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2012-13 Dec NBA Season |OT|Runnin' in da mouf of Serg Abaka daily.


in the last few minutes of the game, if your defense can't stop them, yes

It's 97 - 93 when they start hacking Dwight, they score 7 on 3, Dwight gets 2 on 3 and its 99-100. Even if Dwight got 4 on 3, it would still have been 101-100

That's what I have been saying: the Lakers stopped playing defense in the 4th. And that's the #1 reason why they lost that game.

Had they played the same defense they did in the first 3 quarters, the would've increased or maintained the lead even with Dwight's 5 over 10 FTs.
lol man, getting banned over hack-a-howard?

i thought it was neat when riley countered hack-a-shaq with wack-a-wallace tho. that's how you do it.
The Rockets are 6th in the West

MVP James Harden becoming closer to reality



SO what is the answer for the Lakers? Clearly it's a mess there. Kobe is Kobe. Wants to be a leader and the passion is there but the way he acts or the things he says sometimes is not the proper way to get people motivated. Howard doesn't really want to be there in my opinion. Pau could play better if he wanted too so not sure what holds him back....besides not playing due to knee issues. Nash injured doesn't help. Rodman 2.0(Peace) isn't good for anyone if head isn't in the game properly. Bench is just plain trash. Coach was the WRONG choice. Phil is ALWAYS the right choice no matter the team you have unless it's the Wizards or similar.

All in all they are old and just can't seem to hold up for 4 quarters of NBA basketball. I hope it can be turned around but maybe it's time for Kobe and Nash to ride off into the sunset, Howard just go play where he thinks he wants to and the Lakers to go to true rebuild mode.
SO what is the answer for the Lakers? Clearly it's a mess there. Kobe is Kobe. Wants to be a leader and the passion is there but the way he acts or the things he says sometimes is not the proper way to get people motivated. Howard doesn't really want to be there in my opinion. Pau could play better if he wanted too so not sure what holds him back....besides not playing due to knee issues. Nash injured doesn't help. Rodman 2.0(Peace) isn't good for anyone if head isn't in the game properly. Bench is just plain trash. Coach was the WRONG choice. Phil is ALWAYS the right choice no matter the team you have unless it's the Wizards or similar.

All in all they are old and just can't seem to hold up for 4 quarters of NBA basketball. I hope it can be turned around but maybe it's time for Kobe and Nash to ride off into the sunset, Howard just go play where he thinks he wants to and the Lakers to go to true rebuild mode.

There is no "answer". You have to ride it out and hope they figure something out and learn how to play better together. I mean, we can rag on them all you want, but after last season if you had told people they were going to be able to add Nash and trade Bynum for Dwight, everybody would have been giddy. You make those moves 100 times out of 100 and hope things work out.
HAHA not one fuck given by this guy

man considering how the Heat loss to the Wiz.... I am too scared to call it. A case of bumitis from the Heat might spread to the knicks. Stern needs to isolate patient zero the Lakers before the whole league becomes currupted.

lmao. man that guy hates the heat/lebron.

i agree on the latter. the kittens are looking like a complete trap game so we gotta be hyper focused. miami also wont let us beat them tomorrow at home court especially after the embarassment of losing to the wiz (lol they lost to the wiz) so thats gonna be a tough one.

but fuck it we gotta get tonight and take the east! and then tomorrow as well.


lmao. man that guy hates the heat/lebron.

i agree on the latter. the kittens are looking like a complete trap game so we gotta be hyper focused. miami also wont let us beat them tomorrow at home court especially after the embarassment of losing to the wiz (lol they lost to the wiz) so thats gonna be a tough one.

but fuck it we gotta get tonight and take the east! and then tomorrow as well.

Miami is gonna jump on us tomorrow. Tonight is prob the game to try and not get embarrassed in lol.
There is no "answer". You have to ride it out and hope they figure something out and learn how to play better together. I mean, we can rag on them all you want, but after last season if you had told people they were going to be able to add Nash and trade Bynum for Dwight, everybody would have been giddy. You make those moves 100 times out of 100 and hope things work out.

They've given up 74 points combined during the 4th quarters of the last two games. Absolutely ZERO fucks given on defense. They gave up 21 OREB and 18 TO's last night as well. The team is still playing sloppy as shit, but they're also playing with what seems to be very little effort/heart. I question D'antoni too. Sit Pau in the 4th two games in a row because of his lackluster play, let Dwight brick free throws for the sake of his confidence though. Team is a total mess right now. Nash's return isn't going to fix their defensive woes either.

The only positive I took from last night was that Duhon looked servicable enough to ensure Morris gets very limited play time once Nash does return.


MIA's perimeter D has taken a hit with Allen and Lewis getting significant minutes. Ray will usually make those shots he missed. Mike Miller should have been amnestied by now. His really gonna test Pat Riley's 'loyalty" schtick. Udonis can't give you any offense either at this point so his minutes should go to Joel who can actually paint protect.

Really glad ATL is off to a good start, I like Josh Smith's game and I think his underrated.


The lakers need young perimeter players that can contribute, especially defensively. They need Howard to protect the paint.That's the problems they have.
Rick Bucher

Source: Ignore any and all trade talk about Pau Gasol because the Lakers landed Steve Nash by promisinghim he would get to play with Gasol.

Nash made it a prerequisite for passing on offers from Toronto and the Knicks that Pau would be around, the source said. Such prerequisites from an incoming star aren't that unusual -- Chris Paul made similar personnel demands as part of his agreement to be dealt to the Clippers. (In Paul's case, he wanted assurance that LAC would do whatever was necessary to retain restricted FA DeAndre Jordan.) Conceivably, once Nash gets back and actually plays with Gasol, the Lakers could continue to struggle and Nash re-thinks his position. But as of right now, one of the enticements that brought Nash to LA was the big Spaniard and the organization would have much bigger problems than they already have if they backtracked on their promise to keep Gasol in the fold.

Deal with it

Gasol for Amare + Shumpert, would Knicks say no?

well give you chris copeland for pau. amare + shump..LOL yeah ok

Miami is gonna jump on us tomorrow. Tonight is prob the game to try and not get embarrassed in lol.

definitely, tomorrow is going to be a struggle. we can beat em but we gotta 1) not get clowned tonight 2) play good defense and move the ball. you know melo is gonna get a lot of bullshit calls against him tomorrow so i hope they have that mental toughness and not get frustrated.
So your response is to bench the player so that as fans we don't see the best players competing as much as they should.

I watch the NBA for a specific purpose and it's also why I rarely watch college and don't watch HS or anything else. I want to see the best in the world compete in action.

Why not give teams the option to take it out of bounds rather than shoot FTs until the final 2 minutes? You know, how in the NFL you can decline a penalty? Sure, it's a rule change, but one that makes sense. Let teams decide how they want to score their points.

The NBA could create new rules to make all new weaknesses arise for strategy purposes. Why not?

I'd like to see a few things added to the NBA rules/game to make the play more enjoyable for fans. This is one.

edit: And let me repeat, the Lakers didn't lose because of it. They lost from turnovers and defensive rebounding. Dwight went 5/10. It fucked their flow up, but it didn't cost them the game. It's not even a good strategy really, even at 50% FT%. My argument has nothing to do with it as it's almost never even a smart strategy (tonight it was okay). It's just fucking awful to watch.

Clearly they are not the "best' player if can't finish the easiest shot in basketball. You keep saying that you're not bias and this has nothing to do with the Lakers losing. Yet every single on of your post just redirects towards the Lakers losing.
well give you chris copeland for pau. amare + shump..LOL yeah ok

definitely, tomorrow is going to be a struggle. we can beat em but we gotta 1) not get clowned tonight 2) play good defense and move the ball. you know melo is gonna get a lot of bullshit calls against him tomorrow so i hope they have that mental toughness and not get frustrated.

LegendofJoe just said that The Cats can't guard the 3pt shot.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
in the last few minutes of the game, if your defense can't stop them, yes. If they're going to score on almost every possession, you have to match them, and Dwight getting slightly over a point per possession is not enough

It's 97 - 93 when they start hacking Dwight, they score 7 on 3, Dwight gets 2 on 3 and its 99-100. Even if Dwight got 4 on 3, it would still have been 101-100

Since the Lakers can't get defensive stops it becomes an issue since hacking Dwight takes no time off the clock and the other team gets a fresh possession.

Ding ding ding.

The problem is primarily defense and turnovers, and the hack-a-dwight strategy allows offenses to take advantage of the pitiful defenses of the lakers that much more.

If Dwight improved his free throw percentage, the hack-a-dwight strategy would still be applicable, it would just need to be done for a longer period of time/started earlier.

The primary issue is poor defense. Dwight's abysmal FT% just makes the strategy work more quickly.
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