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2011 Fall Anime Thread - Bad Shows & Self Hating Nerds

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Jexhius said:
[Phil Brain 1]

Think we'll have to wait a bit for actual puzzles with explanations and stuff. This was an introduction so the main character could get his
Millenium Puzzlemagic bracelet thing.
I'd give it a few more episodes before writing it off.


Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai 1

It's like a dumb fanservice show without any actual fanservice, uncensored or otherwise. I kinda fail to see the point.


[Penguin Drum]
hosannainexcelsis said:
Most of the time we are viewing Himari from the eyes of Kanba and Shouma, for whom she does have no flaws. The only chance we get to see Himari from her own perspective is episode 9,
which shows us a very different side of her, one that is dissatisfied with her life and the blunders and missed opportunities it contained. Not only does it reveal her flaws, but it also reveals her brothers', who can only see in her an ideal image they have partially constructed for themselves instead of an actual person.
Yeah, sound like the usual Penguin Drum writing.


Angel Beats 4-6

This show is basically an ugly Frankenstein's monster of ill-fitting pieces. There's basically three different parts of the show that really don't work together at all:

1)Wacky school hijinks
2)Supernatural afterlife mystery
3)Tragic backstories

The part that works the best is the school hijinks. Don't get me wrong, it's not good, or particularly well done, they just do it so much compared to the other two that they occasionally hit on a slightly humorous joke by sheer accumulated mass.

The mystery element is so threadbare at this point that there's no real point in it even existing.

And then there's the tragic backstories, which are actually the most laughable part of the show. They can only spend like five minutes on each one, so they try to mask the difficulty of creating legitimate pathos by ratcheting up the tragedy to eleven, to the point of being ludicrously silly. You can't tell such overwrought melodrama in five minutes and expect it to actually be good. Especially with the weak expository method they use for all of the backstories.
Jexhius said:
[Phil Brain 1]

The MC is a bit of an asshole as well, considering that he
lets his childhood friend follow him into a death trap, the kind of which he barely escape from earlier. Go and risk your own life if you want too, but to allow someone untrained (in PUZZLES) to follow you into such a situation is pretty dumb. If it wasn't for his physics-defying grab she'd be dead anyway.

To be fair,
he does tell her to go back home before he goes in the cave, and then tries to stop her from blindly rushing ahead in the maze. She insisted on doing those things herself. Maybe he should have not entered then, but obviously the show wanted to up the life-and-death stakes with her presence.

Which is not to deny that he's a self-absorbed asshole. At least he didn't leave that other self-absorbed asshole to die.


zeroshiki said:
At least they don't get Philistines invading their thread and telling them what terrible people they are.

at one point i was like "o hey ponygaf, i like you guys more than animegaf"
but then it changed again
I dont know what to believe any more


[Phil Brain 1]

hosannainexcelsis said:
To be fair,
he does tell her to go back home before he goes in the cave, and then tries to stop her from blindly rushing ahead in the maze. She insisted on doing those things herself. Maybe he should have not entered then, but obviously the show wanted to up the life-and-death stakes with her presence.
Well yeah, she's a free agent and all,
I just don't think he did a good job of warning her about what was going on.


Jexhius said:
[Phil Brain 1]

This is one of those shows where, for whatever reason, the entire world has to be altered to revolve around the 'hook' of the show. In this case it's all about PUZZLES.

Being good at PUZZLES is important because: it makes you a celebrity, it's a form of social capital in high school (because of the huge puzzle club) so in that sense it makes you cool, it can allow you to explore rather unlikely maze structures and most importantly it allows you to be a rebel with shounen hair and sweet sunglasses. It's also the only thing everyone talks about in the show, as if don't actually have lives.

So if the hook is PUZZLES are the actual PUZZLES any good? This is where the show really falls down, because 95% of the time the main character is so badass that he solves a puzzle in 3 seconds just by looking at it and he doesn't explain how he does it, he just fills in the answer. The one time that we actually see him do the "working out" it's for a rather simple contraption.

The problem, really, is that if you base your show around PUZZLES then you, the creator, should be able to cover up with some fairly interesting PUZZLES, or else what's the point?

The MC is a bit of an asshole as well, considering that he
lets his childhood friend follow him into a death trap, the kind of which he barely escape from earlier. Go and risk your own life if you want too, but to allow someone untrained (in PUZZLES) to follow you into such a situation is pretty dumb. If it wasn't for his physics-defying grab she'd be dead anyway.
Sounds pretty shounen. More importantly, it doesn't sound very good.


I really hate the "silent cool" protagonist who's so awesome in some anime. I hate him more than I hate big breasted childhood friend loli with glasses who refers to herself in the 3rd person.


cosmicblizzard said:
Think we'll have to wait a bit for actual puzzles with explanations and stuff. This was an introduction so the main character could get his
Millenium Puzzlemagic bracelet thing.
I'd give it a few more episodes before writing it off.
Yes, I imagine they well crank it up a NOTCH from now on, but this episode did little to sell me on the show.
[Phi Brain]

Jexhius said:
Well yeah, she's a free agent and all,
I just don't think he did a good job of warning her about what was going on.

But she knew someone had barely escaped death just a little earlier in that same maze, so you can't say she wasn't aware of the risks.

cosmicblizzard said:
Think we'll have to wait a bit for actual puzzles with explanations and stuff. This was an introduction so the main character could get his
Millenium Puzzlemagic bracelet thing.
I'd give it a few more episodes before writing it off.

Given that the big puzzle next episode seems to be
sliding around cars, which I swear I've done in every Layton game
, well, we'll see. It's certainly enjoyable hammy popcorn fare so far, but a little more cleverness in the puzzle design would be nice.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Penguin drum spoiler/speculation post ep 12:

So what happens to penguin #3 now?

Also, since we have a penguin drum thread, should we move all penguin drum reactions/impressions/spoilers/speculations there? It seems weird talking about the show in here when it has its own thread
Gintama 221-222

Kyubei is good with coming up with names. Who wouldn't name their monkey Jugem Jugem Shit-Tossing The Life Of Shin-chan’s Two-Day-Old Underwear Balmung Fezalion Issac Schneider 1/3 True Love 2/3 Hangnail Anxiety Betrayal Knows My Name Or Does It Really Ignore Calls Squid Dogfish Halibut Trout-Cod Dogfish This Is A Different Dogfish, I’m Talking About The Dogfish Shark Kaluga Angler Ray Yuuteimiyaoukimukou Pepepepepepepepepepepepe Runny Diarrhea?

I would totally buy Record of Light and Dark: Fakinaway. Get on it Namco!

Edit: Also, this is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen.
GaimeGuy said:
Penguin drum spoiler/speculation post ep 12:

So what happens to penguin #3 now?

Also, since we have a penguin drum thread, should we move all penguin drum reactions/impressions/spoilers/speculations there? It seems weird talking about the show in here when it has its own thread
Post about it where ever you want.
ZnT3 - 5:

I didn't think they would have a bath episode. Not after 2 seasons of holding back. Well, this season is apparently entirely about turning up the fanservice to 11, so there it is. The obligatory bath episode.

It actually managed to be pretty funny though, and it had a DAWWWW moment at the end that actually paid the episode off pretty well. That was rather unexpected. I guess now that I have no expectations at all about this season maybe I'll actually be pleasantly surprised every now and then.

The next episode seems to be a retread of something that happened in season 1, though. I'm guessing disappointment is lurking right around the corner after the first decent episode of this season, which ironically was the bath episode.


Setec Astronomer

CLAMP narration
CLAMP characters
CLAMP writing
CLAMP dialogue
CLAMP plotting

None of this is coincidence, of course, only inevitability.


Jexhius said:

Oh, wait, you're still here. It's like you learned nothing.

Nononono, icarus is like the old man on the mountainside in episode 3. It's okay to preach about what you should do as long as you smoke a cigarette afterwards and reveal your own hypocrisy.

Truly we are all enlightened.
BluWacky said:
Nononono, icarus is like the old man on the mountainside in episode 3. It's okay to preach about what you should do as long as you smoke a cigarette afterwards and reveal your own hypocrisy.

Truly we are all enlightened.

I've discovered that it's only fun to be preached to when it's ironic and cynical.

This is also why I haven't attended church in more than a decade.


A Black Falcon said:
With how great this season has been, who would expect anything less...
I was fooled but only slightly.
A Black Falcon said:
Should it really count when the mistake was intentional, though? :)
But it wasn't intentional.
A Black Falcon said:
Incest shit:
So, basically you have nothing but are going to run with the incest angle. Classy. You know, incest does happen in reality too, as with pedophilia, might as well just assume all parents are pedophiles and anyone with siblings is into incest, seems like it'd be easier that way.
A Black Falcon said:
Because I have standards, darnit! If I'm going to watch something like that, at least it should be something which is just a stupid comedy and isn't aiming for any kind of quality...
Yes, ..., because I sure as hell don't have a clue on how to respond to this. You have standards and that standard is so low that you dismiss anything that aims higher? What?

Also, regarding Mayo Chiki, I'm rather disappointed no one else finds cat girl's test fucking insulting. It essentially boiled down to "wow sempai, you're able to resist your inherent urge to rape me, amazing!" I seriously want to fucking punch the author. This is kind of what I was getting at when I said I honestly don't know who has it worse in the harem genre, men or women. Her issue was retarded from the start, the test was retarded, but her selling it as amazing just fucking pisses me off. As if she knows in the back of her head on the train ride home she's going to get a hundred marriage proposals and groped by the whole train because, well, us men can't help ourselves. I could forgive this shit if this was her first day alive but it isn't, I have to assume that she's been alive for around 15 years or so and that for the majority of those fifteen years or so she wasn't getting raped, so where the fuck does she come off with that attitude? Oh to make this guy feel special, and the viewer! See, the viewer doesn't just randomly assault women whenever they touch him, isn't the viewer such a great guy? If only more people knew the viewer. Unfortunately the viewer's at home so they'll never get to show random women what great guys they are by not assaulting them sexually but they can at least take comfort in this feel good representation of their chivalry.

Or not since it looked like he was going to fail the test. Seriously, fuck this writer. Where does he live? Oh and the glasses off thing, great foreshadowing you fucking hack.
BluWacky said:
I don't understand why you have this desire for things to be "resolved" less than 30% of the way through the show. What is it you want "resolved"? Surely the hook of a show like this is that you don't know what's going on or why, and you keep watching to find out? Do you prefer short storytelling arcs to a long game like MPD is playing?

Part of the joy of Penguin Drum, beyond its obvious technical and "artistic" (i.e. background art, moments of animation, storyboarding etc.) excellence, is that not only does the show dripfeed mysteries but it also dripfeeds answers. I would guess that you're not the kind of viewer who likes to be tantalised with answers in the future, but that's one of the main reasons I keep watching the show - to see what answers or otherwise the next episodes will bring.

I mean, episode 7 is a bad example in that it is quite "fillery" on the Ringo subplot. But what about episode 6? You learn
that Natsume has a penguin; Kanba learns about the memory slingshot; more is revealed about Momoka and the diary, and how it affects Ringo.
Yes, they raise more questions, but they are also "answers" in that the characters are discovering things that we may have guessed or already worked out, and this is driving the plot further forward.
I don't know how to put this, I can handle mysteries just fine what pisses me off is when things are mysterious for the sake of being mysterious which is how MPD feels. When you have a well written and competent mystery it's actually exciting, instead, in MPD it's just kind of "do I want to bother letting the show string me along or not" because the mysteries of the show follow no logic, the characters follow no logic and the narrative follows no logic. Everything in MPD might be planned out meticulously but it just comes off as mysterious for the sake of mystery, which generally means making your mysteries stupid and the characters unraveling them stupider.

But further, all of this is besides the main point, which was me saying that Bakemonogatari is infinitely more straightforward than MPD which I think is 100% true.


Unknown Soldier said:
ZnT3 - 5:

I didn't think they would have a bath episode. Not after 2 seasons of holding back. Well, this season is apparently entirely about turning up the fanservice to 11, so there it is. The obligatory bath episode.
Almost immediately followed by a just as obligatory and much more shameless beach episode (6.5). JC Staff probably felt they had to make up for the lack of fanservice in the first two seasons. Well, "lack" by JC standards...
wsippel said:
Almost immediately followed by a just as obligatory and much more shameless beach episode (6.5). JC Staff probably felt they had to make up for the lack of fanservice in the first two seasons. Well, "lack" by JC standards...

What's most disappointing about ZnT is the sheer lack of ambition. They could have done so much more with this premise and world and story. It doesn't even have to be all serious like Shana tried to be and failed miserably at, they could easily have kept all the tsundere and harem comedy intact and still did something meaningful with the story. There are so many tantalizing hints of what could have been throughout ZnT, especially at the end of season 2, which is what makes the whole thing that much more depressing.

I actually kind of want to read the LNs just to see if they actually realize the potential that the anime continuously fails to reach, over and over again.


Unknown Soldier said:
What's most disappointing about ZnT is the sheer lack of ambition. They could have done so much more with this premise and world and story. It doesn't even have to be all serious like Shana tried to be and failed miserably at, they could easily have kept all the tsundere and harem comedy intact and still did something meaningful with the story. There are so many tantalizing hints of what could have been throughout ZnT, especially at the end of season 2, which is what makes the whole thing that much more depressing.

I actually kind of want to read the LNs just to see if they actually realize the potential that the anime continuously fails to reach, over and over again.
The story is spread very thin in the third season and there's no real conclusion to anything - I assume the upcoming fourth season was already planned when they did season 3.
wsippel said:
The story is spread very thin in the third season and there's no real conclusion to anything - I assume the upcoming fourth season was already planned when they did season 3.

I wondered about that since it will have been nearly 3 years between seasons 3 and F when F finally premieres in January. The extended intervening time between 3 and F might be due to Noboru Yamaguchi's cancer. Yamaguchi had successful surgery to remove his cancer in August and is now in remission. He's a lucky guy, apparently his cancer was at first too advanced to operate on, but then the tumor miraculously shrank, and so he was able to undergo the surgery.
Planetes 18

Fuck yeah Lavie! Love these badass moments from characters that generally aren't.

Also, major wham line from hachi at the end there.


C3 1

Feels a lot like Denpa Onna, and not just because the main character is a strange blue-haired girl. I like it enough; should be good for a show to kill some time each week in between the bigger shows of the season. It's been ongoing for 12 novels and counting for four years, so that counts for something.


Fate/Zero - 1

All this exposition makes for a bad episode. Doesn't outright diminish the potential of series or the story's premise, but it makes for a weak introductory episode. It's why I don't think front-loading the exposition like this was neither a good idea or excusable. Some scenes just felt unnecessary because of that, but I'll withhold that criticism if it's proven otherwise later. I admire the backdrops with the exception of a few visually dissonant scenes because of the contrast between characters and setting, but frankly, the rather unengaging animation was more jarring when I wasn't preoccupied with following the dialogue. Some interesting characters involved and portrayed, but I'm not fond of any of them (yet).

We'll see what ufotable does with the next episode.


A Black Falcon said:
Really, for harem anime, through its first (and maybe only depending on sales) season, Mayo Chiki probably has less suggestions of incest than many other shows,

It has NO suggestion of any hint of incest AT ALL, you need to take your incest goggles off.

so there is that... but even so they can't help but have the relationship between the two siblings be a bit suspiciously close. At least it doesn't go farther, though, like so many others... but as you admit, that doesn't mean that it's not there at all.

Suspicously close? You live with your family 24/7 till you move out of the house, there's no-one else you'd ever be closer to, not the girlfriend, not the childhood friend, NO-ONE. Especially if you're the younger sibling and you've known the older sibling all your life since birth.

I did watch that whole show, yes. It was very, very stupid, but entertaining in its stupidity (and comedy). It did use the "they're not blood related" excuse (told to you from episode 1), but as I've said before I do think that's just an excuse (people who grow up as siblings do consider themselves as such blood related or not, in reality), so it's probably the fact that it wasn't being serious about it at all that kept me watching. It was, as I said above, just a stupid comedy.

Onii-chan no Koto gets a pass because it wasn't serious about it, yet you complain about Mayo Chiki when it has zero hints or suggestions of it even remotely heading in that direction with the basis of your concern being the sole fact it's a harem anime.



Steroyd said:
It has NO suggestion of any hint of incest AT ALL, you need to take your incest goggles off.

I dunno man...

Suspicously close? You live with your family 24/7 till you move out of the house, there's no-one else you'd ever be closer to, not the girlfriend, not the childhood friend, NO-ONE. Especially if you're the younger sibling and you've known the older sibling all your life since birth.

That sounds like something a supporter of incest would say!

I'm sorry, I'm a terrible ABF clone.
ZnT3 - 6:

Well, I predicted they would bring back the
love potion gag from season 1
, and I was right. It was pretty funny though because
this love potion could spread by kissing like an infection.
And then after that's said and done they pull that cocktease shit where they hint at an overarching plot again at the end.

Well, at least they are succeeding at being funny again. That's something, I guess.


Phi Brain 1

This is what the child of Professor Layton and Yu-Gi-Oh would look like. Sadly it's got its mothers looks (yugi). Still it was fun enough to watch if not exactly good.

Judging by the preview episode 2 has a
sliding block car park puzzle, with an actual car park!
Speaking of ZnT3 - 6, this rather amusing visual motif appears several times during this episode. You all know exactly what this might be a reference to.



duckroll said:
That sounds like something a supporter of incest would say!

I'm sorry, I'm a terrible ABF clone.

For one thing, your post lacks about 1000 words.

And lol at the mental gymnastics ABF has to do to justify his weird incest fetish.

Mayo Chiki: Might have incest, will grudgingly watch.

Penguin Drum: Does not actually have incest except a small suggestion but people joke about it, will not watch.
Steroyd said:
It has NO suggestion of any hint of incest AT ALL, you need to take your incest goggles off.
It does have hints, and I explained them -- her borderline-creepy obsession with him, how she beats him up (and thus is probably yandere), how depressed she got when he didn't get her a birthday present, etc. She admits herself in the birthday episode that she still latches on to him too much, even though she's now 16. The reason for that, of course, is because this is anime.

Oh, and if you want something from his end, he does say that after he saw her tears (when he forgot her birthday the previous year), he swore to himself to never make her sad like that again... you're really saying that that's a completely normal reaction?

It doesn't have as many suggestions as many shows, certainly, and as I said I appreciate that, but there are some.

Suspicously close? You live with your family 24/7 till you move out of the house, there's no-one else you'd ever be closer to, not the girlfriend, not the childhood friend, NO-ONE. Especially if you're the younger sibling and you've known the older sibling all your life since birth.
What? I assume you were an only child, because that's crazy... siblings usually barely tolerate eachother, when they aren't arguing that is. And I am not just talking about personal experience there, but also just about everything I've ever known about siblings.

I mean, in some ways you're close, sure, but in other ways, siblings hate eachother. It's a mixture of both for sure. In some ways you're close, in others you're not at all. Once you become adults usually people start to be able to get along better, but major anime characters are not adults. Of course I'm sure there are plenty of exceptions to this, but that is the most common way things go. In anime though, you very rarely see realistic sibling relationships. It's unfortunate.

So yeah, often when I see siblings that close in anime it definitely makes me think that they're trying to suggest incestual feelings, and I think it's justified because they often are (that is, they often eventually become more blatant about it). Of course even that's no barrier for the incestual feelings -- for instance, in Cardcaptor Sakura her older brother covered for his feelings for her by covering it with tsundere dislike -- but it's probably the most common one.

Onii-chan no Koto gets a pass because it wasn't serious about it, yet you complain about Mayo Chiki when it has zero hints or suggestions of it even remotely heading in that direction with the basis of your concern being the sole fact it's a harem anime.

It doesn't have zero hints or suggestions, though. It just doesn't.

zeroshiki said:
For one thing, your post lacks about 1000 words.

And lol at the mental gymnastics ABF has to do to justify his weird incest fetish.
It doesn't really require mental gymnastics, just reading what they mean into what they're putting on screen. :)

Mayo Chiki: Might have incest, will grudgingly watch.

Penguin Drum: Does not actually have incest except a small suggestion but people joke about it, will not watch.
That was one reason I initially decided not to watch the show, sure, but skimming over some of the discussion about it here hasn't really made me want to change my mind.

duckroll said:
I dunno man...

That sounds like something a supporter of incest would say!

I'm sorry, I'm a terrible ABF clone.
On that note though, the younger sibling is probably even less likely to like their sibling than the older one, given how often older siblings tease or fight with their older siblings...

The only defense the show really has is that they have an abnormal family relationship because of their mostly-missing parents, which could lead them to be closer than siblings usually would be, and that is potentially a point. The question is, is it a good enough one to explain it all. I don't quite think so.
Bakatest 2 11-12 - These two episodes are very different, that's for sure...

Ep. 11 - This is another one of the serious, humor-light episodes from this four or so episode "backstory drama" arc. In this episode, we learn some of Yuuji and Shouko's backstory. We'd heard that Yuuji was considered a childhood genius, but now we see it... and while he was smart, he was also pretty much a complete jerk to everyone. Shouko didn't mind though because everyone else treated her differently, while he treated her the same as anyone else...

Anyway, he changed and decided to stop trying when
some sixth grade (he and Shouko were in fifth grade then) bullies who had been after him after he got a better grade than them on a placement test started after her too after she intervened when she saw them messing with some of his stuff. Yuuji sees it happen, and blames himself for her getting in trouble because he'd intentionally set it up like that in order to try to set them up to catch them... well, it didn't quite work out as he hoped. After getting in the way to save her, he fought them and let them beat him up because he was trying to punish himself for the whole thing, and then after that stopped trying in school.
:( However, Shouko declared her love for him for the first time afterwards.

Comedy? Um... I think I laughed a little once... but no, there wasn't too much here. I guess Yuuji's mom's character was supposed to be amusing -- she's a pretty stereotypical anime character, and is pretty stupidly silly -- but I find that kind of character more annoying than anything else, so it wasn't an improvement at all over the rest of the episode. The episode isn't actually bad, it's an okay drama episode, but it's not what Bakatest should be, either, that's for sure.

Ep. 12 - Wow, an actual Bakatest episode, in Bakatest Ni!? That's surprising, I think this is only the second one of the whole season... but it's true, this is classic Bakatest fun, back again. So it's Halloween time, and the school is is a haunted house, and all the summon creatures have turned into monsters that appropriately fit their masters' internal thoughts.
Himeji is a succubus, the other girl is a large block of concrete, ninja pervert is a vampire, Yuuji is a werewolf, Akihisa a headless knight (with detached head), etc. Good stuff.
They then have to go through the haunted house challenge, where the third years are trying to stop the second years from getting through. It's an entertaining episode and is exactly the kind of thing that Bakatest is best at. I don't want to spoil all the jokes and entertainment, but definitely watch this episode if you like Bakatest. :)

The way Ninja pervert and exhibitionist girl beat that opponent was kind of amusing... and then, at the end of the episode, Hideyoshi gets defeated when he's confessed to by a guy who recites a poem about him. Sure, why not. :)

Was the explanation that Kubo (the guy who likes Akihisa) and the lesbian girl's halloween summons are "fallen gods" some somewhat homophobic joke, though? If so it wasn't funny.

Apart from that though, amusing episode indeed, it gives me hope for the finale.

mAcOdIn said:
I was fooled but only slightly.
I'm not sure if it was clear, but the reference to "this season" meant S2 of Bakatest, not the whole summer anime season.

But it wasn't intentional.

So, basically you have nothing but are going to run with the incest angle. Classy. You know, incest does happen in reality too, as with pedophilia, might as well just assume all parents are pedophiles and anyone with siblings is into incest, seems like it'd be easier that way.
See my previous post, mostly... but as for this, yes it does happen once in a while in reality. However, it happens hundreds of times more often in anime, and that's my point.

Yes, ..., because I sure as hell don't have a clue on how to respond to this. You have standards and that standard is so low that you dismiss anything that aims higher? What?
The "standards" thing was kind of a joke, I thought it would be clear... I did mean it when I said that the "its just comedy" element is important, though. And also, while they're-not-related incest is one of the elements to the show, it's only one part to it, and it never goes anywhere much either, they don't actually start having a relationship or something, not even as much as he does with one of the other girls. But if you're trying to say that I'm being a bit hypocritical, sure, that might be true. But they are pretty different situations.

Oh, and if Oniichan no Koto had spoilers out there saying that there's an ending where the two of them get married or something, I'd probably never have started watching it. And also, parent-child incest is probably even creepier than brother-sister, because of the power difference there...

Also, regarding Mayo Chiki, I'm rather disappointed no one else finds cat girl's test fucking insulting. It essentially boiled down to "wow sempai, you're able to resist your inherent urge to rape me, amazing!" I seriously want to fucking punch the author. This is kind of what I was getting at when I said I honestly don't know who has it worse in the harem genre, men or women. Her issue was retarded from the start, the test was retarded, but her selling it as amazing just fucking pisses me off.
You have a point, but mentioning rape, seriously? Oh come on, all she was looking for was for him to not clearly like her on sight, not that... you're going too far there.

However, yes, her solution to her problem was very stupid. Why would one guy resisting her natural charms give her the strength to continue to reject men? It doesn't exactly make sense...

As if she knows in the back of her head on the train ride home she's going to get a hundred marriage proposals and groped by the whole train because, well, us men can't help ourselves. I could forgive this shit if this was her first day alive but it isn't, I have to assume that she's been alive for around 15 years or so and that for the majority of those fifteen years or so she wasn't getting raped, so where the fuck does she come off with that attitude? Oh to make this guy feel special, and the viewer! See, the viewer doesn't just randomly assault women whenever they touch him, isn't the viewer such a great guy? If only more people knew the viewer. Unfortunately the viewer's at home so they'll never get to show random women what great guys they are by not assaulting them sexually but they can at least take comfort in this feel good representation of their chivalry.
I agree about this though, apart from my qualification above that it wasn't about that. You see that kind of very disturbing attitude about women far too frequently in anime and manga, no question about it. But in this case, you are going beyond the intent of the scene.

Or not since it looked like he was going to fail the test. Seriously, fuck this writer. Where does he live? Oh and the glasses off thing, great foreshadowing you fucking hack.
Yeah, I said that the overdone cuteness of that last scene was really stupid, and did hurt her character a bit. It was pretty clumsily done moeification, for sure. The bad writing certainly didn't help, but the problem was wanting it to end on that note at all... just because it's stereotypical doesn't mean you ALWAYS have to have things go that way, darnit!


Phi Brain - 01

HAHA Yu-Gi-Oh with puzzles, I see it.


Oh god why!?

A Black Falcon said:
It does have hints, and I explained them -- her borderline-creepy obsession with him, how she beats him up (and thus is probably yandere), how depressed she got when he didn't get her a birthday present, etc. She admits herself in the birthday episode that she still latches on to him too much, even though she's now 16. The reason for that, of course, is because this is anime.

That's not how a Yandere's roll. And creepy obsession? What am I reading here!?

Oh, and if you want something from his end, he does say that after he saw her tears (when he forgot her birthday the previous year), he swore to himself to never make her sad like that again... you're really saying that that's a completely normal reaction?

I read stuff like this in your post, and how any of this equates to anything close to incest boggles my mind.

What? I assume you were an only child, because that's crazy... siblings usually barely tolerate eachother, when they aren't arguing that is. And I am not just talking about personal experience there, but also just about everything I've ever known about siblings.

No I have two sisters one i can't bloody stand, and one I'm very close to OH SNAP INCESTIOUS INTENTIONS.

Of course I'm sure there are plenty of exceptions to this, but that is the most common way things go. In anime though, you very rarely see realistic sibling relationships. It's unfortunate.

So basically the relationship between Jirou and Kureha isn't realistic therefore therefore there must be an incest underlay to it all.

But when My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute does do a realistic sibling relationship by your own admission it's still incest.

C'mon work with me here.
Steroyd said:
But when My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute does do a realistic sibling relationship by your own admission it's still incest.

I've heard many descriptions of the sibling relationship in OreImo but this is the first time I've heard someone claim it's realistic.
Unknown Soldier said:
I've heard many descriptions of the sibling relationship in OreImo but this is the first time I've heard someone claim it's realistic.
The relationship as a whole isn't, but the initial status when the story starts and the way they generally interact seems pretty realistic.


Unknown Soldier said:
I've heard many descriptions of the sibling relationship in OreImo but this is the first time I've heard someone claim it's realistic.

Kirino beat the shit out of the brother, and the brother didn't talk to her for years prior, I think that fills ABF's quota for a normal sibling relationship.

Maji de Watanashi - 01

So this is Dog Days, meets Street Fighter/Soul Caibur meets [insert random harem show].

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