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14 year old girl has baby in toilet and then kills it

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Do people honestly believe she should get out of this with a minor slap on the wrist? That would set an extremely bad precedent.
Do people honestly believe she should get out of this with a minor slap on the wrist? That would set an extremely bad precedent.

Deterrence wise I don't think it has that much of an effect either way, as I presume that the girl was driven to do this in desperation (and a good dose of craziness).
Personally, I think it's better to help these desperate folk and focus energies on making sure others don't end up as desperate in the first place.

Why does one keep a pregnancy secret for nine months and then attempt to get rid of the baby?

Maybe she was ashamed and didn't want anyone to ever find out that she had been pregnant (and she thought that by giving it up to adoption it might be traced back to her, same if she had an abortion). If that's the case, then maybe one should make a targeted effort at combating the shaming these young mothers might experience, and/or make abortion/safe sex-practices a socially acceptable thing that there is no shame in.


Some girls can be quite heartless, couldn't she put the baby up for adoption?

She was probably incredibly scared and panicked. Maybe a bit mentally not there either. People can do crazy things in times like that. Having a baby, alone in a toilet, no one knows, she'd be terrified. No excuse for what she did but there is...reasoning behind it. I can't imaging she was pleased at what she had done.
She was probably incredibly scared and panicked. Maybe a bit mentally not there either. People can do crazy things in times like that. Having a baby, alone in a toilet, no one knows, she'd be terrified. No excuse for what she did but there is...reasoning behind it. I can't imaging she was pleased at what she had done.

She's 14. By 14 I knew not to get someone pregnant, but if I had by accident, I wouldn't kill it. I'd be scared as fuck, but however your quality of life would be impacted, you'd killed your own flesh and blood. That kid will never grow up, never call you by your name... it just sickens me.

I completely understand HER reasoning, but I don't understand why she reasoned that way.


It sounds to me like this sort of legislation would only encourage baby murders.

Exactly. Well, not encourage baby murders directly, but force teens to act irrationally, leading to such things as baby murders.
She is to blame, but before her, her country, her state and her parents.


She's 14. By 14 I knew not to get someone pregnant, but if I had by accident, I wouldn't kill it. I'd be scared as fuck, but however your quality of life would be impacted, you'd killed your own flesh and blood. That kid will never grow up, never call you by your name... it just sickens me.

I completely understand HER reasoning, but I don't understand why she reasoned that way.

In her mind the idea of having the baby scared her so much she went overboard. Her reasoning that way was most likely "oh god oh god oh god I can't have this baby! I can't! What do I do?!?!". It was incredibly stupid. Having sex so young, unprotected, hiding it, having it in a toilet, she's a massive idiot. Though I feel kind of sorry for her in a bizarre way. There is no way she will ever lose the mental scaring of killing a baby. Maybe if she had just changed one thing her life and her babies life would have been okay.


Stories like this make me sick. My wife and I have been trying, unsuccessfully, to have a child for a year now. She is on fertility drugs, acupuncture, and I have been tested also.
and the 14 year old is lower than what?

Checking for a pulse means a fucking lot

It's only a lot because it's written in the article for shock value.

I've read this entire thread and the overreactions are astounding. She's a 14 year old who gave birth on a fucking toilet. It seems like she panicked.
Stories like this make me sick. My wife and I have been trying, unsuccessfully, to have a child for a year now. She is on fertility drugs, acupuncture, and I have been tested also.


Nevermind, don't want to change the subject.

Also, people are forgetting what being 14 was like and overstating decision making at that age.. These are still kids. Incarceration doesn't even work for a lot of teen murderers.
Hell, even some adults don't know how to practice safe-sex.


Stories like this make me sick. My wife and I have been trying, unsuccessfully, to have a child for a year now. She is on fertility drugs, acupuncture, and I have been tested also.

You have my sympathies.
My friend tried for years and he still comments about the expecting mothers standing outside the maternity ward in their dressing gowns SMOKING!!!!
It's a shitty world we live in.
What a disgusting girl.

Yes, I do hope she is tried and held accountable for this. So many better alternatives to ending an innocent newborn child's life.

Juicy Bob

I don't think it's appropriate that they identified her, her school and threw her picture up on the net for the entire world to see, regardless of what she did.

I feel the mother has a lot of responsibility for this. Being in denial about your pregnant daughter and hoping that a problem will just go away by itself is incredibly bad parenting.
That's pretty shocking and revolting.

I can hardly believe that a 14 year old could stealthily give birth when her mom was home

Agreed, then the mom found blood in the toilet and the daughter went with a miscarriage story? Wasn't she trying to avoid pregnancy implications?
Serving time in prison is a lesser sentence than being a 14 year old mother, and the girl is a lot smarter than most other teenage mothers (OH I LOVE IT I HAVE TO RAISE IT).

That said, she's a fucking child murderer and should be treated as such. Come on lady, you could have put it up for adoption.

Imagine if that baby were to be another Einstein.

I'm not condoning this act at all (she 'child murderer') but history has had more Hitlers than Einsteins.
Are people seriously defending this girl for real? Yikes.

There is a difference with defending her actions and understanding what drove her to do this.
Failures in parenting, family and society. The girl should be given therapy, perhaps in a mental health institution not just either imprisoned or completely forgiven.



If it was a 14 year old boy killing a baby, noone would defend it.

Okay, okay, I'm not really going to defend her, but there are some significant differences between a 14 year old boy killing a baby and a 14 year old girl who has just given birth killing her baby.


It seems one of the bigger deterrents to an abortion was the requirement for parental consent. I understand why some places have this requirement in place, but I think it would be better to allow them to all ages, anonymously.

Question for legal-GAF:
In states with parental consent requirements, if the daughter wants an abortion but the parents don't allow for it, is it the parents' responsibility to care for the daughter's child until the daughter is 18?


Okay, okay, I'm not really going to defend her, but there are some significant differences between a 14 year old boy killing a baby and a 14 year old girl who has just given birth killing her baby.

So it's not that bad, because it was her own baby?


So it's not that bad, because it was her own baby?

Like I said, I'm not going to defend her, but you have to accept that there are significant psychological and emotional processes that go on behind the scenes during a pregnancy and birthing that a 14-year-old boy just doesn't encounter.


She put her hands around the babies throat with the intention of killing the baby. That's murder. Then she checked the pulse to make sure the baby was dead. I don't think she should be tried on par with adult premeditated murder, but at the very very least, depending on the circumstances, she should tried for manslaughter.
This is what happens when you outlaw abortion.



Abortions will still occur. But with abortion legal, it can happen earlier in the process. Before consciousness, before pulse, etc. Without the need for the same degree of trauma for the mother and family.
It seems one of the bigger deterrents to an abortion was the requirement for parental consent. I understand why some places have this requirement in place, but I think it would be better to allow them to all ages, anonymously.

Question for legal-GAF:
In states with parental consent requirements, if the daughter wants an abortion but the parents don't allow for it, is it the parents' responsibility to care for the daughter's child until the daughter is 18?

It does seem like a bad idea to require parental consent.

I could see how parental notification (after an abortion has been committed) is a good idea as parents should be privy to whether or not their kids have gotten pregnant, and gotten an abortion, but by making parental consent a thing you might end up with a situation where a child is pretty much forced to give birth.

If we don't force adult women to give birth, why do we allow it to be a possibility for a child?
Her parents are partly responsible. How in the fuck do you not know you're daughter is pregnant. Had her mom not been in denial and talked to her daughter this could have been prevented and the infant could have been put up for adoption.

As for the daughter, I just don't know. Trying to imagine her mindset combined with giving birth and hiding it and everything going on with hormones and depression and anxiety, I kinda think she just temporarily lost it. Unless she really did plan to murder it all along. Hard to know without the facts. In any case, she needs help of some kind. Not sure if that is jail time or a mental hospital.


Like I said, I'm not going to defend her, but you have to accept that there are significant psychological and emotional processes that go on behind the scenes during a pregnancy and birthing that a 14-year-old boy just doesn't encounter.

See, you try to find excuses for her evil behaviour.

Because a girl wouldn't do that. A girl wouldn't do that to her own baby. There have to be reasons, which forced her to kill it. She could have just brought it to a hospital and leave the baby on the doorstep. Done. She knew that she was pregnant the whole time. It wasn't even one of the "oh, I didn't know that I was pregnant"-births.

See, if her 14 year old boyfriend killed it, noone would defend him, even if he "panicked" and "killed it" (even by accident), although it would have been his baby as well. But here, that girl killed it in cold blood. She knew what she was doing. 14-year olds are not babies anymore, they should definitely know that killing another human is murder. Still people look for reasons to defend it. Must have been her mother. Or someone else. Anything but her.

And I just noticed that the father of the baby isn't mentioned anywhere in the article.
Are people seriously defending this girl for real? Yikes.

Crazily, yes. There are a shit ton of wet blankets ITT who have totally glossed over the fact that this person choked the life out of another person and then concealed this act. At the age of 14 you know right from wrong. To state that she should not be tried for murder/manslaughter and subsequently incarcerated is a mind numbingly ludicrous position. She has comitted an unlawful and absolutely heinous killing. The responsibly for this act rests with her and she should be punished for it, to the fullest extent of the law.


See, you try to find excuses for her evil behaviour.

Because a girl wouldn't do that. A girl wouldn't do that to her own baby. There have to be reasons, which forced her to kill it. She could have just brought it to a hospital and leave the baby on the doorstep. Done. She knew that she was pregnant the whole time. It wasn't even one of the "oh, I didn't know that I was pregnant"-births.

See, if her 14 year old boyfriend killed it, noone would defend him, even if he "panicked" and "killed it" (even by accident), although it would have been his baby as well. But here, that girl killed it in cold blood. She knew what she was doing. 14-year olds are not babies anymore, they should definitely know that killing another human is murder. Still people look for reasons to defend it. Must have been her mother. Or someone else. Anything but her.

And I just noticed that the father of the baby isn't mentioned anywhere in the article.

14-year-old boys aren't affected by post-partum depression or affective pregnancy denial.

I didn't blame her actions on anyone but her. Excuses aren't reasons, and it's horrible regardless of whether or not it's her or some boy.
Crazily, yes. There are a shit ton of wet blankets ITT who have totally glossed over the fact that this person choked the life out of another person and then concealed this act. At the age of 14 you know right from wrong. To state that she should not be tried for murder/manslaughter and subsequently incarcerated is a mind numbingly ludicrous position. She has comitted an unlawful and absolutely heinous killing. The responsibly for this act rests with her and she should be punished for it, to the fullest extent of the law.
Almost no one is saying she should walk free as if nothing happened.


Geez, this is terrible. There are multiple ressources for pregnant teens. Drop it at the firestation. Tell a councilor, hell your mom! She's right there living under the same roof. And now your baby is murdered. No, you're just evil

This story really hits me since like I said in the girlgaf thread, a friend of mine conceiled her pregnancy to her entire family and never went to the doctor. And healthy babies on top of that. count your blessings.


I don't like people using the term evil or saying a 14 year old being an idiot is an excuse. You know right and wrong at 14 but in my opinion it's to do with the state of mind at the time. Fear was the cause of all this and a break down of any rational thought during the pregnancy, it's easy to forget how powerful emotions can be which can drive many people to do crazy things regardless of age.
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