Pretty good show. Nothing amazing but solid matches. Crowd was larger than the usaul PWG show because of the ROH show the night before.Bootaaay said:/envy - what was the show like overall? The main event of RVD vs Hero vs Strong sounded amazing on paper.
Yeah, but PWG are usually the slowest at producing & releasing dvds on the indies - still waiting for them to release the Battle of LA shows from November.
RVD had a ton of heat. Kids were running up to the barricade just for a high fives. Strong was taking stiff bumps.
Young Bucks came out as Generation ME without the tag titles. They also continued the stupid Max,Jeremy name change. Came out to a lot of boo's. TNA sucks chant. Brian Kendrick was also in the match and he got no negative heat for being in TNA at all. I'm feeling a GMe heel turn.
Ron Simmons talked to Chris Hero after the show for about 30 seconds. I think something is happening there.