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2011 Fall Anime Thread - Bad Shows & Self Hating Nerds

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Everything is tsundere to me
duckroll said:
The problem is not the late night slot, nor is it that there is no market for it. The problem is that you cannot want to be part of the core anime retail industry and want general audiences at the same time. The reason for this is very simple. The very business model of anime itself is a huge turn off to "general audiences" everywhere. No one who is not a hardcore anime fan would find it justifiable or "normal" to pay 70-80 dollars for a single volume of animation containing 2-3 episodes. That's 50-70mins of animated footage for 70-80 dollars, multiplied by 6-9 volumes, depending on the series. It's not even a matter of being able to afford it, it's a matter of thinking such pricing is retarded, and doing something better with your money instead.
Now here's the thing, they could easily have their cake and eat it too. The problem is pretty much exactly what you're talking about. What they really need to do is adopt a style like the American season DVD format, or at the least a combination set-up. A mass market priced base DVD/Bluray sets with some basic features like trailers and textless OP/ED, maybe some commentary. Plus "Special Edition" sets with the standard features plus interviews, some removed scenes, promotional art, some basic interviews, and then price that at the premium otaku price. That would be a much more sustainable system and people who normally wouldn't get into the anime on otaku level might get into one or two shows where they do splurge on the premium DVD, not to mention you might sell a standard DVD set to an otaku who would otherwise not buy the discs at premium prices. It astounds me that no one has put this model through yet. As far as I understand, it's very effective here in the US...
doomed1 said:
Now here's the thing, they could easily have their cake and eat it too. The problem is pretty much exactly what you're talking about. What they really need to do is adopt a style like the American season DVD format, or at the least a combination set-up. A mass market priced base DVD/Bluray sets with some basic features like trailers and textless OP/ED, maybe some commentary. Plus "Special Edition" sets with the standard features plus interviews, some removed scenes, promotional art, some basic interviews, and then price that at the premium otaku price. That would be a much more sustainable system and people who normally wouldn't get into the anime on otaku level might get into one or two shows where they do splurge on the premium DVD, not to mention you might sell a standard DVD set to an otaku who would otherwise not buy the discs at premium prices. It astounds me that no one has put this model through yet. As far as I understand, it's very effective here in the US...
I would love to see that happen, but the thing is the entire industry would have to agree to switch to that pricing structure and change their style of marketing. But as duckroll pointed out, why go through all that work for uncertain returns when they have a small but dedicated fanbase who they know how to sell to? It'll only happen if the otaku market completely dries up and the industy has no choice but to change.


hosannainexcelsis said:
I would love to see that happen, but the thing is the entire industry would have to agree to switch to that pricing structure and change their style of marketing. But as duckroll pointed out, why go through all that work for uncertain returns when they have a small but dedicated fanbase who they know how to sell to? It'll only happen if the otaku market completely dries up and the industy has no choice but to change.
Or the industry could just get even smaller and more irrelevant than it is now. It's not a pretty prospect, but if they continue to be conservative, fiscally, then it seems pretty inevitable.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I still largely interpret Mirai Nikki as wish fulfillment with a price (up until this point in the series). At the end of the day Yuno is smart, attractive, doting, and prone to lapsing into bouts of ecstasy. Sometimes you have to put up with a little stalking and homicide for a HAPPY END.


Everything is tsundere to me
hosannainexcelsis said:
I would love to see that happen, but the thing is the entire industry would have to agree to switch to that pricing structure and change their style of marketing. But as duckroll pointed out, why go through all that work for uncertain returns when they have a small but dedicated fanbase who they know how to sell to? It'll only happen if the otaku market completely dries up and the industy has no choice but to change.
Uncertain returns my ass. If they can't see the unsustainability of the business model, then they deserve their death. It only takes one studio to release a tiered pricing model with a moderately successful show. Hell, we can already see this model with the American movie DVD and BluRay industry. It's not even very risky to implement either!

7Th said:
Would you want an abusive boy/girlfriend like Louise from ZnT? I mean, she is clearly considered a fantasy girlfriend type of character...
It's the dere. It's knowing that underneath that sharp and abusive exterior she's really sweet and vulnerable for you (and only you) that just drives the moe~moe through the roof. It's the whole appeal behind the tsundere. It's a bizarre (and very interesting) implementation of a patriarchal influence on a feminist ideal (the aggressive female). Oh heteronormativity, when will you cease to bring me interest.
doomed1 said:
Uncertain returns my ass. If they can't see the unsustainability of the business model, then they deserve their death. It only takes one studio to release a tiered pricing model with a moderately successful show. Hell, we can already see this model with the American movie DVD and BluRay industry. It's not even very risky to implement either!
They still have the problem of getting people to watch the show at the ungodly hours they air in the first place. If broadcasts were actually lucrative for the companies they could probably charge less for the discs.


Ezalc said:
What was the original discussion about again?
This is a pretty classic anime thread line of discussion, to be honest. Why is character type X so popular? It's pretty normal.


Jexhius said:
This is a pretty classic anime thread line of discussion, to be honest. Why is character type X so popular? It's pretty normal.

The only thing I got out of it was that, it was about Mirai Nikki and that the protagonist is a wimp. I don't watch the show but that type of MC seems to be the most generic in Japan.
Dresden said:
Mirai Nikki is about a wimp getting a magical girlfriend. >.>

Everything is wimps getting magical girlfriends to i-d? This is tag material!

Regulus Tera said:
I forgot you had changed your Louise avatar.

I choose i9!

I'm okay with this. Especially since I won't be bringing the Louise avatar back for awhile, possibly not until ZnT F begins airing. I don't even think F has a scheduled season yet, it might be Spring 2012 or it might be even later.


Branduil said:
Why are we even debating if yandere magical girlfriends are wish fulfillment?

Because otherwise we won't know whether or not it's our fault when our secret stalker girlfriends murder us in the street.


Ezalc said:
The only thing I got out of it was that, it was about Mirai Nikki and that the protagonist is a wimp. I don't watch the show but that type of MC seems to be the most generic in Japan.
He's kind of like the 'every man' that you find in an American show, except he's far less palatable because of his 'weak' disposition. If it's a character type that truly resonates, and it's persistence throughout the years seems to suggest that it does, then perhaps that says something interesting about the male audience for this kind of work in Japan.


slopeslider said:
My sarcasm detector is broken, you'll have to clarify
See, this is what I meant earlier! When a poster just happens to visit this thread without prior knowledge of our own dispositions we could all look totally crazy.
Branduil said:
Why are we even debating if yandere magical girlfriends are wish fulfillment?

I think it has more to do with i-d watching just the first episode of a show and passing judgment on what it's really about immediately. Her interpretation of what was going on was hilariously misguided and incorrect. From there it kind of spiraled into whatever it is they are talking about now.

scy said:
Because otherwise we won't know whether or not it's our fault when our secret stalker girlfriends murder us in the street.

The obvious solution is to observe a yandere relationship directly and gather data before embarking on one yourself!


Penguin Drum Ep19

This is a Gotoh episode, so it has ugly/off-key penguins, and is generally a cheap episode without much movement. There are many close-ups with ugly Gotoh eyes, especially weird when he uses them in close-up side-view scenes. There are quite a few of these scenes. The art isn't terribad, but I would say it's bad. Especially the penguins.

Having said that, this is a relatively interesting episode, with some good followups from last week's climax. There are some major revelations in the episode, and overall the direction and storyboarding worked better here than in ep10. Except for the scene near the end. The direction, framing, animation, everything about the scene near the end is lol. Something that should be exciting and thrilling is instead turned into a "wow where did the budget go" sequence. Thanks Gotoh, we won't forget that for a long time.

Based on the plot developments this episode, next week is going to ROCK. :)
Jexhius said:
See, this is what I meant earlier! When a poster just happens to visit this thread without prior knowledge of our own dispositions we could all look totally crazy.
I WANT to assume he was being sarcastic but I cant put anything past you guys, now that I know Me-rye nicky is wish fulfillment for some people.


Un-Go Episode 6

This is probably the first actually good episode in the entire series. It is also fitting because it seems to indicate a shift in tone and some background story elements. The final scene actually got me pretty excited for the rest of the series, and firehawk definitely didn't see THIS coming. :p

The direction was effective, there were some creative animation moments, and a good mix of drama and humor in the episode. The nature of the mystery this week also shifts to something less I-see-what-you-did-there and actually seems to have the intention to tell an interesting story. It didn't completely work perfectly, but it's a pleasant surprise anyway.


Jexhius said:
He's kind of like the 'every man' that you find in an American show, except he's far less palatable because of his 'weak' disposition. If it's a character type that truly resonates, and it's persistence throughout the years seems to suggest that it does, then perhaps that says something interesting about the male audience for this kind of work in Japan.
I don't think there's any question that this kind of sucky archetype has an appeal to a certain segment of viewers.


Guilty Crown Episode 6

Pro-tip for anime fans with gambling tendencies: Never ever make a bet with anyone that Guilty Crown cannot get any dumber. It will always prove you wrong. I wouldn't make such a bet myself anyway, but just saying, if you plan to, don't. It's amazing how moronic the writing in this show is. Nothing feels "real" honestly. The stuff that come out of the characters' mouths, the way scenes occur, the way one thing leads to another, it's all sketchy at best, and completely retarded at worst. Today's episode is something I would classify under "at worst".

On the plus side, this is the first episode of the show where they bothered to get a mecha animation director and actual animators for the robots, so they're all nice looking instead of ugly CG garbage. The action scenes look nice, and there were some cool moments. But nothing can save the show when the writing feels like a 10 year old trying to do GRITTY SCIFI ACTION DRAMA while pissing all over himself due to lack of self control.

I bet cosmicblizzard will love this episode though. Lulz.


slopeslider said:
I WANT to assume he was being sarcastic but I cant put anything past you guys, now that I know Me-rye nicky is wish fulfillment for some people.
Well, he is indeed being sarcastic.

For the record, I don't think 'girls who are dangerously in love with the main character' is a fantasy just because the female in this situation is crazy, but it's because she's really invested in the (usually) pathetic main character. As in, I don't care what kind of girl loves me, as long as somebody does! Even if they're crazy, that just means they're really committed.

Having them crazy and in love with the protagonist is just a warped version of that original desire to be loved.


scy said:
Because otherwise we won't know whether or not it's our fault when our secret stalker girlfriends murder us in the street.

Who cares whose fault it is. The only question that matters is: did you like it?! :D


duckroll said:
Guilty Crown Episode 6

Pro-tip for anime fans with gambling tendencies: Never ever make a bet with anyone that Guilty Crown cannot get any dumber.

You just don't have enough faith!

I like negative comments about things. I read them, expect crushing disappointment, and come out only mildly dissatisfied. Win!

duckroll said:
Who cares whose fault it is. The only question that matters is: did you like it?! :D

The beginning and end were alright but the middle bits felt a bit dragged out. 3 out of 5.
Jexhius said:
Or the industry could just get even smaller and more irrelevant than it is now. It's not a pretty prospect, but if they continue to be conservative, fiscally, then it seems pretty inevitable.
By "smaller", you mean so small that it doesn't exist at all? If the otaku market seriously dried up, and no one was willing to pay crazy amounts of money for this stuff anymore, pretty much all of the industry would disappear along with them. Maybe Ghibli would survive, since they're just about the only studio consistently making mainstream products.

I kind of want to see that happen, in the hopes that something better would emerge out of the ashes.


duckroll said:
Thanks Gotoh, we won't forget that for a long time.
Very good work, Mr. Gotoh! You didn't disappoint us another time...

Maybe those interesting unfolding events and your expectations for the next episode have softened your impressions on his work.

He must pay for this, dammit! I did not forget!


doomed1 said:
Now here's the thing, they could easily have their cake and eat it too. The problem is pretty much exactly what you're talking about. What they really need to do is adopt a style like the American season DVD format, or at the least a combination set-up. A mass market priced base DVD/Bluray sets with some basic features like trailers and textless OP/ED, maybe some commentary. Plus "Special Edition" sets with the standard features plus interviews, some removed scenes, promotional art, some basic interviews, and then price that at the premium otaku price. That would be a much more sustainable system and people who normally wouldn't get into the anime on otaku level might get into one or two shows where they do splurge on the premium DVD, not to mention you might sell a standard DVD set to an otaku who would otherwise not buy the discs at premium prices. It astounds me that no one has put this model through yet. As far as I understand, it's very effective here in the US...

It is extremely easy to play an armchair critic and make very general statements about how easy such a plan is without considering any specifics. It's easy to just assume that such a plan is a guaranteed success and it is stupid that no one ever considered it. But when you sit down and actually look at the sort of numbers shows are pulling in, and you break it down by distributors, and you look at their marketing tactics, it becomes a lot harder to even justify trying anything like this for even a single show.

Let's presume you want to have a serious discussion about this. We'll take a typical 11 episode noitaminA series as a point of discussion.

- How much would you charge for a blu-ray set of the entire series in Japan?

- How many copies more will you have to sell at that price to stand to profit compared to releasing it on 5 blu-ray volumes at 7800yen each?

- What is the likelihood that you will be able to sell that many more copies simply by selling it for cheaper?

- Are the audience for the show even the type who would buy a show on home video? Or are they just interested in watching it once?

- If you end up selling the same number of copies for the cheaper set compared to how many copies of each volume you would normally be able to sell at the normal business model, how much money would you have lost with this experiment?

Let's consider these basic points for now. We can expand the discussion further if there is interest.
Anime now is like Vidya in the early 80's
It needs a giant reform, maybe it needs an 'ET' to crash it so Someone can rebuild it into a worthwhile business.
I always thought it needs more feelies, and things that have no technical value yet will get people to buy the crap out of your Product.

For instance, randomly making seiyuu sign the discs before they go out for shipping to stores, it doesn't cost much to pay them to sit down for a day to do it but It will SURELY boost sales more than enough to pay them to do it.
Limited editions are guaranteed to have an autograph in them
Ultra collectors editions come with special character covers that are signed specifically by them, could have done that with Infinite Stratos/Clannad girls

A limited run of Nendoroids, and the ONLY way to buy one is to buy a BD first, the figures pay for themselves when the hardcore buy them due to their limited and collectible nature, and it raises BD sales as well.

A 1 in 5000 chance to get a specialized voice mail voucher in your disc case where you send them your name and they record you a voicemail, like David Hayter did for a MGS fan who won a contest in character with his snake voice.

You have to think outside the box to get ME to buy your anime, these are ways I might be inclined to do so, while costing the studios next to nothing.


Subete no aware
Macross F: The False Songstress and The Wings of Goodbye:

Finally decided to watch through the second movie and scrub through the first movie again as a recap. I'm still struck by how much these movies felt like concert movies for a band you might like (I do, since I actually like the MacF songs), but where the band refuses to perform any of their hit songs except the one song they are forced to perform out of obligation. Maybe if I didn't come in expecting a greatest hits concert, it's possible I might have enjoyed the music more.

As for the films as films, anime TV to film adaptations seem to always fall into an awkward paradigm. Either they are straight adaptations of the greatest hits of a show, a direct continuation of the show, or a reimagination of the show that recontextualizes and in some cases retcons the events of the series that it is based on... and it feels like no matter which way you go, there's something that's lost in that translation between media. It's not that MacF was the best thing in the world, but reinventing the wheel was pointless and led to many scenes that just made no sense (other than to set up more concert scenes, I suppose). Of course, they also released an honest to god actual concert movie, so I'm not even sure if there was a point to this exercise at all.

This was the only reference to Triangular for example:

And instead of actually playing up the triangle, they just spent time yammering about folds and control chips and crap no one really cares about.

Also, there must have been a lot of Alto doujin out there or something because they gave up and just decided to make him a maid for a scene:

I will say, probably the only thing that the movies have going for them is that the new ending is much, much better. I think these pictures pretty much show which side they wanted you to fall on anyway:



Although, someone couldn't help themselves and basically loaded the first minute with imagery that prepares you for the inevitable:

Well, at least I can put this thing to bed finally.
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