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12 to 15 percent of Chinese men won't be able to find mate within the next 7 years

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Maybe they can fuck goats and chickens?



Damn how much more subservient do they want their women??

Apparently, Chinese women traditionally run the household. Man gets a paycheck and gives it to his wife to disburse.

Also, women hold up half the sky or something like that. Based progressive commie propaganda.


Damn how much more subservient do they want their women??

From my experience living here, talking to women and marrying a Chinese girl, Chinese women feel that they are not really subservient. They all say women from other asian countries are far more subservient. Just today I saw a couple fighting and the woman was throwing down.


Do they have chickens?
Alrigjt, I just want to get some clarification here since you proposed it. How do you even fuck a chicken? I mean I know it's supposedly common, but a chicken is a small creature, do they even have the 'equipment' necessary? I'm not talking about a Roger Rabbit short before the main movie, I'm talking a feature length presentation.

Just tell me if 'it can be done', no further elaboration needed.


That's not exactly true, the sex ratio at birth for humans is more like 1.05-1.10 to adjust for the higher male death rate.

The value judgement he made is clearly bullshit, but one can survive without(or with a much smaller number of) the other.

A single man and many women can repopulate a planet while the reverse isn't true.

How is a single man going to physically feed and shelter so many people? Humans pretty much require constant attention from birth until 6 years old, and then near constant attention until puberty.

1:1 is idea for sexual reproduction to introduce genetic diversity and for the practical issue of caring for young. Additionally, any ratio significantly far off from 1:1 would result in one sex being displaced.

Infant humans are demanding, helpless things for a damned decade. It's also why normal births are 1 at a time instead of litters at a time.
Successful reproduction is about far more than impregnation.


Life finds a way.

I was surprised to note that in the rural areas they can have as many kids as they want.
They don't have that 1 child rule.


What happened?

turns out those birds main diet was locusts or some other crop pest, combined with other factors led to millions of deaths due to crop failure.

they also tried to industrialize by having farmers produce metal in their backyards. turns out they produced useless metal and there was no one to farm rice. guess what happens when you have a large population and not enough rice?

another bright idea was to cut down trees to make a city look more modern. chinese cities have terrible air quality. guess what trees absorb and produce?


That is a fucked up analogy. In nature male:female ratio is 1:1.

That's exactly the point.
If a female dies, it means less descendants. If a male dies, it doesn't really matter unless all males die. Which means a female is in fact more valuable.


The reason for your edit is awesome.

This is hardly part of the problem. If your wife is so drunk that she is throwing up you take care of her, if you're throwing up she takes care of you. If you're both throwing up well sorry but you're screwed.

Sure that situation is kind of extreme in that the one throwing up actually needs taken care of. But then again a Japanese guy (abroad) once told me that he'd started sitting down on the toilet since his wife had gone back to Japan, because there was nobody to clean up, so who knows how much these guys expect to be taken care of.


You can use a bird analogy here. Just like some birds need flashy feathers on the males to attract a mate, the chinese men need a flashy house to be considered viable. Too bad this is the case:
As a result of the real estate boom, reports in Chinese media indicate that the average property in a top-tier Chinese city now costs between 15 and 20 times the average annual salary, though J.P. Morgan reports indicate something closer to 13
Mother-in-law syndrome" — the idea that Chinese mothers-in-law are driving up the price of real estate by refusing to allow their daughters to marry men who are not homeowners — has been widely reported in China, but Zhang and Wei take things a step further. They show how Chinese cities with the highest ratio of men to women are also consistently the ones with the highest percentages of real estate appreciation, which follows the logic that fewer women means more competition among men and a greater need for a flashy house.
The word fangnu is an example of their struggle. Literally translated, it means "a slave to the home" and refers not to a woman who is a slave to housework, but in most cases, to a man who must slave at his job in order to afford a house and, by extension, a wife.



"Fueled by sexual frustration, marginalized by neighbors, these islanded bachelors are increasingly likely to drink, fight, gamble, and frequent prostitutes."

That sounds so freaking awsome, dangerous and fun but i am sure in real life
it is just sad and scary :(


"I get very lonely. No one cares about me, and I have no one to speak to when I go home. I sometimes get so drunk that I vomit," a 36-year-old migrant worker told researchers. "When that happens, there's no one to clean up after me."


Hahahah. That is gold.


"I get very lonely. No one cares about me, and I have no one to speak to when I go home. I sometimes get so drunk that I vomit," a 36-year-old migrant worker told researchers. "When that happens, there's no one to clean up after me."

Haha yup, that pretty much sums it up.


This is already a huge problem in India. and not just because people are seeking financial stability but the amount of aborted female infants is extremely high due to the stigmas and family expectations that come along with supporting a daughter and paying a "wife tithe" to her wed family.

A ton of men are now alone, because the woman just aren't even there.
Oh, reading those articles about the the holy trinity here: Car, House and good job. I mean, they make sense but sometimes is sad to see a few friends really bump out because their gfs will not take them serious because of they lack A, B or C.

Well the thing is also that here you are suppose to get married around 24-29 (at least to the old generations) and if you are not even close to that their parents will go to a park (People Square Singles Market) to set up dates. Or girls will rent a boyfriend just to get their parent off their back during holidays.


You guys are laughing, but this will lead to crazy problems later. And I feel really bad for those guys, it's miserable to live alone.


This is already a huge problem in India. and not just because people are seeking financial stability but the amount of aborted female infants is extremely high due to the stigmas and family expectations that come along with supporting a daughter and paying a "wife tithe" to her wed family.

A ton of men are now alone, because the woman just aren't even there.

And then India tries to wonder why rape is a big issue in the nation. China can see its future in India somewhat.
The cleaning up bit alone isn't problematic, no, but to me it suggested a patriarchial culture in which women are meant to be caretakes of men.

To me it sounds more like "i am drinking myself to death and no one gives a shit."

Also, you find this offensive, but not the idea that men should provide wealth to women?


Human trafficking in neighbouring countries will explode like a swollen balloon.

Imagine you are a cute Nepali girl with an indebted father. He has the choice to either send you to India or to China. Nice perspective if you are a 14 yo.

Jedeye Sniv

"I get very lonely. No one cares about me, and I have no one to speak to when I go home. I sometimes get so drunk that I vomit," a 36-year-old migrant worker told researchers. "When that happens, there's no one to clean up after me."


haha I know, what a catch!

12% doesn't sound much but I guess in a country with a billion people that could be a lot. I wonder if in a few years we'll see a rise in elective homosexuality in china? Any port in a storm and all that...
stop, let them have their own problems. This will decrease their population.

I'm not to sympathetic to this either. Our parents/grandparents are responsible for this stupidity. You can blame the government all you want about limiting to 1 child, but the reason they had to do this in the first place is due to people giving birth to too many children. Ever since the collapse of the last Qing Dynasty (1912), China has been poor and devastated. I remember asking my mom why the hell did her parents have so many kids when they can't even feed themselves, and at best she could tell me was that my grandparents thought it was a good thing to have many kids. Makes perfect sense, especially when you can barely feed yourselves. The solution, have more kids! By the time I was born, they had to limit to 1 child due to overpopulation. I was lucky to be born a boy and during a time when things started to stabilize.
I remember asking my mom why the hell did her parents have so many kids when they can't even feed themselves, and at best she could tell me was that my grandparents thought it was a good thing to have many kids. Makes perfect sense, especially when you can barely feed yourselves.

Free labor in addition to lower survival rates.

This is also the reason why many poor families in the US and families in the poorest countries in the world tend to have many children. It goes back to our agrarian roots where children were expected to work on the farm, tend to animals, work in the fields, etc.

There is a strong correlation with education level of the parents and a decrease in the number of children they have (though there are outliers to this, for example, in the Mormon community). Most first world countries have declining birth rates, especially among the most educated. The US tends to be an outlier because of our large immigrant population.


Right next door is Russia with 0.86 male/female ratio, and their women are usually hotter. Just saying..
China's problem is much larger numbers wise. Even if all 10.6 million "excess" Russian women moved to China today, that would still leave 29.4-39.4 million single men. Still, it might fix some of the problems in Russia women are having with most married men having a wife and then openly having multiple affairs.


I can see new jobs created from this disaster. Get paid to give Chinese men attention online. Work from home! Just 5 easy payments of $39.95. You can make up to $1350 per week! Call now and we'll double the webcam offer (shipping and handling seperate).


Sounds like a potential catalyst for large scale violence/protest. Ow it won't be about the lack of mates but about something else. All that pent up tension though just waiting for a cause.


LOL at anyone who think Asian Women are subservient.

They may act all meek and stuff to strangers and when they first meet but ask any Chinese or Korean (Don't know about the Japanese) who rules the household and 90 percent of the says mom and with an iron fist too.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
they 'import' their wives from other poor SE Asian countries like Laos. They're also more subservient than Chinese women, apparently.

You mean the Korean Method?

LOL at anyone who think Asian Women are subservient.

It's one of those ingrained Oriental fetishisms that have permeated the west for centuries now. It's never going away. Especially not with legions of Thai Bride agencies trying to sucker in lonely middle-aged men.


Sadly a higher percentage of Gaffers won't be able to find a mate within the next 7 years and don't have the excuse of living in a country with such a broad gender gap.
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