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007: Senior Hamas official killed by professional Hitmen in Dubai

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Mahmoud al-Mabhouh took no notice of the two men who joined him in the lift of his hotel in Dubai during the short ride to the second floor on the afternoon of January 20.

One was short and portly with a moustache, the other tall. Dressed in sports gear and carrying tennis rackets, they looked like any other European tourists visiting the Gulf state for some winter sun.

He did not realise that the two men were part of an 11-strong team that had come to kill him. In just over five hours he would be dead.

Stepping out of the lift, al-Mabhouh was escorted to room 230 by a member of staff at the Al Bustan Rotana hotel, near Dubai airport. Unnoticed, the taller man followed him down the corridor, clocking his room number and that of the room opposite, 237. In the hours that followed, room 237 became the staging post for the audacious murder of the senior Hamas official.
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Within an hour of al-Mabhouh checking in his killers had established that room 237 was unoccupied and moved in across the hall. By that evening seven of the team were gathered in the room, waiting for their opportunity.

The killers had lain in wait for al-Mabhouh, whom Hamas admits was involved in the killing of two Israeli soldiers in 1989, since the previous night. Flying in from Paris, Frankfurt, Rome and Zurich, the team of ten men and one woman arrived within three hours of each other. The alleged mastermind of the operation, a Frenchman using the name Peter Elvinger, was the last to arrive at 2.30am on January 19. The team dispersed for the night to hotels near the airport and to the Al Bustan Rotana.

The following morning, several members of the team including Elvinger and the Irish woman, whose passport bore the name Gail Folliard, met at a shopping centre to discuss final preparations for the murder. Nothing was left to chance.

Security footage of the killers’ movements during the afternoon, released by police in Dubai yesterday, underlines the professionalism of the operation. The group switched hotels several times and wore disguises including false beards and wigs, while surveillance teams rotated in pairs through the hotel lobby, never hanging around for too long and paying for everything in cash.

Folliard and another member of the party carrying an Irish passport in the name of Kevin Daveron were operating as spotters on the second floor of the hotel when the murder was committed. Both switched hotels that afternoon and dressed smartly to pose as hotel staff. The bald Daveron donned a dark wig and glasses, while Folliard appears to have removed a blonde wig to reveal dark hair.

Throughout the operation, none of the suspects made a direct call to any another. However, Dubai police traced a high volume of calls and text messages between three phones carried by the assassins and four numbers in Austria where a command centre had apparently been established.

To co-ordinate their movements on the ground, the team used discreet, sophisticated short-range communication devices as they tracked their victim.

Al-Mabhouh touched down in Dubai at around 3pm from Damascus to arrange a shipment of weapons to Gaza. Hamas has not explained why one of its senior commanders, a marked man with several assassination attempts against him already, should have arrived alone without any security.

Clearly, though, his mission was compromised long before his arrival in Dubai. The assassination team were waiting for him at the terminal. CCTV footage shows al-Mabhouh passing within metres of one of his killers. As the Hamas commander approaches the taxi rank outside the terminal, a spotter from the team can be seen sidling into shot behind him, speaking on a mobile phone to confirm the Palestinian’s arrival.

Al-Mabhouh checked into the Al Bustan Rotana at 3.25pm with the surveillance team in close attendance. After they followed him to his room, a call was made and Elsinger booked room 237 from the business suite of another hotel. With the trap set, he then booked a flight to Munich via Qatar at 7.30pm that evening, an hour before the killing.

Security footage gives a macabre inevitability to the hours that followed. When al-Mabhouh made a short visit out of the hotel, apparently to meet a contact, the killers moved swiftly into place. Four burly men arrived at room 237.

Whether through good fortune or design, no security camera covered the door to al-Mabhouh’s room and there is no footage of how the team gained entry to the room. Hotel records show that at 8pm an attempt was made to re-programme the lock to his door and Daveron, waiting in the second floor lobby, is seen to distract a hotel guest who appears from the second floor lifts for a few vital seconds to give the killers time to gain access.

When al-Mabhouh returned to the hotel at 8.24pm his killers were in place. Police believe that he was asphyxiated. By 8.46pm, less than 20 minutes after their victim entered the hotel, the four killers are shown leaving the second floor, followed closely by their spotters in room 237. The surveillance team in the hotel lobby also disbands.

Less than two hours later Daveron and Folliard are shown boarding a flight to Paris. Others took flights to Hong Kong and South Africa before doubling back to Europe.

Al-Mabhouh’s body was not found until 1.30pm the following afternoon. His room showed no signs of forced entry. The cause of death was initially believed to be an increase of blood pressure in the brain.

The murder was only uncovered days later, when local security services were told who the victim was. Al-Mabhouh had also been travelling on a false passport.

As an international manhunt began for the 11 suspects yesterday, one particular anomaly in the case remained. Folliard is the only woman named so far, but footage of the final surveillance shows a second woman arriving at the hotel accompanied by a man in a Panama hat and a beard. It is not known whether this woman is one of two Palestinians arrested in Dubai last week in connection with the murder.

As the hunt for the killers begins in earnest and the finger is pointed at Mossad, room 230 remains empty. “Closed for emergency repairs”.

Fake Passports

Ireland said the names and passport numbers of three suspects did not match anything issued by its officials.

Britain said it believed the six British passports were also fraudulent.

Arrest warrants were issued for the suspects named by police in Dubai, where Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was murdered in a hotel room on 20 January.

The Suspects


Dubai Briefing on the Assassins (w/ security video)


It appears the killers stole the identities of real people, even if the passports were forged


A woman named as Gail Foliard, wearing a black wig over her blonde hair, seen on hotel CCTV at the time of the killing.

The Foreign Office was investigating how the identities of six innocent Britons — at least three of whom lived in Israel — came to be used by the alleged hit team.

Hamas, the Islamist group that controls Gaza, blamed Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, for the killing of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, who was found dead in a hotel room in Dubai last month.

Israel refused to comment on claims that the 11-strong hit squad were its agents, but any admission that it was behind the assassination would threaten Britain’s fragile intelligence-sharing agreement with Mossad.

As police in Dubai released CCTV footage of the suspects yesterday, some of the Britons whose identities were stolen voiced their anger after waking up to discover that they had been named in the plot.

"I have not left Israel for two years and I certainly have not been to Dubai recently," said Kent-born Paul Keeley, 42, a builder who has lived on a Kibbutz in northern Israel for the past 15 years.

"When I first heard about this I immediately looked to make sure my passport was still there and it was. It has not been stolen, so I don’t know what on earth has happened.

"I woke up this morning and suddenly my life is like an espionage movie. It is all very worrying but I know I have not done anything wrong.

Update 2:

Another Six names added to the list:


Dubai police have narrowed down another six suspects behind the assassination of a Hamas commander last month, The New York Times reported on Tuesday, in addition to the 11 European passport-holders named earlier this week.

The names of the additional six have yet to be released and the actual identities of the other 11 suspects are still in question. Ireland has denied any record of the three suspects named as Irish passport-holders, and at least five Israelis who share the same names as the suspects claim their identities were stolen.

Dubai Police Chief Lt. Gen. Dhahi Khalfan Tamim announced on Monday that senior Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was murdered by an 11-member hit squad of mercenaries carrying European passports.
Tamim said that arrest warrants would be issued soon and while he did not accuse Israel directly, he did say it was possible that "leaders of certain countries gave orders to their intelligence agents."

"We do not rule out Mossad, but when we arrest those suspects we will know who masterminded it. [We have not] issued arrest warrants yet, but will do so soon," he told a press conference on Monday.

Two Palestinians have already been arrested in connection to the assassination.

The group was responsible for killing Mabhouh in his hotel room on January 20, a slaying that has elicited vows of revenge from the Palestinian militant group.


This is crazy and I've been reading about it all day.

When the hotel staff finally entered the victim's room, it was bolted and chained from the inside. :O


Not playin' around eh? Thing about it is anyone can become what he is. So all the elaborate killing just for someone else to take his place.


Pretty crazy stuff. Can you imagine what it would be like to be targeted by assassins? What type of precautions would you take? Would you be able to defend yourself/escape in time to survive?
arstal said:
They deserve a medal, and a job to do it again and again.
If they were as good as you wish them to be you wouldn't know about it.

They would have created new identies as opposed to stealing civilian identities.

If anything it seems more like a freelance job.


Guevara said:
This is crazy and I've been reading about it all day.

When the hotel staff finally entered the victim's room, it was bolted and chained from the inside. :O

call jonathan creek


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
I saw a big segment about this on Channel 4 News today. The rumour is that this was Mossad, certainly the Dubai authorities have blamed Israel directly and are supposedly going to issue a warrant for Binyamin Netanyahu. Apparently something very similar went down a few years ago in Jordan, only that time they used Canadian passports. The CCTV footage they showed and the timeline of events was fascinating, it was like something from a Bourne movie, it was really quite unbelievable.



kinda better than blowing up a target with a predator missile and 20 civilians along with it

althrough I still have a problem with this shit
on one hand he was a Hamas scumbag so I don't feel sorry for him, on the other hand goverments shouldn't do stuff like that...


I love the attention to detail and overall professionalism that these people put into their job. I will not admonish or praise the murder of a murderer, but just reading about their setup was fucking fantastic.

The first thing that came to my mind when I read the thread title was the movie 'Munich'.


Rur0ni said:
Not playin' around eh? Thing about it is anyone can become what he is. So all the elaborate killing just for someone else to take his place.

Doesn't matter if someone takes his place. He was considered to have blood on his hands, so he had to die.

This sends a clear message to those who'd take his spot.

That being said, we (America) shouldn't be in the business of propping up, financially, another country at the risk of our own wellbeing.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Niblet said:
I love the attention to detail and overall professionalism that these people put into their job. I will not admonish or praise the murder of a murderer, but just reading about their setup was fucking fantastic.

The first thing that came to my mind when I read the thread title was the movie 'Munich'.
Professionals dont get caught, professionals dont get found

You dont read about "Professional hits" because professionals dont make it look like a fucking hit


Mr Cola said:
Professionals dont get caught, professionals dont get found

You dont read about "Professional hits" because professionals dont make it look like a fucking hit

Oh shit.


They can't be British! 6 agents?

The UK only needs one man!


On a serious note, it is scary how life is not that far off from some of the movies I've seen.

Niblet said:
The first thing that came to my mind when I read the thread title was the movie 'Munich'.



ImperialConquest said:
This sends a clear message to those who'd take his spot.
Yup - kill more Israelis. That's all this will do, it reinforces the image many/most have of Israelis, particularly their government and agents. This says "we don't want peace". They should be able to prevent this kind of provocation, but clearly there's no desire to.
Mr Cola said:
Professionals dont get caught, professionals dont get found

You dont read about "Professional hits" because professionals dont make it look like a fucking hit

..tch you're right. What a bunch of hacks.


Hopefully all these guys get found and turned over to the UAE. They weren't very good considering they now have their pictures being distributed across the world.

I'm waiting for the twist where all these guys turn up dead.

Dai Kaiju

Sir Fragula said:
Yup - kill more Israelis. That's all this will do, it reinforces the image many/most have of Israelis, particularly their government and agents. This says "we don't want peace". They should be able to prevent this kind of provocation, but clearly there's no desire to.

I think most who are directly involved are aware that peace is no longer viable.

EDIT: Props to the CIA. They never cease to impress me.


Unconfirmed Member
Igo said:
Hopefully all these guys get found and turned over to the UAE. They weren't very good considering they now have their pictures being distributed across the world.

I'm waiting for the twist where all these guys turn up dead.

What if they fake their own deaths? That's a whole new level right there. Honestly, this movie writes itself.


Always-honest said:
badass. cool. look how fucking NORMAL these persons look.

gail is yummie in a yummie kind of way
Real spies never look like James Bond. The point is to be completely forgetable, so no one even remembers they were there. With all the cameras in today's world it makes it that much harder to go unnoticed.


Nothing like a bit of extra judicial killing.

Dubai has the passport scanners and bio-metric equipment at the airport these days. It's been in place for a few years now. I'd be interested to see the scans of the passports - they must be false. Hmm.


Sir Fragula said:
Yup - kill more Israelis. That's all this will do, it reinforces the image many/most have of Israelis, particularly their government and agents. This says "we don't want peace". They should be able to prevent this kind of provocation, but clearly there's no desire to.

"The aim was not so much revenge but mainly to make them [the militant Palestinians] frightened. We wanted to make them look over their shoulders and feel that we are upon them. And therefore we tried not to do things by just shooting a guy in the street – that’s easy … fairly."
David Kimche - Operation wrath of god


It takes 11 people to strangle 1 man now?

At most they needed 1 person to distract the staff while the other person strangled him. Those 2 people could've both tracked him with the disguises they apparantly had. I really see no reason why they needed 11, nevermind the suspected 12 people to strangle just 1 man. Also, having so many people involved greatly increased the chance of them being spotted and identified. The whole thing just seems ludicrous.

It would've been more "professional" to have him stabbed in a street "mugging" than do this.


Unconfirmed Member
woodchuck said:
no security team + the hitmen were waiting for him at the terminal? i bet Hamas set him up.

Wouldn't surprise me. They were also pretty quick to blame Mossad.
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