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14 year old girl has baby in toilet and then kills it

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In her mind the idea of having the baby scared her so much she went overboard. Her reasoning that way was most likely "oh god oh god oh god I can't have this baby! I can't! What do I do?!?!". It was incredibly stupid. Having sex so young, unprotected, hiding it, having it in a toilet, she's a massive idiot. Though I feel kind of sorry for her in a bizarre way. There is no way she will ever lose the mental scaring of killing a baby. Maybe if she had just changed one thing her life and her babies life would have been okay.

Is that how we now describe people who suffocate infant to death with bare hands?

I was thinking more in line of cold hearted murderer.
Is that how we now describe people who suffocate infant to death with bare hands?

I was thinking more in line of cold hearted murderer.

Who knows, she might be a very hot hearted murderer.

I wouldn't mind her getting charged up with manslaughter, so long as her sentence does not involve prison but rather a long and extensive stay at a mental facility for the purpose of rehabilitation.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
She must have had a seriously screwed up relationship with her parents... to do such a thing.

I don't know why she didn't just go have an abortion... did that require parental consent or something?


Just for reference I looked up the nearest clinics. There is one in her high school's town for contraception and morning after pills. And there is an abortion clinic 17 miles away. If she had been educated on her options and able to talk to her parents she wouldn't have even had to leave her hometown for a morning after pill. If it was past the point of that but still within the abortion time frame it would have been less than a half an hour (at freeway speeds) drive to the nearest abortion clinic. But because her mother is a fucking failure we're at this end.
So who is to blame for the death of this child? The law? The parents? The girl herself? I can't tell you from your posts

Like you cant tell from Devo's posts .. :barf:
If it was a 14 year old boy killing a baby, noone would defend it.
Lets not turn this into a sexist tangent now. Let's just go back to shifting blame ..


14-year-old boys aren't affected by post-partum depression or affective pregnancy denial.

I didn't blame her actions on anyone but her. Excuses aren't reasons, and it's horrible regardless of whether or not it's her or some boy.
She must have had a seriously screwed up relationship with her parents... to do such a thing.

I don't know why she didn't just go have an abortion... did that require parental consent or something?

She was in Florida, so in order for her to be able to get an abortion, one of her parents would have to be informed beforehand.
Also, the comparison with boys is invalid as someone undergoing a pregnancy can experience some serious chemical imbalances that might manifest as post-partum depression. In a hospital, this is less of an issue as there is social support at hands, but if one were to experience it without any support whatsoever - who knows how the mother might react.


You're right, they ought to just give that 14 year old girl the chair.

You should read into the Jamie Bulger murder and see what someone younger than 14 is capable of.

Her is age is no excuse, stop making it one ...... a person of that age obviously knows murdering an infant is wrong.


Moving over my question to the new page, with the hope that somebody knows the answer.

In states with parental consent requirements, if the daughter wants an abortion but the parents don't allow for it, is it the parents' responsibility to care for the daughter's child until the daughter is 18?
(For those who missed my earlier post, I am aware that this hypothetical circumstance does not correspond to the events in the article).
Moving over my question to the new page, with the hope that somebody knows the answer.

In states with parental consent requirements, if the daughter wants an abortion but the parents don't allow for it, is it the parents' responsibility to care for the daughter's child until the daughter is 18?
(For those who missed my earlier post, I am aware that this hypothetical circumstance does not correspond to the events in the article).

I actually tried to find some answer to your question, but all I could find was that parents are financially responsible for their children until they are 18.
I presume that this would extend to their grandchildren as well, so long as their daughter is underage.
She may be a Goodson, but she certainly isn't a good daughter. Terrible story, I can't believe that people can do these things.


Mrs. Harvey
She looks like she's 12. Don't even know what to think of it. People not knowing, etc. The fact she killed the child without hesitation and doesn't seem to care when caught is something to be worried about.

Angry Fork

The thought of suffocating/choking a baby is possibly the worst image ever. And this was a single incident. It reminds you that this happened by the hundreds/thousands during the holocaust but via even worse methods. I remember someone posting a story here probably gaborn about a lady putting their baby in a microwave. I don't even know what to say to this stuff it's hard to type these sentences because then it goes into your head.

14 is rough to judge. It's a transitional age and I'm not sure it's fair to say every 14 year old should understand the consequences. It's obvious she knew it was wrong to do but it also seems obvious that she legitimately thought the reaction from her family/other people about having a baby would be worse than killing it. It doesn't seem like she killed the baby just because she was lazy/didn't care but she just had no clue what else to do and didn't have any support.

She must have been in such a terrible environment to be deathly afraid about revealing she was pregnant/having a kid. I don't know if 14 is old enough to realize how selfish that is and what it really means to kill a baby like that. People saying try her as a adult are being way too reactionary.
Yeah, it's surprisingly hard to find the straight answer to the question using Google.
EDIT: Found this. http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/1314887

As a teenage Father, the consequences may be all of the following. There is a liability of the Teen Father is equal to a Father over 18 except the burden of financial responsibilities fall to the parents of the underage Father. Medical costs, prenatal care, cost of a Doctor or midwife is also a financial obligation that legaly is to be shared or paid in full by the parents of the Father and the Parents of the Mother. Child support payments are also required to be paid by the biological Father and/or his Parents if he is required by a legal judgement. This doesn't stop at birth, or at age 18 either. If the child of the biological Father continues into University or education after High School. The support payments could continue until 21 to 24 years of age.

Read more: >What are the consequences of teen pregnancy on the father?< | Answerbag http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/1314887#ixzz27saHMiPQ

Alright, that's a fairly comprehensive answer. So in the event of a teen pregnancy, it seems like both sets of parents to the teen couple would be financially liable, until they reach the age of 18.


Honestly wish I never read the details of this story. Awful when all these kids rush to have without thinking through the consequences or using the best precautions. I just dont get how she could kill her baby like it didnt mean anything to her.


Why are people acting like a 14 year old has no common sense? We aren't animals, we know what's right, and what's wrong. Ignorance isn't an excuse, even being mentally unstable doesn't justify being able to be let off the hook with a slap on the wrist. Like Squiddy said, if she's mentally unstable than she needs a long stay at a mental facility, if not, then she needs to be in prison for awhile.

The idea that minors shouldn't be held accountable for heinous crimes such as rape and murder sickens me, especially if you have definite proof.


This story sounds like the setup for some female assassin movie or something. But it's real, and that's kind of a bummer.


I can't find myself holding any empathy for this girl whatsoever. Sure the mother may have failed her as both a guardian and educator, but come the hell on. Once you're prying yourself open with a pair of scissors, getting at your fetus, there should be a junction where any rational and stable human being would stop and think "Well, maybe I should at least go try and get some help before I become a certified murderer".

How does one even come to the conclusion of strangling a baby to death? Horrible little girl, and I could blame her environment, her circumstances and her parents for the actions that occurred, but I won't. Because fuck, she's old enough to know what's morally right and wrong, and this shit certainly isn't right.

She's too young to go to jail, but get her some clinical help. Long, clinical help.
I can't even muster up any anger for the girl. I just feel sorry for everyone involved. Yeah she was 14 and 14 is old enough to know better, but considering the circumstances I'd wager she was a really fucked up, unstable 14 year old who (judging by her own mom's ignorance and stupidity) had a fucked up life.
this is what happens in a state with poor sex eduaction, hard core christian conservative values on abstinence an shit.

The fear of telling your mother that your pregnant is BIGGER than the fear of going to jail after killing your own pre-teen baby.

The girl was in the wrong, but what kind of mother did she have that did not know the body of her own daughter was changing?


Why are people acting like a 14 year old has no common sense? We aren't animals, we know what's right, and what's wrong. Ignorance isn't an excuse, even being mentally unstable doesn't justify being able to be let off the hook with a slap on the wrist. Like Squiddy said, if she's mentally unstable than she needs a long stay at a mental facility, if not, then she needs to be in prison for awhile.

The idea that minors shouldn't be held accountable for heinous crimes such as rape and murder sickens me, especially if you have definite proof.

A 14 year old who was raised by a mom dumb enough to let her take fucking pregnancy tests in private probably doesn't have any common sense.

Wait... So you're saying that's why the girl didn't have the sense to know murdering her baby is wrong?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Lock her up. Disgusting! Society doesn't need filth like this walking around.


Wow...it's really horrible that this was put on the news. I feel sorry for the kid she's going to have to move.
You have to remember this is after the fact. I think it is horrible she killed her baby but that has already happened.
Funny how if she had killed the baby 10(or even two) hours earlier, it would technically have been an "abortion".

I'm not pro-life, just sayin'. The line we draw is weird and arbitrary.

Edit: Also, this kind of post-birth trauma resulting in the death of the baby isn't exactly a new thing, is it?
I believe there are even special laws in place to differentiate this from regular murder, because women tend to be emotionally unstable immediately after birth.


Edit: Also, this kind of post-birth trauma resulting in the death of the baby isn't exactly a new thing, is it?
I believe there are even special laws in place to differentiate this from regular murder, because women tend to be emotionally unstable immediately after birth.

Neonaticide? There is no evidence to suggest its a mental problem its something that seems to be observed all around the world regardless developed/underdeveloped nation, culture, ethnicity, rich/poor, race. The last thread on gaf I can remember about a newborn being murdered by its mother gaf/news source tried to blame Islam for it because the women was Muslim. But every case seems unique and there is no one reason you can point too that causes this.

IMO the person is just depraved and deserve full responsibility and punishment under the law.


I definitely agree with devo on the girl should be institutionalized, and eventually let out on probation. Although the mother wouldn't realistically be convicted of anything, I feel he right to be a parent to this girl should at least be brought before a court.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
She's crazy and fucked up but she's also a 14 year old girl. She should be punished, but I'm not sure she should be imprisoned.
Wait... So you're saying that's why the girl didn't have the sense to know murdering her baby is wrong?

I'm saying she is not only 14, she is probably a really mentally messed up 14 year old. I'm saying she probably panicked and thought that killing a newborn baby and hiding it from everyone was a reasonable solution to her problem, because that's the way a fucked up 14 year old would think. I'm just saying I feel more sad than angry at her. Her life was probably messed up before and will probably be messed up beyond repair now.
I can't find myself holding any empathy for this girl whatsoever. Sure the mother may have failed her as both a guardian and educator, but come the hell on. Once you're prying yourself open with a pair of scissors, getting at your fetus, there should be a junction where any rational and stable human being would stop and think "Well, maybe I should at least go try and get some help before I become a certified murderer".

How does one even come to the conclusion of strangling a baby to death? Horrible little girl, and I could blame her environment, her circumstances and her parents for the actions that occurred, but I won't. Because fuck, she's old enough to know what's morally right and wrong, and this shit certainly isn't right.

She's too young to go to jail, but get her some clinical help. Long, clinical help.

If only people thought rationally all the time.
I agree with you though on her needing some clinical help for a looong time.
For her own sake, and for the sake of the rest of us.
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