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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 7, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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Rick had multiple times in that episode where he could have taken out Negan in that trailer but of course, Walking Dead logic is at work here.

That whole dynamic got covered right away when Rick grabbed the hatchet and tried to do exactly as you say. Considering his character in the comic, let me assure you that Negan's not as easy to "take out" as you seem to think he is.

But let's just assume that you're right, and Rick kills Negan in the RV. Then what? What do you think happens to the rest of the group when Negan doesn't come back? Or, do you think SuperRick flies in and rescues them all from Simon and dozens and dozens of Saviors?

Kill Negan and then think of something. They've gotten out of worse shit before..

Lol! No, no they really haven't.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Kill Negan and then think of something. They've gotten out of worse shit before.

He went for the ax at first and it failed. A while later, Negan sits right beside him with just a bat and ax and he doesn't go for him? He walks past Negan to get out of the trailer and Negan only had a bat and he doesn't go for him? He climbs back into the trailer with an ax and Negan's back turned and he doesn't lunge at his back with it? WTF.

Think of what? They had no options. That was what the entire season finale was about because Negan and his group herded them around like lost sheep.

Killing Negan's guys got Abraham killed. Daryl acting tough got Glenn killed. I don't think another outburst would have worked out.

I honestly can't think of another time they were this screwed. Maybe when those cannibals had them, but even that required Carol to pop up out of nowhere to make the escape work. With no backup, I don't see anyway you get out of that unless you comply.

The point of the episode was that Negan was trying to demoralize them. Rick was the bucking bronco and had to be broken. He saw he still had some fight in him and had to shut it down.


How do you figure? It was pretty much the same.

He got hit until his eye popped out. Then he whacked his bottom jaw and his mouth basically exploded. Still somewhat conscious too. Before he turned his head into pulp, the damage was much more visible and graphic. His eye had completely fallen out the socket.

The thing about graphic violence is that it's easy to overdo it. A head that's been mashed to pulp isn't nearly as disturbing as a head that's just been horrifically disfigured. That's why Viper vs. Mountain in GoT was so bad...You got to see every bit of damage caused and the end result, while extreme, still had his facial features intact.
Kill Negan and then think of something. They've gotten out of worse shit before.

He went for the ax at first and it failed. A while later, Negan sits right beside him with just a bat and ax and he doesn't go for him? He walks past Negan to get out of the trailer and Negan only had a bat and he doesn't go for him? He climbs back into the trailer with an ax and Negan's back turned and he doesn't lunge at his back with it? WTF.
What good would it do? He kills Negan and then what? He gets to watch his friends and family brutally murdered and then gets tortured and murdered eventually


Junior Member
Not to worry guys Abraham is alive but I wouldn't say well.



True story, a few years ago a guy that looks exactly like Rick came into my friend's brewery. He didn't understand why we all kept shouting "CORAL" at him. He said he had never seen the show.

Last I heard he's making bank at conventions / cosplay / etc. I think it's his full-time gig now.
Kill Negan and then think of something. They've gotten out of worse shit before.

He went for the ax at first and it failed. A while later, Negan sits right beside him with just a bat and ax and he doesn't go for him? He walks past Negan to get out of the trailer and Negan only had a bat and he doesn't go for him? He climbs back into the trailer with an ax and Negan's back turned and he doesn't lunge at his back with it? WTF.

So let's say your logic happened and Rick killed Negan in the Trailer. What is the next logical step to save the rest of the crew? You know, the ones on their knees or sitting down still with guns/chainsaws/weapons pointed at them.

Please enlighten us how the mentality of this new game rick and co are in should have gone down instead. Tell us how Rick should have handled everything. I want to know this please.


Rick had multiple times in that episode where he could have taken out Negan in that trailer but of course, Walking Dead logic is at work here.

Me and my dad argued about this. He claims that killing Negan would have made him new top dog, and all he had to worry about on return was killing his right-hand man.

But realistically speaking, there's no possible way that would end without him and all his friends being killed upon return.


So Daryl killed the doctor, because of his impatience and few episodes later he kills Glenn for the same reason.

SMH Daryl .

I keep hearing Glenn from last season trying to convince Daryl to go back with them to Alexandria. "It can go wrong out here." :(
Me and my dad argued about this. He claims that killing Negan would have made him new top dog, and all he had to worry about on return was killing his right-hand man.

But realistically speaking, there's no possible way that would end without him and all his friends being killed upon return.
Ha, this ain't The Chronicles of Riddick
I don't think the people saying that Ric should have taken out Negan when he had the chance appreciate how absolutely and resolutely fucked they all are.

Negan's in charge now, lol.


Junior Member
I don't think the people saying that Ric should have taken out Negan when he had the chance appreciate how absolutely and resolutely fucked they all are.

Negan's in charge now, lol.

I haven't read the books, so I'm really wondering how they make it out.

All of the other situations they've gotten into, their way out seemed to be based on their foes underestimating them. After the past two episodes, I don't see how anyone could argue the Saviors have underestimated Rick's group.


That whole dynamic got covered right away when Rick grabbed the hatchet and tried to do exactly as you say. Considering his character in the comic, let me assure you that Negan's not as easy to "take out" as you seem to think he is.

But let's just assume that you're right, and Rick kills Negan in the RV. Then what? What do you think happens to the rest of the group when Negan doesn't come back? Or, do you think SuperRick flies in and rescues them all from Simon and dozens and dozens of Saviors?

Yes. They've done it before.

Think of what? They had no options. That was what the entire season finale was about because Negan and his group herded them around like lost sheep.

Killing Negan's guys got Abraham killed. Daryl acting tough got Glenn killed. I don't think another outburst would have worked out.

I honestly can't think of another time they were this screwed. Maybe when those cannibals had them, but even that required Carol to pop up out of nowhere to make the escape work. With no backup, I don't see anyway you get out of that unless you comply.

The point of the episode was that Negan was trying to demoralize them. Rick was the bucking bronco and had to be broken. He saw he still had some fight in him and had to shut it down.

I get the point of the episode. I just did not like how that scene worked.

What good would it do? He kills Negan and then what? He gets to watch his friends and family brutally murdered and then gets tortured and murdered eventually

I rarely psychoanalyze TV characters' actions because I believe it is impossible to predict how people will behave, especially in situations of distress. I rarely do it in these TWD threads and I never thought it made sense when other people in here do it.

But this one scene really stood out to me. It made no sense that Rick broke at that point and did not have a second go at Negan. At that point in time, he had no idea if he will even get to live or whether the rest of his crew will get to live. He had no idea what Negan would do. And Negan's already brutally murdered two of them so the track record of murdering them is already there. It was literally a kill or be killed situation. It made no sense at all for him to cower and break at that point.


I will say this also. I'm certainly no prude, but I'm absolutely shocked and stunned that they allowed that level of gore on a non-HBO like channel. I haven't been as disturbed by a kill in the same way since maybe the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre with that disturbing body twitching after the hit to the head. Then the eye, the complete destruction, just insane. I just can't believe they were able to air all of that. Wow.

It's one thing when they do gross things to the Walkers, it's brutal but also kinda cartoony since they are, well, zombies. But to have humans do that sort of thing to other humans, in that brutal of a way...I was amazed.
I felt the same way, and it takes a lot to make me feel like that. I think part of it for me was just how front and center, almost game show-like, the violence was. The camera put us right there, as close as they could get us to it.
Great season opener. Like everyone else I rolled my eyes hard at the Abe death. You know the writers did it on purpose because everybody was predicting they wouldn't have the balls to off Glenn.


Junior Member
I felt the same way, and it takes a lot to make me feel like that. I think part of it for me was just how front and center, almost game show-like, the violence was. The camera put us right there, as close as they could get us to it.

For me, the scene where the group in Terminus was killing their captives is still the most disturbing thing I've seen in TWD.

I really wish I could unsee that scene. Was disturbing beyond the raw gore.


So let's say your logic happened and Rick killed Negan in the Trailer. What is the next logical step to save the rest of the crew? You know, the ones on their knees or sitting down still with guns/chainsaws/weapons pointed at them.

Please enlighten us how the mentality of this new game rick and co are in should have gone down instead. Tell us how Rick should have handled everything. I want to know this please.

Drive the damn trailer into the bunch of them and while everyone is surprised and waiting to react, Daryl and everyone else will have a go and snatch some weapons and surprise! They win!

You make it sound as if you've not seen something just as ridiculous happen in this very show. Just last season, Daryl literally managed to silently take down one guy who had a gun at his back and then fire a rocket into a bunch of bikers who had 20 guns pointed at his friends. Are you seriously asking me to concoct all the ridiculous scenarios in which Rick can take down the Saviors? LOL really?
I haven't read the books, so I'm really wondering how they make it out.

All of the other situations they've gotten into, their way out seemed to be based on their foes underestimating them. After the past two episodes, I don't see how anyone could argue the Saviors have underestimated Rick's group.

Things ain't changing for a good while, Negan is going to be the Daddy for the foreseeable, you would imagine.

I stopped reading the comics years ago, around issue 40 but who's the dude with the tiger you see in the previews? Friend or foe?

Good times ahead, for us anyway - definitely not for Ric and the gang lol.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Great season opener. Like everyone else I rolled my eyes hard at the Abe death. You know the writers did it on purpose because everybody was predicting they wouldn't have the balls to off Glenn.

Err....Don't think everybody else did this

Things ain't changing for a good while, Negan is going to be the Daddy for the foreseeable, you would imagine.

I stopped reading the comics years ago, around issue 40 but who's the dude with the tiger you see in the previews? Friend or foe?

Good times ahead, for us anyway - definitely not for Ric and the gang lol.



How in the motherfucking shit are people just complaining about violence NOW?

You have had people's faces get ripped apart (Noah), brains getting blown (Beth), decapitations (Hershel), etc. Yesterday's episode was undoubtedly the most shockingly violent yet, but it doesn't feel outside of the show's realms of violence.

I can understand people quitting because the show is relentlessly exhausting in that nothing good ever happens, but to use yesterday's as an excuse seems funny considering they have stuck for 7 long ass seasons.


Have to agree. It was relentless and it was the entire episode. I'm out.
Show was pretty effective though. Put you in Rick's shoes pretty well, if it can elicit that kind of reaction

Agreed. The scene with Carl was almost too much for me to take. I've really enjoyed the show right from the beginning but it feels like it's getting a bit more than what I signed up for. You can do these things without being so in-your-face brutal about it. Just look at how The Dark Knight did it with the The Joker.
The Carl scene was all implications and emotions. Brutally emotional, but there wasn't a drop of blood in that scene. I'd argue that if a show can make you feel like it's so unsettlingly brutal from mere scenario, context, and acting, then that's an achievement

1) I don't think people were expecting that at all
People actually sat on blankets and watched this, as if this was an entertainment moment viewers would cherish and look back on fondly.

2) How is that a problem? Given how safe many people felt, the fact the show made you believably feel like anyone could die in that moment was a sign of its success IMO
I was half-expecting pregnant Maggie to be killed as well, or to actually have to watch a sobbing father sink an axe into his son’s forearm. That’s TWD’s biggest problem going forward


Great season opener. Like everyone else I rolled my eyes hard at the Abe death. You know the writers did it on purpose because everybody was predicting they wouldn't have the balls to off Glenn.

Ya when Abe was killed I said to my Wife "they blew it." I thought they had an opportunity to really shock and they didn't. Man did I speak too soon. It wasn't so much the characters that died that was so shocking. It was how they died, the build up and all the psychological stuff that put it over the top for me. I follow a lot of shows and this was one of if not the most gut wrenching episode I've ever seen.

I can't get with the rage over the S6 cliffhanger because I just binged season 6 this week and I have kind of seen season ending cliffhangers all my life so I don't understand the sudden disdain for them. I mean S3 of BB had a ridiculous cliffhanger and no one got upset. I am actually more surprised when there isn't a cliffhanger at the end of a season.


The episode was really exhausting. I get why people would want to drop it after all that but things I assume will slow down now. I mean look at next week's episode.


Goddamn, reviewers are horrible and shitty.

This is like going to a haunted house and complaining that it was too scary. This is a zombie show. Being grossed out and miserable is what we signed up for.

It's fine for someone to find a haunted house too scary and now want out but that is absolutely in no way a failing of the haunted house.
lol at that Verge opinion piece.

This is The Walking Dead where a young adolescent boy had to shoot and kill his pregnant mother, where we watch characters we love being captured by cannibals and they eat him before he's dead, a show where we saw two young girls being executed by those that were protecting them - for the greater good.

Ric and his gang have been walking around like the cock of the walk thinking they were invincible and in control. They are an in apocalyptic end of the world zombie nightmare.

They have just been shown they are mot invincible and they are not in control by an even bigger monster than the zombies. A fucking sociopath with a smile.

I get that last nights episode was harrowing, gut wrenching and tragic all rolled into one hour of tv drama but this isn't Cheers or Happy Days, this is The Walking Dead.

If only they went for Glenn and Maggie then the mock outrage faux offence would have been turned up to 11 :)


I really don't understand people saying they are quitting the show, this was one of the few episodes that has stuck with me because of the brutality.


Last season the "good guys" murdered a bunch of people in their sleep and NOW you want to quit watching?

This episode, taken on it's own, was very well done.
They went hard on the gore to recreate the scene from the comics. Find it hard to fault them for that. The real question for me is if this is going to be another strong opener followed by another tedious, meandering season building up to the next cliffhanger.
You make it sound as if you've not seen something just as ridiculous happen in this very show. Just last season, Daryl literally managed to silently take down one guy who had a gun at his back and then fire a rocket into a bunch of bikers who had 20 guns pointed at his friends. Are you seriously asking me to concoct all the ridiculous scenarios in which Rick can take down the Saviors? LOL really?

You've managed to miss the point of what issue 100 and this corresponding episode of the TV show is meant to represent: a paradigm shift. Yes, we've seen Rick's group get away with some whacky shit before, and we've seen core characters cheat death in silly ways.

Not this time. This is different. This time, the group got to sit helplessly and watch as two core members got their heads smashed in. They got to watch helplessly as their leader, after threatening to kill Negan, gets dragged into an RV like a little boy and taken for a joy ride, with no promise of his return.

What Kirkman and, by extension, the show runners are trying to convey to you is that this isn't the Governer. This isn't Terminus. This isn't something Rick and his group are capable of handling on their own.


Goddamn, reviewers are horrible and shitty.

This is like going to a haunted house and complaining that it was too scary. This is a zombie show. Being grossed out and miserable is what we signed up for.

It's fine for someone to find a haunted house too scary and now want out but that is absolutely in no way a failing of the haunted house.

Yeah, this isn't a comedy. If you don't like it, stop watching.
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