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2011 Fall Anime Thread - Bad Shows & Self Hating Nerds

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Tokyo mew mew ep 1 –Justice Lies in a girl in love ~nyan

Mew project is a success from this day forth mew mew strawberry is born assigned to save the earth from....where not sure yet something ghost jellyfishes.
-ichigo you totally blew that date, it’s not every day the heroine gets a date with the most popular guy in school (or maybe the only guy judging by how the girls behave and there being no other male shown) on the first episode.
-if those groupies find out about the date I expect a royal rumble.
-blonde guy such a tsundere

Found this educational, now I know where nyan girls come from(there invade by radioactive cats in there dream) and that they just can’t help saying nyan.

Strawberry Bell!

Ribbon Strawberry..CHECK!


Tokyo mew mew ep 1 –Justice Lies in a girl in love ~nyan

Mew project is a success from this day forth mew mew strawberry is born assigned to save the earth from....where not sure yet something ghost jellyfishes.
-ichigo you totally blew that date, it’s not every day the heroine gets a date with the most popular guy in school (or maybe the only guy judging by how the girls behave and there being no other male shown) on the first episode.
-if those groupies find out I expect a royal rumble.

-blonde guy such a tsundere

Found this educational, now I know where nyan girls come from and that they just can’t help saying nyan.

Strawberry Bell!

Ribbon Strawberry..CHECK!

Turn back! Turn back!!!


Heidi 2

I managed to miss episode 51 and 52 of Heidi on Monday and Tuesday, but Wednesday Heidi started back from the first episode (although now it airs at 8 in the morning instead of 7.20).
While paying more attention to Heidi's face in episode 2, I couldn't help noticing that her face made me think of (E7) Renton.


Un-Go - 7

Well... uh... this episode... happened, it was an experience. Man I am super stocked for next weeks episode.

Oh and WipEout called, it wants its music back.


Here we go, I think this is the final say on that cancelled Gintama reairing:

Mainichi: Gintama Episode Re-airing Pulled Due to Defamation
The Mainichi Shimbun paper reported on Thursday that a Gintama' anime episode was not re-aired after TV Tokyo was contacted by a representative due to alleged defamation. Before the Mainichi article, there were conflicting reports about whether a complaint was made.

The anime channel AT-X announced on November 11 that its showings of Gintama' episode 232 were cancelled at the request of its parent company, TV Tokyo. The episode had already aired on TV Tokyo on October 31, and the episode is still streaming overseas on the Crunchyroll service.

According to Mainichi, the episode had a defamatory depiction of a character associated with a specific individual or individuals, and TV Tokyo was contacted after the initial broadcast by a representative of the affected party. After confirming the content in the episode, TV Tokyo decided to cancel its re-airing on AT-X. Mainichi quoted TV Tokyo, "We have no problem with parodying a specific person, but we decided to cancel [the re-airing] since it defamed a person's character."

Gintama' supervisor Shinji Takamatsu emphasized last Friday that Advertising Council Japan, outspoken Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara, and singer Tokiko Kato (Porco Rosso) did not complain or protest to TV Tokyo. He also noted that a representative of Renhō Murata, the current Minister for Government Revitalisation, said, "It is not true that we objected." He added that the decision on whether to release the episode on DVD has yet to be made.


Un-Go is so good. But is it really good? Or is it good? Hurry up Shinjirou, solve the mystery of whether the show is good or not! 4 more episodes to go, will he solve this mystery in time?!
Mirai Nikki (manga):

20xx - 11/24 - 3:07
Unknown Soldier finishes reading the Mirai Nikki manga early in the morning on Thanksgiving Day.

DAT ENDING. It's Code Geass levels of trainwrecking! God I hope the anime keeps the ending exactly as it was in the manga.
Tokyo mew mew ep 1 –Justice Lies in a girl in love ~nyan

Mew project is a success from this day forth mew mew strawberry is born assigned to save the earth from....where not sure yet something ghost jellyfishes.
-ichigo you totally blew that date, it’s not every day the heroine gets a date with the most popular guy in school (or maybe the only guy judging by how the girls behave and there being no other male shown) on the first episode.
-if those groupies find out about the date I expect a royal rumble.
-blonde guy such a tsundere

Found this educational, now I know where nyan girls come from(there invade by radioactive cats in there dream) and that they just can’t help saying nyan.

Strawberry Bell!

Ribbon Strawberry..CHECK!

*pours out 40*


Penguin Drum Ep20

Probably my favorite character flashback episode. Really well done. The non-flashback parts feel rather inconsistent art-wise, but at least the penguins are cute again. There's enough stuff revealed here which fills in some very important blanks.
It also confirms that Penguin Drum definitely takes place in an altrernate world of magical realism, and that the various flashbacks and terms used in the past are not metaphors but actual events and places which exist in the this "incorrect" world.


What a weird episode, but the second half was pretty enjoyable despite its weirdness.

The first half was pretty standard low-budget, with off-looking characters and a dull color palette, epilogue fluff that makes you think nothing relevant will happen this week; then, as the second half begins, the production values of the episode increase notoriously, in terms of animation and character art and coloring and pretty much everything, and the staff decides to include a fuckload of unexpected content, basically "ending" the show in 13 or so minutes.

Chihaya stole Azusa's best scene from the first game. ;_; Oh well, at least she and Haruka are pretty much a real couple already.


Why are people still talking about Un-Go? Has it gotten any better?

Why not? Are we not allowed to talk about what we watch? Isn't that the point of this thread? Do we have to somehow get permission from certain people before deciding what we like to watch?


Tokyo mew mew ep 1 –Justice Lies in a girl in love ~nyan

Mew project is a success from this day forth mew mew strawberry is born assigned to save the earth from....where not sure yet something ghost jellyfishes.
-ichigo you totally blew that date, it’s not every day the heroine gets a date with the most popular guy in school (or maybe the only guy judging by how the girls behave and there being no other male shown) on the first episode.
-if those groupies find out about the date I expect a royal rumble.
-blonde guy such a tsundere

Found this educational, now I know where nyan girls come from(there invade by radioactive cats in there dream) and that they just can’t help saying nyan.

Strawberry Bell!

Ribbon Strawberry..CHECK!

Tokyo Mew Mew is a great show. Aside from having catgirls in it, it is also entertaining and cute.
Mirai Nikki (manga):

20xx - 11/24 - 3:07
Unknown Soldier finishes reading the Mirai Nikki manga early in the morning on Thanksgiving Day.

DAT ENDING. It's Code Geass levels of trainwrecking! God I hope the anime keeps the ending exactly as it was in the manga.

What exactly makes it a trainwreck? Such an ending should have been expected.


Mirai Nikki (manga):

20xx - 11/24 - 3:07
Unknown Soldier finishes reading the Mirai Nikki manga early in the morning on Thanksgiving Day.

DAT ENDING. It's Code Geass levels of trainwrecking! God I hope the anime keeps the ending exactly as it was in the manga.

This might be my one and only post on this thread (i just lurk time to time) but I just finished reading the manga too.

tbh i was expecting that sort of ending because

A character's name was Deus Ex Machima. How can you have a character named that without pulling off an actual deus ex machima?


Why not? Are we not allowed to talk about what we watch? Isn't that the point of this thread? Do we have to somehow get permission from certain people before deciding what we like to watch?

Yes. I'm going to have to write you up for this infraction this one time. We won't be so lenient next time this happens. The Supreme AnimeGaf Council is not to be crossed.
Yes. I'm going to have to write you up for this infraction this one time. We won't be so lenient next time this happens. The Supreme AnimeGaf Council is not to be crossed.

I hope you'll enjoy your punishment when they find out you aren't a member of nor a representative of the Council.

If you're really lucky, I'll be the one who gets to punish you. I'll use my tools~

floating babies man

That, and flying super-powers Minene. And everything else, LOL.

A character's name was Deus Ex Machima. How can you have a character named that without pulling off an actual deus ex machima?

Yeah, I guess I can't argue with that logic. I really think that the author had planned for a HAPPY END from the beginning but he wrote himself into a corner by the end and had to DXM it to get what he wanted. At least he didn't The Dark Tower the ending, that would have been beyond the pale.


It's gotten... interesting.
Oh... In a good way?

Why not? Are we not allowed to talk about what we watch? Isn't that the point of this thread? Do we have to somehow get permission from certain people before deciding what we like to watch?
I'm sorry if you read my message as if I was trying to be hostile towards those talking about it and enjoying it. I was interested in Un-Go and thought It got boring. I was geniunly interested as to why people haven't given up on it. That's all.
Guilty Crown 07
What on earth did this episode try to do? I know most of you will hate it, but the humor this episode worked for me, and I enjoyed it.

Its like they jammed every female protagonist from Eureka Seven, Denpa and NGE into one show.
We now have the Asuka to our Rei. Or is she the Talho to our Eureka? I'm not entirely sure at the moment. The tropes are still hard to discern.

Also, Shu's Mom is a total MILF. And SO MUCH LIKE Misato Katsuragi of NGE.

Oh god. Mr. Dan is so stereotypical it is hilarious, which I hope is intentional.

The tone shift is a welcome change from last weeks angsting.

Oh, and more hints about Shu's past. His Mom had a picture of him and a young girl, and mentions 'protecting' him. The ambiguity is intentional I'm sure, but I have no doubt the girl is Inori.

Guilty crown 08 preview
Next episode looks bad. Generic hot springs episode. With more Inori NTRing Shu.

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai 08

Red herring
pool episode!
I felt bad Yozora and Ruki, seems they're going to have the hardest time adjusting. Lots of loli shenanigans.


Guilty Crown 7

as dumb as it ever was and yet i can't stop watching it. *despairs*

Boku no friends 8

fucking lmao at the shark eroge bad end.

Is UN-GO worth checking out?


I Can't Believe My Friends Don't Know How To Use A Freaking Cellphone 7

Looks like Meat is the leading haremette at the moment. It's a shame Pervy Glasses doesn't have any real chance of 'winning'.

Working'!! 8

Man, Takanashi has got some issues but his schtick is getting pretty old now, not to mention grating. Yamada is the best.

Sket Dance 33

More Roman is always a good thing but I'm also really hoping they get to another character backstory sooner rather than later.

Squid Girl S2 episode the sixth

Mini Squid Girl segments never fail to make me go :cajun.

Penguindrum 19

Not even Gotoh can rain on this parade anymore. Anime is saved and all that jazz.


Sket Dance 34
Roman's little music always makes me cheery since I know there's some absurd shit coming right after it starts playing. As for onee-san well she's still hot and her voice sounds familiar.


Un-Go 6

An actually enjoyable episode? A mistery that was nice to follow, which involved most of the main players while at the same time introducing new ones in a way that didn't really seem forced all the while keeping up with some of the themes they've been handling throughout the show's run and, most important of all, little to no verbal diarrhea on part of Shinjurou. It even had a little Sky Doll reference for good measure.

My word, this show is so unpredictable. I might just start watching it for reasons other than its ED. Namely, stuffed doll Sasa doing whatever.


Guilty Crown - 07

That....wasn't so bad. There was actually a string of coherence. Granted that every female archetype is now found in this anime, it was a fun episode.


Zeroshiki, where u AT?


Guilty Crown - 07

That....wasn't so bad. There was actually a string of coherence. Granted that every female archetype is now found in this anime, it was a fun episode.


Zeroshiki, where u AT?

i'd like to request evidence of wheelchair girl's appearances in this episode.


Guilty Crown 6

Inori is not a good character. Granted, none of them are, but she still sticks out like a sore thumb.

Anyway, that sure was a big gun. Overcompensating much?
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