I am kinda sorry that Maggie didn't learn her lesson, and didn't feel any regret. She was the one that agreed and even pushed to take on Negan despite knowing nothing about the size or depth of his army. Instead of feeling even a moment of guilt, she immediately comes to the conclusion that they need to start fighting him again.
I suppose that's fair enough. You can't expect her to have a clear mind at this moment.
At the same time, there needs to be a scene or episode in the future where Maggie realizes what she's done and deals with the weight of that. It's annoying to see people say "OMG Daryl got Glenn killed!" Maggie was the one who set this whole chain of events in motion. I think she deserves far more blame than Daryl. Her pride and arrogance is pretty much the reason that there's some zombie chowing down on Glenn's brains now.
Maggie stood right there and took blame by saying that she was the reason that everyone was out there.
YupJust realized during a rewatch that Abe flashed a peace sign to Sasha before he was hit.
Huh? Part of her little speech was clearly about her feeling guilty that they all went out there on her account.
That's why it was so effectiveHere's the issue:
You have everyone thinking Glenn is dead around the halfway point last season with the biggest bullshit ever in a show. There's a nice convenient dumpster for Glenn to crawl under, and he's conveniently small enough to make his way under it. No way they kill Glenn in the lineup now, right? Even with the knowledge of the comic death. We let the dumpster thing go as loyal fans, and you kill him anyway in the S7 Ep1 premiere. I really didn't want to believe the rumors months ago, but they played out exactly how those rumors did. Negan is an awesome character and JDM is a beast, but this was a slap in the face to your fans IMO
Not in a million year could I have predicted that these would be our only survivors so far (apart from Rick and Carl).
Carol is next isn't she T_T
Carol is next isn't she T_T
Probably.AMC knows it's breadwinners and won't pull the trigger on someone like Daryl before they're forced to.
damn. The level of nuance in the acting on TWD is lightyears beyond FTWD. That show is an embarrassment to the franchise, tbh.
Not in a million year could I have predicted that these would be our only survivors from S1 so far (apart from Rick and Carl).
Carol is next isn't she T_T
t-goatWho is that on top of the car?
Who is that on top of the car?
I'm glad they went the same way as the comic.
The brutality was a part of that issue(#100)
It was supposed to make the viewer uncomfortable. It was supposed to make you feel part of what the characters were feeling. I think it succeeded.
I stopped reading the books for awhile after that issue.
Negan was off. I get that the writers do their own thing, but they needed to nail this character from the get go and they failed miserably at that. Reducing him to a simpleton sociopath did this show no favors
"I'll find you"The way they did glen man... he didn't deserve to go down like that, what was he trying to say to Maggie?
Shit sucks dude, I loved glen, one of my favorites... I need Darryl and Rick to fuck up negan for that shit. Abe really grew on me too. This show got me hype again.
I feel like it's gonna be way to different with glen but we'I'll see.
"I'll find you"
"I'll find you"
People should know that this is entirely Rick's fault for meddling with business between Hilltop's colony and The Saviors.
Umm, there's an alternate death scene of Negan killing Maggie. Jesus Christ...
Come knocking eventually? Yes. But not with Negan's full rage mode. Rick and his crew did kill a whole lot of Negan's men just because Rick thought they were bunch of thugs with hot air. Not only that angered Negan but Rick got both Abe's and Glenn's head bashed in.true, but following the book, the arc was all about them finding out there's a whole world out there, and you get the impression that negan & his people would've come knocking eventually, even if they stayed within their community (which they clearly wouldn't have)
Daryl or Glenn is getting that bat
wtf is up with jeffrey dean morgan? has he lost a lot of weight?
Negan in the comics seemed a burly big dude. JDM was walking around in skinny jeans and a tight ass jacket like an urban outfitters model.
what the fuck.
They filmed alternate death scenes for all of the characters iirc.