You're saying they've got sweet fights in Gundam now? Good ol Unicorn, at least it can always deliver that.Gundam Unicorn 4: Robots fight, Blonde kid is a derp as expected, drinking coffee is meaningful.
You're saying they've got sweet fights in Gundam now? Good ol Unicorn, at least it can always deliver that.Gundam Unicorn 4: Robots fight, Blonde kid is a derp as expected, drinking coffee is meaningful.
You're saying they've got sweet fights in Gundam now? Good ol Unicorn, at least it can always deliver that.
I have to face the possibility that Ben-to as I knew it is over. What was at first a battle show with a male character that occasionally did some funky shit is now Inukami with boxed lunches. If I had a drink I'd pour it out.
So I watched some Penguindrum [SPOILERS AHEAD] and I was thinking that this show has some pretty bizarre instances of:foreshadowing
For example, beforewe know that Yuri is important to the main plot and hodls the second half of the diary she's linked to a 'spinning drum washing machine' much like the Spinning Penguin Drum.
To be fair, the manga drags it on too.
I have come to the conclusion, in all my shoujo watching, that shoujo becomes boring as soon as they get together. Them not getting together and doing the will they or won't they crap for too long is bad too, however.
lol lot of time spent on missing eyes stare and very akward.monologues
Get ready for some angst water works because the main girl is more pathetic than your average shojou lead, spends all her time crying about everything and anything.
The manga is still dragging on with no progress for years(been comfired to be ending a long time ago).
That's what 'mawaru' means.Yuri washing machine adwas in the same episode that shifted the plot to yuri right at the start of the episode, so I don't think that counts as a foreshadowing if its already happened, not sure what you mean by "spinning" penguin drum (only seen up to ep15)
Hanasaku Iroha 16
The very end wasa lame attempt at a cliffhanger. A phone is ringing! Oh no, what horrible news could be waiting on the other end! Discord with girls' innocent laughter! Also wet shirts! Bah. The phone ringing cliffhanger only works if we have some idea of what there is to fear.
Really, you think? I'm not so sure, I think we have somewhat different views of animation really... I guess you're right that there are similarities, but they're not the same. The fact that manga is vastly more popular in Japan than comic books are in the US suggests that there could be a larger market anyway, I'd think, for one thing.Japan's view of animation isn't particularly different from USA's view of animation; cartoons are for families, kids and lonely nerds.
Mirai Nikki 7
This feels like it should be a strong episode, but the plot holes bother me to no end.
Why is anything hidden from Yuuki to begin with? The nature of his diary should instantly reveal anything malicious about to happen. Why doesn't he want to just kill the kid? Destroying his diary would has the same outcome. At the very least they could restrain the kid, lock him in a bathroom, anything. But no, stupidity and inaction reign supreme in poor fiction for anything of interest to happen. By the nature of the kid's diary a long and drawn out plan to kill Yuuki and Yuno just doesn't work. Their diaries update constantly, so they should have been aware of any plan, and been able to foil anything thought up ahead of time. His diary only maps out three points of the day, but given that anything could easily change the course of time it is illogical that his plan would transpire as he wrote it ahead of time with other diary users altering the future. This becomes especially true if he sends his diary away, and while it is gone Yuno and Yuuki have massive behavioral changes when they find out the kid is a diary user. Realistically, his diary would only work as a reactionary measure when he sees the future change. Then the other stuff that bugged me was just like, the kid sending something in the first place, or a five year old being able to drag a grown woman's body outside, or the envelope having enough gas to keep the house flooded with it for an extended period of time, or the electric shock not killing Yuno (and her not noticing the water to begin with). I know this story isn't supposed to be high thinking or anything, but poorly constructed stuff like this just irks me.
1.My Dearest (アニメ『ギルティクラウン』OP主題歌)
4.My Dearest (TV Edit)
5.My Dearest -Instrumental-
6.罪人 -Instrumental-
7.大貧民 -Instrumental-
8.My Dearest (TV Edit) -Instrumental-
I was under the impression that, within means, Yukki doesnt actually want to kill anyone, similar to the way the other diary user with the one eye has yet to be killed in two instances. Going straight for the kill would have been out of character
I get that, but letting people who want to kill him run rampant while he just sits around is the apex of idiocy.I was under the impression that, within means, Yukki doesnt actually want to kill anyone, similar to the way the other diary user with the one eye has yet to be killed in two instances. Going straight for the kill would have been out of character
I get that, but letting people who want to kill him run rampant while he just sits around is the apex of idiocy.
Damn @ Supercell's my dearest single info
Code:1.My Dearest (アニメ『ギルティクラウン』OP主題歌) 2.罪人 3.大貧民 4.My Dearest (TV Edit) 5.My Dearest -Instrumental- 6.罪人 -Instrumental- 7.大貧民 -Instrumental- 8.My Dearest (TV Edit) -Instrumental-
This is how you should do a single. Always include a instrumental for every song.
Six terrible covers and remixes with the song you want?I guess you missed Dear Future Single by Coalter of the deepers. Now that is how you do a single!
Six terrible covers and remixes with the song you want?
Only five terrible remixes. As evidenced by the fact that they actually used the Yui Horie one as the ending for episode 10.
Six terrible covers and remixes with the song you want?
Six terrible covers and remixes with the song you want?
Well when you remix a crap song it's still going to be crap most of the time!
Not even Yui Horie could save it.
I kind of feel like it's overproduced and the vocals don't really have any edge to them.Only five terrible remixes. As evidenced by the fact that they actually used the Yui Horie one as the ending for episode 10.
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to get out of the Ringo Deathstarr version of the song. It sounds the like the original run through some ear piercing filter.You just didn't call Ringo Deathstarr shitty, did you?
Best Gundam series ever.Ryuukan said:Gintama 235:
This arc is becoming the greatest mecha work from Sunrise in ages.
And yes, AMURO VS CHAR prior to Kaien transformation
Best Gunsam series ever.
I really wish the transformation montage was more mundane - although showing someone inSteroyd said:Even a mecha hater can't hate.
Even a mecha hater can't hate.
Hrm. Then who is watching all this new Gundam stuff then?NeonZ said:Shounen Jump readers hated it in the manga.
Gintama usually hangs near the top of the popularity polls, but it was near the bottom during the rankings for these chapters and took a while to recover afterwards. Although I guess this explains why modern Shounen Jump has no mecha mangas...
Hrm. Then who is watching all this new Gundam stuff then?
I kind of feel like it's overproduced and the vocals don't really have any edge to them.
Dear Future is a great OP song, and it can be catchy once in awhile, but it doesn't really go anywhere after it starts. If I listen to the whole song about halfway through I start to wonder why I'm listening to the whole thing.
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to get out of the Ringo Deathstarr version of the song. It sounds the like the original run through some ear piercing filter.
Shounen Jump readers hated it in the manga.
Gintama usually hangs near the top of the popularity polls, but it was near the bottom during the rankings for these chapters and took a while to recover afterwards. Although I guess this explains why modern Shounen Jump has no mecha mangas...
Heh, aren't they all the same 15 year old boys though?NeonZ said:Well, most likely not the same audience that reads Shounen Jump
Heh, aren't they all the same 15 year old boys though?
There's Gundam Age though. Then again, Gundam is a weird franchise I suppose.NeonZ said:Not really sure. I think the main target audience for something like Unicorn is mostly older fans who have been into Gundam for a while, not 15 years old teens.
The audience voting in Shounen Jump popularity polls are probably younger kids and otaku focused on very specific series (although I think the numbers Shounen Jump pulls compared to anime in general suggests that it's a broader audience reading it).
Unicorn is for long time fans of the franchise.Hrm. Then who is watching all this new Gundam stuff then?
That's the power of Level 5, expanding and diverisying the audience. It can't all be delicious man on man action for the female fans.There's Gundam Age though. Then again, Gundam is a weird franchise I suppose.
WellYuri washing machine adwas in the same episode that shifted the plot to yuri right at the start of the episode, so I don't think that counts as a foreshadowing if its already happened, not sure what you mean by "spinning" penguin drum (only seen up to ep15)
There's Gundam Age though. Then again, Gundam is a weird franchise I suppose.
There's Gundam Age though. Then again, Gundam is a weird franchise I suppose.
There's Gundam Age though. Then again, Gundam is a weird franchise I suppose.
Yes, but I'm not sure that's doing very well.