mAcOdIn said:
Eh, the show's not in that territory yet in my opinion. Landing the last blow's a pretty meaningless claim to fame when it's several against one, Sato wouldn't have been able to land the last blow if it wasn't for her and everyone knows he wouldn't have lasted long against Monarch by himself anyways. So he got the last hit, big deal. Also, I think it kinda fits with Yarizui's role in the show. She's the upperclassman and in the show she's also taken on a more direct motherly role by raising Sato and Oshiroi as new wolves. In that context some of her actions that might be considered as actions taken to cater to the male audience might actually be due to her role and her desire to enable her new packmates to grow as wolves. Perhaps she could have beat Monarch alone but after Sato came all the way down there, why bother, he needs the experience, maybe she could have still taken the bento with honor seal but maybe she really just wanted Shaga and Sato to fight?
Just because you can come up with a somewhat decent explanation for why it happened doesn't mean it's not sexist, you know... it is. You might be right that part of it is because of her wanting to train him, etc, but come on, "the MC guy finishes fights" is the way things are done in this genre, because you couldn't have a female character doing that... and I also just can't ee the male MC ending up with the honor seal bento even though Sen fought the best as anything else than based on sexism, whether or not it can be explained. Your explanation is decent, but that's the reason behind it I'm sure.
Also, while the fact that Yarizui did most of the fighting, and was the one who won the fight almost on her own, is important, that he was given the last hit definitely has symbolic value. It's not meaningless. I do agree that letting him and Shaga help out in the fight made sense, though, I'm not complaining about that part. But overall, of course that's how the genre is (sexist because of where it comes from and the audience it is for), but that doesn't mean I just accept it.
It may seem sexist in a way but it's also the theme of the show so far. Yarizui is the upperclassman and the current leader of the group, Sato is the underclassman and the newbie so it is her place to enable him and allow him to grow as a wolf. Second, we've just come off several episodes dealing with just this. The Wizard was likely her mentor, he likely enabled and trained her in much the same way she is doing now that was just all off screen. Notice how he's gone now as a third year? Now switch over to Matsy and the Monarch's side. Again, Matsy is now retired, Monarch is now pack leader and this time there didn't seem to be a clear succession and problems arose from it. I think it's clear from how the show handles those who retire as wolves departure from the scene and the effects it has on those left behind is that this show's eventual end is clearly going to be that Yarizui is not just raising Sato as a wolf for fun, or because she likes him(although maybe she does) or just because she needs three members to keep her club going it's that Sato is obviously going to succeed her, she is training her successor just as her predecessor had done before her. The Wizard? Gone. The Monarch Butterfly? Gone. And so to will the Ice Witch at some point. What I think you should take from this is that things that appear to be sexist are not always sexist. It might have been for sexist reasons that the author decided to make Sato the MC and revolve it around him as opposed to the other way around but the universe itself is not sexist as the generation before in his school the lead was a male training a female. You want to find sexism or something to be disappointed about there, I can't stop you but I think you're wrong if you do so.
Yeah, Wizard taught her to be a wolf. That story's the one the manga covers (she starts out not knowing how to fight at all pretty much). As for the MC replacing her, though... perhaps, but that'd require a Sen-MC pairing not to be the final one, which could well happen gven that she's pretty much the main girl. It isn't definite, sure, but likely? Yeah, I think so.
You are right, though, that the setting isn't entirely sexist; there are a bunch of strong female fighters in the series, as well as male ones, which is good. Fighter-girl harems in harem action shows aren't rare these days, but still, the fights and action clearly show that the female characters can be just as good as the male ones, for the most part, which is good to see.
Now that was BS. Actually, I don't mind that Sato won, from the looks of it that fight wasn't going to be some no holds barred fight with all kinds of techniques and shit just two combatants hitting each other as hard as they can until one falls, Sato can probably manage a fight like that, it's not much different from his fight the previous episode, I'm just pissed they didn't show it. Then they have the balls to reference it "why if Oshiroi had seen that fight," Oshiroi, what the fuck about us, who cares if she sees it!
Heh... it was a little annoying that they didn't show either of the other fights, but the main one took up a lot of the episode, where would they fit it in? Maybe they could have cut the earlier parts of the episode to make room, but the episode does work as it is, I think.
It's just a theme in the show, it's not entirely realistic but then nothing about the show is, but I imagine it's not so much stealth as her remaining as a noncombatant until just the right moment. Fighting in a large group like that takes a lot of situational awareness, they don't just drag in random customers into their battles so there'd be lots of chances for someone who starts off as a non-combatant at first to jump in at an inopportune time and grab your meal from under you.
A theme of the show? I guess so, but but that might be overstating it... it's just something which has happened repeatedly and without explanation. Your reasoning there could be it, I'm not sure. That's not quite as Wolflike as fighting for it is, but it's a start for sure, and she's good at it too, clearly (hence why I said she was actually a ninja or something

RurouniZel said:
That's the impression I get as well. Once it became clear in Episode 01 that Sato was not going to run away from the Bento fighting, she decided that she'd take him (and Oshiroi) under her wing and train them (though Sato moreso) to succeed her. She spends a lot of time explaining everything to them, and was even waiting for them in the club room after their excursions to be there for them if they succeeded. I'm sure it's likely they'll go toward a "she likes him" route eventually, but for now I'm liking this relationship of a mother wolf raising her new cub.
She certainly is training them, yes, but why does that necessitate having him do the final hit in that fight?
Her novel's fine, just for a certain audience obviously (not us, but that's the joke). The little clips we hear are stupidly amusing.