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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 7, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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I watched this episode in a sold-out movie theatre full of fans. You should have heard the reaction when Lucille gave Glenn a kiss. God, I wish I had been recording it with my phone.

The only time I can remember a bigger crowd reaction was at one of the fans-only Serenity preview screenings when
Wash got killed.
. The initial yelps of horror were just as big as tonight, but after that there were people around me who could be heard openly sobbing.
Put me in the camp that finds the extremely gratuitous explicit violence when portraying human deaths to be a negative. Shock value doesn't impress me.


Did I skip a season?... thought I was caught up but I'm totally lost with this opening.

Edit : dammit yeah never saw season six!! Oops.


Even spoiling myself about who died pretty far in advance.. That didn't help at all. Tough to watch, very sad.

Still don't agree with the cliffhanger decision, I watched the S6 finale just before turning this on. Works much better as one cohesive episode.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Remove the picture and type that in spoilers.

Episode already aired. Unless Cornballer wants to make a "west coast airing-time" rule, it's kosher.

The only spoilers are theories of future episodes and/or comic spoilers of things that haven't be done on the show yet.

Totally missed that thanks. Thought he threw it out there on the ground with the walkers.

So did I, the way it was framed made it look like that. Not an upwards toss.
So was this filmed way back at the end of season 6? I remember hearing that AMC cut the scene in order for the season to end on a cliffhanger, but I also remember reports of Glenn and Abe's actors being on set for the filming of season 7 (for the first episode).


It starts exactly where the last season left off. Either you completely forgot about the last season finale, or you definitely missed a season (or half season).

Yeah I don't think six was on Netflix when I started watching it.

Ending of season 5 was pretty lame though I had a hard time remembering what they were doing.

Hey more walking dead for me though!! :)
The thing about Negan is he's not just some crazy dictator. He and his society have rules. New world ORDER. And while he does force people to gather for him he also helps keep the area zombie free plus protection from outside forces.

As JDM said, Negan isn't the "bad guy". He's forged order out of chaos and wants to keep it that way. Being a part of his society and follow the rules and things are better for everyone.

But it's a forced order that you have no say in. A dictatorship.

So is he a bad guy for keeping his society safe? He doesn't think so.

He's not crazy like the Gov. Or most other antagonist the group meets. Which makes him more interesting a villain.
Negan is a bad guy. He is most definitely a crazy bad guy. Just because he has rules doesn't mean he's a good dictator. He steals from other people and makes them work to procure more things for him to take. He has effectively bound people into slavery. In return, they get to live. He's a sadistic psychopath and has scum working for him. He took out Glenn just because someone tried to punch him after seeing their friend's head get bashed in. He wants people subjugated and humiliated. That's the only way his "new world order" works. Rick and Co killed his men, but his men weren't exactly a bunch of innocent school children. They were armed and knew what they signed up for, and sooner or later they would have had to fight. Rick and Co had their reasons, and Negan, if he were reasonable, would have understood why.
Forget nudity. Does anyone else find completely ridiculous AMC got away with airing the goriest, most brutal, cruelest, most violent episode in basic cable history but a four lettered word, "fuck", was where censors draw the line and thus neutering one of Negan's defining characteristics in the comic.

Brains, blood, eyes popping out, headless carcasses with hands still twitching? Fair game.

A character saying "Fuck"? We can't have that!



C- might be a little harsh, but they ain't wrong.

There are plenty of debates to be had, but calling this episode "A new low" is outright stupid. This doesn't even touch the endless drudgery of the Farm in Season 2, or the prison in Season 3/4.0.

For what this show is, I thought it was pretty good. It's obviously never going to be Breaking Bad or The Sopranos, so judging it by those standards seems pointless.
This show is almost bipolar in tone. Usually it borderlines on silly with the over the top zombie kills and shallow character development, but this episode just made me feel dirty in a way I was not anticipating, and I didn't like it.
Forget nudity. Does anyone else find completely ridiculous AMC got away with airing the goriest, most brutal, cruelest, most violent episode in basic cable history but a four lettered word, "fuck", was where censors draw the line and thus neutering one of Negan's defining characteristics in the comic.

Brains, blood, eyes popping out, headless carcasses with hands still twitching? Fair game.

A character saying "Fuck"? We can't have that!

Meanwhile FX and USA are letting their shows drop multiple f-bombs per episode. I really don't get it.


This show is almost bipolar in tone. Usually it borderlines on silly with the over the top zombie kills and shallow character development, but this episode just made me feel dirty in a way I was not anticipating, and I didn't like it.

That's pretty much how reading issue 100 back then was. I'd say they succeeded.


Forget nudity. Does anyone else find completely ridiculous AMC got away with airing the goriest, most brutal, cruelest, most violent episode in basic cable history but a four lettered word, "fuck", was where censors draw the line and thus neutering one of Negan's defining characteristics in the comic.

Brains, blood, eyes popping out, headless carcasses with hands still twitching? Fair game.

A character saying "Fuck"? We can't have that!

Meanwhile FX and USA are letting their shows drop multiple f-bombs per episode. I really don't get it.

There are no censors of US cable television. It's completely up to the network. What FX and USA shows use the f-word?


I don't particularly care that he died but the eyeball popping stuff and his final words to Maggie were disturbing.

I knew it was going to happen due to reading the comics. Yes it was a nasty way to go, but the character annoyed me too much for me to really care. I found myself thinking thank fuck I don't have to put up with him anymore. Now Abraham dying for me was gutting.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Meanwhile FX and USA are letting their shows drop multiple f-bombs per episode. I really don't get it.

USA is only allowing it for Mr. Robot, AFAIK. They generally kowtow to the censors, but Mr. Robot is a critical darling.
There are no censors of US cable television. It's completely up to the network. What FX and USA shows use the f-word?

American Crime Story, Atlanta, Mr. Robot. Maybe The Americans, can't remember on that one.

Advertising. It's the reason they do bad cliffhangers, they think it gets more viewers (it doesn't).

But with the ratings TWD gets, why should AMC or the advertisers even care? It comes on late on a Sunday night. I guess if there's a difference between AMC and the other channels I mentioned I don't know what it is.


This show is almost bipolar in tone. Usually it borderlines on silly with the over the top zombie kills and shallow character development, but this episode just made me feel dirty in a way I was not anticipating, and I didn't like it.

Over the last few seasons there has been an emphasis on ridiculous gross out splatter-gore humor in the style of Sam Raimi or Troma movies. This has felt particularly at odds with their somber, reflective character drama segments. At this point you're either on board with it our you're not though.


reading the start of this thread in hindsight with people acting like a bunch of whining bitches is funny, Gaf reaching Youtube comment section levels. Everyone was so deep in Pee Pee Pants City by the time the action started.

Great episode, super tense, fantastic acting, great build up. Excited for the rest of the season even if it can't live up to that. Hopefully we'll get a lot of JDM.


I haven't watched this show since I think Season 4, but let me get this right. Negan hit Glenn so hard his eyes popped out of his head? That's fucking brutal. Seems like a pretty harsh way to die for what was a character that's been around since the beginning.


I thought Mr. Robot silenced "fuck." Sort of like AMC with Breaking Bad. If anyone watched those on a streaming service or on blu-ray it might not be silenced.
New Westworld and TWD in the space of a few hours, phew, it's been emotionally exhausting. I was really frustrated with the pacing for the first half of the episode, and most of it was needless filler. The floaty flashbacks almost dulled the horrifying impacts of what occurred. If they'd let the scenes play out without the flashbacks, it would have been a lot stronger. Everything with Carl's arm onwards was fantastic, and some of the best TWD has ever done, partially due to the tension build. Andrew Lincoln, and later Lauren Cohan, were fantastic. I was wondering who would stand up first in the group at the end, and of course it was Maggie, love her. (The show would really like to pretend Eric doesn't exist, I'm really baffled why they bothered adding him to the show in the first place. Even Spencer was at the family dinner at the end.)

Negan and Rick seemed to have retained their slightly odd chemistry from the comics, which is impressive. The Negan/Rick dynamic in the episode seemed a lot more personal that their comic counterparts. It's ludicrous that AMC can show something so violent (Glenn's body twitching was horrifying), but swearing? Nope, too far.

I think it's a bit sad how the two deaths played out. Abraham was used so Glenn's death could be more shocking. Glenn's death was due to Daryl, and had some extra layers of bullshit - the moment was a 'oh, look we might actually kill Daryl this time... nah, it's Glenn'. Daryl's kinda-sorta impulsive, but I couldn't quite believe he'd be so stupid - it all felt frustratingly transparent. Daryl's character has had very little momentum at the moment, they needed to add in some more angst again, and they also needed to get him to Sanctuary. Bye, Glenn. (Both Glenn and Denise died for Daryl, joy.) Abraham's and Glenn's deaths in the comics were horrifying and random, and their loses were focused on. The show managed to diminish both, but hey, losing two leads at once - shocking!

The loss of Abraham and Glenn is (intentionally) even more heartbreaking, because they both had interesting places to go with their characters and relationships. (Which is the whole point of loss, I know.) The Daryl fake-out feels even more insulting, because his arc continues to be a chimera of other characters' story lines. At least Carol and Morgan have plot lines that are more unique. Glenn's loss is even more tragic, unlike her comic counterpart, Maggie is already in a stronger leadership position, so Glenn didn't even need to die for her to keep growing. It's also a bit crap that Glenn had very little to do in the past few seasons, and then got shoved under a dumpster for a few episodes. It's insulting to Steven Yeun, and a waste of the viewers time.

This episode encapsulates my love/hate relationship with the show in a nutshell: awful, self-indulgent pacing, followed by some fantastic character moments. One of the reasons I'm such a fan of the comics, is Kirkman is fantastic with pacing - we're 150+ issues in, and the pacing has rarely dropped. I have a love/hate relationship with Game of Thrones, but the pacing is really solid for such a huge cast. I feel like the fever dream could have been justifiable if it was the thing that actually broke Rick, but the disturbing scene with Carl's arm accomplished the same thing in a few minutes, far more successfully.

At any rate, I'm looking forward to seeing a certain King and his beautiful lady next week.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Just watched the scene. Jesus christ they went word for word? Damn...damn.

I haven't watched this show since I think Season 4, but let me get this right. Negan hit Glenn so hard his eyes popped out of his head? That's fucking brutal. Seems like a pretty harsh way to die for what was a character that's been around since the beginning.
That's how it went in the comics.
My god. Negan is perfect.

The way he moves (that line about his bat being a vampire or something and the way he keeps leaning back was so mesmerizing)

The way he talks. The way he dresses with his skinny jeans and scarf. They wrote this episode perfectly. Whoever acts as Negan is so great at the mannerisms.

Every villain so far has been rife with typical tropes of the evil guy genre. They say and do dumb things. But everything Negan says and does just made him come off as invincible. I dont even want to see how they get out of this one, because they wrote everything too perfectly for Negan to lose.

He reminds me of CM Punk too.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
But with the ratings TWD gets, why should AMC or the advertisers even care? It comes on late on a Sunday night. I guess if there's a difference between AMC and the other channels I mentioned I don't know what it is.
Because advertisers pay more than other channels to air during The Walking Dead since it has such a huge viewership, and they don't want to risk offending someone (obviously they don't care about violence as long as it's PG-13).
If that's the show going forward, I think I'm done. I don't want to watch that.
You are fine probably.
This Negan character is zero dimensional garbage. Good acting this episode though. Excessively gory.
I mean it's good to judge a character based on one episode, ya know? Because you know his backstory and have seen him for pretty much 50 minutes and know that he has no depth at all and is just a killing sadistic maniac...

The Kree

Because advertisers pay more than other channels to air during The Walking Dead since it has such a huge viewership, and they don't want to risk offending someone (obviously they don't care about violence as long as it's PG-13).

You are fine probably.

I mean it's good to judge a character based on one episode, ya know? Because you know his backstory and have seen him for pretty much 50 minutes and know that he has no depth at all and is just a killing sadistic maniac...

If I were positive about him you'd be quiet right now. If my opinion changes I'll let you know.


I'm having a hard time understanding the negative reactions. What I watched was an unbearably intense, amazingly performed (JDM and Lincoln) hour of television that was like falling into the abyss and escaping at the last second. Amazingly atmospheric and well done. Judging the show based on who it kills off rather than the show as a whole seems off to me, it's far more than that.

Something I saw on AVC is that people think it's "misery porn" and has no plot. It's never really had a plot, it's always been character driven, and "misery porn" as a criticism means nothing to me since people have been using that buzzword to describe great drama for years. People said the same thing about The Road.


I'm glad they went the same way as the comic.
The brutality was a part of that issue(#100)
It was supposed to make the viewer uncomfortable. It was supposed to make you feel part of what the characters were feeling. I think it succeeded.
I stopped reading the books for awhile after that issue.


I just love how this episode took everyone's expectations about what was going to happen based on the comics, and used it against them to surprise and stress out not only the comic readers but the ones who follow only the show.
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