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2011 Fall Anime Thread - Bad Shows & Self Hating Nerds

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anybody here know what this is from?



Unconfirmed Member
Branduil said:
Penguin Drum

The survival strategy scene in episode 5 takes on a new meaning now that you realize the hat is Momoka. First Momoka called her little sister a whore, and then Ringo threw her big sister onto a truck, lol.
and all the while is trying to replace her.
Penguin Drum
I was one of the first with the Mamako = Penguin hat theory. Or the parents are part of the sarin attack. I am sooo proud.


trejo said:
Honestly, I don't know what the fuck Producer-san Honey was thinking when he told Forehead not to make the phone call. He clearly doesn't know how the showbiz world works. This incompetent pansy should be flipping burgers at mcD's, not managing people's careers for Pete's sake.

The power of love hard work conquers all.
mAcOdIn said:
That would end badly though once we realize we have differing opinions on Eva.
Probably so, that's true...

scy said:
It's been so long since the last one ...
Maken-ki goes farther than most, though. This is no R-15, it's closer to an Aika or something. I guess it's in between the two.

Geneijin said:
I say he's at best the 2nd most important character in the story since he's leading the eventual revolt and will be the leader and face of it.

Yeah, I mean uninhabitable. My bad.

Pretty much. But if there's any reason I can postulate why they're doing so, it's because what they're doing is practically time travel, yet they don't want to call it that in the story basically :lol
I just don't think any time travel is involved. I think we might still have a difference of opinion on this -- either that, or we actually agree but are having trouble figuring that out because of how confusing the plot is and difficulties with word definitions (like "sky people" vs. "ground people").

Actually, you'll hate me for this, but I was tired then when I posted that and didn't realize I left it out even more information until I was about to sleep, but here's what happened regarding that: the "bad" future (let's call it that) and the rewritten history/alternate dimension merged together, which is the world they're in now :LOL

That's why in the ending credits they state the Divine States - the bad future - and the Harmonic Divine States - the rewritten history - merged together into one timeline basically, and it was the result of their failure.

Yeah, see. Sunrise :LOL

I would go on but I'll await your questions first if you have any. And for the record, technically, the countries who are occupying separate states of the Divine States are still the land people from the rewritten history.
Not quite, but we've corrected this I think, since you wrote that.

To be fair, he was never a participant in the contest because he was playing truant to buy eroge, so he didn't know about it. After he gropes her, one girl in the class remarks does that count as a successful attack, which is a joke referencing the ninja and robot's questioning earlier about bonus points or point deduction for specifically attacks/attack areas.
I assumed that he did that because he's perverted but good-meaning and was just having fun, or something... either that or it was something connected to what he referenced later, about confessing to Horizon and how that would somehow change everything, in some unknown way. He also said that he was getting that adult-rated game as "one last thing before the confession"... but given the genre, I can't imagine we'll actually see him stop being perverted anytime soon, that's too important a character trait for otaku heroes like him.

Hm, really? That's a pretty big spoiler then. We'll see indeed.
Here's the spoiler:
However, because he doesn't know the meaning of depressed and has an incredibly cheerful attitude, he's very respected nonetheless.
That's in the novel of course.

Actually, as I address my mistake in a earlier response to your latest replies (see above),
they aren't time traveling at all now because this is one timeline now basically since the merger.
I still think that it could be that there aren't mltiple timelines or anything, just one, and it's all just about various groups and factions, not actual different timelines... unless it's just philosophical timelines that are "merging", as opposed to actual things, in which case maybe I could agree.

What ultimately matters is that Sunrise has the perfect excuse of a setting to give me glorious action!
They certainly must be hoping that that's all people care about, anyway.

mAcOdIn said:
It'll stop working halfway through.
Nah, the first season is good most all of the way through.

That's a lie, Gonzo actually had the best season of FMP.
The first season, you mean? :) (I forget who did the first two seasons)

Watched, not watching, I don't plan to sit through another episode of this shit.
That's too bad, sort of... :)

My bad, I was rocking Firebird Alphas and 9 came out and it kept pestering me to upgrade but I didn't want to because some of my extensions would no longer work and then one day it opened a new window and I lost my progress in the thread. I have since got off the alpha channel and am now just rocking the beta of 8 so I should have no issues like that again. I'll see if I can find it later.
It was part of the discussion that led to me getting this tag.

Yeah, it's obviously either a translation or source material issue. That or because this is a hybrid future/medieval world, the shopping district is also the industry district because things are made in the stores they're sold in or something? I don't know, I'm guessing.

It's such a large ensemble of generic too, I found it incredibly offputting.
It is a huge cast of generic, that's true... I don't know, at least it's got more variety than a small cast of generic, and at least it's not "one guy and all the other characters are girls"... very minor plusses, to be sure, though.

Probably just for the excuse, this show is shit.
Sure it's bad, but the question, which I think it is too early to make a determination on, is whether it's a good bad, or a bad bad. We'll see.

No, the dialog was terrible. At least the translated dialog as I can't speak for the original Japanese. There really was nothing that I'd find passable for a young readers book or television show, if someone floated me this script I'd have burned it after the first page and blacklisted the author.
You do like your overdone exaggerations, don't you. I mean, sure teh writing wasn't great -- I think I've complained a lot about how incomprehensible the background story part of this episode is -- but the parts with the characters talking to eachother about the episode's main plot were pretty average anime stuff, nothing unduly bad I thought.

Not really though. The fighting was all lame, the teach runs faster backwards than they do forward yet they all catch up, half the characters don't even get attacks in because they get stepped on and stupid shit like that, like the dude with the curry, the special effects that accompany their attacks is just hideous, everything was lame.
The fighting was okay, but yes, somewhat formulaic in that it was obvious that they were all going to fail, because even though they're good she's better. Some of her escapes were clever though, like how she managed to foil the homing arrow.

He never attains tolerate status to me, so I know how I feel, I hate him. But that just means he fits in with the rest of the characters.
I am split, he is partially an annoying jerk, but the side of him that likes Horizon seems nicer...

And to again bring up the terrible characterization, this guy is an idiot but if he's got the balls and the lack of brains to grope people like that, he probably doesn't need some porn game. It doesn't really fit.
As I say above in my reply to Geneijin, I thought that he does give an excuse for it in the episode. The question is how much of that the series will actually follow through on; I'm not really expecting it.

I don't understand why people feel the need to understand it. It's crap, let it be.
But there is no question here, there was nothing in this first episode to give any indication that the source material or the team handling it could pull off anything but bad bad. It's a drop.
Because trying to figure out the backstory is probably the most interesting part of the show so far, in my opinion, that's why. It's kind of fun, trying to piece it together... :)
Branduil said:
Penguin Drum

The survival strategy scene in episode 5 takes on a new meaning now that you realize the hat is Momoka. First Momoka called her little sister a whore, and then Ringo threw her big sister onto a truck, lol.
Why why why did I read this? :(


If your name is Nonoriri you have to go buy Nanami's tampons.
Typographenia said:
The animation (when it's moving) is gorgeous. It got ridiculous most of the time just how crazy the camera was because they were going beyond dynamic in most of the action sequences. It just looked like the animators were given a fairly good budget and told "here, this scene has this and this, go do what you want now." So many times I was reminded of how detailed animation used to be, and it made me sad. One enemy had a death where it dissolved into vast amounts of miniscule pieces, and it blew me away that they even bothered. The background animation, coloring, and overall feel of the really standout sequences were just phenomenal. Also, dat background art.

It's not what I would call a good movie, but it's worth watching, in my book. It's a campy 80s anime with some gorgeous visuals (when it matters), but don't expect something that's going to leave you thinking about the events for the days following watching it.

Fuck yeah, Birth!


Articalys said:
And with a crushing Puella Magi victory, round 2 comes to a close.

The series to beat right now is Madoka Magica, with four contestants left in the running. Tied for second place are Index, Milky Holmes, Strike Witches, and The World God Only Knows, with three apiece.

Today is another day off, then on Saturday round 3 gets rolling and the tournament finally heats up with the beginning of the 1v1 matches.
Kuroko =(
PdotMichael said:
Denpa Onna 3


After Episode 3, I have to say Denpa Onna is a nice anime with some unique characters. Why it has such a bad reputation?

And the opening song is still super fucking fantastic
Not everyone can appreciate awesome feet fetishism, head tilts and great opening songs.


scy said:
Honestly, the episode itself isn't too terribly hard to follow. It's the backstory stuff at the end that gets ridiculous. I more or less get to the same conclusion you outlined, though.

Basically, far future, Earth becomes shit so they move to the upper world/Tenjo but that doesn't go so well and it crashes back to Earth. They create an alternate world and use it to rewrite History so they don't end up with an uninhabitable Earth. Except that too doesn't go so well either and it eventually merges with the normal world; the denizens of the alternate world invade and conquer the original world. These original world guys have some pretty awful luck, to be honest.

Presumably, the action here on out is the reclaiming of the land from the other world invaders. Or something along those lines, I wager. I'm not too invested in the characters yet (except ... was that a naked man floating around?) so I can't comment on who's doing what to whom or what besides holy shit that hair.
Yeah, it's really the ending credits that makes the earlier exposition more confusing yet adds context.

I would actually disagree with some of your interpretation because with the information they currently provided us with, it's suggested that:

1.) The Earth becomes shit because the upper world/Tenjo fell, not because the Earth was already shit although it could have already been shit when they moved to the upper world/Tenjo but they never state this

and 2.) Unless it's a mistranslation, they actually don't create an alternate world and use it to rewrite history. They actually reenact/rewrite/relive history in the present (Divine States) using the book Testament, not the alternate world or in it (Harmonic Divine States). At least, with the information given for now :lol

So yeah, Sunrise...

A Black Falcon said:
Tori will be the main focus of the story for obvious reasons, but the teacher, Sakai, remarks in his conversation the world will revolve around Musashi and the Far East. And while we already know the ship is called Musashi, it's also somewhat interesting to note Musashi is the name of the woman he's talking to too. This Musashi was also the one who did the public announcement after the opening. What her role is or how big it is remains to be seen obviously, but her influence seems big enough.

In short, speculah.

I just don't think any time travel is involved. I think we might still have a difference of opinion on this -- either that, or we actually agree but are having trouble figuring that out because of how confusing the plot is and difficulties with word definitions (like "sky people" vs. "ground people").
I can't think of another analogy besides it being a mechanic of time travel (curses), but yes, it isn't time travel.

Not quite, but we've corrected this I think, since you wrote that.
It's change a bit since like I wouldn't call the Divine State the bad future. It's their present. And the Harmonic Divine States isn't the rewritten history. It's practically a copy of their original world, the Divine States, so they can go back and resume from the start again if they fuck up, which they did. Also, one last thing I changed since was that the people occupying the Divine States in the anime are from the Harmonic Divine States, not from the rewritten history project.

I still think that it could be that there aren't mltiple timelines or anything, just one, and it's all just about various groups and factions, not actual different timelines... unless it's just philosophical timelines that are "merging", as opposed to actual things, in which case maybe I could agree.
Again, I can't think of another analogy (yeah, sorry), but yeah, the analogy is just to illustrate the Divine States and Harmonic Divine States have merged into 1 world/1 dimension basically. There aren't any multiple timelines involved in the story.

They certainly must be hoping that that's all people care about, anyway.
Well, I do!


duckroll said:
It's based on a series of light novels called Miniskirt Space Pirates. It's too bad they didn't go with the same name!
Nah, I knew about the novels, I just like to laugh at ridiculous English subtitles.
Here's a plot summary, for anyone who cares (which is no one, but whatever):
The story centers around a spirited high school girl named Marika. She keeps herself busy with the space yacht club and her part-time job at a high-class retro café. One day, two men suddenly appear and claim to be subordinates of her dead father. They demand that she assume command of the space pirate ship Benten Maru. A privateer ship's compact was made during a war of independence a century ago, and according to that compact, the ship must be inherited by the captain's next direct descendant. Marika finds herself embarking on a new life as a space pirate.


Disco Devil
Utena 34

I wasn't expecting this at all. Holy fuck.

I think Utena is becoming my favorite animu of all time. So good.


MPD 13

Sanetoshi ain't got shit on Akio.


Setec Astronomer
Morro! said:
Utena 34

I wasn't expecting this at all. Holy fuck.

I think Utena is becoming my favorite animu of all time. So good.
It's great how when they first talk about Utena being shown something eternal you might think it was something wonderful, but all along it was eternal suffering.

Oh, and that intro back in ep 1? Not really the case!


Though I hate to put this at the bottom of the page...

Welcome to Saimoe Round 3. And from here on out we get the awesomeness of a promo "poster" for every match.



PenDrum Ep.13

Really well written episode, the dialogue in particular was some of the best the show has had.

We know that
the parents are assumed to be the culprits of the train incident. We also see them executing a "plan" in the previous episodes. But I can't help seeing a flaw with them being the guilty ones. The show made them out to be such loving parents to the kids (rushing Himari to the hospital, protecting her from the falling mirror), that them disappearing like that and not telling the kids seems unlikely. Sure, you could say that they did that to protect the kids from the repercussions of the crime, but I don't buy it.
EmmanuelMunoz said:
PenDrum Ep.13

Really well written episode, the dialogue in particular was some of the best the show has had.

We know that
the parents are assumed to be the culprits of the train incident. We also see them executing a "plan" in the previous episodes. But I can't help but see a flaw with them being the guilty ones. They showed seemed to be such loving parents to the kids (rushing Himari to the hospital, protecting her from the falling mirror), that them disappearing like that and not telling the kids seems unlikely. Sure, you could say that they did that to protect the kids from the world, but I don't buy it.

I would say, in the next episodes we will learn the reasons for the attacks. That's the important piece of the story.


Escaflowne was so damn pretty, I'm definitely gonna catch it every Saturday again to relive a bit of my high school years. It's just so damn beautiful. Art, design, animation, goddamn!


Tomodachi wa Mahou
PdotMichael said:
I would say, in the next episodes we will learn the reasons for the attacks. That's the important piece of the story.

My own thoughts on where Penguindrum is going, or at least where I hope it goes in the next few episodes.

They have already beaten the drum so hard about how traumatic the incident was for everybody involved. Endlessly. Doubt there's any more importance to it than that.

Going back to the diary. Yuri has the second half of the diary. Why does she have it? Why does she want it? Why exactly does the diary even matter? And how is she going to go about getting the other half or does the first half of the diary not matter?

I'm assuming she has the other half because she's the only other character introduced in the story thus far that even fits. Suppose it's possible for somebody not introduced to the story yet to have it but Yuri makes more sense.

Yuri = Momoka is the crackpot theory I believe in.


Unconfirmed Member
darkside31337 said:
My own thoughts on where Penguindrum is going, or at least where I hope it goes in the next few episodes.

They have already beaten the drum so hard about how traumatic the incident was for everybody involved. Endlessly. Doubt there's any more importance to it than that.

Going back to the diary. Yuri has the second half of the diary. Why does she have it? Why does she want it? Why exactly does the diary even matter? And how is she going to go about getting the other half or does the first half of the diary not matter?

I'm assuming she has the other half because she's the only other character introduced in the story thus far that even fits. Suppose it's possible for somebody not introduced to the story yet to have it but Yuri makes more sense.

Yuri = Momoka is the crackpot theory I believe in.
Yuri is the Goddess and wants the diary to enact punishment.


Geneijin said:
1.) The Earth becomes shit because the upper world/Tenjo fell, not because the Earth was already shit although it could have already been shit when they moved to the upper world/Tenjo but they never state this

The original synopsis of the show itself says they moved to the upper world/Tenjo to leave the devastated Earth behind; after it falls (?), it seems the Earth is reduced to the small portion of good land and the rest is deemed uninhabitable.

But, that's from the synopsis of it rather than directly stated in the show.

and 2.) Unless it's a mistranslation, they actually don't create an alternate world and use it to rewrite history. They actually reenact/rewrite/relive history in the present (Divine States) using the book Testament, not the alternate world or in it (Harmonic Divine States). At least, with the information given for now :lol

Yeah, I think I got it backwards. It's just worded a bit awkwardly and I assumed something I shouldn't. The Harmonic Divine States are created and then they start rewriting history from the start. Just kind of put in that the two were related. That and it makes more sense, to me, to go through the re-construction of time in the sealed bubble world rather than the "real" world.

I'm curious how this convoluted back story will play into things, though. I mean, I hope there's some rationale for it with the story since they could have used "foreigners invaded our lands and kicked us out" since that's essentially the summation of the plot. Instead, we have an alternate world created that become the invaders; I just wonder if the extra layer (or two) of complication really does anything.


Kills Photobucket
My anime club is watching penguindrum and after seeing ep 5 again my idea for motive is...

Parent are pissed at the world that their Daughter can't be saved. They know she's eventually going to die, and they blame society.
Maken-ki 1

I ended up dropping this manga because it's just like everything and not going to end anytime soon, but since the anime won't have that problem, I'll be getting my weekly panty shots in an overly concentrated dose from this.


Man,watching Shakugan no Shana III makes me realized I forgotton almost all the terms for the show. It's been a long ass time since I watch 1 and 2.


Pengu Drum 13

Well now those were some interesting developments. Did I also see the words "LOL U MAD" in the episode? What the hell was that about?


Shouta said:
Escaflowne was so damn pretty, I'm definitely gonna catch it every Saturday again to relive a bit of my high school years. It's just so damn beautiful. Art, design, animation, goddamn!

Topped off with an incredible soundtrack.


Fate/Zero Episode 2

Okay, I'm sold on this series now. The writing and dialogue is pretty tight, the characters are ALL interesting and cool in different ways, the setting is much more adult than the typical anime, and when Ufotable actually tries the art and animation is actually better than KnK. The direction is solid, and I find the story very interesting. I can't believe I'm say this about a Type-Moon series! Lol.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
cajunator said:
Pengu Drum 13

Well now those were some interesting developments. Did I also see the words "LOL U MAD" in the episode? What the hell was that about?
That's what he says in Japanese. "What's the matter? Are you angry?"


Unconfirmed Member
Regulus Tera said:
That's what he says in Japanese. "What's the matter? Are you angry?"
Problem is that
the people
do something to
the show felt like showing off their perceived cleverness with a /b/ grade line that killed the mood of the scene.

Yeah, he was being a troll, whatever. No excuse for memes and a line that wasn't even in English.

Yes, I mad.


Krev said:
Problem is that
the people
do something to
the show felt like showing off their perceived cleverness with a /b/ grade line that killed the mood of the scene.

Yeah, he was being a troll, whatever. No excuse for memes and a line that wasn't even in English.

Yes, I mad.

Basically what I expect out of
those people


Rolling Girl
duckroll said:
Fate/Zero Episode 2

Okay, I'm sold on this series now. The writing and dialogue is pretty tight, the characters are ALL interesting and cool in different ways, the setting is much more adult than the typical anime, and when Ufotable actually tries the art and animation is actually better than KnK. The direction is solid, and I find the story very interesting. I can't believe I'm say this about a Type-Moon series! Lol.
Eat my crows.
Lain said:
After such an opening, I have to watch this show. Is it good though?!
The fight scenes are pretty good from what little I watched but one of the characters has a voice like nails on a chalkboard so I was forced to bail.
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