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10 Months and 6 Days... My Girl Took Her First Steps

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The wife and I had a funeral on Saturday and my mom and dad watched our 10 month old...

Well they told us she took 3 steps... anyways last night I was videotaping her and she took like 6 steps and a little turn around...

She is only 10 months and 6 days old... crazy... she is so small...

So I guess she will graduate college soon...


She has been saying mama, dada, hi and up for a month or so...

Her first word was "dada"... I still mess with the wife on that one...



It's a good feeling to see you daughter walk for the first time.
It's a good feeling to hear your daughter say dada for the first time.


No, the only game I have on Gamecube is the Resident Evil: O and Resident Evil: Remake...

If she does become a gamer, it will be in the next generation... no games for our daughter until she is 6 or 7 years old...

We want our kid involved in sports, books, toys... video games are for older kids... about 6 or 7...

That is just what we feel...
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