I know everyone has forgotten about this series and moved on, but I just got a Hulu+ acct that'd make me feel guilty if I didn't use it, and [C] is pretty ugly. You can see stylishness trying to struggle for air but it is really drowning in oddly garish ugly. Especially some of those weird chins, a symptom of general lack of consistency in character art.
This is what 1.5Mbps gets you. Truly tragic.
What is this supposed to mean? That older people all have hideous jowls? No, because an extra ugly high school student has them, too. Some people are pointy-chinned sons of Temujin while others hail from the inferior bejowled race. I don't get it.
I have to talk at length about jowls here because neither I nor the characters seem to be all that into the rest of it tbh. (Except for sweaty bejowled guy, of course. Animators sure do love their grotesque close-ups of sweat.) All of the characters have incredibly weird, "off" seeming proportions that change from one scene to the next; plot appears to be battle shounen with moniez and, I presume, possible light social commentary on the way. MC is the wettest of blankets; I dunno why animu keeps insisting on putting these personality-free types as leads. See this dialogue exchange: "Huh?" "You know, you've hardly said anything other than 'huh' to me." "Uh." What wit, what charm.
Can't decide if episode 2 was better or worse than 1 but will probably not continue here. see u next series Nakamura~