Maybe if you're a moron, that's called a team doing their due diligence to make sure an offer is the best it can be. You can take a terrible deal anytime; no point in rushing, letting him walk for nothing is preferable to most of the deals out there anyway.
I think getting at least one draft pick and dumping shitty contracts is a lot better than nothing (letting him walk to Dallas).
There's no doubt that Dwight being an asshole has made this a whole lot harder but unless there's a deal that hasn't leaked that included picks prospects and taking on contracts there's no good deal out there.
Dwight has basically eliminated any leverage Magic might have had with teams not named Mavericks, Lakers or Nets by saying he won't be staying. No one wants to be in the magic's shoes next year nor will they give up anything worthwhile to be the 2013 Magic Circus.
Perhaps there's a team who will come out of nowhere with a nice package and for some reason Dwight assures them he'll stay, then all this waiting will be worth it. I don't think anyone is that naive, Orlando is basically Julia Roberts in Pretty Women but Richard Gere never shows up and she ends up sucking cocks for the rest of her life.