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“It’s Scary For Filmmakers” | Christopher Nolan Goes to Bat For Physical Media


Gold Member

Season 2 GIF by The Simpsons


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
He’s right that we shouldn’t trust streaming, but you end up feeling burned by physical media for movies with the transition from DVD to BluRay to 4K BluRay in a relatively short period of time. Your collection becomes worthless.

I feel better about building a book library since books don’t get outdated (until written language is replaced by cyber brain emojis).


He’s right that we shouldn’t trust streaming, but you end up feeling burned by physical media for movies with the transition from DVD to BluRay to 4K BluRay in a relatively short period of time. Your collection becomes worthless.

I feel better about building a book library since books don’t get outdated (until written language is replaced by cyber brain emojis).
You have a point here, I'm not saying 4K is worthless it can definitely look impressive at times

The issue remains for me is that often from casual viewing I just find myself not really caring anymore, HDR and higher quality panels should've been the focus. there's been things on streaming I thought were 4K but turns out they were just 1080P streams.

Far as physical media goes, it's still so alienating to go to the store and see 3 price tiers of DVD, blu ray and 4K And not act surprised that DVD still outpaces them both when it's anywhere from a 5-15 dollar difference (DVDs usually 15, Blu rays 20-25, 4K 30) and you're openly being charged premiums.

I haven't bought a movie in a year and like you, I started buying books especially since I'm getting older and people weren't kidding that your imagination shrinks and so many movies, games and shows don't connect as much as stories that are cemented in reality or recounting history.
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He’s right that we shouldn’t trust streaming, but you end up feeling burned by physical media for movies with the transition from DVD to BluRay to 4K BluRay in a relatively short period of time. Your collection becomes worthless.
Yeah I have a ton of bds but only like 3 UHD ones because it's just way too expensive to replace all of it; now I only buy an UHD BD of something I really really want to own.


He’s right that we shouldn’t trust streaming, but you end up feeling burned by physical media for movies with the transition from DVD to BluRay to 4K BluRay in a relatively short period of time. Your collection becomes worthless.

I feel better about building a book library since books don’t get outdated (until written language is replaced by cyber brain emojis).

God love him, but Nolan sometimes has a habit of conveniently forgetting the downsides of the things he champions, in order to lambast the things he doesn't like. Any push for a return to physical media has to come with a better strategy for consumers in terms of cost and release. Likewise, any calls for cinema to be championed over streaming needs to come with a strategy to improve the absolutely god-fucking-awful cinema going experience.
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Argument, or something: Time to stop focusing time on consuming entertainment and instead put it toward connecting with other people and work hands on to deal with poverty.


Genuinely Generous
A bookstore here in the area every few weeks has a "fill a bag for $20" promo, movies and music included (all used). I just fill two bags of Blu-rays/DVDs/vinyl for $40 and call it a day. usually get about 30-40 movies, which is pretty much about $1 a movie. That's the only way I buy physical media. Paying $30-40 per movie is ridiculous, but paying for digital movies that you "own" is way more ridiculous.


Gold Member
I love movies so paying a premium for physical media to look and sound at its best makes it a worth while investment for me. I only buy films with replayability and never anything on a whim. I don't think physical media will ever die, it'll just become a niche and more expensive.


I have mostly streamed stuff for years now. Recently watched just a regular blu ray over the weekend and found the quality difference jarring. Between the higher quality and the fact that it seems shows and movies are going to different streaming providers every other day and I can't find what I want to watch I find myself more inclined to just buy blu rays than I did several years ago.


It just needs to be cheaper, some prices I'm seeing for these 4k blu rays are beyond impulse buy, I want to rewatch the LOTR trilogy so I went to check what the 4k set costs and its $114.99+ tax (CDN) so I was like ehhh maybe I'll just stream them on HBO max.

Meanwhile the DVD version of the trilogy is $16.99.


I agree.

The thing is, I haven't felt the need to purchase anything physically in years. Maybe it's the fact of endless crap being released in cinema.


Hold onto your panties
I still have VHS, DVDs and of course Blu-rays. My library is much larger than any streaming could be. The big difference being I own everything and I chose what I wanted. No one's going to slip a recommendation into my personal collection for media I don't care to watch. Still have fully operational computers with ROM drives as well and a few back-up players. Never cared for 4K as I'm not interested in the whole the DNR films to death trend. If it was just UHD, that'd be fine but no one seems to want these films with out heavy degraining.

I go to movies in a group of 3 (which includes myself). But, just not a fan of modern film. Recent discussion I had was how much better it'd be to just buy the films we wanted. One Blu-ray costs about the same as three movie tickets or 3-months of streaming and it's yours. Not for everyone but I tried all the new fads out and they're just not holding up.


I canceled most streaming services, went on to buy UHD rereleases of classics from Arthouse/ Criterion and the like.

I have to say the jump in content quality is immense. Don’t care about the cost.

There is so much great content out there, absolutely no reason to watch the latest streaming slog that’s made by hacks.


Gold Member
I canceled most streaming services, went on to buy UHD rereleases of classics from Arthouse/ Criterion and the like.

I have to say the jump in content quality is immense. Don’t care about the cost.

There is so much great content out there, absolutely no reason to watch the latest streaming slog that’s made by hacks.
I love getting a new 4k uhd film and seeing little details that I hadn't previously seen in previous veiwings. You can't beat full fat Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos.

Mr Hyde

I love buying and collecting physical movies. I usually go for blu-rays, because they are mostly cheap and looks great on my 4K screen. I do feel a bit burned by the industry shifting a different medium, because I have a large collection of DVD's that I'm now looking to replace. I only buy DVD's if it's something not on blu-ray, which usually means it's something weird and unique, which I tend to like. Not very impressed by 4K so far, only a handful releases have been outstanding, and they're expensive + missing a lot of content that was previously on the DVD and Blu-ray editions. However, sometimes a cool edition get released, like the new Exorcist 4K with six discs and ton of content. I like stuff like that if it's 4K. If it's something special. Otherwise I'm good with regular editions.


Have physical movies become less annoying though?.

At one point I started a small blu ray collection but one of the reasons I stopped were all the small annoyances that started to add up.
Why do I have to skip through like 8 trailers in some Blu rays, why do I have to watch some unskippable FBI warning about not pirating, why does it feel like extras were becoming increasingly shitty.

The visual and audio quality was definitely superior but in some ways I also felt like I was paying a premium and being treated like a second rate customer.


Have physical movies become less annoying though?.

At one point I started a small blu ray collection but one of the reasons I stopped were all the small annoyances that started to add up.
Why do I have to skip through like 8 trailers in some Blu rays, why do I have to watch some unskippable FBI warning about not pirating, why does it feel like extras were becoming increasingly shitty.

The visual and audio quality was definitely superior but in some ways I also felt like I was paying a premium and being treated like a second rate customer.
Had this the other day. Decided to watch a BD instead of a stream of a movie, then remembered the guff you have to go through to get to the content you paid for.

At least BDs are usually a bit better than DVDs, allowing you to open a menu to jump to the movie from most places.

I feel like the only way to win as a legitimate consumer is to buy discs for quality then rip to high quality digital and put on a home server.


Buying movies physically is at least still viable. If you want to buy a Steam game physically, you usually just get an empty DVD-box with a Steam code in it...

As someone who grew up with the big box PC games, this is just fucking sad.
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