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2012 Major League Soccer |OT| THIS LEAGUE IS RELEVANT!

Better yet, lets just put a cherry on top of this day of SHIT...

Califf is getting traded...

And the kicker..my wife just bought his official jersey a few weeks ago...
glad that referees are clamping down on diving. :)

Im not saying it was a penalty, I'm just saying Freddy in no way took a dive worthy of a second yellow/send off.

He was on FIRE out of the gate and the team was looking good, no reason to send Freddy off for that. Play should have just continued or a warning.
But taking off Freddy, maybe our top player, early for something that was a blantant bitch ass dive is poor officiating.


Damn I miss my first Quakes game of the season and they don't win...

Another late goal though, there is so much depth on this team, they keep playing well despite injuries.

There are really no terrible goalkeepers in this league, but is Dan Kennedy the best one over the last two seasons? Tally Hall can be spectacular but he also makes mistakes, Rimando is really good but limited by his own body size, etc. I think ranking the goalkeepers in this league 1 through 19 is really tough relative to other leagues / positions...
Didn't really look like a dive to me. A guy can trip (without BEING tripped), and it not be a dive. I think he just lost his footing, he hadn't even tried to beg for the call or anything before the ref carded him. Didn't look like any of Philly did.


It was 100% a dive (watch the MLSsoccer.com clip @ 1:31). I'm surprised there are people saying otherwise. Watch Adu's right leg drag. That's the prototypical indication of a dive.

Was it worthy of a second yellow? Yes, but the problem is that officials very rarely call out players for diving. I can understand why Union fans would feel a bit jilted (particularly if they've convinced themselves that it's not a dive), but that said I do think it was completely fair.


It was 100% a dive (watch the MLSsoccer.com clip @ 1:31). I'm surprised there are people saying otherwise. Watch Adu's right leg drag. That's the prototypical indication of a dive.

Was it worthy of a second yellow? Yes, but the problem is that officials very rarely call out players for diving. I can understand why Union fans would feel a bit jilted (particularly if they've convinced themselves that it's not a dive), but that said I do think it was completely fair.

It was a tough call, at that point in the match. A whistle and a warning should have been sufficient.

That being said, the Union did take the lead, even being a man down. And then proceeded to play some sloppy defense and give it up later in the half. I guess you could say they were tiring, but at that point they should have been able to bunker down and protect the lead. Or, at the very least, escape with a draw. So they really have themselves to blame.
It was a tough call, at that point in the match. A whistle and a warning should have been sufficient.

if the ref blows the whistle for simulation he has to give a yellow card. no discretion there. that's why many times refs don't call anything and then privately warn the player afterwards.


if the ref blows the whistle for simulation he has to give a yellow card. no discretion there. that's why many times refs don't call anything and then privately warn the player afterwards.

True. So the ref probably should have done the latter. It wasn't as blatant a dive as some that have gone uncalled and if you are going to give out a second yellow for it, it better be pretty damn blatant.

That being said, the Union were still in position to win the game, so they can't really pin it all on the ref.
It was a tough call, at that point in the match. A whistle and a warning should have been sufficient.

That being said, the Union did take the lead, even being a man down. And then proceeded to play some sloppy defense and give it up later in the half. I guess you could say they were tiring, but at that point they should have been able to bunker down and protect the lead. Or, at the very least, escape with a draw. So they really have themselves to blame.

I wonder how this news is gonna effect the Union defense?

Looks like Nowak is selling Danny Califf off too now lol.
Been a crazy season so far bewteen the two, knew this was gonna happen sooner or later.
First Nowak benched him saying he was injured, to which Califf said to the media "I'm injured? Thats news to me"
Then Danny was back for 1 or 2 games and has been benched the last 2...and now this.

To be honest tho, I dont think he's all that good compared to our other defenders. And now with rookie Raymon Gladdis looking good since he's been moved up to the starting 11 I think Califf is the odd man out.
Downside is defensive depth...we now have our starting 4, Valdes/Williams/Rookie RB Raymon Gladdis/Mid-fielder converted to LB Farfan...so basically we have 1 true CB, a RB playing CB, a rookie RB, and a MF made LB..
Defensive MF we have Gomez or Carrol.
As for the bench defensively we only have Chris Albright or this seasons bust..


Dude was one of the off season signings by Nowak that has yet to produce anything accept playing shit and being benched after 2 games so a converted MF can play his position. After 2 garbage games you only get to see Lopez in a pinny warming up rather then playing...you can just imagine the dollar signs around him and think about Jordan Harvey.

Then theres always Roger Torres whos contract we bought with part of the LeToux money...accept right after signing the contract he hurt his ankle then a few weeks later hurt his MCL and needed surgery. Dude officially gets bought, gets a pay day, and hasnt seen any action all season..

This season is just one big cluster fuck..


They got rings. I'm not defending the Galaxy but who cares, really. Both are with another team now so tough luck. Did either one really do all that much last year?
Went to BBVA Compass (read: Dynamo) Stadium last night to see the Dynamo frustratingly tie the Timbers. Fantastic stadium, and probably my favorite in Houston (though its only real competition is Minute Maid, because Reliant and Toyota have zero character).





However, they are still working out the kinks: they put both supporters groups on one side, the entrance is not nearly quick enough, and probably should add more bathrooms.


DC and San Jose are as exciting to watch as I expected RSL and Vancouver to be.
That was some game from DC without Pontius, Maicon Santos, and DeLeon. It should have been 5 or 6 - 0. If DC's DPs actually start to contribute regularly like they did tonight, they could win the East.
Well Nowak is shipping Califf off to Chivas...
For an "un-named player" and an "un-named something else"

Alot of people are pissed, especially my wife who bought his jersey. Man, I felt terrible telling her. Me and my son warned her, we got our OWN names, me his birthday which is mine too so its a lucky number and him his U11 number...she went with Califf just like my son went with Le Toux last year -_-

I'm not too mad, guy played good and was the capt.
But I think what we had out there in the back while he was gone made him expendable.

I think all us Union fans are on the edge of our seat waiting too see two things:
Who and what we get for Danny, and if they can play like they did vs. NY but keep 11 men on for 90+.
Sucks we dont have Freddy next game. He looked really good, best Ive seen him since he signed.


Unconfirmed Member
Am I the only one who hates jerseys with the name of the owner on it?

Trades that happened today:

Cailiff goes to Chivas and Philly gets Lahoud and allocation money.

The Red Bulls sent Agudelo to Chivas for Heath Pearce.
Man, I tell you, its been a hectic time in Philly with the Fans vs. The Front Office/Nowak

I mean, it was brewing last year with people disgruntled by his tactics/formations/subs

First jordan Harvey was traded to the Caps for Allocation $$$, then the off-season..Faryd goes back to Columbia, Paunovic retires, Mapp is left unprotected, and of course LeToux...

The fans were so nuts Peter had to shut down his Twitter, then start it back up while blocking more then half his followers.
It hasnt got better, actually worse sicne the season has been BAD! And now Califf...

Supposedly Danys wife posted on the Union FB page saying he didnt want to be traded, not sure the truth to this cause it was supposedly removed.

but I did see this...posted by Shanon Williams wife on a Supporters group FB page yesterday.
I'd just like to make a quick post, nothing controversial, just how I feel about the situation.

I completely understand everyone's frustration and out lashes about the team. However, the players that are still on the team show up for practice everyday and work hard to get better everyday. Just like you go to work and do your best at your job, they do the same. They show up on game days hours before hand to prepare themselves and leave their hearts on the field. Regardless if you think that they went out and did their best, they are the ones on the field battling it out with the other team. They get disappointed too. But they look towards the fans for their support even when the odds are not in their favor.

I myself am from Philadelphia and know how us Philadelphia fans get when a team is going through a rough patch. I know you all remember when the Phillies, Flyers, 76ers, and Eagles were garbage. I'm sure all of you had choice words and opinions about those teams also, but proudly stand behind them when they are on the rise to the top.

Beating down the players that are still on the team with the negativity and rude comments is unnecessary. How would you feel if people stood outside of your job day in and day out and told you that you sucked? I'm sure that you wouldn't feel great about yourself.

The team needs our support, regardless if you disagree with the things that are going on behind the scenes. I have seen some of the best games played when the SOB's and cheering sections are screaming their hearts out. Hell, section 112 on the complete other side starts chanting along with you guys. Everyone in the stadium feeds off of the supporter sections.

I really believe that the team feeds off of your energy and support. So please remember that when you are out in social media berating the team, the players can and do read the things you say.

I hope that everyone can take a step back, take a deep breath, and think about what is being posted before you click that "post" button. Be the fan that can look back when all of the bandwagon fans jump on and say "I've stood behind the team from day one."

(everyone hates a bandwagon fan)

Just a thought. I'm sure many of you will write that I am biased with my opinion. Which is fine, you are all entitled to your opinion. Just remember that opinions on who you are as a person can be based off of how you portray yourself on social media.

Hope to see you all at the next home game cheering your hearts out for the players that are on the field and on the bench. They deserve your support.


posted by Shanon Williams wife on a Supporters group FB page yesterday.


Welcome to being a professional athlete (or wife of a professional athlete, in this case). She should be glad that people are pissed off at the team, because it means that people care. Once people stop caring, you can say goodbye to your husband's paychecks.


Unconfirmed Member
Woo! Haha Toronto. Their jerseys are ugly.

Agudelo had a decent first full season last year. Can't be mad he wants to get more playing time in order for Klinny to keep calling.


Happy SKC has a 2 goal lead going into halftime. Colorado was owning the chances in the last 15 -20 mins so we're clearly not out of the woods yet. Still, it makes me feel a little bit better about our chances obviously. Also, glad to see it was Bunbury getting in on the action in his first start back. Sucks that Sapong had to sit out for it to happen, buy cest la vie. We need goals and we need wins right now.


I gotta say, that new stadium is nice. But man, what a frustrating tie for us too. We're not doing well this season at ALL.
Christ that was an ugly game for the Union..

I thought for sure we would have lost, really thought we were on the way to losing another game.
Gomez came up big..injured himself in doing so. Our only natural CB gets his eye split open and leaves the game.

Our backline decided not to block and let Dallas have a go at our keeper on his MLS debut. He got the shit kicked out of him..
Then playing on a sprained ankle, Williams decideds to drop a pass back to him with an attacker maybe 5ft away...guessing an experienced CB wouldnt have done that.

I dont even know were to begin to figure out what exactly is wrong with the Union.
Is it Nowak? Is it the players?

Things have gone down hill....QUICK!
From last year with the team flying high and the fans on cloud nine to now..its scary!
The FB page has been nothing but venom for the team, FO, and of course Nowak. So many people willign to jump ship so fast, reporters asking if fans would do a "walk out" supporters groups talking of inflamatory tifos.

The honeymoon is over in Philly. Alot of fair weather fans are running for the hills and a lot of over dramatic fans have turned social media sites into a place to argue.
Christ that was an ugly game for the Union..

I thought for sure we would have lost, really thought we were on the way to losing another game.
Gomez came up big..injured himself in doing so. Our only natural CB gets his eye split open and leaves the game.

Our backline decided not to block and let Dallas have a go at our keeper on his MLS debut. He got the shit kicked out of him..
Then playing on a sprained ankle, Williams decideds to drop a pass back to him with an attacker maybe 5ft away...guessing an experienced CB wouldnt have done that.

I dont even know were to begin to figure out what exactly is wrong with the Union.
Is it Nowak? Is it the players?

Things have gone down hill....QUICK!
From last year with the team flying high and the fans on cloud nine to now..its scary!
The FB page has been nothing but venom for the team, FO, and of course Nowak. So many people willign to jump ship so fast, reporters asking if fans would do a "walk out" supporters groups talking of inflamatory tifos.

The honeymoon is over in Philly. Alot of fair weather fans are running for the hills and a lot of over dramatic fans have turned social media sites into a place to argue.

I'm in the camp that's blaming Nowak and the Front Office

Nowak because....
He continues making personnel decisions that are hurting the team (too many to list)
He seems to enjoy lying to the fans and media at every chance, about tactics, lineups and cooking up ridiculous stories to justify his trades
He foolishly plays players out of position on a regular basis (such as the genius idea to play Keon Daniel as a 3rd striker when he is our best two-way player)
He's crippling the growth of the several talented young players on the team
He is never reprimanded for acting like a petulant child whether its refusing to shake opposing coaches hands, entering the field of play and striking players, blowing up on reporters for asking reasonable questions, publicly feuding with veteran players, etc

Front Office because...
They co-signed all these bad moves
They are being cheap bastards stockpiling cash and allocation money to pay down contracts so they can keep more revenue for themselves
They are as much to blame for LeToux as Nowak as you know they were salivating over the Bolton money they were expecting, and I'm sure Nick Sack was pissed at Nowak and pressured him when LeToux bailed out on his trail
They painted themselves into a corner that is going to be hard to get out from because promoting Nowak and letting him choose all his buddies (Diego, Hack and Alecko) for the other important positions almost guarantees his job security because all of our scouting, international connections and academy leadership leaves if they decide to sack him now
They think the fans are gonna keep coming back to a shitty product like this. They forget this is a 3 year old club, if they keep running it into the ground it will be as irrelevant as the Philadelphia Soul Arena Football Team

I'll keep supporting the team, but will boo Nowak like I have been this season at every home game. This season is a lost cause at this point, I would like to see them turn it around and make a Chicago Fire-like run at the end of the season to springboard us into 2013 with some hope
I'm in the camp that's blaming Nowak and the Front Office

Nowak because....
He continues making personnel decisions that are hurting the team (too many to list)
He seems to enjoy lying to the fans and media at every chance, about tactics, lineups and cooking up ridiculous stories to justify his trades
He foolishly plays players out of position on a regular basis (such as the genius idea to play Keon Daniel as a 3rd striker when he is our best two-way player)
He's crippling the growth of the several talented young players on the team
He is never reprimanded for acting like a petulant child whether its refusing to shake opposing coaches hands, entering the field of play and striking players, blowing up on reporters for asking reasonable questions, publicly feuding with veteran players, etc

Front Office because...
They co-signed all these bad moves
They are being cheap bastards stockpiling cash and allocation money to pay down contracts so they can keep more revenue for themselves
They are as much to blame for LeToux as Nowak as you know they were salivating over the Bolton money they were expecting, and I'm sure Nick Sack was pissed at Nowak and pressured him when LeToux bailed out on his trail
They painted themselves into a corner that is going to be hard to get out from because promoting Nowak and letting him choose all his buddies (Diego, Hack and Alecko) for the other important positions almost guarantees his job security because all of our scouting, international connections and academy leadership leaves if they decide to sack him now
They think the fans are gonna keep coming back to a shitty product like this. They forget this is a 3 year old club, if they keep running it into the ground it will be as irrelevant as the Philadelphia Soul Arena Football Team

I'll keep supporting the team, but will boo Nowak like I have been this season at every home game. This season is a lost cause at this point, I would like to see them turn it around and make a Chicago Fire-like run at the end of the season to springboard us into 2013 with some hope

Amen brother, couldnt have said it better myself.

I just feel terrible for the players...guys like Sheanon, man I hope he understands we support he shit out of him and this outrage is towards the FO/Nowak.
Sure some guys have been "under-productive" like Mwanga and such..but thats another case of me wondering if its the coaching staff and not Danny losing his form.


Wow another late equalizer from Alan Gordon, 88" last week 90" tonight. This one has got to be goal of the week...

I missed my second straight Quakes game and they tied again, they have won all four I've attended.


Wow another late equalizer from Alan Gordon, 88" last week 90" tonight. This one has got to be goal of the week...

I missed my second straight Quakes game and they tied again, they have won all four I've attended.

You're the lucky charm! From the first half I watched, they missed too many wide open opportunities.
Amen brother, couldnt have said it better myself.

I just feel terrible for the players...guys like Sheanon, man I hope he understands we support he shit out of him and this outrage is towards the FO/Nowak.
Sure some guys have been "under-productive" like Mwanga and such..but thats another case of me wondering if its the coaching staff and not Danny losing his form.

I think most of the guys recognize that we are still filling PPL Park each game and giving pretty good support. It's not really been a case of poor effort with the exception of maybe the Portland game which I think was more intimidation from that awesome atmosphere.

The guys are working hard, but are being provided poor training and tactics and the lack of continuity in the lineup was killed any chemistry we should have been building by now.

Mwanga is just a bust period. He's the weakest frailest little man stuck in a big man's body I've seen in a long time. He lacks any toughness, heart and confidence and I've heard multiple reports that he doesn't give a shit during practice and shows up late to practices and meetings often which is why he rarely makes the Starting XI. Him and his $300,000 contract can rot on the bench as far as I'm concerned, we have better options...
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