Use RadeonPro and create an AA profile for Deus EX Human Revolution, filename dxhr.exe, then apply it to Hot Pursuit and you can force AA.
There is a script called first person.
Its really easy just put it in the main gta4 folder.
Depending on what Catalyst drivers you're using, I thought even forced AA was only visible on the cars or something and that's if you drop back to 10.10e.
I'll give the DE:HR profile thing a shot, though. Shame that due to the age, RP doesn't have any new game profile presets (for either AA or CFX) to select from![]()
Depending on what Catalyst drivers you're using, I thought even forced AA was only visible on the cars or something and that's if you drop back to 10.10e.
I'll give the DE:HR profile thing a shot, though. Shame that due to the age, RP doesn't have any new game profile presets (for either AA or CFX) to select from![]()
Kaneda's bike? Crap, now I need to play this game.
Project Cars
amazing Cryostasis screens
Camera Edit Mode (Build 159+)
To enter the mode you press Ctrl-K.
Then the following keys become active:
Numpad 2: increase pitch
Numpad 8: decrease pitch
Numpad 4: increase yaw
Numpad 6: decrease yaw
Numpad 7: increase radius
Numpad 9: decrease radius
Numpad 1: increase roll
Numpad 3: decrease roll
Numpad -: increase FOV
Numpad +: decrease FOV
D: forward
A: backward
W: up
S: down
Q: left
E: right
SHIFT key in combination with any of the above: slow down camera movement
Numpad 5: reset to original settings for current camera
Custom DOF mode:
F3: on/off
F4: reset
Focus plane distance:
F5: decrease
F6: increase
Sharp field depth:
F7: decrease
F8: increase
Transit to blur depth:
Shift + F7: decrease
Shift + F8: increase
Shift + F5: decrease
Shift + F6: increase
That seems pretty apples-to-oranges to me. Both have high-quality textures in places, but the type of game and the look they aim for are pretty different.I'm just going to go ahead an ask it... is Project Cars a better looking than The Witcher 2?
I'm just going to go ahead an ask it... is Project Cars a better looking than The Witcher 2?
Yeah, after reading yours and Nabs' posts (and above is clarification) it's just finally clicked what the AA profile thing in RP means... that there are individual AA profiles just like there are CFX ones. Got something new to play with now, especially considering I was having so many goddamn problems with Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (enabling AA caused some funky shit to happen, not even in terms of AA) it gives me something new to tinker withNo presets, but you can make your own since AMD comstantly adds them and doesn't note it in their fucking release notes. Chances are though, if they release a CFX profile, there's also an AA one. I went through one day and checked the release notes of a lot of games in recent months and tried profiles for various exe's. The Darkness II and DXHR were two that worked when applied to some games. Sonic Generations is one, though it lowers your framerate. Binary Domain's another, but it's a slideshow with AA applied.
Darksiders is one that works for some other games, like Dead Space.
Nope, it's still under development. The physics are presumably one of the primary things they are still improving, but the graphics presumably improve along the way as well. It should be amazing to see some of the shots once the dynamic cloud system gets added, and/or weather.Holy shit, those Project Cars shots..
is that game out?!
Yeah, after reading yours and Nabs' posts (and above is clarification) it's just finally clicked what the AA profile thing in RP means... that there are individual AA profiles just like there are CFX ones. Got something new to play with now, especially considering I was having so many goddamn problems with Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (enabling AA caused some funky shit to happen, not even in terms of AA) it gives me something new to tinker with![]()
Nope, it's still under development. The physics are presumably one of the primary things they are till improving, but the graphics presumably improve along the way as well. It should be amazing to see some of the shots once the dynamic cloud system gets added, and/or weather.
Beta (or alpha?) is out, yes. You have to "donate" to get access, but most people have just donated what the full game will cost and that'll get them the game on release plus all these pre-release versions. So worth it, IMO... and online MP hasn't even been implemented yet!
Edit: Thanks again, Nabs!
Wow, these look pretty amazing... are you running a custom widescreen config here? My version just stretches everything to hell in 1080p, can't figure out what's wrong with it!
I like how part of the scope is visible through the scope.
Yep. Haven't tried to pull any tricks or force AA through RadeonPro, so that there is vanilla max settings @ 1920x1080. Looks better in motion though, and is a pretty vibrant looking game for a shooter with some nifty lighting and filter effects.Dubai is a pretty jagged place.![]()
I have more of an issue with the horrible aliasing. It makes me die inside. I can even handle the 30fps just fine, but the aliasing... must be strong...
:S thats maxed? That looks horrible. The trailers looked so amazing.Yep. Haven't tried to pull any tricks or force AA through RadeonPro, so that there is vanilla max settings @ 1920x1080. Looks better in motion though, and is a pretty vibrant looking game for a shooter with some nifty lighting and filter effects.
Lovely Skyrim shots
Yep. Haven't tried to pull any tricks or force AA through RadeonPro, so that there is vanilla max settings @ 1920x1080. Looks better in motion though, and is a pretty vibrant looking game for a shooter with some nifty lighting and filter effects.