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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 7, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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I feel like I'm not really the core audience for this show anymore. It seems like TWD has just descended into torture porn at this point. It's like the showrunners just want to see how debased they can go with the characters. It's not enjoyable, and they could have told a story about Rick getting knocked down a few pegs without the extreme violence.

I'm personally sad about Abe because he never ceased to be funny. He was just a great character and provided some much-needed humor in an otherwise grimdark show.

But Glenn... I just can't believe they would go there. He seemed like the #2 fan favorite. Strange decision. It makes sense narratively – this whole thing was basically Maggie's fault, so indirectly she got him killed. But still, I think it was a bad decision. Especially for Asian representation.
Glenn became the eyeball kid tho
That was all zombie stuff. Cartoony. Psychologically it's much easier to put those in a box. The cannibal stuff was the only really disturbing stuff up until now, aside from Daryl's time in the hunter gang. Human vs. human violence is much different, at least to me.

I think people getting eaten alive messes me up(if at all) than seeing Someone get beat to death. Seeing Human on Human on a majority of my media does that but I understand.


They really should have saved Tyreese for Negan. I am still pissed they had him go out so stupidly. Like seriously? You are going to tell me a lone zombie took out this guy?

I take it back, that shit was brutal. My boy Tyreese got a very nice somber episode to say goodbye. I wouldn't be able to handle seeing him with his eye ball popping out.
Just watched that episode. That was way too much IMO. I literally felt sick to my stomach. Eli Roth shock value wasn't necessary. If they keep that up I'm done with this show.


that Abraham-ba(i)t-and-switch ...

Glenn used up all of his 9 cat lives in Season 6. He was the knight in shining plot armor.

Negan, as a standin for the showrunners, showing us that - once again - noone is really safe. They are running the show. Big, important gesture.

Cruel fuckin moment right there.

edit: also, gf and i watched Westworld and TWD back to back, and it's quite jarring that the human protagonists in those shows are going through pretty much the exact inverse of their respective situations.
In TWD, no matter how safe you feel, danger, death and loss is always looming right around the corner.
In WW, no matter how grim and shitty things look and feel, you can (for now?) always be sure that things are gonna be back to 'normal' the next day and that nothing of consequence will really happen to you.


My fiancée and I have watched the show since the beginning but yeah, the Lucille beatings are by far the most gratuitously disturbing deaths the show has seen in my opinion. My mind is still scarred with Glenn's final words and the damage Negan inflicted on him. I feel kind of bad for Cudlitz because I liked him but Abraham's death will always be overshadowed by Glenn's. :(

The difference between tonight and a lot of other characters deaths is that this entire episode really just reeked of misanthropy and dread. I understand why and I think they did a good job of showing Negan breaking Rick, and maybe an even better job of breaking the audience. However, it eventually became so over the top that I felt like I was watching a Tarantino movie. Dale had his guts ripped out and eaten, and Noah had his face pulled apart (which were both awful) but those were momentary, short events as brutal as they were. This went on for far too long (just like my post) here, and it became more about the brutality than the actual loss of a character. Rick's "visions" felt less like natural character development and more like the showrunners taunting the viewer in the most self aware way possible. I have to say though they made the most uncomfortable hour of television I've ever seen and have me mourning the loss of two characters hours later, so props to them for that. Even if the delivery did seem ham-fisted :(.
As a comic-book reader I'm done with the show. I simply can't trust them to honour the original spirit of the comic book anymore after they squandered the tension of the season 6 finale and gave us... that.

No fucking wonder they had to go with
a potential arm chop
after season 6. I mean they effectively poured cold water on the beating by putting it at the start of the episode and ensuring it was
Abraham (who gives a fuck) and Glenn (expected).

And what people expected: That it'd be spoiled before it aired. Well, it was for me... so thanks for that.


As a comic-book reader I'm done with the show. I simply can't trust them to honour the original spirit of the comic book anymore after they squandered the tension of the season 6 finale and gave us... that.

No fucking wonder they had to go with
a potential arm chop
after season 6. I mean they effectively poured cold water on the beating by putting it at the start of the episode and ensuring it was
Abraham (who gives a fuck) and Glenn (expected).

And what people expected: That it'd be spoiled before it aired. Well, it was for me... so thanks for that.

It's not the show's fault you got spoiled, and a lot of people liked Abraham. Weird complaints.


Ok , i guessed correctly. Season 7 episode 1 death spoilers:

My pick was Abraham after Negan said: "Took it like a champ". I mean who is more badass than Abraham? Didn't expect him to kill Glenn after though. I think it wasn't that emotionally powerful like his death was in the comics. Don't know why; maybe it was Lauren Cohan's performance. I though it was a bit weak. Expected her to freak out, like Glenn did when Negan threatened her.


That was great (would have been better as the end of last season though), loved the double swerve for the comic readers.



Just like Glenn's death was on the show.

Really? I know a lot of non-comic book readers who knew all about Glenn's death and were mentally prepared for it.

No matter how I look at it this was (sorry to repeat myself) the easiest and most expected route.

Hell, they couldn't even go through with cutting Carl's arm off (which would've been shocking).


Hunky Nostradamus
Really? I know a lot of non-comic book readers who knew all about Glenn's death and were mentally prepared for it.

No matter how I look at it this was (sorry to repeat myself) the easiest and most expected route.

No one really expected another death after Abraham's though. And then there was the whole fakeout with making people think he was going to off Daryl before he turned around and randomly bopped Glenn in the head.

Plus, the show has rarely killed a character the same way as in the comic, so people had no real reason to suspect that Glenn should also die that way in the show.


I liked him. But not enough for the scene to be harrowing, in fact it was merely tepid. For reference: the comic book scene was fucking devastating and shocking.

The entire problem was basically in the editing. Ending S6 with Abraham's death and opening S7 with Glenn's would have been perfect, I really don't know why they saved it all for this.
No one really expected another death after Abraham's though. And then there was the whole fakeout with making people think he was going to off Daryl before he turned around and randomly bopped Glenn in the head.

Plus, the show has rarely killed a character the same way as in the comic, so people had no real reason to suspect that Glenn should also die that way in the show.

Maybe others cry tears over that shit but the whole thing was luke warm and I don't trust the showrunners with any aspect of translating the comic to screen going forwards.

You know what my reaction to the end of the episode was: "Ugh... what's next" *switches over*

That's it after all those months. Fuck AMC for that. I can't trust them enough to invest my time into watching their shows.
Still has her baby at least.
I think having Sasha around full-time at Hilltop will help given that she's lost a lot of people in her life as well. They'll be able to lean on one another.

Remember when the Terminus folk were eating Bob in front of him? Good times.
Tainted meat!


Awesome episode. Actually used up all the time without dragging on.
It is going to be annoying when they go back to the slow burn, only see half the team this episode only to save money format.


Well they got me with the fake out with Abraham. Well done. I guess that's the only way you could make the known death of Glenn a surprise. That said that scene tagged on to the last episode of the previous season would have had more impact and made this season that much better. Terrible misstep but onwards we go.


I think it's kind of funny that this is certain people's breaking point, like this moment ripped almost entirely from the book is "too shocking for the Walking Dead."

This is, and always was what Walking Dead was, and as a fan of the franchise this difficult scene is what I expected from the show originally, but they always seemed too afraid to go where the book went, which severely undercuts any of the really raw and emotional moments from the series. There's pre-Glen and post Glen Walking Dead, which is supposed to be a massive turning point for the story and development of these characters to begin with.


I think it's kind of funny that this is certain people's breaking point, like this moment ripped almost entirely from the book is "too shocking for the Walking Dead."

This is, and always was what Walking Dead was, and as a fan of the franchise this difficult scene is what I expected from the show originally, but they always seemed too afraid to go where the book went, which severely undercuts any of the really raw and emotional moments from the series. There's pre-Glen and post Glen Walking Dead, which is supposed to be a massive turning point for the story and development of these characters to begin with.

I think it had more to do with how awful the show handled these actions. This isn't the first episode, but it's clear the program is closer to a show like Big Bang Theory than the HBO programing they originally attempted to emulate.

Not to say the program still doesn't have high marks on occasion.
Maybe others cry tears over that shit but the whole thing was luke warm and I don't trust the showrunners with any aspect of translating the comic to screen going forwards.

You know what my reaction to the end of the episode was: "Ugh... what's next" *switches over*

That's it after all those months. Fuck AMC for that. I can't trust them enough to invest my time into watching their shows.

Why not just stick with the comics then? Seems like you have some wildly insane expectations or will never be satisfied regardless(or just don't like the show and want to shit on it and fans). It seems like you're in the extreme minority with your opinion.

I think it had more to do with how awful the show handled these actions. This isn't the first episode, but it's clear the program is closer to a show like Big Bang Theory than the HBO programing they originally attempted to emulate.

Not to say the program still doesn't have high marks on occasion.

This really makes no sense.


As someone who stopped watching the show since season 3, but has been waiting for the Negan moment since I read the comic, I gotta give the shown props for nailing the scene. Although I still think JDM doesn't fit Negan


Just finished watching it. Holy shit that was brutal.

Was wanting my girl Carol to come in Rambo style to save the day. :(

Season started off with a bang for sure.


I think it's kind of funny that this is certain people's breaking point, like this moment ripped almost entirely from the book is "too shocking for the Walking Dead."

Eh, Almost everybody saw it coming, whether it's leaks or due to familiarity with the comics. I've read most of them and have a lot of friends that are huge fans of the comics. They've told me before that they didn't even care for Glenn's death originally. Obviously it's going to be worse here because it's a live action show so you can't look at a panel, mourn, flip the page and go through the motions on your own time. It was more brutal here because of how torturous and long-winded it was. The show runners were children lighting a green army man on fire lol. I'm not really surprised at everyone's reaction, comic reader or not. Question is how they are going to handle their deaths going forward. One of my biggest problems with the show is that the viewer tends to mourn the loss of a character more then the other characters do. T-dog got what? One throwaway line from Glenn? LOL


Brutal episode, I didn't think they would kill Glenn, but damn. I've had to spend the last hour watching random happy videos on youtube, that was a depressing episode. The gore actually made me feel quite sick, not something I've felt from a TV show before, and that ending made me quite emotional.
Why not just stick with the comics then? Seems like you have some wildly insane expectations or will never be satisfied regardless(or just don't like the show and want to shit on it and fans). It seems like you're in the extreme minority with your opinion.

This really makes no sense.

I don't need it to be a one for one adaptation. I wanted it to continue the spirit of that scene, which is a scene I have been waiting to see for years.

Instead we got some cheap cliffhanger followed by months of waiting in which spoilers were leaked and a premiere that resulted in a moment that basically amounted to "psyche! fooled you!" in order to shock.

The only highlight in this episode was JDM's performance.

Also, I don't require to be in a majority to express my opinion. I'll state it no matter how many people disagree.


Spoilers regarding negan in the comics

is it true that he joins rick?


Major character growth all around. Negan is still Negan, but he finally realizes that Rick officially created what he wanted from the beginning-a "normal life" in this society, and he'll do whatever it takes to protect what Rick has created.
The book is in a REALLY interesting phase right now.



Major character growth all around. Negan is still Negan, but he finally realizes that Rick officially created what he wanted from the beginning-a "normal life" in this society, and he'll do whatever it takes to protect what Rick has created.
The book is in a REALLY interesting phase right now.

wow hard to imagine after the last episode


Man :(

That was hard to watch, I could deal with Abraham but Glenn... jeez, I'm really going to miss him. He was by far my favorite character since the pilot episode.


I liked him. But not enough for the scene to be harrowing, in fact it was merely tepid. For reference: the comic book scene was fucking devastating and shocking.

This being in the middle of pages and pages of people freaking out and being traumatized that they killed Glenn is really funny.


Glenn's death was supposed to be horrifying but it was so lamely done that it was hilarious
Yeah. They trolled his possible death forever, made you think he spared him only to do him in.

Kinda lame they got rid of two people btw. I thought it was funny how they had filmed all of them getting the initial hit, like they didn't know who to settle on.

I will say though, Gimple was on @midnight over a year ago and he said in a totally serious tone of voice that Glenn would get killed by Negan. I think they've been planning this forever but enjoyed trolling fans along the way, making them think the show would deviate from the comic and keep him going. Kind of lame.

Not sure if I'll keep watching this show, I show less interest with every passing season.


This being in the middle of pages and pages of people freaking out and being traumatized that they killed Glenn is really funny.

It's not that hard to be surprised about it when a select few core characters have some Luke Cage thick plot armor. (Looking at you, Daryl. Wait for the blow ups if they ever get the nerve to off him.)
I think it's funny, too lol.


This was a superb episode from the acting to the cinematography the shot after Neagan
killed glen
where he was lit up from the car heads lights was perfect. I really thought the last 5 minutes were unescessary and they should of ended on neagans next week line. The dinner scene at the very end was complete cheese so I'm going to forget it happened and continue to feel sorry for everyone that stopped watching because their truley missing out.
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