I reuse my crush gaskets and washers usually 2-3 times. I've never had a leak. Id be surprised if the leak is actually from that washer.
The leak appears to have disappeared since replacing the washer...I can't really say that it's because of the washer getting reused because when I removed the bolt it was quite apparent that I over-torqued the shit out of it when I put it on the first time. I made sure I had my Torque wrench this time around. 25nM is not much...
Lots of great pictures on this page, I should really make an effort to snap some pictures before summer is over again. I don't think I've posted anything since I the last couple mods.
Hot as hell here in Western Canada over the weekend, excellent riding in the evenings (especially when it stays light until 11PM). Too hot during the day though, I needed to open my jacket and visor every red light to avoid over-heating.