Fuck me what an episode. JDM and Andrew Lincoln absolutely killed it. That may have been Lincoln's finest performance in the history of the show. When he was just losing it before having to chop off Carl's arm... amazing. The tension leading up to THE moment was incredible, some of the best I've ever seen in a TV show, and this is coming from someone who read the comic.
When Negan took out Abraham... they got me. I thought that was it and the writers bitched out of the comic book version. Abraham's dead wasn't even that violent or disturbing. There's certainly been more fucked up, gory shots on TWD than that.
The shot straight out of the comic. One of THE money shots of the entire story brought to life. It had to be done to present Negan properly, and they nailed it. Fucking awesome.
Are people really complaining about that? Maybe I'm just a sick freak, but I didn't think it was THAT bad. A crazy visual, but certainly not offensive enough to complain about. Believe it or not, the comic goes even further with Glen's death. Maybe if they brought some of those other panels to life I'd understand the complaining
As great as JDM is, I do fuckin miss Negan fucking swearing after every fucking word. It adds a layer of crazy to his character that is lacking here, ESPECIALLY since some of those lines from the TV show are straight out of the comic, just with no swear words, or far less offensive versions of the word "fuck". Nothing they can really do about that, though, until they inevitably retell The Walking Dead in 20 years with an NC-17 rating
Nonetheless, this is the most excited I've been for a season of TWD since... season 2? Negan is great, and if they follow the comic close enough, there should be some good stuff coming up.