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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 7, Part 2 – Sundays on AMC

Having barely watched any of this season and tuning in to watch Into The Badlands....that was insane.
into the badlands is great this season, production values went up a lot

anyway, great way to end season 7. Nostalgic feels. RIP Glenn/Abe/sasha/etc....

Until next season folks. Onto other show threads for now. Thanks Samurai and co for the roundups every week.


The war should've started earlier than the season finale in my opinion

I don't necessarily disagree with you here either. Still not the point. Why would a war start off by getting rid of Negan. not much of a war. With all the buildup, as slow and filler-y as it was, it made it even more likely that Negan wasn't getting done in in the finale.

My point is, I'm not sure why anyone expected Negan to be done in this episode, the second half of which saw the beginning of the war. Your response is "well, the war should have started earlier in the season" Which isn't a counter to what I said lol.

Personally, I would have been disappointed with all the slow buildup to have Negan downed so quickly once war started. With that said, I hope the writers work on upping ratings by compacting the episodes a bit more and keeping up some momentum.


That was terrible, honestly. The show played exactly to established formula. Everyone was hyped for a resolution and instead we just got the teaser trailer for the next season, which will feature a dramatic slowdown with plenty of filler instead of the war storyline we all hope for.
Some folks still think Negan is supposed to be a disposable antagonist like all of those other antagonists Rick and his crew faced from Seasons 3 through 6. Hence why they expect "The negan plot" will one day end and the show will revert to its previous formula.

That's true.

So, the carving in the statue was dude saying he didn't know about the fuck over?


Yea this was legit. And people are loving this all over twitter. Complainers can complain. Next season it's all about war.

Yeah, the final fight was pretty good, just wish it had gotten to it like 5 minutes earlier so the fight could have been 5 minutes longer so it could have flowed a bit better.

Angry Fork

I honestly miss when they were just traveling and trying to solve the zombie apocalypse by finding the central authority in DC

Now its kind of just gang warfare

I agree. Feel like it was much better then when it was less characters and things were more mysterious (searching for answers and shit). The rebuilding civilization stuff could be fine but they're obsessed with stretching things out so much I don't get it.

This show can seriously be lame. Clearly they arent given the proper time and budget in these battle scenes. I mean it is literally a montage of "Hero Shots" for everyone's favorite character(s) doing some cheesy execution move. Nothing flows nicely because they gotta have each person doing some cheesy badass thing. The show is collapsing under the pressure of popular characters. Only thing done halfway decent was the final montage scene.

Lots of characters should be culled asap but this show isn't brave enough to do it (minus Glenn, 6 seasons in), and to be fair I understand why. I feel like A. the general audience is too fickle/fangirlish to accept losing someone like Daryl for example and B. other characters can't carry the weight of the loss. When big characters die in game of thrones you still have good ones left but this show doesn't have that imo.


Glad that utter waste of a season is over....what was the point?

Never has a show done a complete 180 for me from where I'm totally into to where now I could care less....


I really thought they were gonna capture negan and put him in the cell. Figured Alexandria would have the upper hand until the mid season finale.


My problem isn't Negan, my problem is that he is being used lightly. The fear effect is dead basically. Such a missed opportunity. For those other posters complaining about him, he is gonna be around for awhile I think.
I don't necessarily disagree with you here either. Still not the point. Why would a war start off by getting rid of Negan. not much of a war. With all the buildup, as slow and filler-y as it was, it made it even more likely that Negan wasn't getting done in in the finale.

My point is, I'm not sure why anyone expected Negan to be done in this episode, the second half of which saw the beginning of the war. Your response is "well, the war should have started earlier in the season" Which isn't a counter to what I said lol.

Personally, I would have been disappointed with all the slow buildup to have Negan downed so quickly once war started. With that said, I hope the writers work on upping ratings by compacting the episodes a bit more and keeping up some momentum.

Fine, if you consider the war to have actually started mid season then this battle should've happened earlier instead of in the finale. And I'm not trying to counter you. If you enjoyed it then you enjoyed it, seems the majority of the audience did too but I didn't.

I was annoyed. Maybe not as annoyed as last season's finale but just like last season this was another extended episode that didn't pay off, and the season as a while didn't win me over either. So...fuck it


Enjoyable episode, enjoyable season. I love Negan, and I love how tense it is when he and Rick share the screen.

I also love all the butt-hurt in this thread. Seriously, you guys crack me up. Its just TV, hahhaha.


I just don't know if I can care anymore. It's not just that it didn't end. It's that they are basically where they started the season. All the extra guns are gone. Negan's army is bigger than ever. Ezekiel's basically got nobody at this point. All of that buildup and then they fuck it up again.


Now that the season is over, I'm still trying to figure out where it rates among the others for me. Incredibly strong opener and a pretty great finale. Lots of lingering in the middle tho that took away momentum. Lots of filler and some pure stupidity. It had it's fun moments but the middle was overall pretty rubbish mostly due to the pacing than the filler. I don't mind a slow burn so the pace didn't bother me so much as the material they used to pace it. There was no need to include the oceansider for example and the execution of having them contribute felt so out of place and half-done. Garbage people are so fucking strange but I don't mind their existence. Ricks got so many forces and the potential to have cards moving from Negan's deck straight to his with Dwight to start it off. Gotta have some forces aiding Negan too.

I'm kinda feeling like it's season 3 tier. I really didn't like season 3 because of the focus on the governor and Andrea (blaargh) but that premier and finale makes it over the hump easily. So better than season 3. Honestly, the premiere of season 7 is so good, I'm still not confident how I feel placing it behind 5 and 6.

4 > 5 > 1> 6 > 7 > 3 > 2.

My taste for season are pretty odd though.

Fine, if you consider the war to have actually started mid season then this battle should've happened earlier instead of in the finale. And I'm not trying to counter you. If you enjoyed it then you enjoyed it, seems the majority of the audience did too but I didn't.

I was annoyed. Maybe not as annoyed as last season's finale but just like last season this was another extended episode that didn't pay off, and the season as a while didn't win me over either. So...fuck it

Oh no way am I trying to say you should have enjoyed it. Like I understand your point completely. Would take a break and give season 8 some time to sit. I have a feeling Negan's going to be arouns for a good portion of season 8 too before they get him dead or detained :/
That was some horrifically-filmed action. It was just people running around aiming at things and shooting wildly. What happened to the action like in the outpost massacre or breaking out of Terminus?


First order of business needs to be taking out the trash.

Nice message by Dwight. Kinda figured he just didn't have an opportunity and was caught off guard with the double cross.

Except he did. He was behind him when all hell broke loose, with Simon already running. He could have offed him there without any predictable repercussion.


Junior Member
I really like this finale. Sad to see Sasha go. I really like her. I'm happy Simon didn't die. I really like his character.
That was some horrifically-filmed action. It was just people running around aiming at things and shooting wildly. What happened to the action like in the outpost massacre or breaking out of Terminus?
Yeah I noticed that. There is one scene that looked like Tara shot Rosita. lol


Junior Member
Except he did. He was behind him when all hell broke loose, with Simon already running. He could have offed him there without any predictable repercussion.

Yeah Dwight had several opportunities in the chaos to off Negan but chose not to. I guess someone might have seen him but yeah at that point he could have just joined the alexandrians as the saviors were fleeing.


It's almost mind-boggling how complex of a con this show is. Physicists should herald the discovery of a perpetual motion machine.The writers basically swapped out a season finale with a teaser trailer for another 16 episodes of filler and got away with it, again.


I like the show (and comic) and still appreciate them despite knowing that they're zombie drama schlock. With all that said... the trash people and the betrayal is some of the dumbest forced shit this show has ever done. I wish Rick had regressed back to ruthless Terminus-era Rick sometime this season.
I like the show (and comic) and still appreciate them despite knowing that they're zombie drama schlock. With all that said... the trash people and the betrayal is some of the dumbest forced shit this show has ever done. I wish Rick had regressed back to ruthless Terminus-era Rick sometime this season.
My dad threw his hands up and let out a loud "This is so stupid!" when the betrayal happened


Was a decent episode I guess, but had some bad moments. Like everybody opens fire at once and on our side we only have Rick, Michonne, and Rosita wounded? I'm sure that there were some no-names killed that were fighting on our side, but really should have lost somebody in all the chaos. And the way it was shot/edited it got confusing at times. Like Carl is taking dudes out in one shot, then on his knees the next, unless I missed the shot where he gets caught. Also felt like Sasha's flashbacks were overdone, but her plan worked out pretty well. Gave Carl the opportunity to go John Wick on these freakin trash people. Favorite part was Rick talking to Negan after Negan tells him he's going to kill Carl. Rick knows there's nothing he can do so he basically just says - F you, I'm still gonna kill you. Then Shiva comes in to save the day!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Loved the Shiva pearl harbor action. Peeps literally clapping and cheering when it happened.

lmao. But she picked the WRONG PERSON. Like Negan was RIGHT THERE. WTF, Shiva?

As it is, we're totally in
"All Out War"
for folks that want to read the comics in regards to arcs.

Nice to know Eugene is probably on Rick's side still. I really doubt he didn't figure out Sasha's plan.

He already knew she was going to kill herself or was plotting something. He gave her the pill but didn't get it back. It's why he lied about "the coffin probably ran out of air" (which can happen, granted) to Negan when questioned about it.


I just can't believe they didn't have a better idea for that finale shoot-out, that should not have happened. The second Carl opened up half their group should have dropped dead instantly.

Surrounded and out-gunned yet able to disable everyone except one person inside the fence, suuuuure. What a waste of a season that could be summed up in half the episodes.
How is black sails?

From what I remember (since it's been a while since I've seen the beginning), the first season set up is a bit slow, after the really cool start, but once it gets going again a bit further into the first season it's really good the rest of the way. Especially from season 2 on.

Haven't seen the finale and last couple of eps yet.

Great show.
So many bad things about that episode

- why so many unnecessary Abraham flashbacks. Especially awful that they had to split up the Sasha coming out of the coffin segment by clearly establishing that she was going to die. Could have been made a surprise, just terrible

- Carl being able to do that, fucking lol

- I was really annoyed with how convienent everyone just showed up. There was nothing to establish that the Hilltop/Kingdom needed to be there at that exact moment. It was cheap and already done recently in GOT.

- the Dwight twist not being a twist. There is nothing interesting about Ricks group actually believing him for him to turn out to still be with Negan all along - unless I misunderstood that? Dwight joining Rick actually made sense for him character wise

- Again, the plot armor for the main group is ever so apparent. Negan has become such an absolute joke he made the Govenor somehow seem more imposing in retrospect
- the Dwight twist not being a twist. There is nothing interesting about Ricks group actually believing him for him to turn out to still be with Negan all along - unless I misunderstood that? Dwight joining Rick actually made sense for him character wise
He isn't with Negan. The trees were knocked down like he said, and the chess piece at the end

Yes, he had about a dozen opportunities to kill Negan in this episode
He isn't with Negan. The trees were knocked down like he said, and the chess piece at the end

Yes, he had about a dozen opportunities to kill Negan in this episode

Ok... that is why I was confused. He could have killed Negan or his main cronies and still lived, at several points.

Van Bur3n

That was some horrifically-filmed action. It was just people running around aiming at things and shooting wildly. What happened to the action like in the outpost massacre or breaking out of Terminus?

Yep, I was kind of just waiting for it to be over to see how it ends.

Also, the fuck is with Rick trying to talk trash lady with "we can make another deal"? The hell? Really? You think that's going to work? This is not the Rick I love.

That said, I still enjoyed watching it. Looking forward to the real war that's about to kick off.
I thought it was a great finale. A little bit of resolution, we know the all-out war is starting, a new status quo and no cliffhanger. Sad to see Sasha go but I never for a minute thought Sonequa was going to be on this show and Star Trek too.


Michonne's fight was brutal.

Maggie guns blazing was awesome. Have been waiting for that the whole season.

Head trash lady is the worst negotiator ever. She actually let Rick talk her up on the guns, and she got nowhere with Negan.

Rick's character arc this season was to grow to a point he doesn't care so much if Carl dies. I approve.

Apparently Enid travels between Hilltop and Sanctuary on her own, because she's often going back and forth the last few episodes. And sometimes she takes Judith to Hilltop? I think the last time we saw Judith she was definitely at Alexandria for Tara's confession. Does she pack her on her hip the whole way?

Negan would be much more effective if he didn't have a taste for the elaborate and dramatic. The coffin was total overkill.


I still don't get why dwight didn't take that opportunity after the tiger died, to put a bullet into Negan.

I mean its to keep the guy in the show, but in terms of actually story telling, that was kind of dumb.
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