1 In 10 Sanders Primary Voters Ended Up Supporting Trump

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Meh, the most important point is buried further down the page:
Yeah it's aborrhent since trump is evil and goes against everything Sanders stands for, but this level of defection isn't surprising and lower than usual primary -> general election voters
Hey a thread you can say 'this is why Trump won' without it being meta-discussion tone policing!

A more important caveat, perhaps, is that other statistics suggest that this level of "defection" isn't all that out of the ordinary. Believing that all those Sanders voters somehow should have been expected to not vote for Trump may be to misunderstand how primary voters behave.

For example, Schaffner tells NPR that around 12 percent of Republican primary voters (including 34 percent of Ohio Gov. John Kasich voters and 11 percent of Florida Sen. Marco Rubio voters) ended up voting for Clinton. And according to one 2008 study, around 25 percent of Clinton primary voters in that election ended up voting for Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., in the general. (In addition, the data showed 13 percent of McCain primary voters ended up voting for Obama, and 9 percent of Obama voters ended up voting for McCain — perhaps signaling something that swayed voters between primaries and the general election, or some amount of error in the data, or both.)

All of that said, one other figure that stuck out to Schaffner: Compared to those numbers above, Clinton 2016 voters were remarkably loyal — "I found basically no Clinton primary voters who voted for Trump," he told NPR in an email.

Primary voters are some capricious motherfuckers and this time the price we all pay is the most severe it has ever been.


Relidigate the primary in 3...2...1

It doesn't seem like these voters are those that would be reliable Democratic voters. Less lefty purists more anti-establishment people.


That's not that many but I guess it's easier to blame fringe voters on the internet than the Dems learning from this mess
anti-trade arguments revolve mostly on emotional and irrational arguments.

35 states would get directly screwed if NAFTA would be scrapped .fact
So...Bernie would have won, assuming Hillary supporters backed him and didn't pull the same dumb shit these 1 in 10 did, right?


Less than half as much Clinton's voter that switched for McCain.

So less than half as dumb, am i right?

Why is this article even a thing. 10% is below the average for defectors and despite that we have people with wild confirmation bias going inside here.


Why not also add this

And according to one 2008 study, around 25 percent of Clinton primary voters in that election ended up voting for Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., in the general. (In addition, the data showed 13 percent of McCain primary voters ended up voting for Obama, and 9 percent of Obama voters ended up voting for McCain

I think this should have been in the OP.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
28% of Clinton voters went McCain in 2008
I dare say that 2008 Clinton and 2008 McCain were at least more similar to one another, than Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Though I'm sure racism must have played a part to direct some voters away from Obama, much like misogyny did for Clinton.

Dude Abides

This is useless information without context. Is that any different from any reasonably contested primary? What are the stats on 2008 Clinton voters going for McCain.

Edit: i see someone posted it was 28%.

28% of Clinton voters went McCain in 2008

can we adress this?

Voters are stupid, if their candidate doesn't win, then they'll just vote against the candidate who beat them just because...

Unless there's something i'm missing? If so, can someone summarize why this happened?

regardless, 12 % was lower than i excepted


Can we just stop the blame game?

Almost half of the eligible votes this go around were dumb as hell, we can all agree on that.

The question I'm interested in is, why did Bernie's message work on these dumb people, but Hillary's didn't? What made Trump's words work on them? Were there differences in optics? Was it sexism at work? Did Hillary fail to talk about issues people cared about? I think the fact they changed is evidence enough these voters can be convinced to vote against Trump next time around.

This whole vilian-izing of Bernie voters misses that entirely and is just a waste of time. What are you going to do? Physically stop them from going to the polls? You either depress them or convince them. Pick one.
Bernie's words apparently didn't work on them because he actually implored his supporters to vote for Hillary in the general.
None of these voters knew shit about Bernie Sanders, they just wanted to keep the evil bitch Hillary Clinton out of office. You can not convince me otherwise that there was any ideological reason for Sanders->Trump voters, purely hatred of Hillary, bandwagoning and other general stupidity.

Watching the fucking flaming hoops some Sanders supporters in my circles jumped through to justify why Hillary was so awful and how Trump wouldn't be that bad was fucking infuriating then and it was even moreso after he won.

Have I mentioned that I hate America today? If I ever run for office trace this post back to me and I will own it.


Thanks, guys!

Guess we can't just blame them, since enough others voted Trump. But going from Sanders to Trump seems like such a strange leap.

What kind of mental gymnastics do you need to do to justify that switch?

I can't fathom how people would go from voting for someone who calls himself a socialist to Donald Trump, the epitome of capitalism.

Didn't they have the same or very similar stance on trade policy ?


Thanks, guys!

Guess we can't just blame them, since enough others voted Trump. But going from Sanders to Trump seems like such a strange leap.
It wasn't Sanders to Trump. It was not-Clinton to not-Clinton. There was never a change with these people.


28% of Clinton voters went McCain in 2008

2008 Hillary tried to court the white working class. A good chunk of her voters went Republican

2016 Bernie tried to court the white working class. A good chunk of his voters went Republican

Hmmmmmmmmm, I think I see a pattern, guys. What could it be?


can we adress this?

Voters are stupid, if their candidate doesn't win, then they'll just vote against the candidate who beat them just because...

Unless there's something i'm missing? If so, can someone summarize why this happened?

regardless, 12 % was lower than i excepted

There is a non-zero percentage of Democrats who might not have been comfortable voting for Obama because of his skin color, who went to McCain when Hillary dropped out
Less than half as much Clinton's voter that switched for McCain.

So less than half as dumb, am i right?

Why is this article even a thing. 10% is below the average for defectors and despite that we have people with wild confirmation bias going inside here.

The only reason nobody cared in 08 was because the Democrats won the presidency nonetheless, and quite handily so. Everybody’s still picking through the remains of 2016 to find specks of reasons to blame each other.


I'm a Sanders voter who never entertained the loathsome idea of voting for that vile orange fuck.

So don't peg us all as one or two warped logic steps between Sanders and Trump.
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