if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Speaking of Formula 1... lets put that league in perspective:
They love some formula 1 here in Japan..
Speaking of Formula 1... lets put that league in perspective:
I don't see how anyone can watch three or four hours of a NASCAR race.My friend from Daytona thinks F1 is much more boring than NASCAR.
"There's no passin' in F1!"
Derrick Williams is averaging 18 and 7. Summer League superstar.
I don't see how anyone can watch three or four hours of a NASCAR race.
Mullens is at 20 and 7
Lillard is 27 4 and 5
Is there a reason Dion Waiters didn't play tonight?
Is there a reason Dion Waiters didn't play tonight?
I don't see how anyone can watch three or four hours of a NASCAR race.
Go easy on him, he's a Pups fan.
couldn't fit in his shorts.
He looks like the Michael Sweetney of guards.
Ken Berger ‏@KBergCBS
Adam Silver says it's "likely" some sort of plan for jersey advertisements would be implemented next season.
Wow. Guess I don't really care but it does screw the aesthetics of the uniforms.
Name the last Philly born NBA player worth a damn.
Kobe doesn't count.
ESPN has a 6 part series on Lin leaving NY. Madness . . . Reading now
I would hate it, since I don't drink, lots of it..
Also not a fan, but damn if NASCAR cars aren't amazing machines..
not that he is a bust yet..but trying to think of the last huge bust of a G...
Flynn, and Wagner...
anyone else?
lol darkside
I'm not going to post too much from it but this is at the beginning of that Lin piece
"Anthony didn't join the Knicks in 2011 to be just a player. He came to build a basketball family. Despite his messy departure from Denver, he came to New York envisioning an opportunity to create a refuge from the backstabbing and intrigue that plagues many teams. Lin, though by all accounts a great teammate, was seen as a potential threat to what Anthony was creating."
Name the last Philly born NBA player worth a damn.
Kobe doesn't count.
lol darkside
I'm not going to post too much from it but this is at the beginning of that Lin piece
"Anthony didn't join the Knicks in 2011 to be just a player. He came to build a basketball family. Despite his messy departure from Denver, he came to New York envisioning an opportunity to create a refuge from the backstabbing and intrigue that plagues many teams. Lin, though by all accounts a great teammate, was seen as a potential threat to what Anthony was creating."
he was there for half a season..
Earl the Pearl
Tyreke ain't too bad either.
Earl the Pearl
Tyreke ain't too bad either.
"The "family" concept is about unity more than race, and there is no suggestion Anthony is racist in any way. It's said that the Knicks players, Anthony included, liked and accepted Lin. In fact, Anthony was among those who met with Lin shortly before the free agency period, as reported by Chris Broussard.
But it is an accepted plank of the "family" platform that it's an opportunity for young black men to shoulder responsibility and become the real decision-makers and power brokers in a multibillion-dollar business built on their backs. In a world where the big decisions have so often been the province of older white men, and where players have often felt exploited, the new model is thrilling and precious for those who get to experience it. "
Most of them were from a while back with the exception of Lowry.
I'm just saying that most good players leave for Jersey...
Basically the writing was on the wall for Waiters.
Waiters played 2 years at Syracuse and Robinson played 3 years at Kansas though.
I wish I could write complete bullshit and get paid for it..
This is worse than a Terry Goodkind novel..
Reke, Lowry, Blair are not from a while back..
Sheed just retired a couple of years ago..
Leaving for Jersey doesn't mean you weren't born in Philly..
I don't know who that is. That part was from Henry Abbott's article.
Clearly no interest so whatever
The fuck is this?
I'm not sure who this Blair guy is....No Knees is from Pittsburgh.
It's not Philly.. it's Syracuse that is the problem...
lol darkside
I'm not going to post too much from it but this is at the beginning of that Lin piece
"Anthony didn't join the Knicks in 2011 to be just a player. He came to build a basketball family. Despite his messy departure from Denver, he came to New York envisioning an opportunity to create a refuge from the backstabbing and intrigue that plagues many teams. Lin, though by all accounts a great teammate, was seen as a potential threat to what Anthony was creating."
The immortal Rony Seikaly.
Awesome, hopefully Hasbro buys some ad space for the Magic because My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and/or Magic the Gathering totally works. Get it done.