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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 7, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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The final edition of Walking Dead Quitters Club was bylined by Nick Statt and Bryan Bishop. It says right there in the headline, "We're done". Not "One of us is done". The end of the article is says "Our Quitting Likelihood after 'The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be': 100%". Our quitting likelihood.

So now a week later Nick Statt is writing new episode recaps on the premise that he never quit, and that he in fact wants Bryan to start watching again. So he either quit and then decided to come back 6 days later, or he never quit in the first place. It strikes me as the height of hypocrisy to criticize the Walking Dead for unearned shock and false drama, when you can't even run your Walking Dead column without resorting to fake shock and false drama.

It's also just a hilarious microcosm of what goes on in The Walking Dead fan communities online -- show does something that upsets people, many of them claim that they're quitting for good this time, then most of them return next season anyway.

Wait, why the fuck is everyone complaining about and going apeshit over the premier? Isn't this what more-or-less happens in the comics, scene-by-scene? Not to mention the show has been way more brutal than this. This was known for years, what did these people expect to happen? It seems TWD can't catch a break... heck, even when compared to other shows, HBO shows get a free pass for their brutality which in some cases has been worse than this episode.


Wait, why the fuck is everyone complaining about and going apeshit over the premier? Isn't this what more-or-less happens in the comics, scene-by-scene? Not to mention the show has been way more brutal than this. This was known for years, what did these people expect to happen? It seems TWD can't catch a break... heck, even when compared to other shows, HBO shows get a free pass for their brutality which in some cases has been worse than this episode.
HBO gets a free pass because they are a"premium" channel while AMC is basic cable. Hell, imagine if the last episode of Westworld had aired on basic cable, it would have been a shit show(I was so tired of the gratuitous nudity by the end of it, and there was one scene in particular that made even GoT look tame. And I say that as someone not too terribly bothered by nudity in HBO shows, but this was just too much.)


HBO gets a free pass because they are a"premium" channel while AMC is basic cable. Hell, imagine if the last episode of Westworld had aired on basic cable, it would have been a shit show(I was so tired of the gratuitous nudity by the end of it, and there was one scene in particular that made even GoT look tame. And I say that as someone not too terribly bothered by nudity in HBO shows, but this was just too much.)

But these internet-savvy folk who watch TWD are most likely the same people who watch GoT as well, including those guys at The Verge. Was the violence in the premier honestly that much worse than (GoT S6 spoilers)
Ramsay getting eaten by dogs while Sansa watches gladly?
But these internet-savvy folk who watch TWD are most likely the same people who watch GoT as well, including those guys at The Verge. Was the violence in the premier honestly that much worse than (GoT S6 spoilers)
Ramsay getting eaten by dogs while Sansa watches gladly?
Much worse. GOT was actually kind of tasteful in that moment and didn't show it, kept the violence out of focus and in the background


But these internet-savvy folk who watch TWD are most likely the same people who watch GoT as well, including those guys at The Verge. Was the violence in the premier honestly that much worse than (GoT S6 spoilers)
Ramsay getting eaten by dogs while Sansa watches gladly?
That isn't even comparable, they didn't show it on screen. The only comparable situation is (GoT s4 spoilers)
The Mountain crushing Oberyn's skull through his eye sockets

Not to say I disagree with your point though, people were just pissed that their favorite character was killed off and are using the "gratuitous violence" to make themselves feel better when in reality they are just bitching about Glenn getting killed.


The tonal shift of this show is to much, I went from being on the edge of my seat last week to being pretty bored this week. That might be my biggest problem with this show, it just isn't consistent from week to week.

they do it on purpose

last week was like


and now they throw in one of those slower paced episodes to calm everyone down.

or to troll us cause everyone wants to see what's happening with rick and negan

probably trolling us


Not even that, they shoulda just continued after the slaughter with rick going back to alexandria and telling everybody what happened. Woulda have been a nom action episode but still exciting
I know people want to see Rick and the main group a lot but the focus isn't going to be all on them anymore. We have the saviors, Alexandria, The Hilltop and The Kingdom now. There's a lot of characters to introduce and expand on. So people just have to get used to not seeing their favorites all the time. It's fine if people found this episode boring but it was an extremely important episode either way.


I know people want to see Rick and the main group a lot but the focus isn't going to be all on them anymore. We have the saviors, Alexandria, The Hilltop and The Kingdom now. There's a lot of characters to introduce and expand on. So people just have to get used to not seeing their favorites all the time. It's fine if people found this episode boring but it was an extremely important episode either way.
The worst part is that this isn't some new development, they have been doing this split episode thing since season 4


Wait, why the fuck is everyone complaining about and going apeshit over the premier? Isn't this what more-or-less happens in the comics, scene-by-scene? Not to mention the show has been way more brutal than this. This was known for years, what did these people expect to happen? It seems TWD can't catch a break... heck, even when compared to other shows, HBO shows get a free pass for their brutality which in some cases has been worse than this episode.

I can understand why some people objected to seeing one of their favorite characters mercilessly brutalized in an incredibly graphic fashion. This show revels in gore, but usually that ridiculous splatter-gore only happens with minor characters or zombies. I think it's fair to say that the show has ridiculous tone problems, when they want us to both mourn a dying main character and at the same time revel at how disgusting his death is.

But still, quitting over the season premiere just seems ridiculous to me. Quitting over the bullshit cliffhanger season finale would make a lot more sense.
I can understand why some people objected to seeing one of their favorite characters mercilessly brutalized in an incredibly graphic fashion. This show revels in gore, but usually that ridiculous splatter-gore only happens with minor characters or zombies. I think it's fair to say that the show has ridiculous tone problems, when they want us to both mourn a dying main character and at the same time revel at how disgusting his death is.

But still, quitting over the season premiere just seems ridiculous to me. Quitting over the bullshit cliffhanger season finale would make a lot more sense.
I really really don't think they wanted us to revel at how disgusting the death was. Like I can't even fathom how you watch that scene and think that was the reaction they wanted
it's funny, I thought this episode was less tedious than the first, but apparently I'm in the minority there lol. It just felt like they were milking that shit during the premier, and while I guess it was a nice, fuller introduction to how much of a fucker Negan is, it felt mostly like shock and awe, and not particularly interesting. (and it didn't resonate emotionally until the end with everyone around a dinner table)

Ezekiel, on the other hand, made a great first impression to me, and the chemistry already seems on point.
it's funny, I thought this episode was less tedious than the first, but apparently I'm in the minority there lol. It just felt like they were milking that shit during the premier, and while I guess it was a nice, fuller introduction to how much of a fucker Negan is, it felt mostly like shock and awe, and not particularly interesting. (and it didn't resonate emotionally until the end with everyone around a dinner table)

Ezekiel, on the other hand, made a great first impression to me, and the chemistry already seems on point.
The minority with good tastes ;)
This episode was so boring I had issues watching it in one sitting and ended up pausing to do other things throughout. I mean man with a tiger aside, who was pretty clearly putting on a show, this episode was fucking dull, one note and achieved very little outside of introducing this community.

It doesn't help that Morgan is actually not that interesting, and Carol having some sort of nervous breakdown isn't either.
Great episode. Ezekial's a cool dude. And kitty! :D

Already though with the tone the premier set I can't help but think the worst. :(

I guess maybe that's what the writers had planned on. Negan's just gonna kill everyone eventually until Maggie or Rick goes ham.
Personally -

This was the worst episode of Walking Dead to date.

I like Ezekiel when he's being normal
I like the young lad who was shit with weapons
Morgan solid performance

Tiger story is unbelievable - it would eventually eat the humans
Tiger graphics were meh
The whole premise just felt like Game of Thrones level of poor setwork. Awful.
Ezekiel doing the king accent is unbelievable
Carol for once was actually really poor... and I didn't want to admit that
Terrible pacing considering last week and normally I like the slower episodes
Poor script. Whoever wrote that dialogue.....
Totally killed the realism that Walking Dead has portrayed for 7 seasons. Just felt like fairytale land.

I literally, and I'm not exaggerating, know three people who told me they fell asleep during this episode and I nearly did.....

I also don't know a single person who enjoyed this week's in the real.
You understand this is based on a comic book with very unrealistic zombies?

Absolutely I do. I stopped reading the comics when the Tiger turned up too for the same reason.

The biggest draw for me with Walking Dead, aside from the good acting, soundtrack, setting, story etc.... is the realistic way they approached it.

If a zombie apocalypse were possible - Walking Dead style is how it would go down.

The Tiger removes all that, needlessly. It's a terrible idea.
Absolutely I do. I stopped reading the comics when the Tiger turned up too for the same reason.

The biggest draw for me with Walking Dead, aside from the good acting, soundtrack, setting, story etc.... is the realistic way they approached it.

If a zombie apocalypse were possible - Walking Dead style is how it would go down.

The Tiger removes all that, needlessly. It's a terrible idea.
I suppose we all have our limits. I live with a guy who dismisses anything vaguely unrealstic in film, video games or comics.

I revel in the fantasy, the more absurd and outlandish, the better IMO.
I suppose we all have our limits. I live with a guy who dismisses anything vaguely unrealstic in film, video games or comics.

I revel in the fantasy, the more absurd and outlandish, the better IMO.

Star Wars is my favourite film series, LOTR is my favourite book series. Final Fantasy is my favourite game series.

Normally I love the fantastic. Maybe if there was a zombie show that was a bit wacky from the outset I wouldn't be so against it.

It's just that Walking Dead set a precedent for being brutally realistic. The bit where Rick bit that 'claimed' guys throat out to save his son... brutal but realistic.

A tiger as a pet..... Come on.


This is a show with a sword weilding ex-lawyer, a redneck biker shooting a bazooka, a former cop turned neck biting super dad, a pizza delivery boy who found love with a farmer's daughter who's father kept undead relatives in a barn, and... I could keep going. Not to mention zombies lol. For as ridiculous as a lot of the show's elements are I'm actually impressed at how "realistic" they've actually been able to keep it. People drawing the line at a pet tiger is hilarious. By the way, I'm okay with these slower episodes as long as they stay as important to the story as this last episode was.

Edit: I have to give a notable mention to zombie UFC fights.
Personally -

This was the worst episode of Walking Dead to date.

I like Ezekiel when he's being normal
I like the young lad who was shit with weapons
Morgan solid performance

Tiger story is unbelievable - it would eventually eat the humans
Tiger graphics were meh
The whole premise just felt like Game of Thrones level of poor setwork. Awful.
Ezekiel doing the king accent is unbelievable
Carol for once was actually really poor... and I didn't want to admit that
Terrible pacing considering last week and normally I like the slower episodes
Poor script. Whoever wrote that dialogue.....
Totally killed the realism that Walking Dead has portrayed for 7 seasons. Just felt like fairytale land.

I literally, and I'm not exaggerating, know three people who told me they fell asleep during this episode and I nearly did.....

I also don't know a single person who enjoyed this week's in the real.
It being fairytale land is the point. Ezekiel spells this out during the episode why.

I really liked it. Hope we get more episodes like this.
This is a show with a sword weilding ex-lawyer, a redneck biker shooting a bazooka, a former cop turned neck biting super dad, a pizza delivery boy who found love with a farmer's daughter who's father kept undead relatives in a barn, and... I could keep going. Not to mention zombies lol. For as ridiculous as a lot of the show's elements are I'm actually impressed at how "realistic" they've actually been able to keep it.

All of that stuff, while far-fetched, is still believable.

I just fail to see how it's possible to have a pet Tiger for a few reasons.

1) Tigers eat 10-25 pounds of meat per day or sometimes gorge on 100 pounds in one sitting - Where are you gonna find that much meat while keeping a community fed
2) Tigers are wild animals - tame to a point while being well kept but eventually it would get hungry and start eating the humans
3) Tigers do not eat rotten flesh so that rules out zombies
4) Ezekiel stated the Tiger was the last animal alive in the zoo and all hungry n shit. So it wouldn't eat him to stay alive.....


I liked his week's episode.

Very good idea to introduce the King through Carol's eyes....she shares a cynicism the audience will have too.

Give us a very different community to contend with now, with a...colourful leader to add to the grit and blood of everyone else. It's somewhat refreshing.

It also highlights the reach of the Saviours and how many people they're pissing off. Rick to lead a revolt?


All of that stuff, while far-fetched, is still believable.

I just fail to see how it's possible to have a pet Tiger for a few reasons.

1) Tigers eat 10-25 pounds of meat per day or sometimes gorge on 100 pounds in one sitting - Where are you gonna find that much meat while keeping a community fed
2) Tigers are wild animals - tame to a point while being well kept but eventually it would get hungry and start eating the humans
3) Tigers do not eat rotten flesh so that rules out zombies
4) Ezekiel stated the Tiger was the last animal alive in the zoo and all hungry n shit. So it wouldn't eat him to stay alive.....

I will counter all those points with "rule of cool".
I will counter all those points with "rule of cool".

I swear to god if Negan busts out the pet grizzly bear I'm done

and for the record - no that is not a spoiler from the comics. If he does turn out to actually have one..... I am officially a psychic


All of that stuff, while far-fetched, is still believable.

I just fail to see how it's possible to have a pet Tiger for a few reasons.

1) Tigers eat 10-25 pounds of meat per day or sometimes gorge on 100 pounds in one sitting - Where are you gonna find that much meat while keeping a community fed
2) Tigers are wild animals - tame to a point while being well kept but eventually it would get hungry and start eating the humans
3) Tigers do not eat rotten flesh so that rules out zombies
4) Ezekiel stated the Tiger was the last animal alive in the zoo and all hungry n shit. So it wouldn't eat him to stay alive.....

I don't know man lol, I failed to even include further logical gaps but the show is really about the survivors and their interactions with each other, basic character driven entertainment. I think realism took a back seat ages ago when Rick was in a coma for a long time and the walkers didn't manage to get in his hospital room and eat him in his slumber. I know there were barricades but those fuckers have knocked over fences and doors many times lol.

The kingdom have pigs so some of those could go to the tiger? I mean they gave 8 pigs to the saviors and there's like 500 of those guys so I don't know how they are being kept fed with such little food, either. I'm more inclined to question the probability of Ezekiel wearing 30 pounds of clothes in 90 degree piping hot Atlanta.

EDIT: I would also like to know who got the awful responsibility of keeping the Fantastic Sam's open during the zombie apocalypse.
I'm more inclined to question the probability of Ezekiel wearing 30 pounds of clothes in 90 degree piping hot Atlanta.

hahaha! I didn't even notice that.

Is it weird that I dislike their community so much that I hope Rick's group turn up and get it all destroyed trying to fight Negan?


1) Tigers eat 10-25 pounds of meat per day or sometimes gorge on 100 pounds in one sitting - Where are you gonna find that much meat while keeping a community fed
3) Tigers do not eat rotten flesh so that rules out zombies

Tigers will absolutely eat carrion.


A season ago, Enith ate a raw turtle. She should be dead of salmonella. It's a writing error dating back to the comics itself, but one that can be overlooked. A tiger is a rather fun element. It's not that wild of an idea. It came from a zoo. Zeke was a zookeeper that developed a relationship with the tiger possibly from when it was young. Yeah the carrion of walkers is old as fuck but not as old as it should be. Really, if walkers deteriorated at a normal rate, they shouldn't even have the muscle mass and tendons to keep moving yeah? Hell, we've practically seen skeletal walkers still moaning and moving when they should have no larynx or muscles. There's some unrealistic elements, but in a show full of plenty of unrealistic elements. I can survive.


Decent episode, nice introduction to Ezekiel. It needed a mild episode after last weeks mammoth opener. Morgan is certainly an interesting character, and he had a pretty strong episode this week.
Personally -

This was the worst episode of Walking Dead to date.

I like Ezekiel when he's being normal
I like the young lad who was shit with weapons
Morgan solid performance

Tiger story is unbelievable - it would eventually eat the humans
Tiger graphics were meh
The whole premise just felt like Game of Thrones level of poor setwork. Awful.
Ezekiel doing the king accent is unbelievable
Carol for once was actually really poor... and I didn't want to admit that
Terrible pacing considering last week and normally I like the slower episodes
Poor script. Whoever wrote that dialogue.....
Totally killed the realism that Walking Dead has portrayed for 7 seasons. Just felt like fairytale land.

I literally, and I'm not exaggerating, know three people who told me they fell asleep during this episode and I nearly did.....

I also don't know a single person who enjoyed this week's in the real.
I don't know where to start here.

1) They acknowledged everything you said about the tiger either in the show itself or on talking dead. It's a work of fiction, in the end. If everything that happened on this show were 100% logical it would be one boring ass show.

2) Ezekiel hamming it up as the King is half the point.

3) Carol was great.

4) The pacing was completely on point. After a brutal episode like last week, this was the perfect follow up to not only continue to build the world and introduce major new characters but to give everyone a breather.

5) I thought it was one of the better scripts that had more to say than the usual stuff people talk about on the show.

6) What realism lol? And the kingdom seeming like a fairytale was literally the point. Carol even says that.

7) If this was the worst episode of walking dead to date I simply have to call absolute BS that you've actually been watching the show.

8) Even critics who hate this show have enjoyed the episode. Fans seem to like it too across the internets.


it's funny, I thought this episode was less tedious than the first, but apparently I'm in the minority there lol. It just felt like they were milking that shit during the premier, and while I guess it was a nice, fuller introduction to how much of a fucker Negan is, it felt mostly like shock and awe, and not particularly interesting. (and it didn't resonate emotionally until the end with everyone around a dinner table)

Ezekiel, on the other hand, made a great first impression to me, and the chemistry already seems on point.

I agree completely. The first episode was boring outside of the grisly beatings and that was just ugly and depressing. They needed an episode like this badly after the premier.


Honestly i just felt after this episode like "why is anyone following carol"

She doesn't want to be followed, yet both morgan and ezekial are begging her to stay, ezekial had never even met her before yet he's trying to convince a bruised up middle aged lady who has shown no strengths that she should stay with him, why??

N.B i liked the episode.


The tonal shift of this show is to much, I went from being on the edge of my seat last week to being pretty bored this week. That might be my biggest problem with this show, it just isn't consistent from week to week.

This is generally a problem of all shows with too many characters. They want to progress all storylines during a course of the season, but also not distract the viewers from important stuff or complicate things too much by giving everyone a few minutes in each episode. Game of Thrones also had this problem in the previous seasons, but it wasn't as bad in the last one.


hahaha! I didn't even notice that.

Is it weird that I dislike their community so much that I hope Rick's group turn up and get it all destroyed trying to fight Negan?

It's one of the things that actually do kind of get to me. I mean, even on a practical level why are so many people dressed in such uncomfortable clothing? I feel bad for the actors because they have got to be burning up. I don't feel bad enough to where I forget they make 80k an episode but bad enough to where I'm just now thinking about it at a human level as I make this post lol. Story and setting wise it just seems out of place.

Anyway, I think this last episode was wonderful but I can see why maybe some people don't. The show does pivot between action and dialogue heavy episodes a lot so I can see why there may be a divide in the viewing audience.


I don't know man lol, I failed to even include further logical gaps but the show is really about the survivors and their interactions with each other, basic character driven entertainment. I think realism took a back seat ages ago when Rick was in a coma for a long time and the walkers didn't manage to get in his hospital room and eat him in his slumber. I know there were barricades but those fuckers have knocked over fences and doors many times lol.

The kingdom have pigs so some of those could go to the tiger? I mean they gave 8 pigs to the saviors and there's like 500 of those guys so I don't know how they are being kept fed with such little food, either. I'm more inclined to question the probability of Ezekiel wearing 30 pounds of clothes in 90 degree piping hot Atlanta.

EDIT: I would also like to know who got the awful responsibility of keeping the Fantastic Sam's open during the zombie apocalypse.
They are in Virginia in the winter time

Also Alexandria is a real town in Virginia


Because there are characters who haven't been addressed yet. Carol and Morgan ended off on a bit of a cliffhanger last season as well.

But the real reason is in this very thread, mainly the posts from a week ago. This episode was intentionally there to lighten the mood and inject some optimism into the story. If they had continued with Rick & Co it's going to be about grief. There isn't an optimistic angle coming from that set of stories in the near future. At least here they were able to calm down the people who thought this was all too cruel.

I don't know why I should care about any of these people. I wasn't looking forward to this episode because it was a Carol/Morgan episode and nothing made me more interested. The episode made me fall asleep several times. This didn't feel like it was lightening the mood as much as it felt like the equivalent of a commercial.
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