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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 7, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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What a shitty episode. You can't just have a whole episode of Neagan doing his campy ass grinning badguy asshole thing. You have to keep it sparing or it just gets annoying. By having him on screen this much and having no depth or dimension at all he's turned into a simple cartoon. Depthless cartoon characters aren't scary. After the umpteenth time he grinned and said something dickish it just became comical. All tension is drained away.

Meanwhile I just kept thinking why didn't they shoot him the minute he walked up to the gate? Just kill him. Wipe out the group. They'd be leaderless and most his people hate him anyway so they probably wouldn't come back, and if they did, leaderless, they'd be easier to deal with.

I don't get it.

This is pretty much where I'm at right now. Including "why didn't they blow up the approaching convoy with their RPG" thoughts.


I agree with other posters that Negan's schtick is getting old. He just does the same thing every scene. They should use him sparingly.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
So we don't know were Maggie is right?

Carol is in the house at the outskirts.

Correct. We last saw them in the season premiere where Maggie and Sasha intended on going to The Hilltop. They were mentioned for the first time since then in this episode, but only in that Rick is hiding Maggie's existence from Negan.


I do think with Negan on the show, a less is more approach is needed. However, I do think we are going to get a Negan back story episode to flesh the character out.
didn't negan give a little backstory about himself with 1 or 2 lines already? Not that it was enough, but i thought he dropped a hint or something.


Oh, I missed that they were going to the Hilltop, thanks.

Negan backstory, more bat stories? I guess he could be a former army dude, torture expert, or was at a base when stuff went down then went from there to control places.
I'm currently watching Game of Thrones for my first time and watching TWD every Sunday almost feels like a chore.

TWD was interesting at first, but I think it's overstayed its welcome. They need to find new story arcs instead of drawing out the few they have going.

When you watch GoT (sorry, may still be on a honeymoon period with it), they don't beat a plot line to death, they aren't afraid to off your favorite characters, and they keep it fresh with new story arcs. It's a wild ride and you feel much more immersed.

TWD is beating this Negan plot line to a bloody pulp. Did it really take 2 episodes (last episode of season 6, first episode of season 7) just to reveal who got killed? It's like the writers don't have enough good ideas to make the show a bit more complex and better paced.

I hope this season picks up quite a bit...I want to like it and not feel like I've wasted an hour watching commercials.
The chemistry between Negan and Rick is incredible

Every time this happens I keep waiting for Negan to lean in and steal a kiss just to fuck with Rick's mind


But I agree with everyone saying that Negan has become somewhat of a cartoon villain rather than one you can actually take seriously. Even the Governor, which I think is one of the worst villains ever on TV, had more depth as a character. Negan has been really one-dimensional so far. The Governor had his zombie daughter as a motivation for some of the things he did, but Negan has nothing like that, at least from what they've shown so far. Hopefully they flesh him out more, the season just barely started after all.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Who the hell is the "pretty ass girl" Negan talking about that got killed? He was retelling a story about some girl to Rick &co near the beginning of this episode.

J2 Cool

Only halfway through the ep, this Negan shit is tiring already.

Really found Ep4 to be the most boring of the season thus far. Which is a terrible sign, when returning to the maincast usually means shits about to go down.

It was an extended hour and a half of the same one-note narrative. And it still seems really early in this story. There's just nothing new happening at all that's believable to grab on to. We have a cartoon villian and a rpg town with a tiger.

I find myself most interested in Daryl vs Dwight, naturally being its not some comic story. It's the most believable character dynamic right now.


Maybe killing Negan would destroy the Saviors. Maybe. But before they fell apart from infighting they would definitely avenge themselves on Alexandria, killing or enslaving everyone there.

I agree with people saying the episode was too long. Some of the scenes were just ridiculous. Dwight pouring out that water was actually funny how slow it was.


Hunky Nostradamus
I'm currently watching Game of Thrones for my first time and watching TWD every Sunday almost feels like a chore.

TWD was interesting at first, but I think it's overstayed its welcome. They need to find new story arcs instead of drawing out the few they have going.

When you watch GoT (sorry, may still be on a honeymoon period with it), they don't beat a plot line to death, they aren't afraid to off your favorite characters, and they keep it fresh with new story arcs. It's a wild ride and you feel much more immersed.

TWD is beating this Negan plot line to a bloody pulp. Did it really take 2 episodes (last episode of season 6, first episode of season 7) just to reveal who got killed? It's like the writers don't have enough good ideas to make the show a bit more complex and better paced.

I hope this season picks up quite a bit...I want to like it and not feel like I've wasted an hour watching commercials.

I feel like the two shows are sort of at the opposite ends of the spectrum:

Game of Thrones rushes through everything - The Walking Dead stretches everything out.

Game of Thrones kills too many characters - The Walking Dead kills too few.

Game of Thrones has zombies that move fast - The Walking Dead has zombies that move slow.


Chandler Riggs isn't great by any means but I think he's gotten better over the years and gets a bad rap. I like him better in the real world, just go check his Twitter haha.


Jeffrey Dean Morgan injured himself playing Negan (and Andrew Lincoln loved it)

Thought the interview was kind of fun and considering some people's annoyance of Negan already, I thought some might find it funny.

“He is having way too much fun,” nods Andrew Lincoln in mock disgust after they wrap a scene together in which Negan emotionally torments an Alexandrian who shall remain nameless. (Hint: It is someone not in the cliffhanger lineup of death.) But that’s not to say that Morgan always has the last laugh. “The other day he was smiling and carrying on so much he pulled a rib muscle,” laughs Lincoln, clearly relishing this story waaaaaay too much. “He doubled down in pain. I was like, ‘Yeah, take that motherf—er!’ And it wasn’t even during a take. It was a rehearsal!”

Can read the rest at the link.
To those saying you can kill Negan and the whole group falls apart - isn't that the point of all of them saying that they are Negan, or whatever? If he's gone, another becomes Negan. Like Spartacus or the Three Amigos.
It's hard to believe nobody has tried to kill Negan whether that be other groups, his own base etc. You can argue they follow because he brings the goods, fear but from what we know he has done, that means nothing when revenge and emotions are boiling. I agree with some others, something needs to happen because I can't watch him do that act all the time, it's more of a joke with each passing episode.

Tiger is going to get him right...

As much as I hate the Tiger I foresee this happening;

Negan's crew get sick from the tainted pigs. Come back to seek vengeance. Kingdom don't please him - he kills the tiger or has it killed.

This spurs Ezekiel to join forces with Rick against Negan

I laughed so hard at the part where Father Gabriel creeped Negan out.

Yeah me and my Wife got a good laugh out of that too. Was genuinely really funny.
To those saying you can kill Negan and the whole group falls apart - isn't that the point of all of them saying that they are Negan, or whatever? If he's gone, another becomes Negan. Like Spartacus or the Three Amigos.

Yes but that doesn't mean whoever takes his place has the balls that Negan has, nor the evil he dishes out. Burned face guy, as we have seen, seems to be going towards regretting what he's doing. He'll turn against Negan is my bet.

And with Negan being the whole gang, means the whole gang will need taking out. Who can take on the whole gang? Only the the villages when they come together. All we can guess now, is how Negan himself is taken out. And seeing that aint gonna happen this season, then get comfy whilst we watch the same shit each week.


JDM is great playing Negan, it is so enjoyable watching him mess with Rick, especially since Andrew Lincoln does a fantastic job playing crazy / broken rick.
To those saying you can kill Negan and the whole group falls apart - isn't that the point of all of them saying that they are Negan, or whatever? If he's gone, another becomes Negan. Like Spartacus or the Three Amigos.
Besides that, does anyone not remember Rick and company murdering that whole outpost? Friends and maybe family members of these saviors? If it wasn't for negan controlling these dudes Rick and everyone would've been completely slaughtered by their numbers.
Yes but that doesn't mean whoever takes his place has the balls that Negan has, nor the evil he dishes out. Burned face guy, as we have seen, seems to be going towards regretting what he's doing. He'll turn against Negan is my bet.

And with Negan being the whole gang, means the whole gang will need taking out. Who can take on the whole gang? Only the the villages when they come together. All we can guess now, is how Negan himself is taken out. And seeing that aint gonna happen this season, then get comfy whilst we watch the same shit each week.

No shit. That's the problem, and why Rick isn't going balls out as usual. He sees the danger, even though some people don't.

My main problems with the show now are JDM's skinny-ass legs and Carl's unbelievable hair.


I'm loving JDM's portrayal of Negan. His interactions with Rick and his remarks are a joy to watch. Some people seem to complain he's overdoing it but I don't feel that, I really dig it.

My main problems with the show now are JDM's skinny-ass legs and Carl's unbelievable hair.

I agree on Carl, he looks ridiculous. I get you want to cover up your fucked up eye but at least cut your hair on the sides a bit.
I'm loving JDM's portrayal of Negan. His interactions with Rick and his remarks are a joy to watch. Some people seem to complain he's overdoing it but I don't feel that, I really dig it.

I agree on Carl, he looks ridiculous. I get you want to cover up your fucked up eye but at least cut your hair on the sides a bit.

He's looking like a Loreal commercial these days. It's just too much for me.


I liked this weeks episode, but no idea why it needed to be an extended episode.

Yeah, didn't get the reasoning for that either.

My only complaint would be how often Negan says a variation of "well have have we here!?"

Literally ever time he started talking he'd open by saying something like that.


What was Michonne staring at at the end of the episode?

She was on top of the car, sensed something, and then stared at a smoking pile of what appeared to be cement.

What was it?
To those saying you can kill Negan and the whole group falls apart - isn't that the point of all of them saying that they are Negan, or whatever? If he's gone, another becomes Negan. Like Spartacus or the Three Amigos.

Nailed it.


Who? Fucking Dwight?

They'd all be fighting over which of them becomes Negan! That's sort of part of the problem. There's Negan and then a bunch of nameless nobodies. We should have had an episode on the Negan side of things actually showing us some tough lieutenants or seconds in charge.

Or, better yet, one of those Princess Bride Dread Pirate Roberts scenes. "He took me aside and told me his secret. 'I am not Negan,' he said. 'It's the name that instills fear.' The previous Negan wanted to retire, so we moved, brought on a whole new set of villages, all the time with him calling me Negan. Then we pretended to kill him off and he's living like a king in Patagonia!"

Anyway, I would have shot him in the face, laid waste to the scrubs at the fence (sorry, Daryl, going all Spock on you but the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one) and then seen which of those asshats wanted to challenge the new king. Maybe I'd be screaming "I'm fucking Negan you bitches!!!" while I emptied my gun in his smiling face.



Didn't look like mattresses to me.

Those assholes!

Mattresses stop looking like mattresses when you set them on fire. ;)

Yeah, they were mattesses and a big FU to Alexandria to let them know they're not taking stuff because they need it, because they want to.



Who? Fucking Dwight?

They'd all be fighting over which of them becomes Negan! That's sort of part of the problem. There's Negan and then a bunch of nameless nobodies. We should have had an episode on the Negan side of things actually showing us some tough lieutenants or seconds in charge.
Simon would become the leader. He's Negan's right-hand man.



Who? Fucking Dwight?

They'd all be fighting over which of them becomes Negan! That's sort of part of the problem. There's Negan and then a bunch of nameless nobodies. We should have had an episode on the Negan side of things actually showing us some tough lieutenants or seconds in charge.

Or, better yet, one of those Princess Bride Dread Pirate Roberts scenes. "He took me aside and told me his secret. 'I am not Negan,' he said. 'It's the name that instills fear.' The previous Negan wanted to retire, so we moved, brought on a whole new set of villages, all the time with him calling me Negan. Then we pretended to kill him off and he's living like a king in Patagonia!"

Anyway, I would have shot him in the face, laid waste to the scrubs at the fence (sorry, Daryl, going all Spock on you but the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one) and then seen which of those asshats wanted to challenge the new king. Maybe I'd be screaming "I'm fucking Negan you bitches!!!" while I emptied my gun in his smiling face.

No, Simon would be next in line (notice how he wasn't there in Alexandria).

Dwight is high level, but really is someone Negan likes to fuck with (he has his wife).
Yes, Simon would be next in line. He's pretty much the authority figure that answers to nobody except Negan. He's also pretty smart, played Rick like a dog in the S6 finale.

He probably wasn't in E02 or E03 because he was off doing something Negan only trusts him to do.
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