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2011 Fall Anime Thread - Bad Shows & Self Hating Nerds

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icarus-daedelus said:
What, sinburgers and DDT are not 'one'? :3 Do they not come from the Earth as well or are they just magicked in from another dimension?

Of course not since they are pure sin made by sinful man.


Unknown Soldier said:
Uh...I'm good, thanks?

Look, I've got another 10 episodes to get through of Louise abusing Saito and feeling bad about it afterwards and getting saved by him and feeling too embarrassed to be grateful to him. And blushing a lot. L-L-Louise is really c-c-cute when she blushes. A-A-Anyways, these episodes aren't going to watch themselves, you know!

I'm probably going to be really sad when I finish up season 3 and realize I have to wait until January for more Louise.
If that's the case, near the end your heart is probably going to explode.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Unknown Soldier said:

Yeah, show's already feeling formulaic in S2. :/

C3: Dropping. Loli in a box, awful artwork and animation. Horrible background art, music, just about everything was awful. Decided to preview just in case I found something redeeming like Mayo Chiki, but is several, several levels below MC. Just awful.
cabot said:
i haven't watched much anime and figured since I like iron man then this would be a good gateway show.

Definitely a good place to start. It gets a lot of hate in here, but ignore that if you enjoy the show. Ask for recommendations any time and we'll try to cater to your tastes. And don't worry about the condescending posts in here because for the most part, people are just joking around.
Blood C 1-3

This shit is so weird

The Saya we know from the other Blood stuff is hardly to be found except when her eyes change during fights but instead we have a Saya that's so moe (clumsy, dense, etc and she even fucking sings lol).

One thing that i'm not digging so far is how empty the town is given its size (hell even at the school it seems the only people there are Saya, her class mates and her teacher). Really strange
mAcOdIn said:
Mwahaha, have fun with the worst ending this side of Mayo Chiki then because Baka Test's got it.
With how great this season has been, who would expect anything less...

Eh, every once in a while I make a mistake./quote] <-See?
Should it really count when the mistake was intentional, though? :)

Mayo Chiki
Yadda, yadda, this is a stupid anime, everyone has an idiotic character trait and this crappy physical comedy shit seems to be high on the list of anime-usable-centric character traits to bestow on people.
Quite true.

Also, it's almost the opposite of the anime-usable-centric character trait that shows romantic interests which usually amounts to copious amounts of blushing followed by immediately withdrawing ending in the general avoidance of any further physical contact. As you can see she doesn't exhibit that shitty trope. Of course they might actually not use one of the tropes which would be amazing restraint for something so poorly written and by the numbers but as you can see, using anime logic in its purest form she doesn't want to bone her brother.
What does she want, then?

But also, you're right that she doesn't seem to have that one trait, but she has others. In harem shows after all, the goal is to cover all of the stereotypes between the whole cast, not to have every member of the harem have all of them.

Well before I begin I should correct you, they only lost their father, their mother is still very much alive and seemingly traveling the world competing in wrestling matches or something stupid.
Oh right, but she has been absent through the whole series, so she's definitely not around.
Moving on it should be stated that sure there's undoubtedly some trauma there, as would be normal, it does not necessarily have to manifest with her wanting her brother's dick. We can presume she didn't want her father's dick and so even if she has now made him take her father's place after his death we should assume that there's no dickings involved nor wanted.
That's a reasonable conclusion to make, sure, but this is anime, it conditions you to expect the worst! Anime is not good at separating romance from family relationships, particularly otaku-centric anime. They often tend to just mix the two, even though in reality they are entirely different, as you describe there.

Was it? For all intents and purposes he is the only family member she has, the mother out and about doing what the fuck ever doesn't really count if she can't be bothered to show up for birthdays, school enrollment and shit like that, so would her reaction not be in line for someone who's essentially entire family forgot her birthday?
Some kind of a reaction would be reasonable, sure, and yes because he is the only other family member around I would expect more than if he wasn't. But still, you have to admit that that was a very strong reaction, in that episode.

Well of course she has strong feelings for him, they're like the only family she has, probably the closest thing she has to a father figure and has probably been raising her more or less alone for the last couple of years, and reading anything further into that for no reason but because it's anime, which honestly does always leave open the possibility of incest, is stupid. Honestly, she might be jealous if he starts spending more time with someone else, maybe she doesn't want him taken away but that's only because she has no one else and it doesn't make clear what feelings she has for him.
Really, for harem anime, through its first (and maybe only depending on sales) season, Mayo Chiki probably has less suggestions of incest than many other shows, so there is that... but even so they can't help but have the relationship between the two siblings be a bit suspiciously close. At least it doesn't go farther, though, like so many others... but as you admit, that doesn't mean that it's not there at all.

Oh also, if you're going to watch these shows that have the possibility of this shit why the fuck not
Usage Drop
? Why are you still faulting it for what could happen versus this shit?
Because I have standards, darnit! If I'm going to watch something like that, at least it should be something which is just a stupid comedy and isn't aiming for any kind of quality... and also, it hasn't actually been confirmed in Mayo Chiki, as I said, so it is a different situation.

Steroyd said:
I can't believe there's a mAcOdIn x ABF back and forth wall of text about incest in a show that has absolutely no signs of incest at all.
It does have signs, I think... or at least, it has stuff that incest fans can take and turn into signs of incest that the show never goes with in the story. That's another interpretation of it.

Infact didn't ABF watch the whole of Onii-chan no Kocho(?) a show centred around incest, surely you'd be able to tell the difference by now.
I did watch that whole show, yes. It was very, very stupid, but entertaining in its stupidity (and comedy). It did use the "they're not blood related" excuse (told to you from episode 1), but as I've said before I do think that's just an excuse (people who grow up as siblings do consider themselves as such blood related or not, in reality), so it's probably the fact that it wasn't being serious about it at all that kept me watching. It was, as I said above, just a stupid comedy.

RurouniZel said:
Would you consider Belldandy a Mary Sue? She's pretty damn perfect, albeit with occasional jealousy bouts that destroys nearby objects.
Belldandy's definitely a horrible character and perfect waifu, but I'm not sure about Mary Sue. Ideal Japanese Wife is basically her character type. ... Yeah, I really disliked her, to say the least. She's such a weak character she barely even has any character, really.

MotionBlue said:

Loli in a box. 6 minutes in before the first boob related joke, lots of panty shots. Animation quality was all over the place, but had several very pretty scenes. Story was barely hinted at, so I'll give it another episode before deciding to continue the series. This might be this seasons Mayo Chiki.
Unlikely, I think. For one thing, Mayo Chiki actually had a decently entertaining first episode, while C3 did not at all...

Saiyar said:
Dog Days 2 Announced

More action, less non action and it will be fine.
Wait, a second season of Dog Days was announced? That's good news I guess. I entirely agree, though -- more action episodes, less exposition and harem comedy parts, if they want it to be good! That show's action parts were far better than anything else in the series.

Jexhius said:
[Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki 1-3]

Can you make a good harem show?

So far this old (and once very popular) show is answering a question I've never bothered asking: can you make a good harem show? Well, it turns out you can. However, I don't think the way this show has done that so far is really repeatable.

A number of things stand out about this show. Firstly, the setting, which is a mish-mash of contemporary, fantastical and sci-fi. A fun mix, if pulled off well by a competent team, alternatively it could be a big mess if you did it poorly. So far they've managed to make it work by keeping these particular set-pieces (the shrine, the temple, the spaceship) fairly isolated from each other.

Having this variety of settings means the writers have a lot of freedom in terms of actually throwing out scenarios for the characters, rather than just the usual highschool crap. On top of that, the art and animation is pretty good, which I would expect from an OVA, but it's still unusual to see it at work in a harem piece. I'm not used to seeing gratuitous and enjoyable space action in any work these days, actually.

The characters and writing aren't amazing or anything, but neither are they terrible. They all seem to work out fairly well and that's more than I can say for most shows. It seems that they just had the ill-fate of all being re-written into every harem work ever.
This is the first OVA series, right?

If so, that is quite true, Tenchi Muyo feels very generic, but a lot of that is because so many of the harem shows that have come after it have all copied its themes, top to bottom, over and over again. The result is that it doesn't feel anywhere near as interesting now as it probably did back when it came out. I remember thinking that the Tenchi Muyo OVA series (the first and second ones, the only ones I've seen) were okay, but nothing great, back when I watched them in the early '00s. It's okay, but nothing special, all around. The question about how much that was true when it came out, and how much of that is because of how it's been copied so many times, is relevant though, and I'm not sure what the answer is.
A Black Falcon Wall Of Text is BACK, baby!

trejo said:
The neogaf member Regulus Tera was never not unbanned.

Also, we've always been at war with Eastasia.

A reference to 1984. I think we've pretty much covered everything in Animu-GAF now.
survivor said:
Phi Brain 1

So this is what YGO would look like without the children cards game. But seriously these people obsession with puzzles is really creepy. I mean even a childhood promise made about puzzles? Come on.

I know!

In fact it reminds me of the pre card game yugioh where shit was dark.


Infinite Justice said:
Blood C 1-3

This shit is so weird

One thing that
[i'm not digging so far is how empty the town is given its size (hell even at the school it seems the only people there are Saya, her class mates and her teacher). Really strange
To be fair, a lot of shows are actually like that. Budget reasons, most of the time.


mugurumakensei said:
Tsunderes are awesome. Why? Cause that's all german women are always portrayed by Japanese anime. Seeing as German women are awesome, I must therefore conclude that Tsunderes are also awesome. Thus, I would pick the tsundere.
There's a lot to say about this statement.


Utena 35-38

These last few episodes have been... quite a ride. Astonishing is a word that comes to mind and even then it doesn't feel like it does the show enough justice.

Now I proceed to watch the final episode and to let Ikuhara have his way with me. Perhaps I'll take a shower first.


icarus-daedelus said:
]In summary: Now that I am aware of the evils of modern civilization and technology, thanks to Arjuna, I'll be ridding myself of my laptop, television, cell phone, dvd player, etc, and will thus be unable to receive the wisdom of the final two episodes. Goodbye everyone~

Oh, wait, you're still here. It's like you learned nothing.


Maji de Watashi 1
That was great. I hope it continues to be so over the top, but I was disappointed in the lack of pantsu and the like.


Phi Brain 1 surprise show of Awesome Cheese


Show really caught me with my pants down, came in expecting something mediocre but got something really entertaining.

-the opening really great got me nodding my head to this
-Fantastic OST its making love to my ears
- It’s really over the top silly like yu gi oh(which is awesome)

Kiato must solve those puzzles so he can Free them(lol)


1stStrike said:
I have to ask... what is with the obsession with anime and beaches? I get the whole scantily clad female thing, but there's a beach scene in like 1 out of 2 anime - even ones where it makes no sense :eek:
It's like you answered your own question!

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
ZnT3 - 4:

And now they are introducing some new characters who are almost immediately annoying. What's the point of adding new characters now? Especially annoying ones?

The most awesome male characters in the show are actually Julio Cesare, Guiche (who returns after being almost entirely absent in season 2), and the sword Delfringer. Actually, the sword manages to steal the show almost all the scenes it appears in this season, as it has been giving hilarious advice to Louise and Saito about what they should be doing, if they actually were acting like normal people in love with each other instead of how they normally act in this show.

Tiffania is actually moderately annoying, as virtually every scene she is in always results in a reference to her breasts. The new twin-tailed character is even more annoying and doesn't even serve any useful plot purpose.

This season actually sucks pretty bad, both the first and second seasons were much better than this one has been so far at the same points in their respective runs.


Ezalc said:
Maji de Watashi 1
That was great. I hope it continues to be so over the top, but I was disappointed in the lack of pantsu and the like.
It was lacking fanservice, which was odd for this kind of show....must be saving it for next week.


Master Milk said:
This show is the reason I watch harems, in the hopes of finding something just as enjoyable.
That sounds like a dangerous plan.

Especially if every other show is just re-using old ideas from old shows which were already re-using old ideas and so on and so forth. It's a dead genre with no creativity or spark.
Ao no Exorcist Final

Great finale. Nice action and excellent use of music to set the mood for the heartwarming and triumphant scenes.
The blue phoenix thing was cool and actually made some sense with the way the blue flame worked. I'm satisfied with how Yukio awakened to his powers and it's cool he has the pointy ears now normally.

Overall, good series. Not great. This was probably my favorite episode since it was very well executed and was great payoff for the buildup. I still say it's like a mix of Soul Eater and early Naruto. Fun characters with a standard yet entertaining plot.

Now I guess I have to check out the manga to see where that goes with its different route.


[Phil Brain 1]

This is one of those shows where, for whatever reason, the entire world has to be altered to revolve around the 'hook' of the show. In this case it's all about PUZZLES.

Being good at PUZZLES is important because: it makes you a celebrity, it's a form of social capital in high school (because of the huge puzzle club) so in that sense it makes you cool, it can allow you to explore rather unlikely maze structures and most importantly it allows you to be a rebel with shounen hair and sweet sunglasses. It's also the only thing everyone talks about in the show, as if don't actually have lives.

So if the hook is PUZZLES are the actual PUZZLES any good? This is where the show really falls down, because 95% of the time the main character is so badass that he solves a puzzle in 3 seconds just by looking at it and he doesn't explain how he does it, he just fills in the answer. The one time that we actually see him do the "working out" it's for a rather simple contraption.

The problem, really, is that if you base your show around PUZZLES then you, the creator, should be able to cover up with some fairly interesting PUZZLES, or else what's the point?

The MC is a bit of an asshole as well, considering that he
lets his childhood friend follow him into a death trap, the kind of which he barely escape from earlier. Go and risk your own life if you want too, but to allow someone untrained (in PUZZLES) to follow you into such a situation is pretty dumb. If it wasn't for his physics-defying grab she'd be dead anyway.


Jexhius said:
[Phil Brain 1]

In this case it's all about PUZZLES.
So if the hook is PUZZLES

im puzzled as to whether or not i should watch this
puzzle sounds weird to me after reading it so many times now

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