Doesn't make it any better - still a shitfest.avatar299 said:You end the show with what will make you the most money. Sorry but Cena and DX make money.
I suppose Triple H is the one DX member who eventually turns. Bah.
Doesn't make it any better - still a shitfest.avatar299 said:You end the show with what will make you the most money. Sorry but Cena and DX make money.
Raw64life said:Looks like they were pissed that Cena was taking so long to come out.
avatar299 said:You end the show with what will make you the most money. Sorry but Cena and DX make money.
Indeed. DX wouldn't be so bad if they weren't burying people week to week and doing their dumbass poses with the celebrity guest hosts. Also wouldn't be near as bad if they didn't have to rely on Hornswaggle to help them win each week. Then when he does get hit, as the legal man, announcers get all pissed off and say they're bullying. Fuck's sake he is what's wrong with Raw more than anything else.Spiderjericho said:Didn't even bother to watch the end. That was one of the worst Raws in recent memory.
Spiderjericho said:Naw, I just don't think WWE has an identity or a cohesive idea or direction to move the company. One minute they're pushing young stars, the next they're back to the old men. To help drum up interest in Raw, they have lame stars come in and sell their wares. We get the same recycled fueds. Too many vignettes and comedies, not enough action. I don't think WWE's fans know what they want. It's the blind leading the blind. said:I wish Santino could actually wrestle.
Wait, they're still tag champs? I completely forgot :lol Did they even come out with the belts tonight?krae_man said:So Jerishow spent months building up the tag titles just to job to DX who completely ignore them and will probably discard them for world title matches instead.
So much for putting over a legit tag team.
Lebron said:
JdFoX187 said:Wait, they're still tag champs? I completely forgot :lol Did they even come out with the belts tonight?
Brinbe said:I doubt they'll push the envelope in any meaningful way until Linda's Senate campaign concludes.
Pretty much. I remember people used to bitch about Owen getting pushed down to make way for Austin and the Rock. I remember people criticizing WWE for not pushing D'lo. I remember people pushing for Eddie to be champ, then bitching about his run just a few months after.jmdajr said:I wish Santino could actually wrestle. Oh well.
Personally I'm not that picky. I have been watching wwe since wrestlemania 6! In my opinion this is not the worst era. I actually like the guest hosts. Fans are never happy.
I remember when people would complain about stone cold holding people down....So really its pretty much the same....Someone ALWAYS wishing for someone else to be on top.
avatar299 said:Pretty much. I remember people used to bitch about Owen getting pushed down to make way for Austin and the Rock. I remember people criticizing WWE for not pushing D'lo. I remember people pushing for Eddie to be champ, then bitching about his run just a few months after.
Hell I remember people bitching about Jericho being debuted against the Rock.
" Oh Chris will never get over with the Rock in his way. The Rock can't
wrestle at the same level as Chris. Blah blah blah"
now people love that stuff.
1999-2002 people loved HHH :lol People were calling him the greatest heel since Flair and Harley Race. Was bringing old schoolwrestling back. Was putting over Orton and Batista, blah blah blahjmdajr said::lol so true
I remember when people loved Tripe H because he would put people over.
They LOVED the game and HATED The Rock and Stone Cold.
Before that it was stupid Hogan....etc
So yeah wrestling is wrestling. Everything will be ok.
Finally, an excuse to post his theme song in this thread:avatar299 said:I remember people criticizing WWE for not pushing D'lo.
Watching Trips and Shawn flounder about aimlessly in the ring off-script until Cena made his fashionably late arrival was equally amusing. Especially their very noticeable on-camera tirade where they swore at the ringside producers for the delay. G-rated my ass.PepsimanVsJoe said:Jon Heder blowing feathers into the camera was the highlight of tonight's Raw.
I wish I was joking. =/
...and WWE decided to go an alternate route. Wow.Lebron said:
abstract alien said:...and WWE decided to go an alternate route. Wow.
Striker said:Random, but Royal Rumble use to have better hype.
The Rock-Royal Rumble
After he crippled someone he was never gonna get a push. I wouldn't be surprised if Owen was punished for dropping Austin on his head either (Austin would probably still be wrestling today if that didn't happen). But the tipping point for Owen was really the attitude era. Russo kept trying to put him in some "raunchy" angles such as being fondled by Goldust or having an affair with Debra and Owen kept saying no. When they came to him with the Blue Blazer thing he had to say yes because he thought he was going to get fired from the company if he said no to anything else. Thats also why he did that stupid stunt that lead to his death.avatar299 said:I remember people criticizing WWE for not pushing D'lo.
From the comments:Striker said:Random, but Royal Rumble use to have better hype.
The Rock-Royal Rumble
:lol :lolterrarune (1 month ago)
God, shut the fuck up, King.
jmdajr said:man thats pretty fucking sweet!
- In a bit of great news for wrestling fans everywhere, WWE superstar Edge will be returning from injury well ahead of schedule. Edge is currently doing physical rehabilitation following foot surgery last year and WWE officials expect him to be healthy in time to appear at the Royal Rumble in 2 weeks. The plan is for Edge to wrestle his former tag team partner Chris Jericho and WrestleMania and there is talk of Edge showing up as a surprise entrant in the Rumble to eliminate Jericho. However it goes down, Edge will be back soon to start his program with Jericho.
i didn't even get the tiger woods joke until i read about it later, i thought it was just random dumb shit!Forkball said:I couldn't even tell that was Carlito. That was the strangest segment since the incredibly lame Tiger Woods joke a few months ago.
Penguin said:The one that started it all, Wrestlemania. Hauling from the greatest city in all the worlds, New York City, and airing on March 31, 1985
Wow.shesha said:I pray everynight that TNA can punch WWE in the mouth and wake them up. They have been in a coma over there for 9 years.
Vince is a genious???????
shesha said:I pray everynight that TNA can punch WWE in the mouth and wake them up. They have been in a coma over there for 9 years.
Vince is a genious???????
411mania has a great wrestling section. No podcast (i think that works in their favor) but great reporting and columns like the 3 R'sLkr said:wrasslin gaf, i haven't watched any good ol wrasslin in a few months. i used to listen to the pwrshow broadcasts and read news on their site, but their site is a complete mess(everything comes up with an error). what is a good site for news?
Guy wrote this on another board. This comes from a site non-members can read.I'll just paraphrase basically Randy has been saying that Kofi is "not ready" due to him being on Randy's bad side at the moment. However Kofi does have a good amount of lockeroom support who feel Randy is being unfair. Anyways according to the report Orton has been letting it known well that he doesn't feel Kofi is ready.
Too bad for Kofi if that's true.
Well, he certainly looks more opposing than Mysterio :lolAlex Anderson said:Everyone fear the 5'8" 210 pound Russian
The Faceless Master said: