1 In 10 Sanders Primary Voters Ended Up Supporting Trump

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Water is not wet!
1 out of 10 is a low number. Not sure how you gonna blame "Bernie bros" based on that number.

Because the incompetent fucking idiots that run that disastrous campaign are still in power so to do any self-reflection would mean theyd be out of a fucking job.


Can we just stop the blame game?

Almost half of the eligible votes this go around were dumb as hell, we can all agree on that.

The question I'm interested in is, why did Bernie's message work on these dumb people, but Hillary's didn't? What made Trump's words work on them? Were there differences in optics? Was it sexism at work? Did Hillary fail to talk about issues people cared about? I think the fact they changed is evidence enough these voters can be convinced to vote against Trump next time around.

This whole vilian-izing of Bernie voters misses that entirely and is just a waste of time. What are you going to do? Physically stop them from going to the polls? You either depress them or convince them. Pick one.

Trump and Bernie were both viewed as rebels, not mainstream politicians. Its why a lot of people say Bernie would have won the general even though he lost (fairly) the primary. I certainly heard over and over again that the main appeal of Trump was that "he's not a politician". A lot of people knew Trump was evil, they just felt that the status quo was worse.


2008 Hillary tried to court the white working class. A good chunk of her voters went Republican

2016 Bernie tried to court the white working class. A good chunk of his voters went Republican

Hmmmmmmmmm, I think I see a pattern, guys. What could it be?

Voters don't give a shit about your party labels ?


Less than half as much Clinton's voter that switched for McCain.

So less than half as dumb, am i right?

Why is this article even a thing. 10% is below the average for defectors and despite that we have people with wild confirmation bias going inside here.

9/10 Sanders voters went for Hillary, and she still lost.

Don't matter- racist berniebros fault


proud of his butz
The people running the campaign knew they were going to lose blue collar Democrats in those states because they were focused on getting Republicans to vote for Clinton. Chuck Schumer, the same person who talked up this strategy is still in a leadership position btw.


It's like when I'm up 10 - 4 in a game of ping pong, and I want to make that final point real flashy and end up throwing the whole game in the process.
More Clinton supporters voted for McCain than Sanders supporters voted for Trump. The year is almost over and Clinton supporters are still blaming everyone except the people most responsible: the candidate and her campaign.


Unconfirmed Member
Because the incompetent fucking idiots that run that disastrous campaign are still in power so to do any self-reflection would mean theyd be out of a fucking job.

As long as Dems still blame sexism and Russia for everything they did wrong and refuse to audit their own leadership we'll probably end up in the same place in 2018.


12% is actually about 1 in 8. Learn to math.

Completely unsurprising. Trump flat out asked Sanders voters to vote for him and I suppose some did.


Not surprising, but supremely dissapointing. Those people never supported Sanders policies, they just voted for him because he made them feel good.

Though as others have said, the rate isn't too out of the ordinary it's still frustrating. It'd be interesting to see how many Clinton supporters would've voted Trump had Sanders won. I feel as if it'd be a similar rate but have no evidence to back that up.


Bernie's words apparently didn't work on them because he actually implored his supporters to vote for Hillary in the general.

Precisely. This 10% of primary voters who voted Bernie but then voted Trump in the general weren't listening to anything but their desire to vote ABH: Anything But Hillary.

It's a shame there isn't a much deeper demographic breakdown to be had. I'm genuinely curious how many of these switchers were male and female. Within my own extended family, I found most of the older women to be much more ABH than the men. I mean almost to levels of high school gossip pettiness. But that's just a personal anecdote - albeit one that seems to have some merit based on the exit polling.


isn't diablos one of these

as a sanders voter: those people are fucking idiots who don't deserve to be a part of us politics. if you think there's any policy overlap between sanders and trump, you have shit for brains.
9/10 Sanders voters went for Hillary, and she still lost.
People in this thread are literally frothing at the mouth in this thread. I honestly don't get it. These seem to be same margins Democrats usually get with AA voters. I fucking WISH white people across the whole age spectrum voted for Democrats half as hard as Bernie supporters and Black people did in this election. Congress would be deep blue.
More Clinton supporters voted for McCain than Sanders supporters voted for Trump. The year is almost over and Clinton supporters are still blaming everyone except the people most responsible: the candidate and her campaign.
I occasionally got pretty pissed at Hillary as well, but I blame the electoral college, media, Russia and Comey before I even get to her. The whole electoral system and country failed her (and her voters) more than she failed it/them. Some (a minority just like the most zealous Bernie supporters) Clinton supporters have just got the biggest hate boner for Bernie supporters, though. I don't get it.



Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
More Clinton supporters voted for McCain than Sanders supporters voted for Trump. The year is almost over and Clinton supporters are still blaming everyone except the people most responsible: the candidate and her campaign.
Who is saying this?


Clinton '08 also tried to run a campaign using the "WWC" as a base like Sanders did in '16.

Look at the spin!

"It was about white voters! Sanders voters are to blame!"

Sanders voters were less than half as likely to switch parties than Clinton voters were

"Only because Clinton acted like Sanders in 2008!"

You still haven't answered the point that despite that AND despite having a white man as an opponent in the general, Sanders voters defected less than half than Clinton voters did.

Clinton was a bad candidate compared to Obama, and Dems lost. It's over. Let it go. Focus on the present and the future.


If a voter's stance is 'anyone but Hillary', maybe one should only look inward at their front running candidate vs. 'fuck the Bernie supporters!'


More Clinton supporters voted for McCain than Sanders supporters voted for Trump. The year is almost over and Clinton supporters are still blaming everyone except the people most responsible: the candidate and her campaign.


Sanders told his supporters over and over and over again that they should support Hillary. The vast majority of his base listened and did so. The minority of his base that were never going to vote for Clinton did not.


Unconfirmed Member
More Clinton supporters voted for McCain than Sanders supporters voted for Trump. The year is almost over and Clinton supporters are still blaming everyone except the people most responsible: the candidate and her campaign.

No, we are blaming people who voted for Trump.


Yeah. I've talked to folks who saw Hillary as some type of affront to the system. You would have sworn she personally afflicted them. Some swapped to Trump many did not vote at all.

Quite sad.
More Clinton supporters voted for McCain than Sanders supporters voted for Trump. The year is almost over and Clinton supporters are still blaming everyone except the people most responsible: the candidate and her campaign.

This statement lacks as much Nuance as the article. lol


12% is low. That is a stupid 12% but that is low. It's far lower than Clinton primary voters who went over to McCain in 2008.

The narrative that Bernie Sanders cost Clinton the election is fucking dishonest, and it's brought up to hide the fact that Hillary was a bottom-of-the-barrel candidate. Maybe if the Democratic primary process hadn't resulted in a shit-tier unwinnable candidate like Clinton we could have avoided the disaster that is Trump? Many of us warned ya'll that it was dangerous to run her against Trump.

Nah, let's keep on blaming Bernie primary voters, even though 88% of us (myself included!) dragged our asses out last November to vote for the least bad option!

28% of Clinton voters went McCain in 2008

This shit should really be in the OP for context.


Look at the spin!

"It was about white voters! Sanders voters are to blame!"

Sanders voters were less than half as likely to switch parties than Clinton voters were

"Only because Clinton acted like Sanders in 2008!"

You still haven't answered the point that despite that AND despite having a white man as an opponent in the general, Sanders voters defected less than half than Clinton voters did.

Clinton was a bad candidate compared to Obama, and Dems lost. It's over. Let it go.
I am saying that the same voters keep defecting and stabbing us in the back over and over again. Less of this time because a bunch of those C->M voters are now just Is/Rs.
Protip: Running an establishment candidate in a change season was dumb. Gonna be a long time until 2020 *sigh*

I wonder how many sanders supporters ran 3rd party...


And according to one 2008 study, around 25 percent of Clinton primary voters in that election ended up voting for Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., in the general.

I still believe that most of the blame lies on Hillary.


Hey a thread you can say 'this is why Trump won' without it being meta-discussion tone policing!

Primary voters are some capricious motherfuckers and this time the price we all pay is the most severe it has ever been.

I can't believe there's a person who voted Clinton in the primary and switched for the general. Like, it's gonna be Republicans who were voting in the primary for shits and giggles, right? I refuse to believe the alternative.
Pieces of information that we're missing out:

A. How many of them were crossover voters trying to gum up the works? (This was a thing in '08, may have been a thing in '16 as well... who knows, no real way to find out.)

B. What percent of the Sanders primary voters did not vote in the general?
I don't even understand the thought process behind this. "The candidate that shares my views didn't win so I'm going to vote for the complete opposite"

You wanted filet mignon but your mom made you choose between rib eye or taco bell steak and you chose the latter


Why? The 2008 Clinton supporters aren't 1:1 the same as the 2016 ones. I pushed for Obama in 2008 and Clinton 2016.

Because it's not uncommon for primary voters to defect to the opposing party if their primary candidate loses? 1/10 is not much in the grand scheme of things.
I don't even understand the thought process behind this. "The candidate that shares my views didn't win so I'm going to vote for the complete opposite"

You wanted filet mignon but your mom made you choose between rib eye or taco bell steak and you chose the latter

1/10 is pretty low. So is 1/8 for those who think rounding down is an abomination. He picked up a lot of the "anti establishment" fervor that Trump also tapped into. Like I said ... I'm surprised the total percentage wasn't higher.
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