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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 7, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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Comic books don't end.

I'm a big believer that stories should have endings in mind, and not just go on forever until the writers get bored and make something up (Lost comes to mind).

Um comics absolutely do end. Plenty of comics have ended in some way or another. They may do a different version of the same idea but that's a different comic.

I agree stories should have a definitive ending but the great thing about properties based off something else is theres already a plan. Beyond what's written they have time to refine and change that plan to fit their needs.
Um comics absolutely do end. Plenty of comics have ended in some way or another. They may do a different version of the same idea but that's a different comic.

I agree stories should have a definitive ending but the great thing about properties based off something else is theres already a plan. Beyond what's written they have time to refine and change that plan to fit their needs.
Let's be honest there really is no end goal for the show right now by Season 10 they'll be caught up with the comics now and this show is going to get at minimum 12 seasons.
Um comics absolutely do end. Plenty of comics have ended in some way or another. They may do a different version of the same idea but that's a different comic.

I agree stories should have a definitive ending but the great thing about properties based off something else is theres already a plan. Beyond what's written they have time to refine and change that plan to fit their needs.
Yes, comics are more than just different superhero iterations and relaunches. Many many comics have told their story and ended. It's a statement of ignorance to say otherwise
lol at people quitting now

There have been huge, MULTIPLE stretches where the show is just flat out, boring-ass garbage.

Yeah, weird. I thought the premiere was riveting. Some legit suspense, and Negan is a great villain.

If people were gonna jump ship, they should have done it when Season 2 dragged on, or when they strung us out on the Governor plot line, or the mundane Alexandria plot lines. The show got better in the second half of Season 6, and this start of Season 7 has me legit interested more than I've been in some time.
Show was pretty effective though. Put you in Rick's shoes pretty well, if it can elicit that kind of reaction
I didn't feel like I was in Rick's shoes. My reaction was: "I'm so tired of this, I haven't missed this show in it's absence, and I don't care what happens to the characters from now on." This relentless gore porn-fest just put a full stop on that thought for me.


I didn't feel like I was in Rick's shoes. My reaction was: "I'm so tired of this, I haven't missed this show in it's absence, and I don't care what happens to the characters from now on." This relentless gore porn-fest just put a full stop on that thought for me.

Why wasn't it enough in Season 1 episode 2 when they were covering themselves with zombie guts? I don't understand why it took people 86 episodes to discover "Hey this show is gross"


Unconfirmed Member

This shit is embarrassing to read. Quit because the story is dumb. Quit because characters are boring. Or quit because they killed off your favorite character. But don't fucking tell me you're quitting now because it was too brutal or gory cause that's a bunch of bullshit. These people seem to want their brutal zombie apocalypse show but only if they approve of who or what it's brutal to. Give me a break.


I quite liked the episode in the end, because at this point I still watch the show for two reasons: 1) zombie thrills that no other show can deliver 2) some characters are worth rooting for to survive. Would've been great if this episode was in Season 6 instead of making us wait for the next season. But this seems to be a recurring thing for the show, to stretch out plot developments to the point of trolling. I can understand why some reviewers might be negative.
"No. No, you don't kill that. Not before you try a little."

Basically Negan sees a use for him since he had the balls to fight back after seeing someone get their skull caved in.

I assumed when I heard it that Negan was going to let Dwight rape Daryl. But whatever happens, Daryl's not going to be in a good place if he's forced to murder people, and haunted by the fact that his outburst got Glenn killed.

And this is what it comes down to – what's the point of continuing a show where all of the main characters are psychologically broken people? There's nothing more to say, except to wallow in their amorality.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Last season the "good guys" murdered a bunch of people in their sleep and NOW you want to quit watching?

This episode, taken on it's own, was very well done.

Their logic is undeniable.

And like someone said this isnt the first time the show showed gore and brutality.

Dale getting his stomach ripped open was brutal.
Hershel getting beheaded was brutal.
(this far into the seasons do I have to spoiler tag that, lol)

This isnt the first time the show showed gore and brutality.
I didn't feel like I was in Rick's shoes. My reaction was: "I'm so tired of this, I haven't missed this show in it's absence, and I don't care what happens to the characters from now on." This relentless gore porn-fest just put a full stop on that thought for me.
It was fucked up, but I wouldn't call it gore porn. In a Saw or Hostel, it's just gore for literally no purpose other than gore. This was not that.

Glenn's death was utterly horrific, but we barely saw Abraham's besides the aftermath, and the first few hits were nowhere as gory as I had expected. There really was no other human violence besides that. The rest was all talk and emotion. How does about three minutes of deliberately uncomfortable violence make the episode relentless gore porn?


I assumed when I heard it that Negan was going to let Dwight rape Daryl. But whatever happens, Daryl's not going to be in a good place if he's forced to murder people, and haunted by the fact that his outburst got Glenn killed.

And this is what it comes down to – what's the point of continuing a show where all of the main characters are psychologically broken people? There's nothing more to say, except to wallow in their amorality.
There is plenty of story left.


I assumed when I heard it that Negan was going to let Dwight rape Daryl. But whatever happens, Daryl's not going to be in a good place if he's forced to murder people, and haunted by the fact that his outburst got Glenn killed.

And this is what it comes down to – what's the point of continuing a show where all of the main characters are psychologically broken people? There's nothing more to say, except to wallow in their amorality.

Psychologically broken people can still find ways to survive and get better. The show is basically about that - a world gone totally insane, and seeing how different people and different factions react to that insanity and either crumble because of it or form some sense of order and community. The Governor had his own way, so did Terminus, so did Alexandria, same with Negan. They're all crazy in their own ways and the fun is seeing how the show explores that. At least for me.
The gore didn't bother me. However waiting to see who Negan picked had my heart racing. Anyone remember the DBZ Saiyan Saga when Nappa did the same thing: " Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, Catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers, Make Him Pay!"
I didn't feel like I was in Rick's shoes. My reaction was: "I'm so tired of this, I haven't missed this show in it's absence, and I don't care what happens to the characters from now on." This relentless gore porn-fest just put a full stop on that thought for me.

I think the uncomfortable feeling you have and your mislabeling of the episode (gore porn) means the episode did its job. It made you feel a specific way and if that makes you want to stop watching I don't blame you.
You've managed to miss the point of what issue 100 and this corresponding episode of the TV show is meant to represent: a paradigm shift. Yes, we've seen Rick's group get away with some whacky shit before, and we've seen core characters cheat death in silly ways.

Not this time. This is different. This time, the group got to sit helplessly and watch as two core members got their heads smashed in. They got to watch helplessly as their leader, after threatening to kill Negan, gets dragged into an RV like a little boy and taken for a joy ride, with no promise of his return.

What Kirkman and, by extension, the show runners are trying to convey to you is that this isn't the Governer. This isn't Terminus. This isn't something Rick and his group are capable of handling on their own.

I get what you are both saying. However, to me the argument of "he kills Negan than instantly that translates into all of them being killed" is just pushing the story to a specific conclusion, regardless of if it is the most or least likely scenario. It is very possible to imagine a scenario where if Rick killed Negan when no one else is around, that he could have saved everyone else. Like the one poster said, come back, drive into the crowd, he would have Negan's gun so just start shooting. Maybe even put Negan's head on a stake on the front of the RV so everyone knows he dead, and the herd is now leaderless and very possibly could scatter. Or any other multitude of scenarios that I could concoct where most of the remainder of Rick's team survives AND Negan and his clan are no longer a threat.

It sorta goes along with my complaint about the entire last season.. the characters are making decisions to push the story to a certain plot point, not having the characters make decisions that make sense for that character and follow the believable progression of the story.


I love the reactions this is getting. Now the horrified general public knows the pain us comic readers felt when issue #100 hit. It fucked my whole day up. So last night was more just like watching people act out that comic scene. So it's almost funny seeing everyone lose their shit over it. It's about time the show be as visceral as the comic. You guys should have read the real governor story arc. The tv shit paled in comparison. It always does.


I didn't feel like I was in Rick's shoes. My reaction was: "I'm so tired of this, I haven't missed this show in it's absence, and I don't care what happens to the characters from now on." This relentless gore porn-fest just put a full stop on that thought for me.

Welp, sounds like you just don't like the show anymore, this can happen to anybody.

I quitted the show when Rick fell in love for that blonde that was getting beat by her husband, was way too soap-opera-ish to my taste. I came back after that season and I'm glad I did though.
I didn't feel like I was in Rick's shoes. My reaction was: "I'm so tired of this, I haven't missed this show in it's absence, and I don't care what happens to the characters from now on." This relentless gore porn-fest just put a full stop on that thought for me.
Well put. Trust me I've come close to quitting the show on numerous occassions just never fully did it until last night. I don't care about any of the characters or what happens to them so watching random people get tortured has no appeal to me. Same thing as seeing gross shit on the Internet. I was never into that so I've always avoided it. Now this show is the same to me.


I get what you are both saying. However, to me the argument of "he kills Negan than instantly that translates into all of them being killed" is just pushing the story to a specific conclusion, regardless of if it is the most or least likely scenario. It is very possible to imagine a scenario where if Rick killed Negan when no one else is around, that he could have saved everyone else. Like the one poster said, come back, drive into the crowd, he would have Negan's gun so just start shooting. Maybe even put Negan's head on a stake on the front of the RV so everyone knows he dead, and the herd is now leaderless and very possibly could scatter. Or any other multitude of scenarios that I could concoct where most of the remainder of Rick's team survives AND Negan and his clan are no longer a threat.

It sorta goes along with my complaint about the entire last season.. the characters are making decisions to push the story to a certain plot point, not having the characters make decisions that make sense for that character and follow the believable progression of the story.

I don't get this though.. didn't Rick try to do exactly that (kill Negan with the hatchet) and Negan immediately stopped him (pointed a rifle in his face)? He was never going to allow Rick to kill him.. he just invented the perception that it was a possible choice for Rick.

He's always in control and Rick could have never touched him. Testing/taunting is a part of Negan's character and system of control/leadership.


I've been teetering on the edge of not watching for a while and now is as good a time as any, seeing as it's the beginning of the season. It's not even that Glenn got offed (I expected it was him), but that like a few others, I want there to be eventually be an end to the story. I know there won't ever be (in the foreseeable future), so I just can't see myself watching Days Of Our Lives In The Zombie Apocalypse for 15+ years. When the lows of the show are some of your favorite characters getting killed and the highs are some of your favorite characters killing other people, it just boils down to who gets to inflict the misery.

I went down this same route with Sons Of Anarchy. The first few seasons were great. Then it was a season full of misery. Then another. The show took a nose dive, but hey, a lot of people still watched till the end. Thankfully, it ended and hell I only stuck around because they announced there would be an end to it. But I'm sure others would have watched that show until Jax's son ran the gang 18 seasons later. With no ending in sight, this type of show just isn't my cup of tea anymore.
Don't understand why people are quitting now.

It's supposed to make you uncomfortable. It was recurring last season. Heck I felt like Rick and the group were assholes when they got to Alexandria and started saying they would take it if people didn't listen to them.

Sure, they were doing it in the name of protecting the somewhat ignorant settlers from what they did not know of the outside world, but they still came across like assholes. And I felt that way too when they assaulted Negans base and killed people in their beds while they slept, when they had done nothing to Alexandria at that point.

That's the point though I think. We as the audience are following Rick and company, but by no means are they "good people". They're just the group we're attached to. People are bad in this world. Negan might be a psycho with his psychological torture of Rick but Rick murdered people in their sleep, and executed the prisoner they had in season 6 with zero trial or anything.

People quitting have entirely missed the point or have not been paying attention.
Psychologically broken people can still find ways to survive and get better. The show is basically about that - a world gone totally insane, and seeing how different people and different factions react to that insanity and either crumble because of it or form some sense of order and community. The Governor had his own way, so did Terminus, so did Alexandria, same with Negan. They're all crazy in their own ways and the fun is seeing how the show explores that. At least for me.

The thing is, our group always tried to follow the good path within the hell they walked in. But last season changed all that. Maggie made a deal, and the group backed her, to go execute Negan's men in their sleep. Stone cold executions. Rick's group is already well on its way to Negan territory, they just don't revel in brutality quite yet.

Now that they've been broken and had so much taken away, that brutality, hatred, and bloodthirst for revenge is going to come. Maybe y'all want to root for depraved killers, but even there, what's left to say about their emotional journey? They're close to the end of it. They can't come back from this. So there's no story left to tell that has any meaning for the characters.
If this was the line that made those reviewers bail, they should've quit a long time ago.

I don't read the comics, but I haven't come across any discussions of BIG moments past this one that comic book readers have said they have been looking forward to, as far as brutality goes. It's mostly been on upcoming characters like Ezekiel or concepts like the
Whisperers, I think they're called.

As far as I know, this was as bad as it gets, though I may be wrong.
What I find interesting is that throughout the series the zombies have died way more brutally than any human has. And now when the spotlight gets turned on to show a very brutal human death it's caused such a stir.
How about this???
If the writers are able to follow the Neegan storyline fairly well from the comics, that a year from now you will be looking back and talking about how awesome it was that AMC was brave enough to make you watch that gruesome episode.

I hope they go further in that direction. I'm a big fan of gratuitous violence and gore fests. There is plenty of happy optimistic shows on tv for when I'm in that mood.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with going full grotesque and violent whatsoever.

What I can't stand are these prolonged, meandering scenes that do nothing but shovel home that X character is bad because you get to see X systematically torturing someone. The payoff is never worth it in the end.

That said, Negan is a killer character for this show. He toes this line of being so sadistic that it's like the innocent happiness of a child. A child with a barded wire baseball bat and an AR.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
This shit is embarrassing to read. Quit because the story is dumb. Quit because characters are boring. Or quit because they killed off your favorite character. But don't fucking tell me you're quitting now because it was too brutal or gory cause that's a bunch of bullshit. These people seem to want their brutal zombie apocalypse show but only if they approve of who or what it's brutal to. Give me a break.
Did you read the article? Doesn't seem like it. They clearly spelled out that they quit because of how cheaply emotionally manipulative the show has become, yet maintaining the pretense that it's special and thoughtful.

If you like the show and enjoy being dragged along for the ride while the writers use cheap tactics to play you like a fiddle, by all means keep it up, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's entertainment and the value of it is going to be subjective. I personally have the most fun watching shows like this for precisely the reasons the Verge writers are quitting it. I get a visceral thrill from not falling for stupid tricks and actually revel in the deaths of "fan favorite" characters. I watch shows like this and Game of Thrones because I love the butthurt reactions their cheap plotting elicits, not because I actually care about any of these characters.
I get what you are both saying. However, to me the argument of "he kills Negan than instantly that translates into all of them being killed" is just pushing the story to a specific conclusion, regardless of if it is the most or least likely scenario. It is very possible to imagine a scenario where if Rick killed Negan when no one else is around, that he could have saved everyone else. Like the one poster said, come back, drive into the crowd, he would have Negan's gun so just start shooting. Maybe even put Negan's head on a stake on the front of the RV so everyone knows he dead, and the herd is now leaderless and very possibly could scatter. Or any other multitude of scenarios that I could concoct where most of the remainder of Rick's team survives AND Negan and his clan are no longer a threat.

It sorta goes along with my complaint about the entire last season.. the characters are making decisions to push the story to a certain plot point, not having the characters make decisions that make sense for that character and follow the believable progression of the story.

Lol how can you claim it doesn't mske sense when your view is in the extreme minority. What you're saying has no basis in reality. You're doing the same thing Daryl did. Acting out gets more people killed. Even in the absolute best case scenario at least 1 more of Ricks group dies in the chaos of driving the RV into an army.

Theres so many problems with what you're saying too. Rick drives into an army and he somehow doesn't get lit the fuck up by a billion guns? What if the RV hits his people? Rick has Neegan's gun and starts shooting at 50 guys? What if Rick (very likely) hits one of his people?

That's the point of the scene there is no other way. Every suggestion you come up with leads to more of Ricks group dying.
The thing is, our group always tried to follow the good path within the hell they walked in. But last season changed all that. Maggie made a deal, and the group backed her, to go execute Negan's men in their sleep. Stone cold executions. Rick's group is already well on its way to Negan territory, they just don't revel in brutality quite yet.

Now that they've been broken and had so much taken away, that brutality, hatred, and bloodthirst for revenge is going to come. Maybe y'all want to root for depraved killers, but even there, what's left to say about their emotional journey? They're close to the end of it. They can't come back from this. So there's no story left to tell that has any meaning for the characters.
They can. People have endured and survived equally horrific, if not more so, stuff in our world
Colleen Stan was bound, gagged, and had placed a homemade wooden box over her head.

Over the next seven years, she found herself living a nightmare some would say was worse than death. The Hookers took her to their home in Red Bluff, California, and imprisoned her in a box underneath their waterbed for 23 out of 24 hours a day. She was brought out only to be beaten, raped and tortured.
Today, Ms Stan is married for the fourth time and raising her grandson, who turns two at the end of September.

Ms Stan said she is grateful to be alive.


The thing is, our group always tried to follow the good path within the hell they walked in. But last season changed all that. Maggie made a deal, and the group backed her, to go execute Negan's men in their sleep. Stone cold executions. Rick's group is already well on its way to Negan territory, they just don't revel in brutality quite yet.

Now that they've been broken and had so much taken away, that brutality, hatred, and bloodthirst for revenge is going to come. Maybe y'all want to root for depraved killers, but even there, what's left to say about their emotional journey? They're close to the end of it. They can't come back from this. So there's no story left to tell that has any meaning for the characters.

Well as I said on the other page the director said they have enough content to do at least 12 seasons. So unless the ratings suddenly go down, there is another 5 seasons yet.
The "gore" part was hard to watch for me and just too much, especially the Glenn part where he was still alive. At some point I just wanted the episode to end, it actually stressed me watching it.
Nevertheless, I'm still curious how this turns out and I'm very curious too see if Rick has been broken or not (I guess/hope not, otherwise, who is gonna be the leader?).
I don't get this though.. didn't Rick try to do exactly that (kill Negan with the hatchet) and Negan immediately stopped him (pointed a rifle in his face)? He was never going to allow Rick to kill him.. he just invented the perception that it was a possible choice for Rick.

He's always in control and Rick could have never touched him. Testing/taunting is a part of Negan's character and system of control/leadership.

Negan egged him on to try when Negan knew he had the upper hand. There were multiple times within the episode when it was just Rick and Negan that Rick could have attempted something with a much higher chance for success. Not saying he would have succeeded, but its not out of the realm of possibility.
Thank God. Please everyone else constantly complaining and armchair quarterbacking please leave with them.

Constantly complaining?

Some of us invested 6+ years of our lives into these characters so we have a god damn fucking right to be pissed off with AMC manipulating the fuck out of us with gimmicks.

Armchair quarterbacking? It doesn't take a genius to understand cinematic story structure and character development. In fact the average person has seen so much TV that they're likely to have an extremely good grasp of those areas.

What bothers me is not the violence (although I can't stand the fan's desire for Rick's murder sprees - mostly because it really does seem to have elements of the torture porn vibe the verge talk about which tends to drown out the actual character development that goes on) but the fake outs (Glenn's dumpster death being one good example) and little narrative tricks they employ.
Theres so many problems with what you're saying too. Rick drives into an army and he somehow doesn't get lit the fuck up by a billion guns? What if the RV hits his people? Rick has Neegan's gun and starts shooting at 50 guys? What if Rick (very likely) hits one of his people?

Rick's best chance was to put that axe in Negan's head when he was telling him to cut off Carl's arm. Negan's crew would've been stunned long enough for at least some of Rick's crew to grab weapons. Not that it was a great chance, but it was the only time Negan had his guard down and Rick had a weapon.

They can. People have endured and survived equally horrific, if not more so, stuff in our world

Recovering from abuse or loss is much different than becoming someone who decides to execute a bunch of people for food. There's a parallel there with Daniel from FTWD.


Lol how can you claim it doesn't mske sense when your view is in the extreme minority. What you're saying has no basis in reality. You're doing the same thing Daryl did. Acting out gets more people killed. Even in the absolute best case scenario at least 1 more of Ricks group dies in the chaos of driving the RV into an army.

Theres so many problems with what you're saying too. Rick drives into an army and he somehow doesn't get lit the fuck up by a billion guns? What if the RV hits his people? Rick has Neegan's gun and starts shooting at 50 guys? What if Rick (very likely) hits one of his people?

That's the point of the scene there is no other way. Every suggestion you come up with leads to more of Ricks group dying.

The point isn't to argue about how Rick would save the group because if the writers wanted him to save the group, he would have damned well saved the group and we would have all moved on to the next arc.

The point is, it makes no sense for Rick to not have another go at the guy who just brutally murdered his two friends and can easily murder him and everyone else. Rick had no idea what he was up to and he was all alone with him. It was his best shot at getting as much people out alive as he will ever have in that scenario.
Kill Negan and then think of something. They've gotten out of worse shit before.

He went for the ax at first and it failed. A while later, Negan sits right beside him with just a bat and ax and he doesn't go for him? He walks past Negan to get out of the trailer and Negan only had a bat and he doesn't go for him? He climbs back into the trailer with an ax and Negan's back turned and he doesn't lunge at his back with it? WTF.

They haven't gotten out of worse shit. Even Terminus doesn't compare.

Negan has literally hundreds working for him, outposts everywhere, not to mention his main base of operations.

Rick and the rest of the group would have been killed if Rick killed Negan. Look at what The Saviors did to their group and that was just a "demonstration"


Did you read the article? Doesn't seem like it. They clearly spelled out that they quit because of how cheaply emotionally manipulative the show has become, yet maintaining the pretense that it's special and thoughtful.

If you like the show and enjoy being dragged along for the ride while the writers use cheap tactics to play you like a fiddle, by all means keep it up, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's entertainment and the value of it is going to be subjective. I personally have the most fun watching shows like this for precisely the reasons the Verge writers are quitting it. I get a visceral thrill from not falling for stupid tricks and actually revel in the deaths of "fan favorite" characters. I watch shows like this and Game of Thrones because I love the butthurt reactions their cheap plotting elicits, not because I actually care about any of these characters.

I read some of it until I realized it was saying a whole lot of nothing. What's wrong with manipulating my emotions? This is why I watch.

"The episode added cheap tension by leading the audience to believe that Rick would cut off his son’s arm. It was horrifically violent. It was cruel."

How is this cheap? Is this explained somewhere in the article? It was really long and really dumb. I don't want to read the whole thing.


They haven't gotten out of worse shit. Even Terminus doesn't compare.

Negan has literally hundreds working for him, outposts everywhere, not to mention his main base of operations.

Rick and the rest of the group would have been killed if Rick killed Negan. Look at what The Saviors did to their group and that was just a "demonstration"

Exactly. This is on a completely different level. People saying "this is just the same as before" are being reductive, Negan is not only a different type of villain from The Governor but also FAR more powerful.
They haven't gotten out of worse shit. Even Terminus doesn't compare.

Negan has literally hundreds working for him, outposts everywhere, not to mention his main base of operations.

Rick and the rest of the group would have been killed if Rick killed Negan. Look at what The Saviors did to their group and that was just a "demonstration"

That's a certainty.

Negan said that if Rick isn't with him then they'd turn the others "inside out".
Lol how can you claim it doesn't mske sense when your view is in the extreme minority. What you're saying has no basis in reality. You're doing the same thing Daryl did. Acting out gets more people killed. Even in the absolute best case scenario at least 1 more of Ricks group dies in the chaos of driving the RV into an army.

Theres so many problems with what you're saying too. Rick drives into an army and he somehow doesn't get lit the fuck up by a billion guns? What if the RV hits his people? Rick has Neegan's gun and starts shooting at 50 guys? What if Rick (very likely) hits one of his people?

That's the point of the scene there is no other way. Every suggestion you come up with leads to more of Ricks group dying.

Darryl acted out at a retarded moment. Them walking out of that scenario alive and only losing 1 more person, or none, is no more ridiculous than the multiple of other times they have walked out of "hopeless scenarios".

And I've been following this thread a decent amount, I haven't seen much discussion about "what if rick killed Negan in the RV" so not sure how that's in the extreme minority. Im not even saying it would have worked, mostly I'm just saying it would have been more in line of Rick's persona. Just playing devils advocate.
Darryl acted out at a retarded moment. Them walking out of that scenario alive and only losing 1 more person, or none, is no more ridiculous than the multiple of other times they have walked out of "hopeless scenarios".

And I've been following this thread a decent amount, I haven't seen much discussion about "what if rick killed Negan in the RV" so not sure how that's in the extreme minority. Im not even saying it would have worked, mostly I'm just saying it would have been more in line of Rick's persona. Just playing devils advocate.

Negan was clearly testing Rick in the RV and was obviously fully prepared for him to attack. The man isn't some punk that's going to be taken down by an opportunistic attack that he himself set up.

What I got from the comics and this episode was the terminator Rick everyone loved was an arrogant pretender fueled by emotional trauma. Negan on the other has his issues but he loves what he does and is far stronger than Rick because of it, and that's the difference. However, Rick has certain advantages that Negan doesn't... which will be explored.
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