lol at that Verge opinion piece.
This is The Walking Dead where a young adolescent boy had to shoot and kill his pregnant mother, where we watch characters we love being captured by cannibals and they eat him before he's dead, a show where we saw two young girls being executed by those that were protecting them - for the greater good.
Ric and his gang have been walking around like the cock of the walk thinking they were invincible and in control. They are an in apocalyptic end of the world zombie nightmare.
They have just been shown they are mot invincible and they are not in control by an even bigger monster than the zombies. A fucking sociopath with a smile.
I get that last nights episode was harrowing, gut wrenching and tragic all rolled into one hour of tv drama but this isn't Cheers or Happy Days, this is The Walking Dead.
If only they went for Glenn and Maggie then the mock outrage faux offence would have been turned up to 11