harder to articulate but it sorta gave me the impression they were searching for a catch phrase worthy moment. Every other sentence out of Negan's mouth was a off kilter one liner. It wouldn't have bothered me so much but we got sooooooo much of him this week. And then the whole thing with the missing guns, I don't really know what the purpose of that was. They could have saved time by combining that with Michonne's plot about taking the sniper rifle. The rifle is missing, Rick knows she took it out but doesn't want to snitch, convinces her to give it up, boom. 2 for 1 special.


They're complying AFTER he arrived. You'd think to stash something away just in case and burn the inventory book. It was the book that told him what they had.

Well it boils down to a very simple thing: arrogance. They thought the Saviors and Negan were a no contest so they didn't really plan ahead very well lol. Also, it's only 3 days after the Lucille deaths does Negan show up at Alexandria. Rick watched two of his friends get massacred while the rest of his squad was held at gunpoint, and then almost had to cut off his own son's arm. It was all part of Negan breaking him down to where he would be afraid of even thinking about disobeying the rules. Rick even says that himself near the end of the episode to Michonne. Spencer however was hiding guns and Rosita took it upon herself to go get one regardless. I saw a post on Reddit where someone was saying they hope that father G buried some extra guns in a fake grave. That would fucking pimp lol.
They're complying AFTER he arrived. You'd think to stash something away just in case and burn the inventory book. It was the book that told him what they had.

That's why he showed up early, to catch them off guard. Enough time and they could mount a defense or stash away guns. He rolled up before they could get ready.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Meh. This episode:

-Was beautifully acted from by Andy. His range is amazing now.
-Was also amazingly acted by JDM.
-Had no business being 1.5 hours. Negan taking a stroll through the place is fine and all, but from a high-level, that's literally all that happened.
-Made it so that Negan's schtick is starting to actually appear as a schtick and not a charming personality. I'm already kind of tired of Negan and I usually love villains.
-Shows that the show writers are terrible at pacing this show. Like, it's stretched out to the point of being a total drag in the grand scheme of things despite what should be increasingly tense moments.

I agree that the saviors are more of a "cut off the head of the snake and the rest will flail" group which is why I think there's credence to the idea that Negan is worth killing ASAP despite the sacrifices.

If Shane and Rick somehow had both made it to Alexandria, I think Shane would have none of this shit. RIP Shane. We love you, you died too soon.


I'm so glad I read about the mattresses here. I didn't know what the hell that was supposed to be. Negan having such absolute loyalty out of his huge group bugs the hell out of me. Surely they can't all be ruthless assholes. You'd think people would get tired of his shit and want a better way. Even Rick has to deal with people doubting him or questioning his authority. The Governor was believable because he went about it in a sly way without just letting everyone in his group know what he was up to.


They shot/framed that poorly. I had no idea what it was. A marshmallow roast gone terribly wrong?

I would never have known that was supposed to be their burning mattresses if I hadn't read it here.
But what was up with the weird UFO/alien sounding soundtrack that was playing durin the scene? lol


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I'm so glad I read about the mattresses here. I didn't know what the hell that was supposed to be. Negan having such absolute loyalty out of his huge group bugs the hell out of me. Surely they can't all be ruthless assholes. You'd think people would get tired of his shit and want a better way. Even Rick has to deal with people doubting him or questioning his authority. The Governor was believable because he went about it in a sly way without just letting everyone in his group know what he was up to.
Yeah, I thought the mattresses were a collapsed concrete bunker of some sort. Thought it was going to play some part in maybe finding new weapons, but the Michonne's reaction was completely confusing to me. The problem I see with the Negan storyline is that they have built him up too much for him to be overcome too quick, so they are locked in a really depressing and kinda boring storyline, unless they bring in some external force, either another group or maybe a massive zombie horde that is able to put a hurt on the Saviors.


Yeah, I thought the mattresses were a collapsed concrete bunker of some sort. Thought it was going to play some part in maybe finding new weapons, but the Michonne's reaction was completely confusing to me. The problem I see with the Negan storyline is that they have built him up too much for him to be overcome too quick, so they are locked in a really depressing and kinda boring storyline, unless they bring in some external force, either another group or maybe a massive zombie horde that is able to put a hurt on the Saviors.

I imagine Hilltop, Alexandria and the Kingdom will team up at some point. But even then it seems like they'll be heavily outgunned. The Kingdom seems to mostly have spears and I don't remember seeing Hilltoppers carrying guns. Maybe there's a group in the Saviors that could join in. I don't know, but it looks like this storyline is going to be a depressing slog.
I'm so glad I read about the mattresses here. I didn't know what the hell that was supposed to be. Negan having such absolute loyalty out of his huge group bugs the hell out of me. Surely they can't all be ruthless assholes. You'd think people would get tired of his shit and want a better way. Even Rick has to deal with people doubting him or questioning his authority. The Governor was believable because he went about it in a sly way without just letting everyone in his group know what he was up to.

Could you link me to the post? I'm not quite sure what's going on with the mattresses.


What I don't get, the most obvious answer is to say fuck Daryl and just run. Yeah a lot of the new people will not make it but what else is new?

How many times are they going to try and "settle down" somewhere, get fucked then have to fight/run?

Could you link me to the post? I'm not quite sure what's going on with the mattresses.

They took all the mattresses and burned them. Its just more to fuck with them.
What I don't get, the most obvious answer is to say fuck Daryl and just run. Yeah a lot of the new people will not make it but what else is new?

How many times are they going to try and "settle down" somewhere, get fucked then have to fight/run?

They took all the mattresses and burned them. Its just more to fuck with them.

Oh well, that much I got ^^

I'm also confused that running never came up as an option atleast. They have enough food and still had all their guns at that point. Just drive away from Negan, 500 miles and more. He can't follow them, because he has control over all those other villages.


Oh well, that much I got ^^

I'm also confused that running never came up as an option atleast. They have enough food and still had all their guns at that point. Just drive away from Negan, 500 miles and more. He can't follow them because he has control over all those other villages.

I don't think that would have went over well with the Alexandrians. Talk about losing your leadership. And for better or worse, it seems Rick has finally stopped looking at them as others and really wants these people safe. He was legitimately concerned about Olivia and was rather understanding of Spencer's opinions of him until he brought Glenn and Abe into it.

If they had miraculously managed to convince the Alexandrians to follow them out there, that would have effectively been a death sentence to the majority of them. Besides, I doubt any of them wants to leave any more than the Alexandrians. They worked to hard for a community. Being bossed around by Negan is arguably better than putting everyone, including 3 (soon to be 4) kids back out into the elements.
I don't think that would have went over well with the Alexandrians. Talk about losing your leadership. And for better or worse, it seems Rick has finally stopped looking at them as others and really wants these people safe. He was legitimately concerned about Olivia and was rather understanding of Spencer's opinions of him until he brought Glenn and Abe into it.

If they had miraculously managed to convince the Alexandrians to follow them out there, that would have effectively been a death sentence to the majority of them. Besides, I doubt any of them wants to leave any more than the Alexandrians. They worked to hard for a community. Being bossed around by Negan is arguably better than putting everyone, including 3 (soon to be 4) kids back out into the elements.

How is driving 500 miles a death sentence to most of them? Note that I said it should have been discussed. It's absolutely possible that the Alexandrians would have said nope and all, but atleast the option would have been presented and discussed.


How is driving 500 miles a death sentence to most of them? Note that I said it should have been discussed. It's absolutely possible that the Alexandrians would have said nope and all, but atleast the option would have been presented and discussed.

They don't do too well outside the walls. A few hours and things goes to shit when you put them out there. We saw it several times. Abe and the construction crew. Aiden and Noah getting killed, when the walker plan went haywire.

You did say come up as an "option". I didn't know you meant "discuss". Either way, your idea is fine. I was just commenting on it lol.


I'm having a hard time buying into the current plot. After all the shit the group has gone through, I just can't believe Negan gets to be the arrogant douche so easily and his band of assholes just do what they want. Of course this was all addressed with the season opener beatdown that puts them in control, but it might have been a lot more believable in season 1 than it is now.

Rick the pacifist and Daryl the dog? Nope. Not buying it.

Of course it won't last, but the sooner they finish off this Negan plot and move on, the better the show will be. Unfortunately, that's going to take the entire season.


Hunky Nostradamus
L+SD ratings:

Season 7

Episode 1: 17.0 million 8.4 A18-49
Episode 2: 12.5 million 6.1 A18-49
Episode 3: 11.7 million 5.7 A18-49
Episode 4: 11.4 million 5.4 A18-49

Ratings are down overall but the show is making larger than usual gains in delayed viewing this season, so it appears that a good chunk of people are actually time shifting rather than dropping the show as it would initially seem.


I don't think that would have went over well with the Alexandrians. Talk about losing your leadership. And for better or worse, it seems Rick has finally stopped looking at them as others and really wants these people safe. He was legitimately concerned about Olivia and was rather understanding of Spencer's opinions of him until he brought Glenn and Abe into it.

If they had miraculously managed to convince the Alexandrians to follow them out there, that would have effectively been a death sentence to the majority of them. Besides, I doubt any of them wants to leave any more than the Alexandrians. They worked to hard for a community. Being bossed around by Negan is arguably better than putting everyone, including 3 (soon to be 4) kids back out into the elements.

Well what led the Alexandrians into this position?

Daryl fucked up letting that guy live. Rick fucked up attacking them for the Hilltop people.

Now he is just like "accept it there is no other way!"

I'd be like peace out bro I'll try and manage on my own.


Oh well, that much I got ^^

I'm also confused that running never came up as an option atleast. They have enough food and still had all their guns at that point. Just drive away from Negan, 500 miles and more. He can't follow them, because he has control over all those other villages.

Running would've been my first inclination the night they returned home after Glen and Abraham were killed. Pack our shit and be out. Staying won't undo the murders and they have the numbers. Sucks for Daryl but who's to say Negan won't kill him anyway.

Yeah, def would've bounced.


I'm glad we all can agree Spencer is a trash actor but you know who else is kinda on the trash category...? Carl.... Sometimes he's good and sometimes he's just unbelievably bad and I wonder how he is getting paid.


It's hard to believe nobody has tried to kill Negan whether that be other groups, his own base etc. You can argue they follow because he brings the goods, fear but from what we know he has done, that means nothing when revenge and emotions are boiling. I agree with some others, something needs to happen because I can't watch him do that act all the time, it's more of a joke with each passing episode.

Tiger is going to get him right...
I don't think leaving was an immediate decision for them, considering Tara, Heath, Maggie, Sasha, Daryl, Morgan and Carol aren't in Alexandria at the moment. It just wouldn't be in their nature to leave everyone behind like that. It's not the same situation as when Hershel's farm and the Prison got attacked, and everyone sorta fended for themselves. Life is going to suck for the Alexandrians for the time being, but they are still in a habitable situation all things considered.

I'm also not sure fleeing is a realistic option for Rick & co. anyways. I suspect that the Saviors have most of the major roads guarded in anticipation of that very move.


Well what led the Alexandrians into this position?

Daryl fucked up letting that guy live. Rick fucked up attacking them for the Hilltop people.

Now he is just like "accept it there is no other way!"

I'd be like peace out bro I'll try and manage on my own.

As an Alexandrian sure. As Rick, it'd be horrendous leadership for him to go "fuck yall, We're leaving." knowing that for the most part, they won't survive. I assume he's past the "Us vs. Them" thing.

I believe, and I think the Alexandrian believe, that they still have a better chance inside the wall underneath Negan's heal, than out there. Rick knows this too. In Alexandria, they still absolutely have more ability to organize or bide time till better opportunities come along. Maybe I'll eat crow, but I think he's handling a lot more strategically than he could given his record cuz I really don't think he's 100 percent broken. He just have't found the right plan to spark an uprising yet. That visit was not an opportunity. Showing Negan any defiance when Rick's got nothing to back it up is common sense no. Negan's gunna get cozy and then Rick will find an opening. It's about choosing the best possible option at the best possible time. Right now, letting Negan win is probably it.

But I don't really know guys. It's a tv show with tv logic. I'm just gunna enjoy the journey.

I'm glad we all can agree Spencer is a trash actor but you know who else is kinda on the trash category...? Carl.... Sometimes he's good and sometimes he's just unbelievably bad and I wonder how he is getting paid.

Oh lawd it's true. I'm sorry Chandler Riggs. arguably, everyone's acting look subpar compared to Andy and Jeff, and sometimes Danai really hits it too, but the kid and the guy who plays Spencer are definitely the bottom of the bucket for this show.
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