zero shift
Why doesn't America just copy what Sweden or Australia do? They have high as hell minimum wages and do fine.
Because minimum wage jobs are supposed to be punishment and/or entry level jobs.Why doesn't America just copy what Sweden or Australia do? They have high as hell minimum wages and do fine.
Corporations have a lot of influence in our government, unfortunately.Why doesn't America just copy what Sweden or Australia do? They have high as hell minimum wages and do fine.
That's somewhat intellectually dishonest. The reason Sweden has no mandated minimum wage is because each sector normally sets a unique minimum wage for that sector, reached as a result of collective bargaining between unions and businesses. Thus, there's no need for legislation. Given the current desiccated state of unions in the United States of America and the unwillingness of most businesses to open up negotiations, that's not exactly an option.
Why doesn't America just copy what Sweden or Australia do? They have high as hell minimum wages and do fine.
That is basically no minimum wage. Businesses choose what to pay their workers in consultation with them. It can be US$5 or it can be US$10 for a McJob, there is no legislative intervention, except laws that protect and legitimize the bargaining process.
This will not help in the long run, this will only raise the cost of living for everyone else. I have a very strong belief that if someone working minimum wage works hard enough they will get ahead. No matter how pessimistic people seem to be now and days about this country it is still very much the land of opportunity so if you work hard enough you will get yourself out of any hole.
Why doesn't America just copy what Sweden or Australia do? They have high as hell minimum wages and do fine.
Corporations have a lot of influence in our government, unfortunately.
Why is basically no minimum wage? There is a particular wage rate below which no business can pay their employees without serious repercussions. In America, these repercussions are enforced by the state, in Sweden, by the relevant workers' union, but the effect is the same: businesses make sure their employees' wages don't fall below a particular level. Now, I'd actually prefer it if the minimum wage were to be decided this way (on a sector-by-sector basis and through direct negotiations rather than the government as a third-party), but this isn't feasible for a country like the United States which no longer has a trade union movement with any life to it.
It means wages are adjusted by the labour's worth, not by law. The worker's bargaining unit wouldn't ask for $10.10 if it meant the small restaurant they worked at would become unprofitable, they would ideally adjust their wages for long term survival. They can strike but they would be hurting themselves in the long run; it takes individual realities into account. This makes it very different from a flat, un-negotiable minimum wage.
I understand that that's difficult to replicate in the US, but I'd still argue that minimum wage does almost nothing in relation to poverty. It's a terrible substitute.
Bingo. Raise minimum wage, somehow gas will hit $6 a gallon.
Sweden has no minimum wage.
That's somewhat intellectually dishonest. The reason Sweden has no mandated minimum wage is because each sector normally sets a unique minimum wage for that sector, reached as a result of collective bargaining between unions and businesses. Thus, there's no need for legislation. Given the current desiccated state of unions in the United States of America and the unwillingness of most businesses to open up negotiations, that's not exactly an option.
Welcome to Canada.
Ontario - $10.25
but companies will want to keep what they are paying their employees the same cumulatively, so a rise in pay means quantity of jobs goes down, or is this wrong? this is just what right wing economists tell me
If only we had some historical data to look at, to see what the effects of raising the minimum wage might be. If only.
It's not somehow, it's supply and demand. When your entry-level gas station convenient store employee suddenly gets a $2 or $3/hr raise, something pays for it. At a gas station... I guess it's the gas.
Welcome to Canada.
Ontario - $10.25
That doesn't tell me anything. $12 after how many visits, or how many purchases?UC Berkley did a study on Wal-Mart and the impact of them raising their wages to something livable. If Wal-Mart raised it, if they passed the cost onto consumers, it would be an additional $12 per year for the average shopper. They, of course, could opt to a lower profit margin or leveling the salaries and bonuses for executives and managers, though. But in the worst case, scenario, twelve bucks passed onto the consumer.
That doesn't tell me anything. $12 after how many visits, or how many purchases?
I love it how this graph makes it seem that the US has such a high wage when in reality it has one of the lowest in the first world.
If you are forced to work 2 or more jobs just to put a roof over your head, food on the table, and clothes on your back then I would say society has failed you already. You aren't a person anymore, just a worker drone but I guess that's the goal of suppressing wages.
Gas prices are fairly competitive. More likely you'd be paying an extra $1 for your 40.It's not somehow, it's supply and demand. When your entry-level gas station convenient store employee suddenly gets a $2 or $3/hr raise, something pays for it. At a gas station... I guess it's the gas.
You know it's bad when a right-wing source can't even find a statistic that puts 'Murica above Western Europe and/or Austrailazealand.
I love it how this graph makes it seem that the US has such a high wage when in reality it has one of the lowest in the first world.
Not particularly. The government ideally attempts to set the minimum wage at a rate roughly equivalent to the point it is as a beneficial as possible for all parties involved - exactly the same as workers' collectives. Now, you can make arguments that workers' collectives are better at recognising what the optimal rate is, but you've not really made an argument for that - there's no comparative. Both systems aim to reach the same conclusion.
The evidence is very much against you on that front. It may be true there are alternatives which are even better than the minimum wage is (although you've not told me what they are), but a world with no minimum wage is almost certainly a worse world than a world with the current minimum wage, and both are worse than a world with a somewhat higher minimum wage.
Right away i can tell you that trying to call out the cost of living disparity across the world without acknowledging the massive cost of living disparity within the US *itself* is just flat out ridiculous.
7.25 in NYC or San Francisco is a COMPLETELY different ballgame than 7.25 in the midwest.
I can even drive 3 hours west of me from philadelphia and find cost of living cut in half or more.
Posters in this thread are talking about corporations like Walmart or McDonald's, but what I find is there is not much consideration given to smaller businesses that can't afford a big increase in minimum wage. I doubt they can stomach a 33% increase in wages in a year. You say that both systems aim to reach the same conclusion, but that is only a part of the equation. This legislatively set minimum wage level does not take into account the profitability of individual businesses that will be affected by a jump in wages. They also don't take into account that not everyone -should- be paid $10/hr. It's nice to pay your workers a living wage, but if that worker only produces $6/hr of profit, then chances are he won't be employed.
The better alternative is to create a better social safety net, to create better education/skills training opportunities, improve collective bargaining rights, improve gender accessibility (universal daycare). The evidence? Many provinces in Canada raise their minimum wages all the time and it's done absolutely nothing in terms of poverty. BC raises their minimum wage almost yearly, yet after 5 years of this yearly increase, it still has the highest poverty rate in the country and median wage is still stagnant.
So it's okay for struggling workers to not be able to make ends meet, but not okay for struggling businesses?Posters in this thread are talking about corporations like Walmart or McDonald's, but what I find is there is not much consideration given to smaller businesses that can't afford a big increase in minimum wage. I doubt they can stomach a 33% increase in wages in a year.
It's not somehow, it's supply and demand. When your entry-level gas station convenient store employee suddenly gets a $2 or $3/hr raise, something pays for it. At a gas station... I guess it's the gas.
So it's okay for struggling workers to not be able to make ends meet, but not okay for struggling businesses?
I have a very strong belief that if I squeeze hard enough a beautiful white unicorn will pop out of my ass and fly me to the moon. It's good to believe things.
People still hire young kids to do jobs?Why would it make it harder for young people to get employed if the wage was $10?
Posters in this thread are talking about corporations like Walmart or McDonald's, but what I find is there is not much consideration given to smaller businesses that can't afford a big increase in minimum wage. I doubt they can stomach a 33% increase in wages in a year. You say that both systems aim to reach the same conclusion, but that is only a part of the equation. This legislatively set minimum wage level does not take into account the profitability of individual businesses that will be affected by a jump in wages. They also don't take into account that not everyone -should- be paid $10/hr. It's nice to pay your workers a living wage, but if that worker only produces $6/hr of profit, then chances are he won't be employed.
Broadly speaking, I agree with all of this. However, the political capital and effort required to achieve a raise in the minimum wage is much smaller than the political capital and effort requires to do everything else. Meanwhile, people aren't even able to make it paycheck to paycheck. It's only a band-aid for a much larger problem, and that problem needs to be addressed, but federally mandating a minimum wage at a particular level with a built-in mechanism to adjust to inflation is something that will temporarily help more people than it hurts, and give society the necessary breathing space to have a proper debate around all of the other issues at stake.
So it's okay for struggling workers to not be able to make ends meet, but not okay for struggling businesses?
Polls show that 2/3 of small businesses support a minimum wage hike. Only 15% of small businesses pay a minimum wage.
Polls show that 2/3 of small businesses support a minimum wage hike. Only 15% of small businesses pay a minimum wage.
From what I've seen, it takes a high amount of political capital to raise the minimum wage by an amount that isn't negligible in terms of poverty reduction. $7.25 to $10.10 overnight would be quite a sting. Increase in minimum wage negatively impacts small businesses, unskilled youth workers, and full-time minimum wage workers. Small businesses would see their profits go down, young and unskilled workers will find themselves outdone by older workers with more experience, if they're being paid the same wage.
The alternative in this scenario is that the struggling businesses goes out of business, and the workers has no job to go to, so he struggles even more. Also, the biggest chunk of minimum wage earners are indeed younger workers or people who are earning only supplementary income, they are not always struggling. Regardless, I've never said I think workers should continue to struggle. I simply believe that minimum wage is an ineffective way of addressing that struggle.
1/3rd is a lot of businsses that employ a lot of people. I would like to hear why they are against an increase in minimum wage, especially if those reasons include inability to pay.
Probably because most small business owners understand that frankly, if you can't pay your workers a decent wage, maybe you shouldn't open a business.
Why doesn't America just copy what Sweden or Australia do? They have high as hell minimum wages and do fine.
All of this assumes that markets are the "natural" or "correct" way to approach valuation, and that other forms of valuation -- even more objective ones, like a relation to productivity -- are somehow a subversion of this. What if I don't agree with this unstated premise?
Again, your basis seems to be that markets are correct, and that other means of evaluating "worth" are subverting the natural balance. It's the implicit basis of your argument here and it is something I don't agree with. We can evaluate "worth" in many ways, and market forces are just one of those ways. Yes, if you start from the perspective that free markets correctly evaluate "worth," then of course any other measure of "worth" is a subversion. But you can do this in reverse: if you start with the premise that productivity measures worth, then markets are the subverting force when they pay high productivity workers low wages.
In other words, you have a huge initial unstated premise: that markets are the "natural" or "correct" way to evaluate worth. I would say are a way to evaluate worth, and I don't see why we should view market valuation as the "correct" way to evaluate worth and view every other way as a subverting interloper.
This is somewhat dishonest, though, because the problem most Western societies face is that employers are willing to pay higher wages than the wages they actually do pay. There are far less employers than there are employees, granting them a monopsony hold on the market, and employers are normally wealthier than employee, meaning that employees often have to accept offers regardless of whether that offer accurately reflects their productive capacity. If a worker would make an extra £15 an hour for my business, then, under the right circumstances, I'd be willing to pay that worker up to £14.99 because at the end of the day I still make money, so my 'willingness' price is £14.99. However, because there are so many workers and because those workers need labour, need it to feed their kids and pay their mortgage and meet the costs of school, need it much more than I do, and because there's so many workers, I can pay them £5.00, because they have nowhere else to go, despite the fact I'd be willing to go £10 higher.
...and this is why the above is important. This labour may well have been worth as much the minimum wage and possibly even more, but labourers aren't in the position to be able to make a fair bargain. Yes, in an entirely competitive market with full knowledge and an infinite number of employers and employees, the wage rate a worker receives is equivalent to their marginal productivity. Economics 101, etc. However, it should be immediately apparent that we're not in this entirely competitive market. We're in a market where workers do not have full information and have essentially no bargaining strength, particularly with the constant erosion of unions without corresponding legislation to empower individual workers. That means someone whose productive value exceeds the minimum wage often still gets paid far less than it, because of just how easy it is for large companies to exploit workers.
See above, then.
because greed and inability to understand how things work.
Why is Wal-Mart against minimum wage hikes? Are they not going to still profit handsomely? Quite honestly, they just want to keep wages suppressed because it makes it harder for their workers to buy goods from small businesses.
Right away i can tell you that trying to call out the cost of living disparity across the world without acknowledging the massive cost of living disparity within the US *itself* is just flat out ridiculous.
7.25 in NYC or San Francisco is a COMPLETELY different ballgame than 7.25 in the midwest.
I can even drive 3 hours west of me from philadelphia and find cost of living cut in half or more.
Adjusted for cost of living, Australia's minimum wage isn't much better than the US's. Sweden has no minimum wage.
I find it VERY hard to believe that Australia's cost of living is any higher than America's, on average. And certainly not in, say, their top 5 cities versus our top 5 cities. And yet people in our top 5 cities still get paid less than half of Australia's minimum wage.