Not really.Nekobo said:Is Guilty Crown worth watching? My gal pal likes it, but based on the one episode I've seen, it seems like a slutty take on Code Geass.
Nekobo said:Is Guilty Crown worth watching? My gal pal likes it, but based on the one episode I've seen, it seems like a slutty take on Code Geass.
Nekobo said:Is Guilty Crown worth watching? My gal pal likes it, but based on the one episode I've seen, it seems like a slutty take on Code Geass.
Its ok so far. The whiny lead is offensive, but some of the other characters are fun. The plot is interesting enough, plus it has nice backgrounds and character designs, and generally looks pretty good outside of some ugly cg. The most recent episode (ep 4) was pretty sweet so perhaps the show is heading for an upswing.Nekobo said:Is Guilty Crown worth watching? My gal pal likes it, but based on the one episode I've seen, it seems like a slutty take on Code Geass.
Nekobo said:Is Guilty Crown worth watching? My gal pal likes it, but based on the one episode I've seen, it seems like a slutty take on Code Geass.
Well, what I meant was that Aika isn't something often matched since, either -- as you say, it's pretty much in a class of its own. And as for things like Queen's Blade or Manyuu Hikenchou, which, yeah, are really their own category (vast amounts of fanservice but few men and no sex), those do have more nudity and such than Aika, but more pantyshots in specific? I'm not sure...Shouta said:Aika is definitely a sort of turning point. There really wasn't an OVA prior to it that did it to that level. The panty shots of yore were pretty rare and pretty tame compared to now. It wasn't until around the time that Aika got released that it got outlandish. In fact, it's the gold standard still for ridiculous without being porn-like like say Queen's Blade or whatever that one aired recentl Manyuu... or something.
Probably, yeah, but you did want to watch something like that... a harem romance show with an indecisive lead, twincest, and actual sex does seem like it'd fit the bill. I didn't watch much of it, but yeah, that MC... he's pretty awful.doomed1 said:FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
I haven't seen such flagrance since School Days >:|
I'm gonna hate myself after watching this, aren't I...
Great episode, or greatest episode?Steroyd said:Maji de watashi - 06
Nekobo said:Is Guilty Crown worth watching? My gal pal likes it, but based on the one episode I've seen, it seems like a slutty take on Code Geass.
She has a personality? Didn't notice. Tori, however, certainly does. He's the biggest troll in anime I've seen in quite some time, but I really like him - and the rest of the freak show that is his class.Dedication Through Light said:Horizon ep 6
That was enjoyable, though needed a bit more action. I cant wait to see what skills Honda has . P01s has an interesting personality.
doomed1 said:Yusoga no Sora 1
To be honest, the idea that Sora's imagining alot of that shit happening kind of saved some of it by showing that all the sexual tension is hers, but it was really ultimately saved after the credits rolled and I got to see boobie-maido shlicking. The following credits too were hilarious. If they can keep up this "lighter side" vignette thing going, it might just be enough to get me through this tragedy of a "romance".
On an unrelated note, I'm glad I switched to headphones for some reason.
Wait till later episodes since this show is a omnibus format.doomed1 said:Yusoga no Sora 2
Still more random-ass sexual tension for our inexplicably bishie Akira. And now there's even the Brotastic Best Pal who's into the small, flat, and petite, so now Sora can get unwanted sexual advances too.
And again, the end vignette saves it all. I do enjoy how it's sort of a way for the studio to poke fun at how stupid this shit is. Blatantly objectifying the MC is just so classy.
Additionally, this episode confirmed it. Akira and Sora just remind me too much of the twins in Black Lagoon to ever see and not squick automatically.
There are two!Ezalc said:What is this Platina Jazz album and why does it make my ears orgasm uncontrollably?
doomed1 said:Yusoga no Sora 3
I could be doing alot of different things right now. I could be watching The Daily Show, I could be catching up with Mirai Nikki or Last Exile S2, I could be playing Battlefield 3 or Modern Warfare 3, hell, I could be fapping right now. But no, instead I'm watching this shit, and I can't fap to this. >:|
Bah, at least they're getting the hime cut out of the way first. I find her most annoying. But I find that it's a sad sad statement that I'm relating more with the BROSEF than any other jackass in this show. <3 the random vignettes, you make this show bearable~
doomed1 said:Yeah, but I think the point isthat she could have attached herself to anything, living, dead, sentient, or inanimate. Can we really call it Yandere if her madness was caused by a serious emotional trauma rather than the gold standard of yandere anti-feminism, "he's just not that into you"?
I may be reaching for something here, but I'd more likely classify her as "Broken Bird" that's descended into madness. But then, I've only seen up to 4, so I could be way off. The show has a nice little way of making you doubt everything you haven't seen 100%. That's actually what's drawing me to it.
Not always. That's a bit too much of a generalization! Ippo is clearly about boxing, even if it's anime boxing.firehawk12 said:Sports show are never really about the sport though. That's what makes them better than watching real sports.
Yeah, but the thing is, the show's open to alot of interpretation, so by that measure, and true classification is made moot. However, through my interpretation, while she is certainly a yandere, she's what I'd call a "weak yandere" in that her nature has a decent freudian excuse. Ms. Nice Boat in School Days is what I'd classify as a "strong yandere" because while she certainly had pre-existing conditions that set up her yandere-ness, her actual breaking point was discovering her eventual rejection, which as far as reasons to go loony go, is pretty pathetic.Steroyd said:Yuno has the insurance of her diary telling her about the, so by following your definition it currently is following the "gold standard of yandere anti-feminism." at present, the difference being she knows for a fact whether she'll be rejected or not and can change fate.Happy end
At the end of the day, anyone who goes near her object of affection gets axed Yandere's tend to be broken birds anyway (see: nice boat), we don't know when "the room" came to be or how long she kept up thestalkerYukiteru diary even though we have an idea, and she only made her move the moment he was in danger fully prepared to cut shit up from day one.
It's as much a sport as MJ or Go anyway.Jexhius said:Not always. That's a bit too much of a generalization! Ippo is clearly about boxing, even if it's anime boxing.
Heck, Karuta isn't even a sport!
So companies are most likely to dub something they see as already having a higher-than-average chance of success?Jexhius said:People are more likely to pick something up if it's dubbed, or rather, that's the usual reasoning.
People are more likely to pick something up if it's dubbed, or rather, that's the usual reasoning.Articalys said:Are there any recent interviews, commentaries, etc. where a company explains the reasoning behind why they chose to dub a given show? Or older ones, even?
There's no super skinny coked up Christian Bale?Jexhius said:Nah, it's about hitting dudes because hitting dudes is cool.
Of course, sometimes you mighty have to hit the big bad American dude in the face.
The strange thing about this comment is the implication that Code Geass is wholly chaste and tasteful, which is simply not the case.Nekobo said:Is Guilty Crown worth watching? My gal pal likes it, but based on the one episode I've seen, it seems like a slutty take on Code Geass.
Yeah, but Code Geass at least had some class. Plus it's CLAMP, anything slutty they make, they make it slutty to make fun of the people who consume it for its sluttiness. As I understand it, Guilty Crown has no such CLAMP stipulation.Jexhius said:The strange thing about this comment is the implication that Code Geass is wholly chaste and tasteful, which is simply not the case.
So, when CLAMP do it they have a magical free pass, for everyone else it's just trashy? That seems to be very convenient.doomed1 said:Yeah, but Code Geass at least had some class. Plus it's CLAMP, anything slutty they make, they make it slutty to make fun of the people who consume it for its sluttiness. As I understand it, Guilty Crown has no such CLAMP stipulation.
Jexhius said:So, when CLAMP do it they have a magical free pass, for everyone else it's just trashy? That seems to be very convenient.
If they can code shit that deeply into Chobits, they deserve it. Besides, Code Geass isn't really all that trashy, it's just trollish mellowdrama.Jexhius said:So, when CLAMP do it they have a magical free pass, for everyone else it's just trashy? That seems to be very convenient.
doomed1 said:If they can code shit that deeply into Chobits, they deserve it. Besides, Code Geass isn't really all that trashy, it's just trollish mellowdrama.
Yosuga no Sora 5
And now we get to the genki girl. Those tend to be my preferred anyway, so this shite better... oh fuck who am I kidding, this show is awful, and the vignettes, while fun, aren't even worth this shit. At this point, I'm watching for the tits and the impending twincest.
Regulus Tera said:Steins;GAF 16: This shit is both depressing and moving at the same time.Mayuri is saved! But Suzu is dead.
See nerds, even Daru got a wife! It's still creepy how he tried to hit on his own daughter.
Dresden said:Ippo is half training and half fighting and all cocktease about a matchup that never happens.
Attackthebase said:Just wait to episode 22. Man-tears will fall from your eyes. They did for me.