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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 7, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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Steroid Distributor
She thinks they went out there because she was sick, not because she made the bull-headed decision to take on Negan without understanding his power.

I don't see that as any real admission of guilt. If Maggie had actually realized that she grossly underestimated Negan, she wouldn't have been urging them to immediately commence warfare. Even Rick sees that they are outnumbered and outgunned. Maggie's regret is only that she fell ill, not that she pushed for conflict when she should not have.

Yeah sorry man but if you were handing in your English essay about this topic you wouldn't be getting full marks.
It's too bad that you don't see all these things happening already that you are looking for and that you are misunderstanding how pain and emotion can influence people or more specifically characters in this episode. I wish I could help you see what I see.

You say that even Rick sees that they are outgunned.
But Neegan had just took Rick to the brink. Rick was about to hurt his son. Rick's son is his motivation. Everything that Rick does is somehow connected to what he thinks is best for Carl. But Neegan was forcing him to choose to hurt his son to help others. Rick broke there and the entire episode was fantastically acted by Lincoln.

Man that scene was a true Abraham and Issac moment of faith and submission.

Rick's emotions will not be the same as Maggie's.
Maggie is kneeling there dealing with the death of her husband, the death of her friend and the guilt of feeling that she caused this whole situation.
Pain turns to rage much quicker than fear is able to.

I am curious about how many people that watched tonight's episode and wound up feeling horrible, angry and betrayed are feeling those things because that is what the director and writer wanted them to feel.
How many viewers are frustrated with this episode because they were left with a feeling that they didn't want or weren't prepared for?
Yup. If they had shown Abe getting killed, ended last season on that, it would have had alot more impact IMO. No main character has ever died to start the new season IIRC. Making it Glen too ...missed opportunity IMO.

yeah. season 6 ending is still bullshit. i hope amc gets this rep going forward for all the bullshit they pulled in season 6 overall. they shouldn't keep doing shit like that.
If the intention is for Negan to be overconfident that he can bring Rick's group to heel, then I could see that playing out well (for the show, I mean, obviously not for Negan himself).


I get all that. It just seems to me like a group as small as Rick's who could wipe out everyone at the satellite building would be too dangerous to try to leash. But *shrug*.

People who are capable of doing what Rick's group can do are exactly who you want to bring into the fold. Pushovers who don't know how to fight and survive aren't much use. There's obvious risks to this, but this is clearly how Negan operates and one can assume by the size of his operation that he's been very successful at it.

Also bear in mind that three of Rick's best people are now either dead or captured. His group has been severely weakened in both morale and numbers.


Steroid Distributor
Sort of.

I mean...honestly, Negan's probably my favorite character out of the comics. His arc is extremely interesting.

I think this is the biggest thing for many viewers.
As a fan of the books/comic I was happy.. almost overjoyed that the show was brave enough to do what they just did.
Integrity is the word I will use.

But the real joy comes from knowin where this show could be heading now.
If this season follows the comics this could be the best season of tv ever.
Did not expect the popping eyeball lol

I dunno guys...I kinda feel like AMC overhyped this, as it just turned out to be gratuitous gore porn. Maybe it's just me, because I've seen this kind of shit for real on the internet (motor vehicle accident aftermaths, 3 guys 1 hammer, etc). But to hype up "two guys getting their heads smashed to bits with a baseball bat in prime time" seems a little over the top and irresponsible. I mean, you've got FACEBOOK with a banner at the top all day yesterday about "share your excitement for TWD!" and everyone posting about it; turns out to be the most brutal murder shown on TV.

Curious if there are any first responders in this thread who've seen this type of gore IRL and how they felt about it and how AMC made these deaths penetrate mainstream pop culture like this.
If Jeffrey Morgan doesn't win Emmy I will be fucking outrage. What a fantastic acting performance. This is the first time in a long time I really want to punch a TV show villain in the face.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Ok, getting this season on dvd maybe tempting just to watch Negan drop f bombs. Do they air uncensored episodes somewhere?

Depending on AMC: iTunes should have it. IIRC Mr. Robot is uncensored same/next-day as the live-airs on iTunes.


Haven't watched since Terminal was over, decided to check in and see what's been happening.
Saw who died, decided to watch how they got killed. Got sick to my stomach and wanted to vomit.
So on one hand I'm kinda interested in the series again, on the other hand I don't feel like watching this for other reasons now.
But that was fucking intense.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Goddamn... I'm even more upset now...

Pls someone tell me if negan gets what's coming to him. I need to see this man suffer.

Not yet. Still alive in the comic.

He does get placed in jail, has a brilliant arc and becomes a fan favourite, so....

*Comic spoiler*


Steroid Distributor
I still think the episode where Rick kills shane was the best episode. But that's just me lol.

Funny you mention that. Because at the end of that episode my thoughts were that this is the best performance Lincoln has given since that Shane episode.

If someone walked into the room as that scene with Rick breaking and picking up that hatchet was going on I think they would have been impressed with how believable his pain and fear was.


Did not expect the popping eyeball lol

I dunno guys...I kinda feel like AMC overhyped this, as it just turned out to be gratuitous gore porn. Maybe it's just me, because I've seen this kind of shit for real on the internet (motor vehicle accident aftermaths, 3 guys 1 hammer, etc). But to hype up "two guys getting their heads smashed to bits with a baseball bat in prime time" seems a little over the top and irresponsible. I mean, you've got FACEBOOK with a banner at the top all day yesterday about "share your excitement for TWD!" and everyone posting about it; turns out to be the most brutal murder shown on TV.

Curious if there are any first responders in this thread who've seen this type of gore IRL and how they felt about it and how AMC made these deaths penetrate mainstream pop culture like this.

I think people are happy that AMC finally let loose a little bit.

They've always treated The Walking Dead like a pseudo family show even though the source material is completely R-rated. Sure the zombies get blown apart all the time, but the show never goes into anything too dark and the actors aren't allowed to drop F-bombs or hard curse words. Looking back it's kind of weird of Season 1 had the whole racism thing going on with Merl.

The bat scene was 100% brutal. I can easily see the mainstream audience complaining about it.
I really hope they don't wallow in the whole torture aspect of this. I seriously considered dropping GoT over Ramsay.

It's not so much squeamishness, as it is a tiring slog through gluttonous scenes. And usually when the villain meets their demise (I mean, he has to, right?) there is never any feeling of satisfaction, because you can't ever dramatize a death that could stand up to a season or some seasons of gratuitous torture.
Did not expect the popping eyeball lol

I dunno guys...I kinda feel like AMC overhyped this, as it just turned out to be gratuitous gore porn. Maybe it's just me, because I've seen this kind of shit for real on the internet (motor vehicle accident aftermaths, 3 guys 1 hammer, etc).
Yeah, it's you and also WTF, why would anyone want to see stuff like that?
Funny you mention that. Because at the end of that episode my thoughts were that this is the best performance Lincoln has given since that Shane episode.

If someone walked into the room as that scene with Rick breaking and picking up that hatchet was going on I think they would have been impressed with how believable his pain and fear was.

Lincoln's besting acting is when he is in pain.


If Jeffrey Morgan doesn't win Emmy I will be fucking outrage. What a fantastic acting performance. This is the first time in a long time I really want to punch a TV show villain in the face.

Same, I was literally squirming with rage from his performance. Legit shook how amazing his performance was in that entire scene. Perfect casting.


Steroid Distributor
I really hope they don't wallow in the whole torture aspect of this. I seriously considered dropping GoT over Ramsay.

It's not so much squeamishness, as it is a tiring slog through gluttonous scenes. And usually when the villain meets their demise (I mean, he has to, right?) there is never any feeling of satisfaction, because you can't ever dramatize a death that could stand up to a season or some seasons of gratuitous torture.

How about this???
If the writers are able to follow the Neegan storyline fairly well from the comics, that a year from now you will be looking back and talking about how awesome it was that AMC was brave enough to make you watch that gruesome episode.


Andrew Lincoln and Jeffrey Dean Morgan killed that shit. Great premier to set the mood for the season

We need raging Rick Grimes back asap
I think people are happy that AMC finally let loose a little bit.

They've always treated The Walking Dead like a pseudo family show even though the source material is completely R-rated. Sure the zombies get blown apart all the time, but the show never goes into anything too dark and the actors aren't allowed to drop F-bombs or hard curse words. Looking back it's kind of weird of Season 1 had the whole racism thing going on with Merl.

The bat scene was 100% brutal. I can easily see the mainstream audience complaining about it.
Exactly. Part of my issue with it is that they won't even say "fuck" but the gore will be out of this world. Compared to something like Game of Thrones, which has comparable gore, everyone knows that's an adult show in every respect of the word. Whereas TWD has advertisements in all kinds of inappropriate places, like FB, Snapchat filters etc.

Yeah, it's you and also WTF, why would anyone want to see stuff like that?
Teenage boys. Also in high school we had a firefighter come show us gory slides of drunk driving accident aftermaths. I think it scarred everyone in the room.

Can a person actually get ptsd from seeing an episode of a tv show because I think actually have lol. Holy shit that episode was just nuts!
's death in GoT shook me for DAYS.


Can a person actually get ptsd from seeing an episode of a tv show because I think actually have lol. Holy shit that episode was just nuts!


So that episode was something, huh?

First, I think its totally FUCKED that we can't show tits on TV or have people drop the f-bomb, but we can show the brutality of a baseball bat clubbing with eyeballs popping out and mushy piles of brain matter. That shit is completely backward. Completely.

Second, I am not sure whether to congratulate the show, or be disappointed in it and/or us, or both. Last season we were all crying about how they didn't show us who died and we pined about how they should have done it. I think this episode they gave us exactly what we asked for and now that we got it, I'm kind of thinking "what the fuck made us want that anyway?"

It was brutal gore porn out of a movie with a hard R rating. I didn't even really enjoy watching the show. I didn't enjoy the issue of the comics where that went down either, but something about seeing it on TV was more effective and at times I couldn't help but wonder what was going on in those households where people watch this show with their children. I am not usually a "Won't somebody think of the children!!!" kind of person who clutches their pearls, but I really hope parents across the nation exercised their better judgment and didn't allow their kids to see that episode. I mean, did it even come with a warning before it aired? This was far and away the most graphic episode they've ever done and like somebody said earlier, they've got facebook banners all over the place and the hype machine at full speed when I think really, we have to start talking about where the line should be for TV.

All that said, I guess the episode was successful having made me uncomfortable, but then again I'm starting to wonder why that's a feeling I have come looking for all these years.


Andrew Lincoln and Jeffrey Dean Morgan killed that shit. Great premier to set the mood for the season

We need raging Rick Grimes back asap
Not only do we need raging Rick but we need terminus Carol and Morgan to start clearing again. It's gonna take everyone to beat Negan.


Curious if there are any first responders in this thread who've seen this type of gore IRL and how they felt about it and how AMC made these deaths penetrate mainstream pop culture like this.
All I can say is...there would have been way WAY more blood than those tiny bits we saw on the geound.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
I like the io9 review of the episode. There's something intensely weird about "hey Daryl, pass the salad" lol.


I really hope they don't wallow in the whole torture aspect of this. I seriously considered dropping GoT over Ramsay.

It's not so much squeamishness, as it is a tiring slog through gluttonous scenes. And usually when the villain meets their demise (I mean, he has to, right?) there is never any feeling of satisfaction, because you can't ever dramatize a death that could stand up to a season or some seasons of gratuitous torture.

I hope they go further in that direction. I'm a big fan of gratuitous violence and gore fests. There is plenty of happy optimistic shows on tv for when I'm in that mood.


Anyone get the feeling that next weeks episode follows Carol/Morgan for the entire episode and doesn't go back to Rick and gang until week 3?
Not in a million year could I have predicted that these would be our only survivors from S1 so far (apart from Rick and Carl).

Carol is next isn't she T_T


No bald cap? Lies!
Definitely in the camp that thinks they should have end S6 with Abraham and left the suspense for who was next for the S7 premier. Abraham is totally getting overshadowed by Glenn's death now and it would have really increased the anticipation and fear among fans after seeing what was really in store.

Otherwise it was a decent opening to the season and Negan is so far in a good position to be really interesting.

I jumped ship from the comics about a half dozen or so issues after this event. Might get back into.


Been with the show for a long time now and I'm hopeful that the show runners end the show sooner than later. The cast, crew and fans deserve an end.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I couldn't understand what Negan said to Dwight when he offered to kill Darly after he struck him.

"No. No, you don't kill that. Not before you try a little."

Basically Negan sees a use for him since he had the balls to fight back after seeing someone get their skull caved in.


Yeah sorry man but if you were handing in your English essay about this topic you wouldn't be getting full marks.
It's too bad that you don't see all these things happening already that you are looking for and that you are misunderstanding how pain and emotion can influence people or more specifically characters in this episode. I wish I could help you see what I see.

You say that even Rick sees that they are outgunned.
But Neegan had just took Rick to the brink. Rick was about to hurt his son. Rick's son is his motivation. Everything that Rick does is somehow connected to what he thinks is best for Carl. But Neegan was forcing him to choose to hurt his son to help others. Rick broke there and the entire episode was fantastically acted by Lincoln.

Man that scene was a true Abraham and Issac moment of faith and submission.

Rick's emotions will not be the same as Maggie's.
Maggie is kneeling there dealing with the death of her husband, the death of her friend and the guilt of feeling that she caused this whole situation.
Pain turns to rage much quicker than fear is able to.

I am curious about how many people that watched tonight's episode and wound up feeling horrible, angry and betrayed are feeling those things because that is what the director and writer wanted them to feel.
How many viewers are frustrated with this episode because they were left with a feeling that they didn't want or weren't prepared for?

ehhh, you are underestimating Rick, here. I kind of feel like Rick's on Carol's level as far as manipulating 'threats' into a false sense of power over them. What you see as Rick breaking I saw as Rick flipping the switch and giving Negan what he wanted in spite of Rick's own anger/pride.
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