How is it not a good question? 4 or 5 of that lineup is old slow and well past their prime. The fifth just came off back surgery. But don't let me stop the parade....
Easy, because most of the games were competitive. LA had 4th quarter leads and lost them.
Being old matters less in the playoffs, slow is also somewhat negated.
And I've said if his back is fine, we should do it--all sources are saying that they've done their due diligence, so it's all clear.
Putting Nash and Howard on a team is already ridiculous, then you add Pau and Kobe, it gets kinda absurd. Who do you double-team?
Not really a good question because it's a more natural fit than putting two wings together when one is clearly better than the other.
But this hasn't happened yet, so you can save your forthcoming salt until later.
Since when did it become cool to say Dwight isn't a great player?
Since they'd no longer be favorites if the trade went down.