I've been teetering on the edge of not watching for a while and now is as good a time as any, seeing as it's the beginning of the season. It's not even that Glenn got offed (I expected it was him), but that like a few others, I want there to be eventually be an end to the story. I know there won't ever be (in the foreseeable future), so I just can't see myself watching Days Of Our Lives In The Zombie Apocalypse for 15+ years. When the lows of the show are some of your favorite characters getting killed and the highs are some of your favorite characters killing other people, it just boils down to who gets to inflict the misery.
I went down this same route with Sons Of Anarchy. The first few seasons were great. Then it was a season full of misery. Then another. The show took a nose dive, but hey, a lot of people still watched till the end. Thankfully, it ended and hell I only stuck around because they announced there would be an end to it. But I'm sure others would have watched that show until Jax's son ran the gang 18 seasons later. With no ending in sight, this type of show just isn't my cup of tea anymore.