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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 7, Part 2 – Sundays on AMC

Nice to know Eugene is probably on Rick's side still. I really doubt he didn't figure out Sasha's plan.
I think what we saw from Eugene these last few eps was sincere. Don't believe he had some master plan to join Rick. Think he realized this was now his best opportunity and he hoped Rick and the rest would follow suit.

I will say I do think next season they'll probably try and redeem him though
They should bring back crazy Rick....
Crazy Rick, crazy Carol, and Crazy Morgan...
It really sounded so so bad out of context, didn't it? lol

As someone who hates fighting games...and as someone who has seen a lot of racist sentiments towards black women. I squinted really really really really hard at that statement.

Thankfully people came with receipts.


You now belong to FMT.
I need more Simon.... he is probably my favorite character. You give him half of Negan's time on camera and this season is 4 times better. Also is Maggie pregnant? How far along is she? I'm trying to figure out if I missed a miscarriage or something.
I still don't get why dwight didn't take that opportunity after the tiger died, to put a bullet into Negan.

I mean its to keep the guy in the show, but in terms of actually story telling, that was kind of dumb.

the tiger didn't die, its was in the very last scene chilling in the grass like a boss


Hated it and most of this season. Felt like what took 16 episodes to happen could've been done in 4.

If this season has proved anything, you can skip all the episodes in between the premieres and finales and pretty much not miss anything. lol



Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I really want my mom to stop enjoying this show so I can finally stop watching it. I'm only watching it now for her and it's killing me.
That was some horrifically-filmed action. It was just people running around aiming at things and shooting wildly. What happened to the action like in the outpost massacre or breaking out of Terminus?

Yeah, I feel like this has become an increasing problem over the last couple seasons, culminating in this horrible battle. They really had me for a second; the tension was high when Shiva attacked and Ezekiel starting yelling and I was hype as hell. But the whole thing deflated really quickly because the scene was shot and choreographed so terribly it's astounding that it made it into the season finale of such a huge show. Actors shooting guns with no recoil, characters are aimlessly shooting at nothing, standing out in the middle of a field without cover just firing wildly, and the camera does a horrible job of setting a scene and giving characters a set place on the battlefield. The camera focuses on bodies but doesn't show their faces so I'm not even sure if it's someone I'm supposed to know or not? There was never any clear indication of who was on which side with the way it was filmed. It was all just confusing and unfocused.

This show squanders so much potential, and it's not even down to budget or padding or forcing dumb decisions to forward the plot here. It's just purely down to lazy, poor execution of somebody behind the camera who should have planned this out. It's pretty sad.

I thought the main cast put out some great performances, and the Sasha send off was solid, but it ends up feeling like the Season 3 finale with how limp it all turned out.

How did a bunch of professionals let this pass?


As someone who hates fighting games...and as someone who has seen a lot of racist sentiments towards black women. I squinted really really really really hard at that statement.

Thankfully people came with receipts.

I'm a black woman myself. Thankfully I knew the reference. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have been as polite as you in asking what the meaning was.
I'm super glad that Simon didn't get
killed off
Overall, it was a better episode then most of the season. I usually don't get too disappointed with walking dead but this season just wasn't up to par. I think there is lots of potential but it really dragged on and was not paced well at all.
Here's hoping to a better next season!
I'm just thrilled were moving on to the next arc already!
That seemed pretty amateurish TBH, the fight scenes were awful. It even looked like Tara shot Rosita, lol. The twists came from a mile away, and the Kingdom riding in with the "not this day" speech was downright ridiculous. Still hate the garbage people, why can't they just talk properly? Poor finale for the worst season so far, Walking Dead used to be better than this.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
If this season has proved anything, you can skip all the episodes in between the premieres and finales and pretty much not miss anything. lol

That's been the case since post-Darabont (and even Darabont season 2).

I like Gimple, but at this point he needs to go or put his foot down on AMC meddling. It's clear these cliffhangers for clear Comic transitions of Arcs is on him/AMC to do for the sake of padding seasons out for the (what was it...) porported 18 seasons they planned to do or so.
I'm a black woman myself. Thankfully I knew the reference. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have been as polite as you in asking what the meaning was.

The responses in the Bill O'Reilly/Maxine Waters thread made me paranoid to say the least.

But back on topic, the only thing that shocked me was the garbage pail adults turning on RickCo. Everything else seemed fairly par for the course.
Why does the junkyard gang talk and act like civilization collapsed 3000 years ago? It's so hilarious, as was that shootout at the end. So cheesy
Poor finale for the worst season so far, Walking Dead used to be better than this.

I still think this is at least in the upper-half of Walking Dead Seasons and season finales. Season 2 and 3 were trash in literally every respect but casting. 4 and 5 are probably my favorite. I would put 7 on par with 1 and 6.


Fifty minutes of that episode was shit. 50 minutes.

The last ten were good. Lol this show.

And now they're probably gunna do war for 16 episodes. Let that sink in


I vote for less episodes. 16 was too many this season and it will be again for war. You'll keep getting boatloads of filler.

They also need a new show runner and/or they need to do some serious soul searching if they ever want a return to form or at least head in that direction.

The characters don't drive the show anymore. They're a backdrop for the plot.


Garbage pail kids twist was fucking horseshit and some straight up deus ex machina trash. Show deserves to die. I am tapping out and will watch the season finale next year to see
Negan get caged


Yeah I don't get the garbage people twist. Like there was no hint there was a deal with Negan or even that it was possible they could have been in contact. Can someone help me understand how it makes any sense for them to play Rick and strike a deal with Negan?


Eh, wasn't a big fan of the trash people twist.

I'm more pissed off that not big evil player got killed. Negan, Dwight, Simon, weird trash lady. I wanted her dead so bad. She's so fucking weird and she shot my boy Rick. Overall, thought it was an OK ending.


The episode certainly had some issues but that was probably one of the best episodes of the series. The Sasha stuff was a fantastic build-up and send off to the character. Despite knowing neither Carl or Rick would be dying, that final scene with Negan was tense and very well acted.

And seeing everyone finally come together is what I've been wanting all season. It took far too long but at least the payoff was worth it. I have high hopes for next season as long as this means they aren't splitting up everyone all the time. No more not seeing Maggie or other characters for 3-4 episodes. If these characters are truly a family, it's time they get back to acting like it.

I really like this finale. Sad to see Sasha go. I really like her. I'm happy Simon didn't die. I really like his character.

Yeah I noticed that. There is one scene that looked like Tara shot Rosita. lol

I'm glad I wasn't the only one that noticed that. For a second, I literally thought that Tara shot Rosita. I don't understand how they thought that was looked even close to okay.

A lot of incredibly poorly shot scenes in that final battle which really isn't acceptable for a show with The Walking Dead's budget.


Has to be one of the worst endings for me. Only good thing is they didn't leave it on a major cliffhanger and that isn't even a huge compliment.

Majority of the episode was garbage and it would be nice if they give some type of subtle hints or something instead of "we made new deal with group you came to us about" flying out of no where.

No indication they even knew who the saviors were before Rick and Co. came to them and no hints they sought them out afterwards.
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