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2010 Steam Holiday Sale Thread: of GAF collectively handing over wallet to Based Gabe

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I was always under the impression that Tages was patched out of DoD but not the Venice expansion. I have no idea why I think that though.


Actually I just discovered this which seems to support what I thought.
Well, I can't get the Hitman: Blood Money demo to even run (Win7 64-bit). I guess that makes that decision easier. The little steam window comes up that says "Running Hitman" or whatever, and then nothing happens. Apparently others on the forum had the issue but there is no fix posted. I've tried run as Admin and compatibility modes to no effect.

EDIT - I figured it out. For some reason, the demo installs without a critical DLL (MSVCR71.DLL). I had to copy one from another game into the demo folder (Under SteamApps) and the game ran fine.


TrAcEr_x90 said:
whats everyones opinion on supreme commander 2?

Avoid. The demo was terrible. I've heard mixed things about the full game.

edit: Also, Far Cry 2, why you gotta be like that? I said $2.50 damn it.


Bought the Oblivion GOTY Deleuxe edition yesterday, It's so much nicer looking (and running) vs. the 360 version lol. (i7 @ 3.6ghz / GTX480).

Such an awesome game overall.


I don't see the problem with Supreme Commander 2. I bought the game and the DLC, and the screenshots for both looked really shiny! There were lasers and everything! Ultimately, shiny screenshots are a major factor for my purchases...it's not like we ever play games on Steam anyway. ;p
AcridMeat said:
edit: Also, Far Cry 2, why you gotta be like that? I said $2.50 damn it.

Far Cry 2 is worth $5. It's a lot like Crackdown in that even if you hate the story and missions you can easily get a ton of mileage out of cruising around Africa in a Jeep looking for diamonds to upgrade your weapons. And starting brush fires. Zebras.


JRW said:
Bought the Oblivion GOTY Deleuxe edition yesterday, It's so much nicer looking (and running) vs. the 360 version lol. (i7 @ 3.6ghz / GTX480).

Such an awesome game overall.
Now go find the mod thread and improve everything about the game tenfold.
jaundicejuice said:
That's nice that Ubisoft has removed the requirement for persistent online connections for other games, I might consider buying games like Splinter Cell and Assassin's Creed now, but DoD uses different DRM.

Now I've seen people mention that this was patched out in the retail version, but can anyone confirm this is the case for the Steam version?
It's still there for the steam version apparently. I'd imagine that Steam and Ubisoft would take it off quickly if that were not the case.
stuminus3 said:
I was always under the impression that Tages was patched out of DoD but not the Venice expansion. I have no idea why I think that though.


Actually I just discovered this which seems to support what I thought.

You are correct sir. Thanks for posting that link.

# Anno 1404/Dawn of Discovery; Activation limit removed in patch
# Anno 1404/Dawn of Discovery: Venice Expansion; 3 machine limit


One of the greatest strengths of Steam is that you can download the client on to any machine, log in and have access to your entire library across multiple machines if you so desire. Third parties like EA and Ubisoft have to be joy whack-a-moles and ruin everything with their terrible DRM schemes.


Junior Member
After trying out a Jedi Knight II demo, I just realize that I've never played a Star Wars shooter before, the closest to it being Shadows of the Empire on the N64. Are these the best ones?


RedSwirl said:
After trying out a Jedi Knight II demo, I just realize that I've never played a Star Wars shooter before, the closest to it being Shadows of the Empire on the N64. Are these the best ones?

Jedi Knight 2 is so much fun. Best implementation of force powers in a game ever.

The only thing you need to do is turn on the cheat code for lightsaber dismemberment so that it becomes double awesome.


Junior Member
I really don't think this DRM will be affecting many people. I've read that if you uninstall it on a machine then you get that install back. But hey, if you have four computers that you need to install on simultaneously then that's cool. Also if for some reason you can't uninstall on a computer and you've used more than three then you have to call for more actviations or something. That's the only bad thing.


caliblue15 said:
How do I force a resolution or widescreen via steam, or do I still have the change files of the actual games?
launch options (right click > properties)

edit: but this is only if you have to do it via the shortcut. games like simcity 4 and braid do this.
Amneisac said:
Kind of sucks I already have Shadow of Chernobyl, but I'd like to get Call of Pripyat. Feels like a waste to buy both games again and throw one away.
Same here, I was going to ask for someone to gift me their copy of Pripyat from this daily deal (if someone had it already but instead needed Shadow of Chernobly)

... instead I've decided since I love GAF, so give away 1 copy of Shadow of Chernobyl to 1 lucky GAFer who missed out on it during the the last steam sale...
Quote this with your steam account name and add me on steam (cubanlegend).

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Cuban Legend said:
Same here, I was going to ask for someone to gift me their copy of Pripyat from this daily deal (if someone had it already but instead needed Shadow of Chernobly)

... But instead I've decided since I love GAF, so give away 1 copy of Shadow of Chernobyl to 1 lucky GAFer who missed out on it during the the last steam sale...
Quote this with your steam account name and add me on steam (cubanlegend).



Ceebs said:
Now go find the mod thread and improve everything about the game tenfold.

Whoa I found the thread, Definitely starting off with the various graphic mods mentioned in the OP, I didn't realise Oblivion had this much support from the mod community.

Thanks :D
Im_Special said:
Whats wrong with Supreme Commander 2? I won't have time to try any demos today I seems like a Starcraft 2 clone and with a 77meta rating can't be all that bad, is also only 3.75, but there's almost a 100% chance I'll never touch online and just play it for single player.

Well I actually like SupCom2. Almost no micromanagement required, resources are unlimited and dictate how fast you can build stuff, not how much. You almost never do the whole 'highlight all your guys and click on one enemy, them move to the next' that other RTSes do. You spend most of your time assembling well balanced units to counteract what the enemy is throwing at you, battles are usually determined by the composition of your forces. Build a factory, tell it to endlessly pump out 4 tanks, 1 artillery, 2 anti-air, and 1 mobile shield unit, and after a few minutes you've got a nice sized unit with 40 tanks, 10 artillery, 20 AA, 10 shields.

Also you tend to fly through the tech tree, and it is pretty big. Not to mention a lot of the upgrades add new capabilities like all your tanks could add an AA missile for shooting down enemy ships, nice change of pace to just unlocking new units and buildings and "+5% damage" (although there is some of that too). The experimental units are also very cool.

The unit balance is very much in the same vein as Sins of the Solar Empire. Everybody pretty much has the same capabilities but they are all mixed up. One side has a specialized fighter and a specialized bomber, another side has a fighter-bomber hybrid that isn't as good at each role as the specialized ships but are more flexible because one unit can attack both ground and air. In fact I would sorta describe this game as Sins of the Solar Empire but on a planet surface.

For 3 bucks if you love a wide variety of RTSes you will probably enjoy the single player game. If you want a game similar to starcraft 2 this is not it, however.


Now that DoD doesn't have DRM for the main game, what's the difference between DoD (1404) vs. Anno 1701? I got 1701 + expansion on gamersgate sale a few years back and played it a little. Is 1404 a lot better if I just want to play one and get into the series?

Similar question with Empire? I've never played a Total War game and I have some of the older ones in my backlog from Steam sales. Is Empire a good place to start in the series?


Cuban Legend said:
Same here, I was going to ask for someone to gift me their copy of Pripyat from this daily deal (if someone had it already but instead needed Shadow of Chernobly)

... instead I've decided since I love GAF, so give away 1 copy of Shadow of Chernobyl to 1 lucky GAFer who missed out on it during the the last steam sale...
Quote this with your steam account name and add me on steam (cubanlegend).

Perhaps I am misunderstanding you, but you can't gift extra copies you get from packs and such. There is a very small select group of games for which this works, and rule of thumb is: no, no extra copies granted for duplicates.



Baha said:
If I had to get only 1 C&C game, which one should I get? I'm leaning towards Red Alert 3.

That's what I decided on. I've always preferred Red Alert to mainline C&C. I like the world that they created more and the units are more interesting both lookswise and mechanically. Loved me some Red Alert 2 back in the day.


Trucker Sexologist
Im_Special said:
Holy shit my wallet today : (

Defeninity picking up:
STALKER Complete
FarCry Complete
Supreme Commander 2
Guardians of Graxia

Not sure on:
Empire & Napoleon: Total War: GOTY Edition
Command & Conquer 3 & 4

Anything listed here I shouldn't get? I'd love a reason to not spend so much today. I know nothing about C&C games, and although I've been eyeballing the Total War game for awhile, I'd rather wait for a complete pack that comes with the other Total War games (Rome / Midevil).
C&C4 sucks balls. Avoid it.

I put 40+ hours into the SupCom 2 and I like it quite a bit. It's not the sequel people were expecting but it's a fun spin-off.


sparkle this bitch
I bought Farcry 2 and Hitman Blood Money

Also, I bought CivCity:Rome... That's right. CivCity:Rome.

I officially passed 100 titles.


Aselith said:
That's what I decided on. I've always preferred Red Alert to mainline C&C. I like the world that they created more and the units are more interesting both lookswise and mechanically. Loved me some Red Alert 2 back in the day.

Yeah, I really dig the Red Alert universe. I'm not looking for a super serious rts game but something I can have fun with from time to time.
jiien said:
Perhaps I am misunderstanding you, but you can't gift extra copies you get from packs and such. There is a very small select group of games for which this works, and rule of thumb is: no, no extra copies granted for duplicates.


I was afraid of this. Oh well Dani is a cool GAFer, HaloGAFer and even a fellow BROMANGO. I'll just buyy it twice.


I do not care for the games at all, but I LOVE the promo and box art for Red Alert 3.

Dunlop said:
so does it mean that I will just get pwned in TF2 by the vets?

I'm on the fence to either get this or Farcry2, I likes TF2 on the 360 when I had it
Get TF2. You do not run into many of the super hardcore TF2 players unless you are playing very specific player counts and modes. Most people just play on 24 player servers and fun is had by all.
Now that I'm more aware of DRM I just realized that Batman: AA has a four machine activation limit. I was going to buy the square pack in it's entirety since it has some decent games, but that DRM bullshit pisses me off. I'd only be missing out on Batman and The last remnant if I dropped the square pack. I've already got JC2, don't need FFXI and I have both of the Deus Ex games. I can get my hands on Thief, the Hitman trilogy and Supreme commander right now.

I can wait on a deal for the Last remnant and the tomb raider collection while saving some major bucks in the process. Sounds reasonable right?


my steam profile says i own 171 games.

Start of this year i only had Half Life 2 Silver Pack and retail Empire Total War.

Damn. Although i think this is Valves plan all along with these sales. They get everyones library to huge amounts to the point where they feel invested in digital content and the stigma behind digital downloads disappears to the point where they start buying fully priced retail through the service.


Warms my heart to see STALKER at the top of the sales list.

My heart is then soon crushed by seeing that awful picture of what TF2's artstyle has become.
Dark Forces is pretty fun. Try putting it on lowest settings and believe that some people probably played it like that 15 years ago or whatever :lol
YYZ said:
I really don't think this DRM will be affecting many people. I've read that if you uninstall it on a machine then you get that install back. But hey, if you have four computers that you need to install on simultaneously then that's cool. Also if for some reason you can't uninstall on a computer and you've used more than three then you have to call for more actviations or something. That's the only bad thing.

I appreciate the information about getting the activations back through uninstalling, but not the following snide remark. Hardware failures, like hard-drives shitting the bed, happen. You lose activations through no fault of your own and through something as simple as replacing a single, faulty component in your rig. Then you have to spend time waiting to speak to customer service reps just to get your activation back. If you can tolerate that bullshit, that's fine, your time, your money. Personally I would rather spend my money on games where this isn't a potential issue. In the past I've had problems with Crysis and SecuROM, and I would rather simply not deal with similar DRM in other games.


Unconfirmed Member
All this CivCity hype is starting to get to me, you bastards :lol I highly doubt I will play it personally, but my gf loves SimCity, and might enjoy it.

On one hand it is only $1, but on the other hand I've got a copy of Caesar III that she hasn't had a chance to play yet, and from what I am hearing, it's good, but not quite as good as Caesar III.
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