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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 7, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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I can understand the "just shooting him would cause problems" but.. that was the entire point of him going there. He knew the repercussions. He didn't care if it meant sacrificing himself or starting trouble. He should have at least taken the shot and have him miss. He does in the comic.
To everyone saying kill negan, Rick and others know that his followers are devoted, and are obviously assholes.

It's been pretty well established that if you kill Negan, you get this guy:


That'll go well. We didn't just spend a big chunk of an episode finding out that he's potentially more ruthless and less forgiving than the guy he'd be replacing, or anything.


I thought about it overnight and i feel bad for baby asskicker. Now that Daryl is gone nobody gives a shit to take care of Shane's baby. Every time we see her she's alone in her crib up stairs and Rick, Michonne and Carl are like all spread out doing their own shit.


It's been pretty well established that if you kill Negan, you get this guy:


That'll go well. We didn't just spend a big chunk of an episode finding out that he's potentially more ruthless and less forgiving than the guy he'd be replacing, or anything.

He's the true Negan. He acts more like how I'd imagine Negan to act.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
This is gonna shake out with Dwight, Daryl, Rick, that king guy, and maybe the women group conspiring to take down negan, and then trade between the settlements without the threat of racketeering.

It's kind of obvious.

Maybe? They are loaded with guns. I would be legit shocked if they didnt take part in it.

And its full of women? What better group to take on Negan. We also have no idea what happened to them while they were held by the Saviors.

It would be like the ultimate justice for a female to take him out. Killing all the men and taking the women hostage at Oceanside..... He sees women as weak. Now that I think about it I dont think its gonna be Rick. My money's on Maggie.

Then remember Glenn and Rick were butting heads at one point last season. Maggie is going to be the new leader.


I thought about it overnight and i feel bad for baby asskicker. Now that Daryl is gone nobody gives a shit to take care of Shane's baby. Every time we see her she's alone in her crib up stairs and Rick, Michonne and Carl are like all spread out doing their own shit.
Negan has shown that kid more love than anyone else on the show.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I'm starting to like Negan as a person. Doesn't seem like a bad guy?

He's a bad guy, he just has a code and charisma. But he's definitely a bad person. He keeps a harem of wives because he wants to fuck different women. So they can either herd zombies, or some other dangerous job, or be with him. It's a power move so they agree to be with him but obviously they wouldn't if the other option was actually pleasant. It would be like holding someone in front of traffic and saying "Well we could go on a date...or I could just let go. Those are the rules."

"The iron" is to instill fear but for everyone to feel there is a simple logic to it. If he went around randomly bashing people in the head everyday, they'd rise against him. That's what he was showing Carl, the rules of leading...if you want to be a dictator.

This Negan obviously derives some pleasure out of making peoppe uncomfortable at the very least. And he does seem to enjoy when he gets to use Lucille, but he isn't without some scruples. He comes off like a very macho guy who gets off on dominance and probably read 'The Prince' at some point. He's super popular among comic fans so you're not alone liking him. He's a hoot.


Watched Westworld instead of this – had no idea it was 90 minutes either… Sounds like I’ll be fast forwarding a lot through this one.


I can understand the "just shooting him would cause problems" but.. that was the entire point of him going there. He knew the repercussions. He didn't care if it meant sacrificing himself or starting trouble. He should have at least taken the shot and have him miss. He does in the comic.

He didn't care...until he saw Negan and his men standing there defying him. At that point, he had to know that once he shot, it was over for him. Remember, he hesitated and they rushed him, as I recall - I don't think he voluntarily surrendered. And as brave as he is, he's still young and vulnerable, as we saw on the scene where Negan has him show his missing eye. The fact that he started a mission to kill Negan that he didnt carry through to the end doesn't seem so stupid to me.

Now if someone like Rosita gets her chance and also doesn't take it for no specific reason, I would start to feel annoyed with all the assassination teasing.

I will say, though, that they probably could have filmed that scene a little better to when it shows Negan moving behind his men, he is always shielded to the extent that Carl would probably have had to just start mowing people down to get to him. That would have made it easier to accept his reluctance and hesitation.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
I'm starting to like Negan as a person. Doesn't seem like a bad guy?

Not gonna lie either he's real good at pretending to be sorry for some of the things he says or ...he doesnt seem that bad.

I mean he let Carl off the hook twice, keeps IMO taking it easy on Daryl.....let Olivia smack the shit out of him. At times you can see the rage underneath the surface but other times you expect to see it you dont.

Maybe in some twisted way he has to be this way to keep all these other Saviors in line. And just taking advantage of the power he has.

I see similarities in him and the Hilltop leader. And a more extreme version of the Kingdom leader. And of course the similarities with the Gov. And Rick. And Shane...lol.

Angry Fork

Question for those who have read the comics, in the wiki page for Negan it says
he killed a savior for raping someone once, and seems to be big on anti-rape and having a few other ethical "codes", but in the show I don't see this at all. Wouldn't blackmailing/forcing women to be his wives not be consistent with this character in the comics? Is the show doing a good job showing the more human elements of Negan compared to the comics? Because for the most part it's just raw savagery, even his comments towards Carl/the fat girl didn't seem convincing to me.
Basically I want Negan to be multi-dimensional but I feel like the show isn't really doing that as of yet.


If Carl had shot him straight away, which would have made sense, I would have missed out on the awesome tour of the Saviors HQ by Negan. I liked it when he told Carl it was his turn to give him a tour of Alexandria. It's only fair.

I think Carl should try to out crazy Negan. Just keep escalating the crazy. Start by putting a smiley face sticker directly onto his eye socket scab, and then pulling his long hair back into a top knot.


Question for those who have read the comics, in the wiki page for Negan it says
he killed a savior for raping someone once, and seems to be big on anti-rape and having a few other ethical "codes", but in the show I don't see this at all. Wouldn't blackmailing/forcing women to be his wives not be consistent with this character in the comics? Is the show doing a good job showing the more human elements of Negan compared to the comics? Because for the most part it's just raw savagery, even his comments towards Carl/the fat girl didn't seem convincing to me.
Basically I want Negan to be multi-dimensional but I feel like the show isn't really doing that as of yet.
Well, in his mind he isn't raping anyone. His wives want to be there and can leave whenever they want, right? Just like there happen to be rules that everyone needs to obey. Rules that just happen to all benefit him.


He's trying to make Negans ridiculous dialog work on television. I personally like it, I'd imagine another take on the lines would look even worse.

So you're saying he's doing it as a form of damage control? That would be great.

Reporter: So JDM, we notice your interpretation of Negan included a lot of swaying, bending of the knees and quick head movements in tune with every syllable you spoke. Was this in the script?

JDM: No, the script was such horseshit that I figured I'd go full drunken master in the hopes that people wouldn't notice the corny shit I was saying.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Question for those who have read the comics, in the wiki page for Negan it says
he killed a savior for raping someone once, and seems to be big on anti-rape and having a few other ethical "codes", but in the show I don't see this at all. Wouldn't blackmailing/forcing women to be his wives not be consistent with this character in the comics? Is the show doing a good job showing the more human elements of Negan compared to the comics? Because for the most part it's just raw savagery, even his comments towards Carl/the fat girl didn't seem convincing to me.
Basically I want Negan to be multi-dimensional but I feel like the show isn't really doing that as of yet.

That's the rub isn't it.

But yeah, Negan is against forcible rape. Although didn't he threaten to throw Carl to some of his guys who might be into that in the season finale? Or was that someone else?

The implication is pretty much the same as the comics in regards to his harem. I think the show is just being more careful about showing that it isn't sunshine and lollipops. It's still basically rape, Negan just doesn't see it that way since they can physically leave. They either stay in his harem or they'll get a potentially dangerous job. Dude is machismo stacked on more machismo, he doesn't have a nuanced understanding of sexual assault.

I think this episode gave him some shades. I'm not exactly sure he sees anyone as a person though. His wives are there for his sexual pleasure. He keeps Carl alive because he thinks he's sorta cool. He keeps Daryl alive because Big D has brass balls the size of planets and would make a good soldier. He apologizes for making whatsherface cry but then immediately wants to get sex out of her due to sheer boredom. He's never done anything out of pure altruism. Its about what you provide to Negan. Apologizing to Carl might be the only time he genuinely felt bad.


The more we learn of the saviors the more I'm convinced if they can kill negan the saviors will completely fall apart, i just don't see simon having the pull that negan has to even muster up an army to kill rick and co or even maintain the army of slaves. They will be too busy tearing at each others throats while the rest say fuck it and leave.

They should of blown up negans ass at the gates and fled the hell out of alexandria, and then just wait for them tear each other apart.

Angry Fork

That's the rub isn't it.

But yeah, Negan is against forcible rape. Although didn't he threaten to throw Carl to some of his guys who might be into that in the season finale? Or was that someone else?

The implication is pretty much the same as the comics in regards to his harem. I think the show is just being more careful about showing that it isn't sunshine and lollipops. It's still basically rape, Negan just doesn't see it that way since they can physically leave. They either stay in his harem or they'll get a potentially dangerous job. Dude is machismo stacked on more machismo, he doesn't have a nuanced understanding of sexual assault.

I think this episode gave him some shades. I'm not exactly sure he sees anyone as a person though. His wives are there for his sexual pleasure. He keeps Carl alive because he thinks he's sorta cool. He keeps Daryl alive because Big D has brass balls the size of planets and would make a good soldier. He apologizes for making whatsherface cry but then immediately wants to get sex out of her due to sheer boredom. He's never done anything out of pure altruism. Its about what you provide to Negan. Apologizing to Carl might be the only time he genuinely felt bad.

That makes sense but I just pictured Negan as someone who would be a smart enough guy to understand that the power dynamic he's using is kind of equivalent to rape, so I'm a little disappointed that they're showing him as being basically a brute.

When I read that in the comics
he had some kind of honor code, it made him more interesting, but in the show that's not really being portrayed in the way we normally think of someone having a code. Anti-rape should be anti-rape not "I'm anti-rape because I gave her an option between being with me or living a miserable life." Anyone capable of logic would know that's not coherent.
I want Negan to be more sympathetic so we have conflicting feelings about him (because that's more interesting to me) but that hasn't been done yet imo to satisfaction. But I get what you're saying that maybe the show just wants him to seem more menacing in this scenario for the purposes of whatever they're trying to do compared to the comics.


JDM kills it as Negan. Stays true to the comic version.

Love they kept the Carl scene in the series, but it doesn't have the same impact on me like the comic version. Maybe it's because Carl is about eight or nine years old in the comic (and more of a badass) and for the first time in forever somebody breaks Carl. A grown man bullying a kid was heavy too.
I wish someone would tell Jeffrey Dean Morgan to stop swaying and bouncing in tune with every word he says. He's got the posture of a drunken sailer on a ship at sea.

He does it with his line delivery too. Its comical. Its like theres music in his head nobody else can hear.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
I didn't notice the end so Daryl notices Jesus on top of the truck right ? I'm assuming that's who let him out

I saw him looking up at the truck, I think Jesus is inside or underneath. I think Dwight's wife might have let him out.

Jesus might be good but I dont think he could hide and find out where Daryl's cell is. Then have some things to help him escape.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I didn't notice the end so Daryl notices Jesus on top of the truck right ? I'm assuming that's who let him out

I thought the same thing. At least it looked like he was glancing up at the top of the truck


Loved the dynamic between Negan and Carl. I was almost hoping Carl would stick with Negan as a little protege.

Negan is the only thing saving this season so far.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Its driving me nuts.

I'm going to finish the mid season finale and drop this show. I at least want to see someone die for all of this horse hockey. Its clear the need to stretch the story out over 16 episodes is only doing AMC any favors.

They are world building since, this is the first time they have ever had to do so. You either need to show some patience or wait until the season is on netflix.
They are world building since, this is the first time they have ever had to do so. You either need to show some patience or wait until the season is on netflix.

We are halfway through the season. We are so way beyond world building right now. But my complaints are directly related to the writing. Carl is making Andrea look like a well developed, carefully nuanced character. Story hits its beats but in the most tedious and least compelling ways possible.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
We are halfway through the season. We are so way beyond world building right now. But my complaints are directly related to the writing. Carl is making Andrea look like a well developed, carefully nuanced character. Story hits its beats but in the most tedious and least compelling ways possible.

We are not beyond world building actually, the show has entered part 2 where instead of hoping around like they used to, there are now permanent settlements. They have to make these seem like real places, especially if they are going to be important in the future.

Also please give some examples of how the writing is bad.


just watched the episode, probably the best episode so far but again nothing really important happens
and just one episode left to this season
what a waste of season so far
How much important stuff has actually happened this season? If someone had only seen the first episode of the season and then watched next week's episode, would they be THAT lost?

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
A much better episode than last week, Negan really is a great character and he's portrayed so well IMO.
Negan is fun to watch I'll give it that. JDM is pretty good.

However it feels like the midseason blew its load on it's premiere in terms of "woah" moments. The episodes since have shown us that other communities also exist (Kingdom, the women's camp), and there's some set up involving Hilltop. Lot of things have been set in motion. Probably the end of Slave Darryl arc (thank fuck), and Michonne heading over to the Saviors camp for whatever reason.

The season also feels like it's finding an impetus for Rick to break out of his funk again, as his group is falling apart. Rosita thinks he's not doing anything, so does Michonne and Carl. I think Negan kidnapping Judith will do that.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
The season also feels like it's finding an impetus for Rick to break out of his funk again, as his group is falling apart. Rosita thinks he's not doing anything, so does Michonne and Carl. I think Negan kidnapping Judith will do that.

There is definitely some internal strife. Carl, Michonne, and Rosita are all seeking the means to get revenge. Meanwhile Rick, Spencer, Eugene, and Gabriel are all trying to find a way to survive.
I thought about it overnight and i feel bad for baby asskicker. Now that Daryl is gone nobody gives a shit to take care of Shane's baby. Every time we see her she's alone in her crib up stairs and Rick, Michonne and Carl are like all spread out doing their own shit.

I actually lol'd when they walked in and Judith was just chilling there alone.

I liked this episode, but as with the others this season, it didn't need to be 1.5 hours long.


A much better episode than last week, Negan really is a great character and he's portrayed so well IMO.

Weird. I think he's one of the worst characters ever because he feels like a Saturday morning cartoon. Zero depth, endless shtick. After the 800th time he bounced and smiled and said something threatening it for annoying
Anyone else think JDM's body shape takes away the "scaryness" from the negan character? In the comics he's huge!

He's so thin and scrawny that i think coral could take him 1 on 1.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Anyone else think JDM's body shape takes away the "scaryness" from the negan character? In the comics he's huge!

He's so thin and scrawny that i think coral could take him 1 on 1.

That might be why JDM is putting so much into the mannerisms. He sways around because he's cocky, and it also unnerves people a little. Vincent D'onofrio did something similar with his character in Law & Order: Criminal Intent.

His current size doesn't bother me too much. I only noticed in a few shots where it looked like he was swimming in that jacket


Anyone else think JDM's body shape takes away the "scaryness" from the negan character? In the comics he's huge!

He's so thin and scrawny that i think coral could take him 1 on 1.

Yeah I think he could stand to put on 20lbs or so. If he got back to his size in Watchmen he'd be perfect but that's at least 40lbs away.
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